Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 33 Death will not come as long as you are fully prepared

The original intention of the establishment of the Doma Organization was to help Dazi gather enough power to resurrect the Oliha Gang God who was injured and fell asleep thousands of years ago, so as to start cleaning the earth again.

As for Oliha Gang God, the power he needs is not heat energy, electricity or other ordinary energy sources, but the darkness in people's hearts, after all, he was born from it.

But even if the world is still full of wars, the darkness of the soul collected can only be a drop in the bucket for the need to awaken the Oliha Gang God. However, if it is supplemented by the strong souls of the duelists, then it is a different matter.

It has nothing to do with the personal character of the duelists. The more powerful the duelists are because of their strong will, the more they can actually unearth considerable dark power. As long as they can be captured with [Oliha Gang's Barrier] With the souls of the duelists, Dazi can use these sealed souls as sacrifices to speed up the resurrection of Oliha Gang God.

Although Hayato, who won the Duel King, and Yugi, Kaiba, and Jonouchi, who completely dominated the top four in Duel City, are all from Dominoichi, but in terms of where to get the most high-quality duelist souls, it has to be The United States, the Father of Duel Monsters, was the first to popularize Duel Monsters, has the most mature system of professional duelists, and therefore has the largest number of outstanding duelists.

Hayato knew that the destination of this trip was the United States, but the fact that the first target he found was his acquaintance still surprised him.

Although the organization is ready to make enemies all over the world, we still need to keep a low profile without affecting efficiency. Compared with the star duels that attract attention in today's professional duelist circle Or, the duelists who engage in illegal duels in the underground dueling arena are more suitable targets for us.

Rafiru explained to Hayato, In terms of strength, some of them are actually not inferior to professional duelists, and even if they disappear, they won't attract much attention. The only trouble is Most of the duelists in underground duels do not disclose their identities to avoid legal liability, so it is slightly difficult to find targets.

However, because the real owner behind the 'black boxing' project in the underground duel arena is actually our Doma, so even this only trouble does not exist. Former United States Champion 'The Thief' Keith is our target.

It's very possible that Keith, the 'thief' who once stood at a very high level, can be persuaded by us to join Doma, but if he refuses, we will seal his soul. Rafiru paused at this point. After a while, he looked at Hayato, Also, do I need to give you a chance to do something?

When Hayato heard this, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he said coldly: Keith? Hum, it's a perfect opponent to test my new power. Then leave it to me to try it out.

With that said, Hayato didn't wait for the three Rafilu who were accompanying him to say anything, then walked in and out of the alley and walked towards where Keith sat.

Behind Hayato, Amaluda looked at his back and frowned, opening his mouth to say something, but he saw Rafiru raising his hand in front of him, preventing himself from calling Hayato.

Shaking his head, Rafiru watched Hayato approach Keith, his eyes flashing and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Although Rafilu said that he wanted to invite Keith to join Doma first, as he walked towards Keith, Hayato had already inserted the card into the card slot and unfolded the duel disk with a click.

This sound also attracted the attention of Keith, who was in a bad mood. He turned his head and looked at the figure who appeared in the alley. Although he was not drunk, the alcohol still had a certain influence on Keith, making him unable to recognize the identity of the person at first glance. After looking at it several times, Keith's eyes suddenly widened.

Are you, Hayato Kobayashi?!

Hey, Keith, I really didn't expect to see you in such a place. I remember the last time we met was the last time. Hayato opened his mouth and started talking nonsense, with a sinister smile on his face illuminated by the dim street lights. Why do you look so decadent?

Hey, this isn't all thanks to you! Keith stood up from the ground and looked at Hayato with an ugly face, Because of the harm you did to me before Duel City, I ended up lying in the hospital for a long time. In half a year, I completely missed the opportunity I originally wanted to use to regain my fame in Duel City!

Being the duel king is quite impressive, Hayato Kobayashi! But what are you doing in front of me now?

Keith was not a slow guy. Seeing Hayato approaching him step by step, the hairs all over his body stood up. He felt as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast, and had a sense of fatal crisis.

The only possible source of this feeling was Hayato Kobayashi, who was in front of something very wrong.

Before the duel city opened, on the day when Isis gave Kaiba the card of [Obelisk's Titan Soldier] that she brought to Doshino City from Egypt, Keith was kicked out by Bekas at that time. After the Duel Kingdom Island, he accidentally fell into the hands of Malik, who was still the leader of Gurus. He was used as a sacrificial pawn and cannon fodder, and controlled by the [Millennium Scepter] to attack the Egyptian Antiquities Touring Exhibition Hall.

At that time, although Keith was completely reduced to a puppet controlled by Malik at will, he was not unconscious. He was very aware of his experience and was being controlled in an unusually sober state. At that time, Hayato was Keith's opponent, and it was also the second duel between Hayato and Keith after the Duel Kingdom.

But that time, Keith had already been defeated by Hayato, and what was even more humiliating was that Hayato was using an infinite loop with [Iron Knight-Kia Fried] as the core, which was emptied by infinite damage. Although Keith, who had a basic score, successfully got rid of Malik's influence, he was sent to the hospital and lay there for more than half a year, completely missing the duel city that followed.

Although duel monsters are becoming increasingly popular and events of all sizes are being held around the world, the most valuable event so far is still the original Duel City, and the Keith people who missed that event are lying in the hospital. I can watch helplessly as one duelist after another comes from behind and surpasses me.

Of course, Keith naturally hated Hayato.

Don't be so wary, Keith, come and have a duel with me. Hayato walked to a certain distance from Keith and stood still. After leaving enough space, he threw something he was carrying towards Keith. He walked over and was caught by Keith.

Keith looked down and saw that it was a duel plate sold by the Kaiba Group. It looked ordinary.

Duel? Keith held the duel disk in one hand and the card deck he had taken out before but not taken back in the other. The corners of his mouth were raised, whether it was contempt or self-deprecation, How did you think of coming to duel with me? Kobayashi Hayato?

A duel is a duel, do you need any more reasons? Hayato said, raising the unfolded duel disk on his left hand. Only then did Keith realize that the duel disk used by Hayato was not the one he threw to him, but the duel disk he had thrown to him. It is a dark green disc. The unfolded duel disc is in the shape of a blade and looks more handsome. However, in order to match the atmosphere here, what follows is not an ordinary duel.

It's a dark duel that puts your soul on the line.

As soon as Hayato finished his words, without waiting for Keith on the opposite side to react, the Oliha Gang Fragment on his exposed right wrist burst out with green light, filling the alley with green light. Keith was horrified. Under their gaze, everything around them was replaced by a turbid darkness!

Keith took a step back to distance himself from Hayato, but found that the escape route behind him that should have been air was an air-like wall, and he couldn't leave.

Dark games or something like that, another way to control the mind!

Unlike Kaiba, who is stubborn and stubborn to the point of insisting on going his own way, with his superstition in science, even though Keith uses a mechanical deck, he accepts dark games very quickly. Perhaps he was also attracted by two players, Bekas and Malik. [Millennium Artifact] The holder has a relationship that has controlled the mind.

Becas had humiliated him by reading his mind and almost killed him by manipulating his mind. Malik also used a dark game to seize control of his body. He is very unwilling to be reduced to this situation. He will never be manipulated again!

Keith gritted his teeth, the anger in his heart was about to overflow, and glared at Hayato fiercely, There is a limit to how I can look down on people, you bastard!

Don't think I'm still the same person I was in the Duel Kingdom, Hayato Kobayashi! Anyway, as long as I defeat you, it won't matter!

Keith said, putting on the duel disk and inserting the card deck into the duel disk, It just so happens that I have wanted to take revenge on you for a long time, Duel King!


[Keith: 4000lp]

When Hayato saw Keith taking over the duel, he nodded with satisfaction: Hmm, that's the kind of momentum you need, Keith. This makes him look like the 'thief' guy in my impression who obviously has no ability but looks like a 250-year-old. Si.

Use your full strength to fight me, but remember to be cautious, otherwise, the flames of my demon deck will engulf you in an instant.


[Hayato: 4000lp]

Seeing Hayato draw five cards, out of pressure, Keith took the initiative and drew a card without any sense of martial ethics: Don't be arrogant, Hayato Kobayashi, I will take the initiative, draw the card!

Looking at the card he drew, Keith said: First, I activate the permanent magic card [Second Chance]. This card can cause the effect of tossing a coin to start from scratch once per turn.

Then I summoned [BM-4 Bomb Spider] in face-up defense position, and finally covered all four cards in my hand!

On the Keith field, a spider-shaped chariot appeared with its metal limbs folded in a defensive state. Although it was a level 4 monster, it had an excellent defensive power of 2200 points, and there were many rocket nests on its back. It can be seen that what needs to be guarded against is its attack performance.

【BM-4 Bomb Spider】【4☆/Dark】

【Mechanical family/effect】


But what deserves more attention is the row of four cover cards in Keith's backcourt. The only exposed card back is so plain and unpretentious, but it is hard to ignore.

What a standard t word expansion!

Hayato twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly to Keith: When you say 'not the same person you were in the Duel Kingdom', is this what you are referring to?

Hmph, how about it, Hayato Kobayashi, you always like to lay a lot of pits for others to step on, and now you see a row of cards on the opposite field, how do you feel? Keith said proudly, You gave me that back then. I can’t wait to give you back those bad memories.”

My turn is over.

After laying such a simple but powerful venue, Keith declared that his turn was over.

[Keith: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【BM-4 Bomb Spider】【def2200】

[Second Chance] [Gate Card] x4

I have to say that Keith's move did make Hayato a little panicked, but it wasn't completely panicked. Keith's backcourt is full of cards, why don't I quickly draw a [Feather Sweeper] to kill him?

Hayato put his finger on the duel plate and drew a card: My turn, draw a card.

After pulling out the card, before Hayato could confirm it, he heard Keith on the opposite side say: At this moment, I'm going to activate a set card in the preparation phase of your turn, and then activate another set card in the chain!

As he spoke, Keith pressed the button on the duel plate to start adding cards one after another. The two cards in his back field were opened one after another, revealing a red border. One of the cards showed a man holding a scythe. The God of Death, and Keith's ace monster [Revolver Dragon] is clearly printed on the other one.

The Continuous Trap Card [Death's Parade], during the preparation phase of the opponent's turn, you can throw a coin to apply its effect. Keith said, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. An illusory coin appeared. On the obverse side was the image of Kaiba's [Blue Eyes White Dragon] full of private goods, and on the other side was a skull on the reverse side.

The coin was automatically thrown up without being touched, spinning in the air, tumbling and landing on the ground, revealing the pattern of [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

Haha, the result is positive. In that case, due to the effect of [Reaper's Parade], you will not be able to Summon or Flip Summon monsters until the end of this turn. Without the monsters, even you will not be able to escape the consequences, Kobayashi. Hayato.

As Keith spoke, he glanced proudly at the card next to [Death's Parade], My second card is also a permanent trap card, [Guns Bombardment]. The effect of tossing a coin once per round. When activated, the effect can be applied based on the number of times the face appears.

Because [Death's Parade] rolled once, it will give you 500 points of effect damage!

See my revenge, Hayato Kobayashi!

Keith's finger made a pistol movement, and in sync with his movement, the barrel of a loaded [Revolver Dragon] protruded from the [Guns Bomb] opened in his back field.

There was a bang sound, and a beam of impact was sent out and passed through Hayato's body.

[Hayato: 4000→3500lp]

The gunshot directly hit Hayato. Keith thought about the painful expression on Hayato's face, but what he didn't expect was that Hayato just lightly dusted the dust on the hit spot and said lightly. : Is the revenge you're talking about this kind of attack that's not even a touch?

What a shame for my $20,000 coat.

After provoking Keith with words, Hayato had time to check what cards he had drawn, but maybe it was because it was his first time to use this deck, and his starting bonds this time were a bit insufficient.

In other words, he seemed to be stuck. He didn't even draw a single monster card, only red, green, and green cards.

Well, where is the perfect ☆hand☆ card~

It can be said that Keith's [Reaper's Parade] restricted Loneliness, because Hayato had no monster card in his hand at all. Even if he wanted to summon it, he couldn't summon it. However, Hayato couldn't draw it either. Now is almost the best time to use [Harpy's Feather Sweep].

However, it’s understandable that he couldn’t draw it, because the deck Hayato used this time was not the regular 40 cards but the ultimate 60 cards, and there was only one [Harpy’s Feather Sweep] in his deck. That's all, I won it from Peacock Dance during the Duel Kingdom.

Sometimes you can’t even draw one out of 40 cards, let alone one out of 60 cards.

Seeing Hayato confirming the cards in his hand, Keith calmed down a little, raised the corners of his mouth, and pressed the button to add cards again: Kobayashi Hayato, the number of cards in your hand is 6 right now, right? If you have more than 6 cards in your hand and I have less than 2 cards in my hand, I will activate this cover card.

Keith revealed the third cover card in his backfield, which was another trap card. In the picture of the card, there was a palm about to throw a coin.

Trap card, [Gamble], after activating it, toss a coin, and I will predict the result. Keith, who was empty-handed, folded his hands in front of his chest and said confidently, If I guess right, I can predict the result in one breath I will draw cards from the deck until I have 5 cards in my hand, and if I guess wrong, my next turn will be skipped.

Hoho, powerful cards are often accompanied by huge risks. As always, I like to use this kind of gambling cards to gain high profits, Keith.

Hmph, as long as we can get good results, there will be no side effects. Keith snorted, stretched out his hand and declared, The result I predict is of course positive!

As Keith made his judgment, the coin flew into the air. Perhaps the previous [Death Parade] used up part of Keith's luck. Now this more critical toss of the coin, the coin rolled and fell to the ground. It's the skull facing upwards.

It turned out to be the back, and Keith's guess was wrong.

Hey, it doesn't matter. As long as you are fully prepared, death will not come. The [Second Chance] I activated before is not only beautiful.

Keith anticipated the current situation and decisively activated the effect of [Second Chance]: Because of the continuous magic card [Second Chance] on my field, I can re-flip the coin once this round.

The future changes here! The result is——

The coin that had fallen to the ground returned to the state of rolling in the air as if going back in time, and then fell to the ground again, but this time the result changed. What appeared above was the pattern of [Blue Eyes White Dragon].

——It's the front! Keith said proudly, putting his hand on the duel plate, Then, with my bare hands, I can draw five cards in one breath, draw!

[Gambling] If this card guesses wrong, it will directly skip the user's next entire turn. The risk is extremely high, but it is also accompanied by extremely high returns. Keith, who had an empty hand in the previous round, is now playing again. A full five cards were replenished, and the resources became abundant again.

On Hayato's side, because there is no monster in his hand of cards, he can't do anything...


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have to say that it has definitely improved compared to before, Keith. Looking at Keith's operation, Hayato nodded approvingly, Let me give you a little thumbs up.

I activate the permanent magic card [Nightmare Mirage]. This card allows me to draw cards during your preparation phase until the number of cards in my hand reaches four, and then I discard the number of cards drawn from my hand during my preparation phase. card. Then, I cover three cards and the turn ends.

[Hayato: 3500lp, 2 cards in hand]

[Nightmare Mirage Tower] [Gate Card] x3

In Keith's opinion, because of the effect of his own [Death God's Parade], the suspected monster card in Hayato's hand was successfully blocked and unable to be summoned, so he could only deploy defense by covering the card. Nothing else can be done and the turn is simply over.

Ha, [Nightmare Mirage Tower], in that case one of your three cards must be [Very Food], right? That kind of old-fashioned combo has long been outdated, Hayato Kobayashi!

Keith's finger pressed the button to activate the block card, and opened the last block card on his back field, In your end phase, I want to activate this card, the trap card [Sand Tornado] !”

Activate the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] on your field as a target, destroy that card, and then I can cover up another magic/trap card from my hand!

Hayato didn't draw a card that destroyed the backcourt, but Keith did cover one. The tornadoes of the sky moved towards the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] in Hayato's backcourt, but failed to have any effect. This card The card was destroyed by the storm and sent to the graveyard. At the same time, Keith also put a card he had drawn from his hand onto the backfield.

Keith and Hayato were dueling, but Baron, who was hiding and watching the two of them, frowned strangely: That 'thief' Keith, I don't remember it being mentioned in the intelligence, because he was frustrated many times. Is he basically just a guy hanging out in underground duels?

Now it seems that he is surprisingly strong. He was able to suppress Hayato Kobayashi for a while.

Amaluda looked at Keith and said faintly: This is the power of 'hate', Baron, when people vent their resentment, they can perform beyond their level and achieve what they originally couldn't do. It’s not surprising.”

The power of a duelist's heart can create miracles, but for that 'thief' Keith, that's all. Rafilu reached into his arms and touched the card deck placed next to him. The cards told me that the flow of the field has changed. That guy Kobayashi Hayato seems...

My turn! Keith didn't know what Rafilu and the others who didn't show up said about the situation on the field. He looked at the cards he drew and showed a proud smile, Huh, I drew a good one. It’s a card.”

I activate the magic card, [Fusion]!

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