Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 32 Throwing tiles! I need more shingles!

Hayato's identity in joining the Doma Organization is actually quite subtle.

According to Dazi, he is the immediate boss of the Three Musketeers of Doma. In the Doma organization, the status of Rafilu and the three of them was originally only below Dazi, but Hayato parachuted on top of them. Although It's not as if he replaced Dazi, but he can barely be regarded as becoming Doma's second-in-command.

But the problem is that Hayato is only the person in charge of the Three Musketeers of Doma. No one else in the Doma organization will follow Hayato's command, even if he is the boss of their boss, maintaining superficial respect is the limit. .

After all, there is a saying called My vassal's vassal is not my vassal, but my daughter's daughter is still...

The second half of the sentence is not important.

And even among the Three Musketeers of Doma who are now nominally directly under Hayato, Rafiru and the three of them are not enthusiastic about Hayato joining Doma.


Let me tell you in advance, I don't trust you, Hayato Kobayashi.

In the cabin of a small passenger plane, America sat on the seat opposite Hayato. He folded his hands on his chest and stared at Hayato with an unkind look on his face. No matter how you look at it, as the duel king, you have no rights. The only reason is to join the Doma Organization and become Lord Dazi’s subordinate. What is your purpose?”

Hayato plucked his ears with an indifferent expression: Correction, I just have a cooperative relationship with Dazi. He gave me this power. I joined Doma and gave him a chance to convince me, that's all.

As he spoke, Hayato shook a bracelet with green gems tied to his wrist.

After joining the Doma organization, Hayato naturally received one of the Oriha Gun fragments that almost everyone in the organization had, as well as a [Oriha Gun's Barrier] card. The latter requires the existence of the former to be activated, but although he has the ability to use [Oliha Gang's Barrier], Hayato has no idea of ​​adding it to his deck.

After all, it is the famous whoever uses it will lose the barrier. In the original work, from Gulimo, the miscellaneous fish and bitch of the Doma organization to the three swordsmen of Doma and Dazi, everyone who uses [Oliha Gang's barrier] No one can escape the outcome of losing in a duel, even Yugi has fallen victim to this trick.

Hey~ For power, it's really reasonable and reasonable~

Baron, who was sitting next to Amaluda's seat, glanced at the Oliha Gang Fragment on Hayato's wrist, and said in a sinister tone: You are already the king of duels, so the reasons for pursuing power are somewhat untrustworthy. Is it too low?”

Hayato's life so far has been very clearly investigated by the Doma Organization. He has a complete family and has no worries about food and clothing. As a duelist, he has stood above almost everyone and became the King of Duels. He is really looking for something in his life. There is no need to pursue power.

Each of the three members of the Three Musketeers of Doma has a reason to join the Doma organization.

The country where Amaluda lived when he was a child was caught in a war. The war was planned by Gosaburo Kaiba, the president of the Kaiba Group at the time and who had died twice, in order to experiment with newly developed weapons. Amaluda's younger brother died in that war, and Amaluda resented the Kaiba Group and Seto Kaiba, who inherited the Kaiba Group.

He joined the Doma Organization in order to use the power of the Doma Organization to take revenge on the Kaiba Group.

Barong has been an orphan since he was a child and lived alone. Once, the church where he lived was burned down and he got into a fight and killed someone and was imprisoned. Later, because of Dazi's relationship, he defeated more than 20 people in a duel and was released from prison. Be free again.

Although he stayed in the Doma organization because he wanted to repay Dazi's kindness, it was more because Barong himself was a little happy-go-lucky.

As for Rafiru, like Baron and Yameruda, he is a loner. His family was all lost when he was traveling on the sea when he was a child. After the shipwreck, Rafiru and his younger siblings gave him a gift before his death - ——The card of [Guardian Aitos] lived together on an isolated island for several years before being rescued. However, when he returned, he found that his family had been killed and his property had been seized by relatives.

Rafiru, who was confused and tired of this world, joined the Doma organization under the guidance of Dazi. He believed that Dazi could indeed create a beautiful new world after cleansing mankind, so that he would not have to go through what he had experienced again. A tragedy occurred. He may be the only one among the three swordsmen of Doma who has the same will as Dazi and can implement Dazi's instructions.

While Americaruda and Baron each expressed their distrust and rejection of Hayato, Rafilu, who was sitting aside, remained silent and said nothing. When Barone and Americaruda calmed down, he faintly He said: The pursuit of power is really your style, Hayato Kobayashi.

Huh? Rafiru, do you believe what this guy says?

Ah, isn't this obvious? Seeing the confusion on Barong's face, Rafilu said with certainty as if he had seen through everything, Recall Barong, what kind of person is Hayato Kobayashi? Excluding him From all the actions he has committed in the past, think back to what kind of person he is from the duel monsters that can best reveal the essence of a person.

Kobayashi Hayato can become the king of duels, of course because of his ability and the bond of the deck, but in addition to him, both Muto Yugi and Kaiba Seto also have the potential to become the king.

The most critical factor in his ability to become the Duel King is his ability to make decisions. In order to win, he can give up everything, even sending the duel monsters for which he has made great contributions to the graveyard.

As he spoke, Rafilu's eyes moved away from Barong and met Hayato's eyes, and Hayato could feel an extremely strong sense of disapproval from Rafilu's eyes.

Baron recalled it and found that it was exactly what Rafiru said. Kobayashi Hayato's style as a duelist was indeed a profit maximization person who mainly sacrificed his own monsters.

What do you mean?

What Rafiru means is that the higher a person stands, the less willing he is to go down. After all, he has given up a lot of things in order to climb to the position of Duel King. Amaluda After being prompted by Rafilu, he seemed to have figured it out, with a clear expression on his face, Although we didn't see it directly, didn't we also hear the sound of dueling monsters when we entered the palace?

Presumably Hayato Kobayashi was at a disadvantage in the duel with Lord Tatsu, so this guy needs strength in order to find a chance to defeat Lord Tatsu as he said.

Rafilu also nodded, agreeing that Yameluda's analysis was consistent with his thoughts.

Ah, that's right. That's why I said it from the very beginning. I need strength and more throwing. Hayato fumbled for the Oliha Gang Fragment on his wrist and said, Complete suppression, without any Beyond the possible back view, this is the aesthetics of the 'pursued' that I advocate, and strength is a necessary presence.

Amaluda narrowed his eyes when he heard this and asked: Even for this power, you might lose the friends who stood behind you before joining the Doma Organization? You must know that for Master Dazi's plan, we will take over We are coming down to collect a large number of powerful duelist souls, and your friends are all indispensable and excellent resources.

Friends? Haha, those who stand behind the king are destined to be rejected. Friends are in the way. My goal is to become the strongest in the world.

Listening to Hayato plagiarizing the speech of a certain overturner decades later, Rafilu looked at the expression on Hayato's face, and seemed to confirm that Hayato was not lying. He sighed and said: Is that really the case? That's the case. If so, even if you and I are on the same ground now, I still can't agree with you, Hayato Kobayashi.

However, for the sake of the organization, I will obey Master Dazi's instructions and accept your joining.

Rafiru has already made a statement. As one of the three swordsmen of Doma, he accepted Hayato's reason for joining Doma. Barong on the side saw Rafiru, who is almost the leader of the three of them, made a statement. In fact, He didn't care too much about Hayato, so he naturally nodded to Hayato, indicating that he also accepted Hayato.

Amaluda, on the other hand, even though he understood Hayato's reason for joining Doma, he was still very resistant to Hayato's joining because he still remembered that Hayato had defeated him in a duel.

Baron also saw his dissatisfaction, and tried to persuade him as if he were joking: Relax, Amaluda, at least Hayato has already accepted the 'Oliha Gang Fragments'.

He looked at the gem on Hayato's wrist and said calmly, Even if you don't use it, that gem will continue to unearth the darkness in the holder's heart, and even breed new monsters from it.

It just so happens that we came out here to defeat powerful duelists and seal their souls. How about our 'responsible person' also try some activities and see if he can unearth the dark monster in his heart?

What Baron said is not groundless. Oliha Gang Fragments really have the function of exploring the darkness in the duelist's heart to create new monsters. Among the three swordsmen of Doma, Rafilu and Ya Meluda has already given birth to her own darkness.

Hayato remained calm on the surface, and even showed an expectant expression: Hmph, no problem at all. I'm also looking forward to what kind of monster I can summon from my heart in pursuit of power.

However, in Hayato's heart, he was somewhat grateful for the certain deck of cards he had obtained previously.

‘The appearance of these cards, let alone the darkness in my heart, would it be okay even if I kicked Dazi out and claimed to be the reincarnation of God Oliha Gang? ’


In a dimly lit tavern, a man with a stars-and-stripes turban on his head raised his neck and stuffed a large glass of wine into his mouth. The pungent taste of the cheap, inferior wine made the man somewhat sober, but the alcohol numbed his nerves. , as if half asleep and half awake.

Nodding slightly, the man looked through the slits of his sunglasses to the TV screen hanging on the bar of the tavern, which was showing the finals of a recent Duel Monsters professional event. Due to the increasing popularity and popularity of dueling monsters as an entertainment method, even football, which most stimulates drunkards to empty their already dry wallets, has been replaced by dueling monsters by bar owners.

On the screen, a blond woman commanded her [Harpies] to fight in coordination with a flying dragon, about to attack a huge monster on the opposite field, but the power of the birds was not as strong as before. There was still not enough to see in front of the overlord of the planet. The birds and beasts and the flying dragons were forced back by the momentum of the tall terrifying beasts, and were blocked back to the defensive position.

Men recognize the duelists on both sides of the battle. They use the [Amazon] deck and the [Harpy] deck respectively. They are Peacock Dance who are good at backfield destruction tactics, and they specialize in dinosaur monsters. Their dueling style is rare. The straight-forward dinosaur Ryuzaki.

Heh, Mai and Ryuzaki, even brats of this level can be so arrogant in the circle of professional duelists?

Seeing Ryuzaki launch an offensive, only to be blocked by Maouwu's [Itakua's Storm], the man commented disdainfully, and just barely said, I can fuck you, and subconsciously raised his wine glass. He brought it to his mouth, only to find that the wine glass had been emptied by himself just now.

This made the man a little uninterested. Instead of lingering at the bar, he took out a few green banknotes tied with rubber bands from his pocket and threw them on the table. He left the bar without waiting for the bartender to give him change.

In this remote tavern, there are many poor men with shy faces asking the bar to pour more wine, but very few are willing to tip, not to mention that the man throws out a Franklin, so the bartender will naturally not refuse. With this extra money, it was rare to see a man leave the bar with a sincere smile.

Stepping on the moonlight in the alley, the man who was clearly not drunk was stumbling forward silently. After taking two steps, he punched the cement walls on both sides of the alley. The rough wall rubbed against the skin of the man's hand and blood flowed out.

Asshole, bastard, bastard!

As if he was cursing someone or feeling sorry for himself, the man hit the wall repeatedly until the pain in his palms overcame the anesthesia of alcohol. He took off his turban and wrapped it casually around his trembling left hand, breathing heavily. .

Not caring at all that no one was cleaning this secluded alley and the garbage scattered on the ground, the man sat down against the wall and took out a deck of cards from his arms with his right hand that had not hit the wall just now. The card at the front of the deck is a [Revolver Dragon].

The man who looked down on Mai and Ryuzaki had earned the name Thief by collecting bounties from various competitions, entered the top eight in the duel kingdom but was defeated by Hayato, was almost killed by Bekas, and then... Keith was thrown out of the island and later manipulated by Malik to attack the Egyptian Antiquities Touring Exhibition Hall, but was defeated by Hayato again!

Clenching his deck with his fingers, Keith's stubbled face was full of resentment, and he muttered something angrily.

Perhaps at other times, after muttering a few curses to himself, Keith would get up again after venting his anger, go back to his home, take a nap, and come back to the tavern the next day to buy a drink to soothe his sorrows.

But perhaps due to the push of fate, a person that Keith could never forget appeared in front of him.

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