Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 30 I am willing to give up my old friend [Long Huiqiao]

Enter my battle phase and use [Nucleate Demon] to attack [Long Huiqiao-Shangbi ζ]!

Nuclear into dark impact!

[Nucleus Demon] with an attack power of 2200 points stretched out its palms that were heated red due to overheating of the core in the body, and a ball of energy was pushed out like a turtle Qigong, attacking Hayato's defensive position on the field. [Long Huiqiao-Shangbi ζ].

Although the [Ryuuki Qiao] monsters all have a relatively high attack power of 2000 points, their defense power is all 0 points without exception.

Facing the attack of [Nuclear Demon], [Ryuuki Qiao-Shangbi ζ] was instantly destroyed and sent to the cemetery. However, because it was on defense, Hayato did not suffer much damage.

Seeing that Hayato did not open the cover card, Dazi felt relieved and ordered again: Then, the attack of [Nucleated Dragon], destroy the [Ryong Huiqiao-Right Pivot A]!

Nuclear thermal shock!

The second [Long Hui Qiao] was also destroyed by Dazi in the cemetery. Although for [Long Hui Qiao] entering the cemetery is like going home, there is no fear at all, and the two [Long Hui Qiao] They are all in defensive position and will not cause any harm to Hayato.

However, for Hayato, if he doesn't let others suffer, he will suffer. He must not let Datsu destroy two monsters in vain.

After ordering the two monsters to attack, Datsu looked at Hayato's empty field. He was about to say a few words when he saw the Gaika on Hayato's back field suddenly open.

Hmph, you destroyed all the monsters on my field, Tatsu. Hayato said with a proud smile, Although it's very unpleasant, it takes such an empty situation to maximize Use this card's effect! At the end of your battle phase, open my cover card!

[Jie Xie wins and loses]!

Dazi saw that in the picture of the trap card that Hayato opened, there were several duel monsters dressed as Japanese samurai and generals fighting with swords. He recognized these monsters. They seemed to be the duel monsters of the International Illusion Society not long ago. Monsters from the [Six Samurai] deck launched together with [e·hero] at the conference.

Is it a trap card activated during the battle phase? But Hayato, don't forget that my [Nucleus Monster's Diamond Core] gives me the ability to prevent the [Nucleus] monsters on the field from being destroyed, whether in battle or It’s the effect, it’s all-round resistance.”

Hearing Datsu's words, Hayato shrugged and said with a smile: Your monsters are all resistant, but your duelists are not all resistant. If I can't kill your monsters, I can't kill the duelists? That's not what the effect of [Jie Xie Victory] is aimed at. He’s a monster but a duelist.”

The effect of [Jie Xie Victory] is that if the number of cards on the opponent's field is greater than the number of cards on my field, it can be activated at the end of the battle phase between both parties. Until the number of cards on the opponent's field becomes the same as the number of cards on my field, the opponent's The duelist must select a card on his side of the field to exclude,

Hayato pointed at the three cards on Dazi's field, In other words, I talked about so much nonsense like choosing and decision before, and now it's your turn to choose the cards on your field, Dazi!

I only have [Jie Xie Victory] and one cover card on the field, which means you have to choose one of the three cards on your field to give up!

Dazi currently has three cards on the field: [Nucleate into Demon], [Nucleate into Dragon] and [Beyond the Core Boundary]. Although [Jie Zie Victory] has been activated, it is still on the field and has not entered the graveyard. , in order for Datsu to have the same number of cards on his field as Hayato, he must select one of the cards to be excluded.

Compared with sending to the graveyard, excluded cards are relatively difficult to recover, and the banishment shown on the inside can be said to be a permanent ban that is almost impossible to recover.

It's a choice... Dazi smiled after hearing this, and took off the continuous magic card from his duel disk without hesitation, Although it will reduce the combat effectiveness of the monsters on my field, my intuition Tell me, the existence of [Nuclear Demon] is necessary, and [Nuclear Dragon] is also a powerful monster that I finally summoned.

“I exclude [Beyond Core Boundary] inside representation in my backcourt.”

Dazi chose to exclude his permanent magic card face-down, and with the departure of [Beyond the Core Boundary], the [Nuclear Demon] and [Nuclear Dragon] on his field were also lost at the same time. Increase in strength.

【Nucleated Demon】【atk2200→1700】

【Nucleate Dragon】【atk3500→3000】

I would rather weaken my own monsters, but also maintain that suppression. Tsk, it's really troublesome. Hayato looked at Dazi making his choice unhappily, It's a pity that you didn't cover the card in your hand before the battle phase started. card, otherwise I will banish one more card for you.

Dazi just smiled: Even if I'm not very good at dueling monsters, I wouldn't be stupid enough to cover the card before the battle phase.

As he spoke, he inserted the cards in his hand into the duel plate, Cover a card and my turn ends. It's your turn, Hayato.

[Dazi: 4000lp, 0 cards in hand]

【Nucleated Demon】【atk1700】

【Nucleate Dragon】【atk3000】


As Dazi declared the end of the round, the [Nuclear Demon] and [Nuclear Dragon] on his field with the [Nuclear Beast's Steel Core] burned red as if they were about to explode, but before that, Da Zi The [Nuclear Beast's Diamond Core] except for the posture activates the final ability, preventing them from being destroyed due to its own effects.

[Nuclear Beast] monsters generally have negative effects that require discarding [Nuclear Beast's Steel Core] at the end of the round in order to maintain their existence. There are only a few exceptions, but [Nuclear Beast's Diamond Core] can temporarily exempt them from this. defect.

Hayato looked at the [Nucleus Demon] that still existed on Datsu's field, and then at the light attribute monster in his hand, and complained rather helplessly: After all, Datsu, why would you use [Nucleus]? Become a demon] Then restrain my monster.

I didn't mean to be your enemy, Hayato. The empty-handed Dazi had an innocent expression on his face, The [Nuclear Process] deck I used was not prepared for you. Think about it. , the nameless Pharaoh’s ace and Seto Kaiba’s ace monster, what are their attributes?”

The light attribute [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and the dark attribute [Black Magician], I just considered that I would face them and prepared the 'Billion Points' card against them, but I let you Hayato experience it first. That’s all.”

Hearing Datsu's excuse, Hayato clicked his tongue in displeasure: Tsk, let's just treat it like that, then for my turn, I'll draw a card!

He pulled out a card, which was the magic card [Multiple Hammer]. It came in time. Hayato really needed to change his hand of cards.

Activate the normal magic card [Multiple Mallet], return this card to the deck along with any number of cards in my hand, shuffle them, and then draw the number of cards returned to the deck. I choose to return all the cards in my hand to the deck .”

After showing the [Multiple Mallet] in his hand, Hayato folded the cards spread out in his hand and put them into the deck, which was automatically shuffled by the duel plate.

The total number of cards in Hayato's hand plus [Menba Mallet] is 4, so he can draw four cards at once.

Draw! He pulled out a card from the top of the shuffled deck, turned it over and took a look. Hayato smiled, Yeah, yeah, I drew a good card.

I activate the magic card [Electronic Emergency Call]. The effect of this card is to add a [Cyber ​​Dragon] or a mechanical-type light attribute monster that cannot be normally summoned from my deck to my hand.

[Electronic Dragon]? Dazi was a little confused at first, but then showed a clear expression.

[Ryuuki Takumi] is a secret card of Electronic Dragon. In that case, it would be reasonable to have cards involving [Electronic Dragon] in the deck used, and the [Ryuuki Takumi] used by Hayato just now is also true. It is a machine-type, light-attributed monster that cannot be normally summoned.

So you want to search for [Long Huiqiao]?

Don't forget, Hayato, [Nucleus Demon] is still on my field. The effects of all light and dark attribute monsters on both of us will be invalid. Even if we try to search for [Ryuuki Takumi], it will be useless. . Dazi reminded, If [Longhuiqiao], which cannot be summoned normally, cannot be specially summoned by its own effect, it will just be stuck.

Hayato curled up his lips: I never said I wanted to search for [Ryuuki Takumi], Dazi. The more I use the ritual summoning of [Ryuuki Takumi], the more I find that the ritual has limits, so in order to To defeat you, I am willing to give up my old friend [Long Huiqiao].

The card I added to my hand is this [Electronic Dragon Head]!

Then I activate the magic card [Name Reason], and the opponent declares a level from 1 to 12. Then I turn over the cards from the top of the deck until a monster that can be normally summoned appears.

Sa, choose, Dazi.

Dazi had a certain impression of the [Electronic Heavenly Dragon Head] that Hayato added to his hand. He remembered that it seemed to be a secret card of the Electronic Flow lineage, but for a long time, even the Electronic Flow no one could Using that card, just like [Long Hui Qiao], Da Zi, who faced [Electronic Dragon Head] for the first time, didn't know what kind of effect it had.

But what is certain is that the attribute of [Electronic Dragon Head] is light, which means it is also within the invalid range of [Nuclear Demon], and because the invalid effect of [Nuclear Demon] is a continuous invalidity that does not enter the chain, Even abilities like [Special Summons cannot be chained] are useless.

No matter how powerful a monster that cannot be summoned is, it is still false.

So Tatsu focused on the [Name Reasoning] activated by Hayato. This card is not a rare card, and Dazi also knows its effect. After thinking about it for a while, he said: I declare that the level is 12☆.

Hoho, 12☆, it's so vicious, Datsu, are you sure that there will be no 12☆ monsters in my deck that can be normally summoned? Hayato turned over the card on top of the deck, which was the card that had been returned before. The ritual monster [Cyber ​​Angel-Benten-] shuffled in the group cannot be normally summoned.

Hayato sent it directly to the graveyard, and turned over the top card of the deck again. It was [Ryuuki Takumi-Tenchu ​​1δ], which could not be normally summoned, and was also sent to the graveyard by Hayato.

After turning over eight cards in succession, Hayato finally found a monster that could be normally summoned, [Rainbow Chestnut Ball].


Holding the card of [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] and showing it to Datsu, Hayato said: The monster that can be normally summoned is [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] with level 1☆. Because it is different from the number you deduced, I will turn it over. All cards are sent to the graveyard.

In this way, the formula for victory has been established, Dazi!

Watching Hayato send a total of nine cards into the graveyard, Dazi didn't realize what Hayato was going to do.

Hayato pressed on the duel plate and activated the only Gaika on the field: Although this is not the first time I summon you, let me focus on this again, the star of the Draco constellation!

Activate Gaika, [The Nativity from Draco]!

As Hayato Gaika was turned on, a starry sky appeared above his head, and the bright stars connected with each other to form a long dragon.

During the turn this card is activated, I cannot use effects other than this card to Special Summon monsters. Hayato said as he reached out to the graveyard, From my graveyard and my field, add light attributes to my graveyard. ·Only when all the machine-type monsters are removed can the [Birth of the Dragon Constellation] be activated!

I will raise all my graves!

Hayato flicked his hand, and the light attribute and machine-type monsters in his graveyard included the first two [Ryuuki Takumi], the [Ryuuki Takumi] used to ritually summon [Sogo], and the Exorcist who had just been sent to the graveyard. In addition to [Benten] and [Rainbow Chestnut Ball], seven [Ryuuki Takumi] cards, a total of ten monster cards, have been eliminated!

The excluded monsters rose into the sky and became part of the stars. Hayato held up a card in his hand and said, I special summon a level 6☆ or above machine-type light attribute monster from my hand, ignoring the summoning conditions. !”

The starlight seemed to have found a place to gather, and they all focused on the card that Hayato held high above his head. Before Hayato could place the card on the duel plate, a loud dragon roar sounded from behind Hayato.

The head of a huge mechanical dragon gathered into an entity through the concentrated starlight and the power of numerous monsters except Hayato. It was obviously a mechanical creation but seemed to have its own life, overlooking everything on the ground.

Next to the huge mechanical dragon head, Hayato gathered the power of the monsters excepted by [The Birth of Draco] and turned them into small floating mechanical dragon-head floating cannons, like planets guarding the stars. Surrounded by a huge dragon head.

The starlight wandering in the universe turned into raging waves and light of hope and gathered in my hand! Hayato slapped the card in his hand on the duel plate, In the name of Star, Infinite and Draco, I open the door to reality!

Come out, my glory, my Tamashi!!

[Electronic Dragon Head]!!!

【Electronic Tianfa】【10☆/Light】

[Machine Family/Special Summons/Effects]

【? /? 】

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