Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 34 Do you dare to disobey me who has Bayali?

Activate the magic card, [Fusion]!

Keith showed the cards he drew this round, and the magic card [Fusion] was activated, using the two cards in Keith's hand as materials for fusion.

Two monsters appeared on Keith's field. One of them was Keith's ace [Revolver Dragon], and the other was the [Reloader Dragon], which was also based on a weapon.

Take [Revolver Dragon] and [Reloader Dragon] in my hand as fusion materials,

Fusion Summon! [Machine Gun Dragon]!

A huge machine appeared on Keith's field. The huge tires rolled on the ground. The spikes on it looked very impressive. The main body above the action part was similar to the [Electronic Terminator Dragon]. It has a three-branch structure, with a metal pipe extending from each of the three branches. The three mechanical faucets at the end are each equipped with a killing weapon, and the cold barrels are pointed directly at Hayato.

【Machine Gun Dragon】【8☆/Dark】

[Mechanical family/fusion/effect]


Change the [BM-4 Bomb Spider] on my field to attack position, and then I enter the combat phase!

【BM-4 bomb spider】【def2200→atk1400】

Keith pointed at Hayato and sneered, With this, the total attack power of the monsters on my field has reached 4,000 points. You are finished, Hayato Kobayashi!

The first is a direct attack from the [BM-4 Bomb Spider], a bm-4 missile!

As Keith gave the attack command, the two missile nest hatches on the back of his [BM-4 Bomb Spider], which was in attack mode, opened, and countless bombs with hooks were shot out towards Hayato.

Hayato, who didn't have a single monster in the front field, didn't have any cover to use, and was directly hit by the attack of [BM-4 Bomb Spider]!


Seeing that his monster attack hit, Keith couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he also knew very well in his heart that although Hayato could be related to his current situation, it was not the biggest inducement. It was more that the successive defeats in Duel Kingdom and Duel City made Keith lose confidence in himself. That's why I indulged myself in self-indulgence.

The first time he was humiliated by Bekas was through mind reading, and he was instantly defeated in a public competition by a primary school student who received Bekas's guidance;

Then during the Duel Kingdom, even though he cheated without dignity and honor, he still couldn't defeat Hayato, who was not famous at that time;

Later, he was tortured by a guy named Malik, who was the leader of the international criminal organization Gurus that had not been disbanded at that time, using dark games until he lost his body;

Finally, at the Egyptian Antiquities Touring Exhibition Hall in Doshino City, Kobayashi Hayato used an infinite chain to forcefully hit him and release him from control.

In these several defeats, which could even be said to be disastrous defeats, Keith's absolute confidence in his own strength as a duelist was stepped into the dust again and again. But it was impossible for Keith, who had strong self-esteem, to admit that he had chosen such an ending, so Keith naturally shifted the responsibility to Hayato.

What, even if he becomes the Duel King, Kobayashi Hayato is still just the kid from before. As long as he wants to do it, can't I, Uncle Keith, still easily suppress him?

The momentum before the duel was so intimidating, but now it seems there is nothing to be afraid of.

The next step is just————

Crack! After being hit by the [BM-4 Bomb Spider] attack, the sound of something breaking suddenly sounded in the smoke and dust around Hayato, attracting Keith's attention.

It was only now that Keith discovered something belatedly, that is, after the [BM-4 Bomb Spider] attack just now, Hayato's base score changes were not shown at all! ?

From the beginning to the end, I just saw the attack being detonated and thought that the attack was successful!

Trap card, [Counterattack Gate], invalidates the direct attack you just made against me, and at the same time, I draw a card from the deck. Hayato, who was unscathed by Keith's attack just now, looked at the piece in front of him. Broken Dimensional Wall pulled out a card from the deck and said with a smile, Don't think that I didn't set up any defense just because I don't have monsters on the field.

Don't limit the battle of dueling monsters to monsters, Keith.

Hayato looked at the drawn card and showed a helpless expression: [Counterattack Gate] If the drawn card is a monster, I can Normal Summon it in attack position. Although I did draw a monster, it's a pity that I drew it. Monster cards are types that cannot be normally summoned.”

Hearing Hayato say this, Keith's face improved a little.

In other words, you still don't have a monster that can be used as a shield. In that case, you will only block a direct attack. Keith glanced at the two cover cards in Hayato's backcourt and thought for a moment.

From the [Nightmare Mirage Tower] that Hayato activated before, it can be inferred that one of the three cards he placed down at the beginning must be able to actively send [Nightmare Mirage Tower] to the graveyard to avoid negative effects. [Very Food], and then just activated another [Counterattack Door].

There is another card left and I don’t know what it is, but I can’t get the answer just by thinking about it, so I’ll attack first.

The decision to use [Counterattack Gate] to defend against [BM-4 Bomb Spider] was your mistake, Hayato Kobayashi. I wonder how you can block the attack of [Machine Gun Dragon] now? Si stretched out his hand and pointed at Hayato, Take these 2,600 points of damage, [Machine Cannon Dragon]'s direct attack!

Bullet storm!

The three heads of [Machine Cannon Dragon] faced Hayato and locked the target. The metal barrels began to rotate and warm up. The next moment when Keith received the command to attack, countless raindrop-like bullets flew out from the three-barreled machine guns and attacked Hayato. !

Weak, weak! An attack of this level can't even be considered a massage, Keith. I'll launch a chain of Gaika [Piercing Points]!

This turn can only be activated when the opponent's monster summoned or specially summoned declares an attack. It will destroy the attacking monster and inflict damage equal to half the original attack power of the opponent's monster. Hayato pointed at Keith's field [ Machine Gun Dragon], Anyway, it doesn't matter to you that your monster is destroyed, right?

Eat your own bitter pill, Keith, I'm going to destroy your [Machine Gun Dragon], and then you will be damaged by half of its attack power!

With the opening of Hayato's Gaika, a large pit appeared under the feet of [Machine Dragon], which Keith had just used [Fusion] to summon in this round. It was full of dense spikes. Once [Machine Dragon] fell into it, there would be no Any damage to its resistance will inevitably destroy it, and then Keith will also be damaged by half of its attack power, which is 1,300 points!

This is much worse than the 500 points Keith used [gun bombardment] to inflict on Hayato just now!

Seeing that the [Machine Dragon] on his field was about to fall into the pit and be destroyed because his feet were empty and his body could no longer aim at Hayato. Keith, who was more emotionally sensitive, subconsciously tightened his grip because of what Hayato had just said. fist.

Reaping the bitter pill?

What does Hayato Kobayashi mean? Does he mean that I am entirely to blame for my fate?

That kind of thing, that kind of thing...

That kind of thing will never let you succeed! Keith activated the cover card in the backcourt. It was a quick attack he used to cover [Sand Tornado] at the end of Hayato's last round. Magic cards can already be activated this round, I will chain your [Piercing Cave] and activate the quick-attack magic card [Fusion Release]!

Cancel the fusion of [Machine Dragon] on my field, and special summon the two monsters that are its fusion materials from my graveyard!

Before [Machine Dragon] was pierced by the spikes, the power of [Fusion Release] caught up with [Machine Dragon], causing it to instantly disintegrate into two beams of light that flew out of the hole and returned to Keith's field.

Because the destruction target disappeared, the [Piercing Hole] effect was no longer processed, and Keith was not harmed.

Looking at the two monsters appearing on his field, Keith took a deep breath, looked at Hayato and said, I've said it before, it's enough to underestimate people. I'm Keith Howard, don't think of me as someone you can see everywhere. What a weakling.

Special summon [Revolver Dragon] in attack position, and my trump card, [Revolver Dragon]!

[Reloader Dragon], whose head is shaped like a Desert Eagle pistol, and [Revolver Dragon], whose head and arms are made up of three revolvers, all appear from the light, standing tall on Keith's field!

【Reloader Pistol Dragon】【6☆/Dark】

【Mechanical family/effect】


【Revolver Dragon】【7☆/Dark】

【Mechanical family/effect】


Looking at the two monsters appearing on his field, Keith smiled: Humph, it's been such a long time. I don't know how long it has been since I was so serious in a duel.

In the underground dueling arena, most of the participants are duelists who want to make a living by dueling monsters but are not qualified to participate in regular dueling events. Although there are also strong people who are banned from participating in regular events for some reason, they are only a few. There are more Just some weaklings.

A duel between weaklings, a dueling between a strong one and a weak one, no matter which one it is, will not be very interesting, but the attraction of underground dueling venues has never been the pure dueling, but the gamble besides dueling.

Bet on whether the stronger side will win without taking any damage, or whether it will win in a few rounds, and how the weaker side will survive in the thrilling death duel, which is struggling for victory.

Keith's level can be said to be invincible in the underground dueling arena. It is difficult for him to find an opponent. Ordinary duelists can't survive his second round and will be easily killed by his monsters, and then burst into tears. The land was driven into a death duel by the ruthless organizers to squeeze out the remaining value.

Like the effective offense and defense that appeared in today's duel with Hayato, Keith didn't know how long it had been since he had experienced the excitement of a monster duel like this.

In the past, Keith swept the bounties of major duels in a thief-like state. At that time, he won countless victories and honors. But the more he had, the less he could accept his loss of glory, and his heart was full of It's the desire to win.

In order to win, Keith could even cheat. Even at the moment, there were several cards hidden in the wrist of Keith's left hand that could be used to cheat during the duel.

After encountering so many changes and falling to this day, Keith suddenly discovered that he really longed for victory in his heart?

Is it a duel in which a defenseless opponent is easily defeated by him, or a duel with back-and-forth like Hayato's? Which kind of duel is what his heart truly desires?

Keith himself couldn't explain clearly, but he knew that his fighting stage was still going on.

Kobayashi Hayato, I will give you the same words, but a counterattack of that level cannot make me despair, who has already seen darkness. Keith glanced at the last card in his hand, and continued, You The last card should be [Very Food], but it’s useless, let’s experience the revenge of my thief Keith, the duel king!”

Because it is a special summon during the combat phase, both [Revolver Dragon] and [Rebelt Pistol Dragon] can attack. The first is the direct attack of [Rebelt Pistol Dragon]!

Fatal shot!

[Reloader Pistol Dragon] fired a bullet from its head, flew across the field of both sides in an instant, and penetrated Hayato's body without any hindrance under Keith's witness. Hayato's base score dropped sharply. One piece.

[Hayato: 3500→1200lp]

Seeing that Hayato did not activate Gakka and that his base score had indeed dropped, Keith relaxed a little and said proudly: How about it, Hayato Kobayashi, how do you feel about this kind of pain?

Looking at Hayato, who seemed to be lowering his head because of pain, Keith said domineeringly: You have already tasted the price of underestimating me, Hayato Kobayashi, it seems that I am stronger now. If you don't want to lose your life, just admit defeat. , Let’s lift this barrier.”

But under Keith's gaze, Hayato raised his head and sneered: Admit defeat? Keith, do you think you have already won?

No matter what kind of duelist he is, he will never have the idea of ​​'surrender' or 'admit defeat'. How can someone who easily gives up on victory embrace victory? Hayato said, looking at Keith with contempt, Only guys like you would have similar thoughts.

Can Keith tolerate Hayato's words? He originally hated Hayato, but now he was so aroused by Hayato's words. Keith gritted his teeth with a dark face and said: You guy, then be prepared to have your base points cleared by this attack!

[Revolver Dragon]'s direct attack, triple blunderbuss!

Facing the three gun barrels pointed at him, Hayato sneered and said: Now, Keith, I have been waiting for this blow for a long time. Just use your monster's attack as the last piece of the puzzle to complete my victory. !”

Chaining the attack of [Revolver Dragon], the trap card [Wall of Power] is activated!

Following Keith's attack command, a bullet was fired from the three barrels of [Revolver Dragon]. However, when it was about to cross Hayato's field and hit Hayato, it was directly stopped by a light wall rising from Hayato's back field. .

Keith, who knew Hayato's deck well, naturally recognized the card Hayato activated. He said its effect: Until the damage caused by the opponent's monster's attack to you is reduced to 0, every 500 points A card that sends a card to the graveyard to deal damage...

That's right, Keith. In order to maximize the effect of this card, I deliberately waited until your trump card [Revolver Dragon] appeared before activating this card. Hayato put his hand on the duel plate and grabbed it. A stack of cards, Because [Revolver Dragon]'s attack power is 2600 points, in order to make the damage 0, I need to discard six cards.

As he spoke, Hayato flicked his hand and took out all the cards he had grabbed.

I'll just throw my deck away!

[Hayato: 1200→1200lp]

The card thrown by Hayato merged into the wall of light and received the attack of [Revolver Dragon]. Keith's decisive blow failed, which made him extremely unhappy.

However, he noticed one thing - among the cards that Hayato threw into the wall of light in [Wall of Power], one of them was a trap card [Explosion Armor], but the other five cards were all cards he had never seen before. The cards passed are a quick-attack magic card and four monster cards.

No matter which one of the four monster cards it was, Keith felt an extremely ominous aura just from the revealed card picture, as if he had seen some human enemy, full of disgust and repulsion.

The Wall of Light entered Hayato's graveyard with six cards and disappeared, but Keith had no more monsters on the field that could attack, and his battle phase ended.

After looking at the [Death God's Parade] on his field, Keith rationally believed that he could continue to use the previous one to block Hayato's summons and reverse summons in the next turn.

However, Keith's long-awaited duelist instinct warned him that it would be impossible to continue to use this card to block Hayato's field.

Although he didn't know what the cards Hayato had just sent to the graveyard were, Keith could feel a threat. After thinking about it for a moment, he activated the cards in his hand: Remove the permanent trap on my field [Reaper's Parade] is sent to the graveyard, I activate the magic card [Magic Flower Pot] and draw two cards from the deck.

Then cover a card and my turn ends.

[Keith: 4000lp, 1 card in hand]

【bm-4 bomb spider】【atk1400】

【Reloading Pistol Dragon】【atk2300】

【Revolver Dragon】【atk2600】

【Second Chance】【Cannon Bombardment】【Gaika】

Then my turn is to draw a card. Seeing Keith end his turn, Hayato drew a card and added it to his hand, and said, The monster I drew using [Counterattack Gate] last turn, I want to specialize it now. Summon. Remove two [Hellfire Machine] monsters from my graveyard...

[Hellfire Machine]? And it actually excludes the special summons from monsters in the cemetery? Keith frowned, watching Hayato raise a card above his head, and looked behind Hayato with narrowed pupils.

There, a tall figure vaguely appeared, with green light spots scattered all over its body, which seemed to be there or not.

As Hayato held the card high, a strong wind suddenly blew in the alley. The hem of Hayato's coat danced wildly with the strong wind, and a ferocious expression appeared on Hayato's face.

seitsemas, meaning 7, is called filth.

O devil of plunder, as the enemy of 'victory', come with the flames of the abyss!

[Hellfire Machine·Baal]!

The cyan light spot moved in front of Hayato. In the blink of an eye, the illusory figure turned into reality, and a huge demon appeared on Hayato's field. The demon held a spear in his right hand and a ball of lightning in his left hand. His huge wings seemed to cover the sky and control death. Just by showing his body, Keith felt like he was suffocating.

‘Is this really a duel monster? ’

Keith's hands and feet were cold, and this was the only thought in his heart.

【Hellfire Machine·Baal】【7☆/Fire】

[Demon/Special Summon/Effect]


Matching the huge demon, Hayato stood behind him with a wild smile on his face: It's not over yet, the total level of the effect monsters on my field is 7, so I once again put the two [Hellfire Machines] in the graveyard Except monsters!”

attondel, which means 8, is called God's abandonment.

Demon of deception, as the enemy of 'glory', come with the continuous flames!

[Hellfire Machine Admiral]!

Following the thunder demon with cyan lights on, Hayato summoned a second demon in an instant. Orange lights were placed all over the second demon's body, and the demon with long tail feathers moved like a peacock. With both claws, he looked down at Keith opposite.

There were clearly three monsters blocking him on the field, but Keith could feel that the monsters on the opposite side seemed to be targeting his soul!

【Hellfire Machine Admiral】【8☆/Fire】

[Demon/Special Summon/Effect]


You can easily summon two powerful monsters without a sacrifice... Keith looked at the monsters on Hayato's field, glanced at Gaika in his backfield, and took a deep breath to calm down, But , it’s still far away from defeating me!”

Hmph, don't be impatient, Keith. This is my first time using this deck, and the [Hellfire Machines] haven't fully demonstrated their power yet. Hayato pulled out a card and said, Heroes have their own stage. , and demons also have a world of demons. You said you have seen infinite hell, let me use this card to show you more darkness!

Magic card [Planet Transformation], I add a field magic card from the deck to my hand, I add [Dark World - Shadow Dystopia -] to my hand, and then activate it directly!

When the three Barongs who were watching saw [Planet Transformation], they thought that the field magic card Hayato wanted to retrieve was [Oliha Gang's Barrier], but when they heard that the card Hayato added to his hand was not [Oliha Gang's] Barrier] but another field magic card, Amaluda frowned.

That guy Hayato Kobayashi, is the dark monster born in his heart called [Hellfire Machine]? Just looking at it gives people a sense of spiritual discomfort. After a pause, Baron tried to turn his gaze away from Hayato's Move away from the monster.

Although just by looking, Balong felt various discomforts, as if his body and soul were warning him from the DNA level to stay away from those [Hellfire Machine] monsters, but those monsters seemed to have a huge power. Its gravitational pull and mere presence make people subconsciously approach it and enshrine their souls.

As a Duel King, such a powerful dark monster is indeed worthy of his name, but he didn't search for [Oliha Gang's Barrier]? America was still wary of Hayato, It's because he can't seal others. An act of the soul?”

No, it's not like that, Amaluda. Rafilu, who was connected to his soul, felt the tremor transmitted to him by the card spirit at this moment, his expression was extremely solemn, Kobayashi Hayato, what he is going to release next is probably bigger than The power of [Oliha Gang] is even more terrifying and dark!”

How could such a thing be possible——

Amaluda's voice was cut off by the twisted shadows that suddenly rose up from under Hayato and Keith's feet. A gloomy green ominous power in the darkness completely surrounded Keith and Hayato, rising into the sky. Even though they were far away, the shadow made Rafilu's hair stand on end and they wanted to escape from here.

Keith, who was surrounded by magic cards on the field, could not leave. He could only watch the shadows emerging from the ground directly invade all the monsters on both sides of the field!

Especially the two [Hellfire Machine] monsters on Hayato's field. The twisted shadows entered the bodies of the demons, causing the light in the lamp-like devices on their bodies to jump suddenly, changing from the original cyan and orange. It turned into an unknown dark green.

[Hellfire Machine·Baal] [7☆/Fire → 7☆/Dark]

[Hellfire Machine Admiral] [8☆/Fire → 8☆/Dark]

[Dark World-Shadow Dystopia-], what an unparalleled power of darkness. Just activating this card makes me feel so happy that I can't wait to sing a song. Hayato opened his arms with an expression of enjoyment, As long as this card exists, change the attributes of all monsters on both sides to dark.

Up to this point in the battle, we have exhausted all the cards in our hands, so I will activate the last card in my hand, the magic card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], and both sides will replenish their hands to six cards. Hayato said, drawing out Six cards were drawn, Because my hand has 0 cards, I can draw six cards.

Hey, then I can draw five cards if I have one card in my hand. Keith stretched out his hand and also drew out the card. Although Hayato didn't know what card Keith drew, but from the look on his face, he probably didn't draw a good card. .

Hayato, who had added six cards in his hand, stopped playing cards and waved his hand: Let me see your performance, [Hellfire Machine], I want to use the effect of [Hellfire Machine Baal]!

The demon named after the main god of law and justice in Semitic mythology raised the spear in his hand. The spearhead wrapped with lightning followed Hayato's movements and pointed at the one with the highest attack power on Keith's field [Revolver] Pistol Dragon].

The red wings opened, and then under Keith's surprised gaze, his [Revolver Dragon] shattered and disintegrated without any warning, turned into a ball of spiritual light and flew into the spear of [Hellfire Machine Baal] ! ?

You can activate the effect of [Hellfire Machine·Baal] by liberating a monster on my field and targeting a card in the opponent's graveyard. Remove that card. This is the effect of [Hellfire Machine·Baal]. , and under the power of [Dark World - Shadow Dystopia -], once per turn, when I release my own monster in order to activate the card effect, I can use a dark attribute monster on the opponent's field as mine. A replacement for the monster!”

Because of the influence of [Dark World - Shadow Dystopia -], even the monsters on your field will fall under my control and become playthings!

Do you dare to disobey me who possesses Baal?

[Hellfire Machine Baal] held the spirit body of [Revolver Dragon] and smashed the soul with one palm. Keith saw that the [Fusion Release] previously activated in his graveyard was eliminated.

The exclusion of [Fusion Release] is a trivial matter. If there is no fusion monster on the field, that card will not be useful even if it is still in Keith's hand. However, what Hayato said about [Hellfire Machine Baal] and [Dark World] -Shadow Dystopia-] The effect used in conjunction with it made him unable to help but tremble in his legs.

How could it be possible to defeat such a monster! ?

Enter my battle phase, and then the attack of [Hellfire Machine Baal]! Hayato pointed his finger at the [BM-4 Bomb Spider] with the lowest attack power on Keith's field, and ordered, Crush that monster Come on, [Baal]!”

Evil Leap Crush!

Among the famous seventy-two demons of Solomon, Baal is the number one demon. As the enemy of God's Lord, Baal can even be named the Lord Demon. The huge demon waved the spear in his hand, and with just one blow, it shattered the [BM-4 Bomb Spider] on Keith's field!


[Keith: 4000→2800lp]

After suffering 1,200 points of damage, Keith couldn't bear the heartbreaking pain. His legs bent and he almost fell to the ground, wailing, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

This pain even reminded him of the pain of being slowly tortured by the [Lava Demon] in the dark game with Malik a long time ago. The humiliation and unwillingness surged into Keith's heart.

However, Keith endured the discomfort and pulled out the card in his hand: When the dark attribute and mechanical type [BM-4 Bomb Spider] on my field is destroyed by battle, activate the [Desperate Revolver] in my hand. Pistol Dragon] effect!”

Having made a declaration, Keith slapped the card on the duel plate and looked directly into Hayato's eyes: Don't think of me as some soft persimmon that can be manipulated at will, Hayato Kobayashi. It's just a [Hellfire Machine], I will fight back now. look!

Come out, [Desperate Revolver Dragon]!

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