Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 31 Those who can’t make it—

Chapter 565: Unable to make it—

My glory, my Tamashi!!

[Electronic Dragon Head]!!!

The majestic mechanical Heavenly Dragon appeared behind Hayato, and the huge figure seemed to penetrate the palace. After the [Electronic Heavenly Dragon Head] appeared, Hayato waved his hand violently: Special summons at the [Electronic Heavenly Dragon Head] In this case, activate its effect and send all other monsters on both sides of the field, except [Electronic Dragon Head], to the graveyard!

Hearing this, Dazi said strangely: However, due to the effect of [Nuclear Demon], all the effects of light and dark monsters activated by both parties in the main phase will be invalidated. That [Electronic Dragon Head] is a light It’s a monster with attributes.”

That's true, but the power from the starlight is different from the soul bound by gravity, Tatsu. Hayato pointed to the mechanical monster in the excluded graveyard in his back field and summoned the [Electronic Sky Dragon Head]. dissipated trap cards,

The attack power and defense power of the [Electronic Dragon Head] specially summoned by the effect of [The Birth of the Draco] will become the number of monsters eliminated due to the activation of [The Birth of the Draco] x 500. And gain the ability not to be affected by the effects of cards other than itself.”

The [Electronic Dragon Head] is not just good-looking, it's just [Nucleated into a Demon], watch me push it back!

Star siege!

【Electronic faucet】【? /? →5000/5000】

Inheriting the power of the ten monsters in Hayato's graveyard, the power of [Electronic Dragon Head] was raised to a peak that ordinary duel monsters cannot reach - a full 5000 points, which is on par with [Five Divine Dragons].

At the same time, the countless dragon-head floating cannons hovering around him began to accumulate power, and the gathered energy beams emitted light like countless stars in the night sky!

[Nucleus Demon] on the field of Dazi naturally let out a roar immediately, trying to interrupt [Electronic Dragon Head], the light attribute monster that was supposed to be restrained by it, from activating its effect, just like the previous interruption [Proclaimer of Sogo] has the same effect then.

However, the emotionless mechanical dragon obviously does not care about the threat of ants on the ground, even if it is a corpse demon.

The deterrence of [Nuclear Demon] has no effect on [Electronic Dragon Head]. This is of course. After all, [The Birth of Draco] gives [Electronic Dragon Head] the most noble full resistance, whether it is magic... Neither traps nor monster effects are effective against [Electronic Dragon Head].

The laser rain filled with the aura of destruction followed Hayato waving his palm and fell suddenly!

After a roar like the destruction of the world, the [Nuclear Demon] and [Nuclear Dragon] that were showing off their power on the Dazi field just now disappeared.

In this way, there will be no monsters on Dazi's field. As long as he attacks directly with [Electronic Dragon Head], he will win!

After Hayato saw the dawn of victory, he did not get carried away and launch an attack directly and recklessly. Instead, he noticed with vigilance that after the cards in Datsu's front field were completely cleared, there was a solitary and conspicuous presence in his back field. That cover card.

Although [Electronic Dragon Head] has gained full resistance not affected by the opponent's effects, whether it is the destructive type [Explosive Armor], the exclusion type [Dimensional Confinement], the returning damage [Magic Can] or the changing form. [Enemy Controller], these Dazi cards will not take effect on it.

But that doesn't mean Hayato can ignore Tatsu's Gaika. If the card under Dazi's cover is a card that resurrects his own monster or a card like [Holy Javelin] that restores basic points, Dazi's cover card can still effectively protect him without targeting [Electronic Dragon Head].

Hayato pulled out a card in his hand: Maybe I'm too cautious, but just to be on the safe side, let me know what your card is, Dazi.

Quick Attack Magic Card [Tornado], I will choose the cover card on your back field to destroy it.

A cyclone was generated on Hayato's field and moved towards the only Gaika in Dazi's back field. Naturally, Dazi would not let the tornado released by Hayato destroy his Gaika and pressed the button on the duel disk. : I don't want the duel with Hayato to end like this, it would be a pity. Chain [Tornado], and I activate the trap card [Messenger of Peace].

Because of the last-come-first-come-first-served rule of the chain, Dazi's cover card was successfully opened before [Tornado] arrived, revealing its true appearance. A layer of golden energy shield was released from the card and enveloped Dazi's body. . Although [Messenger of Peace] was destroyed by [Tornado] after that, the shield was retained.

The effect of [Messenger of Harmony] is that my monster will not be destroyed by battle in this round, and the combat damage I received also becomes 0. Dazi sent the destroyed [Messenger of Harmony] in Graveyard, smiled and said, It was originally a card used to prevent [Nuclear Demon] from being destroyed by battle, but it was destroyed by Hayato before the battle phase.

It's not destroying it, it's sending it to the cemetery. There's a huge difference.

Hayato corrected, curling his lips in displeasure, Is this the card used to protect the monster? Tsk, it still worked for you.

Yes, Hayato, I will not suffer any more battle damage in this round. Dazi said with a smile, without any sarcasm in his tone, he just asked, Then, you want to use [Electronic Tian Longtou] made a meaningless attack?

Hayato frowned and said: That kind of useless thing has no meaning at all. It can't cause any harm to you anyway.

Knowing that the attack of [Electronic Dragon Head] will not cause any harm to Dazi when [Messenger of Peace] is in effect, Hayato will naturally not ask for trouble by attacking.

Anyway, the effect of [Messenger of Harmony] only lasts for one round. In the next round, I can also attack to finish Dazi. With the full resistance of [Electronic Dragon Head] and its super high attack power, I can still do it in one round. Can't it be removed?

Hayato put down the card in his hand: Cover a card and my turn ends.

[Hayato: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Electronic faucet】【atk5000】


It's my turn again, draw a card. Hayato clearly had an invincible [Electronic Dragon Head] on the field, but Dazi didn't feel nervous at all, and easily drew a card, Then activate the magic card [Pot of Desire], draw two cards from the deck.”

After the number of cards in his hand increased to two, Dazi looked at the card he had drawn and smiled: Well, I drew a good card.

Hayato, your power is indeed very powerful. From you, I can constantly feel the light of hope that you from another world bring to this world polluted by desire.

In order to keep your light from leaving, I will definitely win this duel, so from now on I will be serious about it.

Although Tatsu's words were in a gentle tone, Hayato felt very unhappy hearing them.

Don't tell me that you can win at any time, Dazi. Before you say those things about looking down on me, at least have the upper hand in the duel.

Hayato glanced at the [Electronic Heavenly Dragon Head] on his field and said proudly, Although I have always thought that the word 'invincible' is an extremely standard flag to describe someone who is defeated, but at this moment my [Electronic Heavenly Dragon Head] is indeed It can really only be described as 'invincible'.

The top duel monster has 5000 points of attack power, a strong 5000 points of defense power, and ultimate resistance that will not be affected by your card effects!

Do you dare to disobey me who owns the [Electronic Dragon Head]?

After hearing Hayato's analysis, Dazi nodded in agreement: It's exactly what you said, Hayato, your [Electronic Dragon Head] is a very powerful card, it can even be said to be 'invincible' among duel monsters. exist.

However, it still has one biggest flaw.

As he spoke, Dazi summoned a monster card to his field.

I attack and summon [Nuclear Dual-Sword Hands], and then activate this magic card, [Flash Absorption].

On the field of Dazi, a humanoid monster holding two swords appeared. Every part of its body was asymmetrical, and it looked like it was made up of many fragmentary parts that were randomly pieced together.

[Core into dual-sword hands] [4☆/land]



Hayato's face was full of alertness, but it wasn't because of the [Double-Sword Hand].

Although a level 4 monster with an attack power of 2000 points is already considered excellent, considering the generally unstable characteristics of [Nuclear Transformation] monsters, it requires the [Nuclear Transformation Beast's Steel Core] to maintain its existence. 】It’s also to the extent of “nothing more than that”.

What Hayato cares about is the [Flash Absorption] activated by Datsu.

As the [Flash Absorption] card appeared in the backfield of Dazi, a very thin light curtain appeared on [Nuclear Dual-Sword Hand].

At the same time that light curtain appeared, countless slender light ribbons floated from the body of [Electronic Dragon Head] on Hayato's field, and floated towards the body of [Nuclear Double Sword Hand] on Dazi's field!

[Flash Absorption] is a magic card that can be activated by targeting a light attribute monster on the opponent's field. Its effect is to increase the attack power of all face-up attack position monsters on my field until the end of the turn, and increase the target monster's attack. force value.

Dazi smiled and talked about the effect of [Flash Absorption].

[Electronic Dragon Head] only gains resistance that is not affected by the opponent's effects. It will still be the target of your card's effects. Are you taking advantage of this, Datsu? Hayato watched as he absorbed the [Electronic Dragon Head]. With the powerful strength on his body, the imposing [Double-Sword Hands], The attack power of [Electronic Dragon Head] is 5000 points...

Well, therefore, the attack power of the [Nuclear Dual-Swordsman] on my field will also increase by 5,000 points to a full 7,000 points!

【Nucleus into Dual-Sword Hand】【atk2000→7000】

Not only that, [Nuclear Dual Hands] also has the ability to destroy monsters in battle. It can only continue to attack once. I enter the battle phase and use [Nuclear Dual Hands] to attack Hayato's [Electronic Sky] on your field. Dragon head].

This is the end, Hayato, join Doma. Dazi's finger pointed at the [Electronic Heavenly Dragon Head], Cut it into a cross cut!


Hayato's [Electronic Heavenly Dragon Head]'s attack power has been increased to 5000 points, but when facing the attack of [Nuclear Dual Sword Hands] with an attack power of 7000 points, it only has resistance to the effect without fighting. The resistant [Electronic Dragon Head] was eventually destroyed.

Ugh! Hayato cried out in pain because he was hurt for the first time in the battle.

[Hayato: 4000→2000lp]

Because the monster was destroyed in the battle, [Nuclear Dual-Swordsman] can perform a second direct attack——

Before that, I activated Gaika!

Halfway through what he was saying, Dazi was suddenly interrupted by Hayato.

Hayato saw the cover card on the back field open, and a red light suddenly shot towards the [Nuclear Dual-Sword Hand] that was about to make a second attack, and turned into a collar with several grenades around its neck.

The card Hayato activated was not an extremely rare card, and Dazi recognized it immediately: Is this, [Wheel of Destruction]?

The effect is to destroy a monster on the field, and then inflict damage equal to the attack power of that monster to both duelists... Dazi said, showing a rather helpless expression, You are so obsessed with winning or losing. Yeah, Hayato?

At least I don't want to lose my freedom in life. Hayato showed an unwilling expression, Due to the effect of [Destruction Wheel], your [Nuclear Dual Sword Hands] will be destroyed, and then you and I will both suffer 7,000 A little bit of damage!”

Now, I have reached the limit of my patience, I have to press it now!

Facing the collar around the neck of [Double-Sword Hand], Hayato pointed out his thumb, then bent it to press down, and the [Destruction Wheel] exploded with this action!


[Hayato: 2000lp→0]


Although Hayato did not start the dark game, and Tatsu did not use [Oliha Gang's Barrier] in this duel, the simulated shock accompanying the damage of up to 7,000 points was enough to make ordinary people The duelist lost his strength and fell down. For a moment, due to the impact of the [Destruction Wheel], Hayato and Tatsu, who were on both sides, gasped and fell to one knee on the ground.

Because the accumulated damage received was 2,000 points less than that of Hayato, or perhaps because he was no longer a normal life form, Dazi got up earlier than Hayato and walked to Hayato. He stretched out his hand to Hayato who had not yet recovered: The outcome of this duel is a draw, Hayato, it seems I can’t trust you with my life.”

Hmph, are you humiliating me, Tatsu? Hayato did not hold Tatsu's hand, but stood up with a look of unwillingness, To have a tie in such a humiliating way really hurts my face. It's really Gaffe.”

But Dazi, I was just careless. If I try my best again, I won't lose!

Well, I know this too, Hayato. But you're not the only one who didn't use all his strength, I was the same. Seeing that Hayato didn't hold his hand, Dazi looked regretful and said again, But thanks After my duel with you, I understand one thing.

Even if you from another world lose this duel, you will definitely not obey me and join Doma. This undistorted will really moved me. So I also changed my mind. I won't Force your will.”

However, if you look at the world from my perspective, you will definitely understand the correctness of what I am trying to do. The world created by humans is wrong and must be changed. The Doma organization is not for self-interest. An evil organization acting out of selfish desires.”

Dazi stretched out his hand again and looked directly into Hayato's eyes: So, join Doma, Hayato, not as my subordinate, but as my collaborator.

Facing Dazi's invitation again, Hayato pondered for a while, slowly raised his arm, held Dazi's palm, and said with a stubborn look on his face: Let me explain in advance, I'm just waiting to take away your life next time. It’s just an opportunity, I won’t do anything for you.”

Dazi didn't care about Hayato's words and said with a smile: Of course it's no problem, but I believe you will understand me before that.

And just as Hayato held Datsu's hand, he finally received a message from the system:

[Special conditions {Join hostile forces: Duel with Dazi and draw 1/1} Completed]

[Task changing]

[Task change completed]

[Main quest trigger: {I want to become a Yangko star}]

[Task description: Immortality, immortality, and the throwing of Oliha Gang. How can you beat such a Dazi? Just join Doma. 】

[Trigger condition: {The emperor is me, Hayato, this has never changed} During the mission, complete the {Join hostile force} option]


Enemy, grass! Enemy, fight! ——Defeat the [Legendary Dragon] card holder 0/3

Fight them all - Defeat the Three Musketeers of Doma 0/3

Become a gang boss in Jiutian——Defeat Dazi 0/1

? ? ? ---beat? ? ? 0/1]

[Task reward preview: 30000dp, ur limited redemption coupon x5]

Yes, the current tie situation was entirely caused by Hayato's initiative.

Will Hayato lose to Tatsu? It's impossible to think about that kind of thing.

In fact, when Hayato appeared in front of Dazi, he got a notification from the system, telling him that because he now appeared in front of Dazi, the Emperor is me Hayato that was triggered a long time ago was triggered. This has never changed. 】The hidden conditions of that task.

As long as he duels with Tatsu and draws a tie, Hayato can change the original mission of annihilating the Doma Organization into the current mission of joining the Doma Organization.

Hayato remembers that this guy Datsu actually exists as one with the power of Oliha Ganggod. As the darkness of the planet, Oliha Gang God was forcibly sealed at the end of the Doma Chapter with the power of the King-like Pharaoh, and Dazi is naturally not a guy who can be killed in a dark game.

Tatsu didn't take the so-called condition of putting Tatsu's life on the line in a duel and Hayato didn't take it seriously either.

After all, as early as in the Duel Kingdom, Hayato understood through the dark game with Dark Tapira that the Dark Game could be used to deal with ordinary duelists, but it could be used to deal with people like Anubis, Tapira, and Tatsu who relied on darkness. If you are a foodie, a pistol may not be as useful as a pistol. At least a pistol does not require you to consume your energy like a dark game.

In order to make joining the Doma organization not too abrupt, Hayato even thought of a character for himself, but it was completely useless because Datsu had an inexplicable liking for him. After the duel ended in a draw, Hayabusa reluctantly used some of his acting skills that he had finally suppressed.

But now that I think about it, Hayato feels that his flaw is actually a bit big. For example, using [Destruction Wheel] on [Double-Sword Hands] can actually be used in conjunction with [Flash Absorption], causing its attack power to be destroyed before it is increased. As a result, Dazi was empty.

For another example, your own graveyard actually still has the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] that was sent to the graveyard by [Name Reasoning] before. After the [Electronic Dragon Head] was destroyed by [Nuclear Dual-Sword Hands], even if you don't use the [Destruction Wheel], you can still Special summons [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] and will not be directly attacked.

There were actually quite a lot of such flaws left in Hayato's duel this time. After all, Hayato's usual habit was to dig holes and wait for others to step on them. Even if he took the initiative to let go for a draw this time, he still left them subconsciously. Many holes have not been buried.

Just like a Thunder Slide player will subconsciously set a T when drawing a red card, a Waste 2 player will habitually conjure up a water machine and a hundred-headed dragon, and a Dragon Hui Qiao player will be healthy when he sees others using the effect. The same thing all at once, it has become a conditioned reflex.

We can only hope that Dazi didn't notice these flaws.

However, Hayato is worried about this, but in fact, although it is his first time acting, Hayato's acting skills are actually quite good because he is based on Kaiba who is usually killed by explosions. At least in Dazi's view, Hayato's performance is all true. reveal.

Hayato, who came from another world, formed a bond with the nameless Pharaoh and others and became partners. Because he accidentally went to another world, he returned to reality and appeared in front of him. After learning that he was the leader of the Doma organization, Hayato took action against him out of a sense of justice and to protect his partners. At the end of the duel, he would rather give up the glory of the duelist and die together with the [Destruction Wheel] than join Doma. .

Ah, what a dazzling soul.

Who knows how many filters Dazi put in his eyes when he looked at Hayato from another world.

And Hayato's willingness to join Doma makes Dazi extremely happy. In his opinion, since Hayato is willing to stay in Doma, it means that Hayato has hope of being persuaded by him. As long as he works harder, he might be able to do so soon. Hayato understands himself and truly becomes his partner, working together for a new world.

Dazi believed that it was his charisma that successfully convinced Hayato, but Hayato joined Doma with a different intention and was planning to give Dazi his whole life one day. After all, his feelings were wrongly paid.

I feel a bit feverish and dizzy, and the ending of this chapter feels poorly written and rushed. Although I have already mentioned that Doma will be added, writing it still feels almost boring.

I even feel like I don’t know what I’m talking about after watching it.

I will update another chapter later today, just to make up for it_(:_」∠)_

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