Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 7 You tried to print the card.rd100=79u0026lt;80

At the moment when the [Fusion] magic card was activated, in addition to the [Disruption·Yellow] on the field, he also had a [Disruption·Green] and the just recovered [Disruption·Black] in his hand.

While playing the magic card [Fusion], Hayato discovered one thing embarrassingly - although in the animation of the previous life, no matter who activated the magic card [Fusion], as long as the fusion materials are collected, they can Fusion monster cards are printed.

But now, after Hayato repeatedly signaled the three assembled [Disturbing] brothers with his eyes, he didn't see any reaction from them.

Huh? Is it possible that Ani wants us to merge?

Although we three brothers can indeed summon the [King]~

But Ani! You don't have [King's] card Nirvana in your hand at all!

Damn, I'm stupid.

If there is a duel on the duel board or on the duel stage in the future, it might be feasible to come out with a fused monster with a bad mouth, but now we are facing a face-to-face duel. I took out a [token] myself and declared that this was something [King of Disruption] would definitely not accept, right?

And there is one more thing, Hayato just remembered————

Fusion?! Can such a bad monster be fused with the [Dragon Warrior] that I still saw in the past? Inozu Goro looked at the only remaining [Disturbing Yellow] and [Dragon Warrior] on Hayato's field and fell into deep thought. . Although two handsome [Thunder Dragons] can be fused into a [Double-Headed Thunder Dragon] that is exactly the same as the [Double-mouthed Lord of Darkness], it is really hard for Hayato to imagine the combination of this pair of monsters on the field.

——In DM’s early rules, there seemed to be a restriction that “[Fusion] can only fuse monsters that exist on the field.”

At this point, Hayato had no choice but to patch up his scumbag operation just now: No, what I want to fuse is not [Disruption Yellow] but the [Baby Dragon] I usually summon this round!

Although Hayato played the magic card first and then summoned the monster, Inoto Goro did not question this strange sequence, which made Hayato breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: Fortunately, I still have this card in my hand. as remedial measures.

The [Dragon Warrior] will ride on the grown [Baby Dragon], and I summon the [Dragon-riding Pterodactyl Warrior]!

[Pterodactyl Warrior Riding the Dragon] [5☆/Wind] [Dragon/Fusion] [1700/1500]

Then, I'm going to use [Dragon-riding Winged Dragon Warrior] to attack the [Fire Swordsman] on your field! After sending [Baby Dragon] and [Dragon Warrior] to the graveyard, Hayato took a monster photo He came out and pointed at the [Swordsman of Fire] on the pig-headed field.

Although [Pterodactyl Warrior Riding a Dragon] actually has the ability to If the opponent's face-up monsters on the field only have earth, fire, or water attributes, they can directly attack the opponent. However, the current rules for dueling monsters prohibit direct attacks. With the attack, [Pterodactyl Warrior Riding the Dragon] becomes a blank slate for mortal bone fusion.

Seeing Hayato launching an attack, Inoto Goro sneered: It's just an attack power of 1700 points. Do you want to die with my [Swordsman of Fire]? If you can, just do it! In the cards in his hand , there are monsters that can rival or even surpass [Swordsman of Fire], but I just didn’t summon them out of caution.

If the [Pterodactyl Warrior Riding a Dragon] defeats the [Swordsman of Fire], then in the next round he will summon a stronger monster, attack the miscellaneous fish that dares to attack, and clear the opponent's life in one go. .

Perish together? Oh, by the way, I forgot to explain it to you. Hayato smiled and pointed at the [Disturbed Land] on the field, When there is a [Disturbed] monster on the field, the [Disturbed Land] The second effect will take effect.

The attack and defense powers of all monsters in the field will be swapped!

[Pterodactyl Warrior Riding the Dragon] [ATK1700→1500]


【Swordsman of Fire】【1700→100】

My [Swordsman of Fire]! Pig-headed Goro's eyes widened, In this case, even that fish monster can do it!

[Dragon-riding Pterodactyl Warrior] attacks! Crush that monster!


[Swordsman of Fire], whose attack power was reduced to 100 points, was easily destroyed, and Inoto Goro's basic points were wiped out by a full 1,400 points.

[Goro: 2000LP → 600LP]

End of round.

[Hayato: Hand card 3→4→2]

Obviously, facing the attack of [Fire Swordsman] before, Hayato could only respond with a defensive posture, and had to rely on magic cards to revive the monster again and again. But in just one round, he actually organized such a sharp offensive. At this moment, Zhutou Goro was extremely serious.

That one over there, who are you? I've never heard your name before.

The world is so big that it can accommodate anyone's ambition. As for me, my name is Hayato Kobayashi. I'm just a duelist passing by. Remember it for me.

Inogoro nodded seriously, no longer as arrogant and contemptuous as before: Kobayashi Hayato, I will remember this name, then——

My turn, draw a card!

After taking a look at the drawn card, Goro looked at Hayato seriously and said, I thought I was a third-rate duelist, but I ended up meeting a rare master. Then I have to get serious!

Activate this magic card, and I will also summon my Tamashi!

Goro played the card in his hand. It was a magic card——[Hamburger Recipe]! This is the first ritual magic that Hayato has seen so far.

Based on the effect of the card, I sacrifice monsters with a total level of 6☆ or above from my hand.

Drawing three low-star mortal bone cards from his hand and discarding them into the cemetery as sacrifices for the summoning ceremony, Pig-Head Goro summoned his Tamashi: The hot metal and the flame are tightly attached, this is the iron plate. The secret of cooking, come out, [Hungry Burger]!”

【Hungry Burger】【6☆/Dark】【Warrior/Ritual】【2000/1850】

Two thousand points of attack power, but due to the effect of [Disturbed Land], [Hungry Burger]'s attack power and defense power will be interchanged. Hayato reminded.

【Hungry Burger】【ATK2000→1850】

Then what happens after adding this card? He consumed five hand card resources in one breath and performed a classic five for one before summoning [Hungry Burger]. Goro continued to act, Activate the magic card , [Legendary Sword]!”

【Hungry Burger】【ATK1850→2150】

Then the last card in my hand, I haven't normal summoned it yet! The last card of Goro the Pig Head was played, which was a monster card, [Rock Giant Soldier]

[Rock Giant Soldier] [3☆/Earth] [Rock Tribe/Normal] [1300/2000]

Then [Disturbed Land] comes into play! Before Hayato could say anything, Goro took the initiative to use the effect of field magic.

【Rock Giant Soldier】【ATK1300→2000】

Although that [Disturbed Land] weakens my other monsters, it greatly enhances the ability of [Rock Giant Soldier]. Goro waved his hand forward, [Hungry Burger] attacks [Dragon Rider] Pterodactyl Warrior], and then [Rock Giant Soldier] smashed that [Disturbing Yellow] to pieces!

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