Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 29: The effect is too long and I’m too lazy to see it. It’s okay.

Although he saw Hayato adding [Proclaimer's Oracle] to his hand, Dazi did not realize what Hayato was planning to do next, and Hayato did not explain his next tactical ideas to Dazi.

While confidently explaining the tactics that you will launch next, or touting the tactics that you have completed as invincible, and then being overturned by the protagonist's I'm tired of it, this kind of explanation is dead It is a classic way to die in Yu-Gi-Oh!, but Hayato has no interest in trying it.

He is more inclined to reveal how desperate his situation is in the other person's horrified eyes.

In order to defeat Datsu, Hayato used a pure [Ryuuki Takumi] deck this time, but the [Proclaimer's Oracle] he just added to his hand was not a ritual monster of [Ryuuki Takumi]. What was used was the ritual magic belonging to [The Proclaimer of Sogo].

Well, why does the pure [Longhui Qiao] deck have this kind of monster with a name that doesn’t have anything like [Longhui Qiao] instead of the eldest and second brother [Longyi Qiao]?

How fresh, it’s the serious [Long Hui Qiao] who brings [The Proclaimer].

Hayato also brought [Long Yiqiao] with him, but it was of no use...

Activate the ritual magic card [Proclaimer's Oracle] in my hand, and I will release [Long Yiqiao-Tianlong Meteor=qua] with a level of 12☆ in my hand for ritual summoning!

The stars shine here, proclaiming what is the highest adoration under the Draconids! Come, my glory, my Tamashi!

Ritual summons! [Proclaimer of Sogou]!

Boom, boom, boom!

Because Hayato took out the [Ryuuki Takumi] deck, he had already consciously used [Ryuuki Takumi-Tianlong Meteor=qua] at the first moment, and was ready to play, but unexpectedly, Hayato actually used it [ Long Huiqiao] The big brother of the deck is released! ?

Why didn't I see that you were such a person before?

Liberating [Long Yi Qiao] to ritually summon [Sogo] in the pure [Long Hui Qiao] deck, isn't this a kind of NTR?

The starlight of [Long Yi Qiao - Tianlong Meteor = qua] scattered on the ground, and what appeared on Hayato's field was a strangely shaped creature that looked like multiple spheres randomly stacked together to serve as the body and limbs. The creature, as can be seen from the pair of large colorful wings on its back, is probably an angel?

【Proclaimer of Sogo】【12☆/Light】

[Angel Clan/Ritual/Effect]


Looking at the monster Hayato summoned, he couldn't find any connection with the monster he thought of as the Ryuuki Qiao. Even Tazi, who had seen a lot, couldn't help complaining: What's wrong with this monster? It doesn't even look like [wyrmwizard]. Can this be considered a 'pure' [wyrmwizard] deck? Besides, it looks a bit ugly.

Nonsense, [Sogo] is obviously so handsome. Because of the strength of [Sogo], Hayato opened his eyes and said nonsense, How can there be a monster as handsome as [Sogo] in the world.

After all, Hayato spent a full 20,000 dp points in the system store to get a set of matching cards for this [Sogo's Proclaimer], in order to improve Hayato's [Ryuuki Takumi] deck. Strength of.

He actually wanted to use this deck to teach Kaiba and Yugi what surprise means, but Dazi became the first one to review the game, which was affectionately called Master Kong by countless Duel Monsters fans. [Proclaimer of Sogou].

Looking at the remaining two cards in his hand, Hayato drew one of them: Cover one hand card, and then I activate the magic card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] to replenish both sides' hands to 6 cards. Because I There are no hand cards, so I can draw six cards in one go.”

After a round of expansion, all the cards in his hand were consumed, and Hayato used a [Treasure Card from the Sky] to draw six more cards in one go.

Dazi looked at his hand helplessly: What a pity. I only have five cards in my hand, so I can only draw one card. This opportunity was wasted.

As he spoke, he also pulled out a card.

Hayato drew one card from his six cards and sent it to the graveyard, saying: I then activate [Ryuuki Takumi-Right Pivot A] in the graveyard, and the ritual monster in my hand [ Electronic Angel - Benten -] is released and Special Summons [Ryuuki Takumi - Right Pivot A] from my graveyard in the same attack position.

Same as [Shangbi ζ], [Right Pivot A] can also be activated after being specially summoned by its own effect. I added a ritual monster from my deck to my hand. I chose the one in the deck. The second one [Electronic Angel-Benten-].”

As well as the effect of [Cyber ​​Angel-Benten-], when this card is released, I add a light attribute angel monster from my deck to my hand, and I choose the third [Cyber ​​Angel] -Benten-].”

A mechanical dragon [Ryuuki Takumi-Ryushu A] with a similar style to [Ryuuki Takumi-Shangbi ζ] once again appeared on Hayato's field. Two heavenly dragons stood on either side of [Sogo's Proclaimer], one on the left and one on the right. , like a loyal younger brother.

[Long Huiqiao-Rou Shu a] [1☆/Light]

[Machine Family/Special Summons/Effects]


The number of cards in Hayato's hand also increased again, reaching an exaggerated seven cards.

My turn is over. After simply laying out his own court, Hayato rarely used his previous style and placed a row of blocks on the backcourt, thus simply ending the round.

[Hayato: 4000lp, 7 cards in hand]

【Long Huiqiao-Shangbi ζ】【atk2000】

【Proclaimer of Sogo】【def3000】

【Long Huiqiao-Youshu a】【atk2000】


If you ignore the effects of Hayato's monsters, this time he simply summoned two monsters with an attack power of 2000 and a monster with a defense power of 3000 points. Although this value is not bad, it cannot be said to be very scary. , and there is only one cover card, which is very unlike the cards that Hayato can play.

The two monsters of [Ryuuki Qiao] actually have no special effects worth paying attention to. Apart from the special summoning method, they can basically be used as two blank boards with no effect. If the opponent is Kaiba's attack deck, just summon them A [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] can easily knock out Hayato in one turn if hit twice in a row.

But is this really the case?

Hayato looked at the [Sogo's Proclaimer] on his field, and was secretly proud: 'The effect of [Sogo's Proclaimer] is at the expense of an angel-type monster in the hand, and it can invalidate and destroy the magic, trap, and monster effects. Activating, it can also invalidate and destroy monsters' special summons in batches, and there is no limit once per turn. It is because of this effect that it is called 'Master Kong'. ’

And the cards in my hand... Looking at the seven angel monsters in his seven cards, Hayato just wanted to ask Dazi how to say satisfied?

Tianhu takes action, what else can Dazi do in the face of the invincible Master Kong? You'll win for sure.

My turn is to draw a card. Dazi pulled out a card from the top of the deck and glanced down, Well, I activate the magic card I just drew [The Diamond Core of the Nuclear Beast]. This card————

Stop a moment, the effect is too long, okay. Hayato put on a scoundrel face, and casually sent a card from his hand to the graveyard, interrupting Dazi's speech, The effect of [Sogo's Proclaimer] comes from me. Activate by discarding an Angel-type monster from your hand.

I discard the Angel-type monster [Proclaimer of Green Light] in my hand. When the opponent activates a magic, trap, or monster effect, that activation is negated and destroyed!

The card that Dazi put into the duel plate was only halfway opened and had not yet taken effect. As Hayato discarded a card from his hand, the colorful light wings behind [Sogo's Proclaimer] on his field were switched to those corresponding to the magic cards. The green, emerald light wings flapped violently, directly smashing and destroying Dazi's card.

Oh, I see. That monster's ability turns out to be the ability to gain protection by discarding the monsters in your hand.

The first card in his hand was discarded by Kang, and Dazi didn't care. Instead, he said with great interest to Hayato's [Sogo's Proclaimer], The power of the future is guided by choices. I see. I understand Hayato. What do you mean by 'this monster is handsome'?

It has nothing to do with appearance. Although this [Proclaimer of Sogo] appears in your duel for the first time, I believe that this monster must be your spiritual embodiment. Sure enough, you and I are the same kind of person. Here it is, Hayato.

If you want to protect everything, you will only be able to protect nothing. Only by making appropriate choices can you move towards a perfect future.

Huh? Is that so? Hayato blinked, wondering what the brain circuit of Dazi was.

I just simply made a picture of your expansion. Is it necessary to think of so many things? You are Dazi, not Demiurge, so don’t think so casually!

After praising Hayato a few words, Dazi sent his invalidated [Diamond Core of Beast Core] into the cemetery, and said: But Hayato, you used that protective effect too early. I'll take it. How are you going to deal with this card that comes down?”

The magic card [Nuclear Killing Wheel] can be activated by revealing a card in my hand [Steel Core that Transforms into a Beast], destroying a monster on the field, and then inflicting 1,000 points of damage to both duelists!

Seeing the second card played by Dazi, Hayato was able to confirm that the deck used by Dazi was actually the [Verification] deck.

This deck can be regarded as a fairly old deck in the history of Duel Monsters, and compared to decks such as [Black Magician] and [Blue Eyes White Dragon] which are very early but have kept pace with the times, [Nuclear Success] 】The deck can be said to be quite old-fashioned. The entire deck is composed of ordinary effect monsters. There is no synchronization, super, pendulum, link, or even fusion or ritual.

In the official card story, the [Nuclear Beast] monster was transformed by the famous scientists in the dark world [Mediocre Ghost] and [Magic Scientist] who recovered the corpses of dead monsters on the battlefield, with the [Nuclear Beast's Steel Core] as the core A series of experimental monsters created.

Because when the [Nucleation] series was designed, the probability of computer calculation was 0%, so there is no possibility of future development of these experimental monsters, and it is reasonable that there will be no subsequent strengthening. At the same time, the [Nucleated] monster is still very unstable and even has the effect of self-destruction.

——Although it feels like a failure, [Mediocre Ghost] is very satisfied with their effects, and even designed a [Giant Mediocre Ghost] based on itself with similar effects.

The final fate of the [Nuclear Transformation] monster was that after [Mediocre Ghost] transformed [Demon Lizard Yihao], [Mediocre Lizard Yihao] went on a rampage and demolished it, resulting in [Mediocre Ghost] and [Magic Scientist] ]'s research base was in chaos, forcing [Mediocre Ghost] to press the [self-destruction switch] and [forced ejection device]. The [Nuclear Formation] series was also cut off due to the destruction of the most important core [Nuclear Formation Beast's Steel Core].

What Dazi uses is such a deck.

Hayato has never played [Nucleus] very much and has never met a player who mainly plays [Nucleus], ​​so he doesn’t know much about [Nucleus]. After all, this deck does not have a sister card like [Dragon Maid]. With enough strength, Hayato's confidence greatly increased after knowing that Dazi used [Nucleation].

In this salted fish deck, my invincible pure [Longhui Qiao] is not a burst kill?

Hoho, is it a card similar to [Destruction Wheel]? Poor, weak, weak, weak! The effect of [Sogo's Proclaimer] is not limited to once per turn. I once again discarded an angel monster in my hand [Purple Light's Proclaimer] who] to activate its effect.”

Invalidate the effect of [Nuclear Killing Wheel] and destroy it!

The [Nuclear Killing Wheel], which consists of six hexagonal metals surrounding an energy core and is somewhat similar to the [Destruction Wheel] in terms of card name, effect, and specifications, also failed to be successfully activated. As soon as it revealed its shape, it was destroyed by [Sogo] The Proclaimer's green light wings slapped into the cemetery.

Hayato still has five cards left in his hand, and Datsu also has five cards left, but one of the cards can confirm the [Steel Core of the Nuclear Beast] just shown.

In front of Master Kang [The Proclaimer of Sogo], as long as Hayato has not exhausted the angels in his hand, he can continue to be healthy, and Dazi will not be able to start even if he is depressed until death.

The Pure [Longhui Qiao] is such a powerful deck. The title of Recast Ritual Glory is not given randomly. What is a top ritual deck (back off).

Although [Ryuuki Takumi] also has the flaw that it will be very uncomfortable if it is dealt a target card, but even in Hayato's previous life, that kind of situation usually only appeared in bo3 (that is, best of three games) and other competition systems. In this kind of duel where the outcome is determined by one round, how could I be so unlucky to encounter the target card?

Hayato looked at Tatsu proudly.

Seeing that his second card was also countered, Dazi smiled slightly: Not once per turn, which means that unless I crack the [Sogo's Proclaimer], I basically can't use magic. Are the traps and monsters effective?”

In that case, I will first activate the effect of [Core Beast's Diamond Core] in the graveyard to remove this card from the graveyard so that my [Core Monster] monster will not be destroyed this turn. Then, I will normally summon this card. Monster.”

What [Sogo]'s effect can restrain is the activation of cards. Although it can effectively counteract most effects, it is powerless against the activation of effects in the graveyard.

The previously ineffective [Diamond Core that turns into a beast] takes effect in the cemetery. After being shattered, it spreads an energy curtain over Dazi's field, giving the monsters Dazi summons next the ability to not be destroyed.

As Dazi put down a card, an ordinary-looking blue humanoid monster appeared on his field.

【Nucleate Demon】【3☆/Wind】



[Nuclear into a demon]?

Because he didn’t know much about the [Nucleus] series, Hayato, who could skillfully recite the book-like effects on the core cards in some Storytelling decks, didn’t remember the effects of the monsters in front of him.

Is the attack power 1700? Humph, that's stupid. Without the support of other card effects, that [Nucleus Demon] can't even destroy my invincible [Sogo]. Even [Long Huiqiao] can't surpass it. .”

Hearing this, Datsu clearly knew that Hayato's [Sogo's Proclaimer] has an all-around health effect that can be used an unlimited number of times in one turn, but he nodded and said: In that case, I will activate a card with the effect of strengthening monsters. .”

The continuous magic card [Beyond the Core Boundary] is activated. When this card exists on the field, it can increase the attack power of all face-up [Nucleation] monsters on my field by 500 points!

In that case, I activate the effect of [Sogo's Proclaimer] and discard the angel-type monster [Extraterrestrial Life] in my hand, Hayato discarded a card in his hand and commanded [Sogo's Proclaimer], Come on Master Kang, go give it a slap in the face!

The seven-color light wings behind [Proclaimer of Sogo] changed colors again, but at this moment, the ordinary [Nuclear Demon] on the Dazi field suddenly opened his mouth and roared: Roar!!!

Not to mention Hayato who was suddenly startled, even [The Proclaimer of Sogo] was frightened and suddenly froze, and the color of the light wings behind him stopped changing and even dimmed.

It was only then that Tatsu spoke up and answered Hayato's doubts: It's a pity, Hayato, if I remember correctly, your [Sogo's Proclaimer] is a light attribute monster, right?

My [Nucleation] monsters are monsters built around the same core and based on the remains of other monsters. Although they cannot exist for a long time, they can shine brightly enough in their short lives. Dazi pointed her finger at [Nucleated Demon], Even a monster with level 3☆ can release powerful power at this moment.

As long as [Nucleus Demon] exists face-up on my field, the effects of light and dark attribute monsters activated during the main phase will be negated!

The effect of your [Proclaimer of Sogo] has been blocked by me, and the cards you discarded cannot be returned!


Why would anyone carry such a card?!

When Hayato heard this, he had an expression of I can't accept it on his face, and his appearance made Dark Malik give it ten points.

Due to the interference of [Nuclear Demon], the power of [Sogo's Proclaimer] was deprived and could not be used, and the [Extraterrestrial Life] that Hayato gave up could not be returned because it was the cost of activating the effect of [Sogo's Proclaimer]. That [Beyond the Core Boundary] was successfully activated.

In an instant, the standard of [Nucleus Demon] on the left chest of [Nuclear Demon] changed from the original bright yellow to red. The hot heat directly dissolved its muscles and emerged, revealing the muscles buried in [Nuclear Demon]'s body. That [steel core that forms a beast].

[Nuclear Demon] is not a monster made for continuous use. As [Nuclear Demon's Steel Core] enters overload mode, the aura of [Nuclear Demon] also becomes dangerous, like a horned monster. It was like seeing Tiga in red form.

【Nucleate into Demon】【atk1700→2200】

The effect of [Nucleated Demon] is to invalidate the effects of light and dark monsters, whether activated on the field or in the graveyard. Therefore, although the [Extraterrestrial Life] that Hayato sent to the graveyard also has an effect that can be activated, it will still be invalidated. This made him very unhappy.

And Dazi's round continues.

In this way, the troublesome [Proclaimer of Sogo] will not be able to affect me for the time being, but it is still necessary to solve it. Dazi said, pulling out a card, I will exclude a card in my hand [ [Steel Core of the Nucleus Beast], special summon the final [Nucleus] monster in my hand!

[Nuclear into a giant dragon]!

Perhaps because he was past the stage of secondary disease, Dazi did not shout any cool summoning lines, but a gradually shattering [steel core that transformed into a beast] appeared in front of him. As the core emitting bright yellow light dissolved, the powerful power contained within it was released, turning into a liquid silver metal dragon!

【Nucleate Dragon】【8☆/Wind】

[Dragon/Special Summon/Effect]


The standard male second ace monster panel of 3000/2500 has been improved again after receiving the power blessing of [Beyond the Core Boundary], and it already has the ability to break through the defense of [Sogo's Proclaimer]!

Moreover, [Nuclear Dragon] also has the same effect and can be activated————

Once per turn, activate the effect of [Nucleus into a Dragon] during my main phase, select a card on the opponent's field and destroy it directly. Dazi pointed at Hayato's field, The one I want to destroy is Hayato. [Proclaimer of Sogo] on your field!

Nuclear heat flow!

The metal dragon's head, whose skin was directly covered on the frame, faced the direction of the sealed [Proclaimer of Sogo], and hot metal flow spurted out from its mouth. Even its body was heated until it was red, and in the metal After the heat flow, Hayato's [Sogo's Proclaimer] on the field had also been completely destroyed.

As a result, Hayato's front field only has two [Ryuuki Takumi] with an attack power of 2000 points, while on Datsu's field, there are two [Nucleus Demons] with an attack power of 2200 points and an attack [Nucleation into a Dragon] with 3500 points of strength.

Not only that, Dazi also showed the last card in his hand.

In the long years, I have understood a truth, Hayato. That is, if you want to do something, you must do it to the extreme in one go. A half-hearted general can't change anything, whether it is changing the future of the world or dueling monsters. .”

The last card in Dazi's hand flipped over, and it was another [Steel Core of the Beast].

The second effect of [Beyond the Core Boundary] is to discard one [Steel Core of the Core Beast] from my hand once per round, and then the attack power of all [Core Creation] monsters on my field will increase by 1000 until the end of the round. point!

【Nucleated Demon】【atk2200→3200】

【Nucleus into a giant dragon】【atk3500→4500】

The momentum of the two monsters on the field soared. The attack power of [Nuclear Demon] surpassed that of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], while the attack power of [Nuclear Dragon] even reached a terrifying level comparable to [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon].

After spending all the resources, Dazi waved his hand and ordered: Then, enter my combat stage!


Thank you for the 1500 points from the book friend Mei Tail Drop Brain Ax, thank you.

Thanks for the 500 points from the book friend family, thank you very much

The Feather Sweeper in the group also wrote a book on Yu-Gi-Oh!, so I would like to recommend it.


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