Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 8 Tong Shi, the King of Wild Ideas

It's really an amazing combo. After sending the two monsters on the field to the graveyard, Hayato's card failed to resist the offensive launched by Inozu Goro who became serious, and his base score also dropped significantly.

[Hayato: 3000LP→1350LP]

My turn is over. Because his hand was empty, Inozu Goro could not make any operations and ended his turn. Come on, Kobayashi Hayato, let me see your limit as a duelist!

[Goro: Hand card 6→7→0]

My turn... Putting his hand on the top of the card deck, Hayato was slightly startled. He felt a sense of familiarity that he had not noticed for a long time, as if the card that was about to be drawn was calling him.

Looking at the pig-headed Goro opposite, Hayato smiled and responded: In that case, I will show it to you.

Draw a card! Then summon!

Without even looking at it, Hayato pulled out the monster at the top of the deck and put it directly into the field. Sure enough, it was [Dark Knight Gaia]!

【Dark Knight Gaia】【ATK2300】

Then open Gaika, [Dragon Killing Sword]! Increase [Gaia]'s attack power by 700 points!

【Dark Knight Gaia】【ATK2300→3000】

When the onlookers saw that Hayato had actually pushed the monster's attack power to such an extent, they all exclaimed in amazement:

It has actually reached the attack power of the legendary dream card [Blue Eyes White Dragon]!

At this level, no matter which monster you attack, Inoto Goro's base points will be cleared!

So strong!

Hayato calmly pinched the mouths of [Disruption Black] and [Disruption Green] who were leaning out from the card to flatter, and said: The attack of [Dark Knight Gaia], crushing [Hungry Burger] Bar.

Humph, there were a few moments.

[Goro: 600LP → 0]

The rewards of the system are also revealed in due course:

[Congratulations on winning the duel, settlement begins:

Duel victory: 2000dp

Use magic card 3 times: 100dp

Weak resistance (one attack declaration causes more than 1000 points of damage): 300dp

Total: 2400dp

Do you want to use the novice bonus and double the score? (Number of uses remaining: 9)]

After thinking about it, Hayato decided not to use it in vain. The 4800 dp points were transferred to his balance. He watched with satisfaction as the balance increased to 9300 points. Hayato showed a satisfied smile.

Inogoro put together his deck and walked up to Hayato. But before he said anything, Jonouchi and Honda surrounded him and stopped in front of Hayato with wary expressions.

You guys, are you planning to refuse to admit defeat!? Jonouchi raised a hand to stop Inozu Goro who was trying to get closer, I won't let you get close to Hayato.

But Inogoro just glanced at Jonouchi and avoided him: Hmph, although I, Inogoro, am a bad guy, I also have the dignity of a duelist.

With that said, he walked up to Hayato and took out his deck: I lost this duel. According to Mr. Becas's card gambling rules, take your loot from my deck. Hayato Kobayashi.”

Hayato was a little confused: I remember that this wasn't included in our bet at the beginning, right?

I don't care about your rules. Just like fish live in water and birds fly in the air, the game of Duel Monsters to me is a game where I bet on the most precious cards. Although Pig-headed Goro is worried that his cards will be used Hayato was a little reluctant to take it away, but he still spread out his deck firmly, Okay, Hayato Kobayashi, make a choice quickly, unless you don't want people in our class to take away the iron plate.

Just like choosing trophies is a winner's qualification, rejecting trophies is also a winner's margin. I choose to refuse—— Hayato has no intention of gambling on cards. A large part of it is because of the card that Inoto Goro just used. He didn't like any of them, so there was no point in taking them.

But just as he was about to say the word reject, Hayato saw a card in Goro Ino's deck: ——It seems a little embarrassing to reject you, so I'll accept this card.

Seeing Hayato take a card from the deck, Inoto Goro couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did he accept the card for Hayato, but also because the cards he took away were not the ones he valued most: Did he just take away such a useless card? He is such a gentle guy.

It's really unbearable to be said like this by a big man. Hayato put the selected card into his card box and put it away. He glanced at the iron plate next to him that had just been used as a duel platform: Then Now, can you fulfill the promise you just made?

Since you lost, let's leave quickly! Honda added, but Jonouchi corrected him: No, the guys from Class D have to help us renovate all the damaged parts.

You better shut up quietly, you idiot. The only strong person I recognize is Kobayashi Hayato. You are not qualified to command me. When facing Hayato, Inoto Goro's attitude was more than a little better than before the duel started, but after a change When he faced Jonouchi, he regained his temperament as a school bully.

Speaking of which, I remember that Class D's field is next door to Class B's, right? Hayato looked from the direction of their class's field gate to the next door. Although the venue of Class B was destroyed by the people led by Zhutou Goro, because the main project of the game carnival was games, the decoration would not have any impact as long as simple repairs were made.

As for the venue in Class D, it's almost a day and it's still bare. Tomorrow is the cultural festival. Are they not worried at all about not being able to make it in time?

Inoto Goro saw Hayato's doubts and replied: Our Class D project is a super large assorted yaki. There is no need to decorate it, because for us, the biggest use of the venue is to store food and consume it. Warehouse of goods.”

Assorted yaki is a Japanese snack. Add ham, corn, chicken, shrimp, bacon and other accessories to a batter made of flour and eggs, then pour the batter onto an iron plate and fry it into palm-sized round cakes. Sprinkle bonito flakes, salad dressing and other sauces on it and enjoy it, making it a convenient snack to eat on the go.

Class D also sells octopus balls, skewers, fried noodles, fried rice, etc. that can be made at the same time as assorted yaki. All of them are take-away food. In this case, they really don't need to renovate the warehouse.

Your class D doesn't need a display window inside the store, but our class doesn't need a display window and just needs an internal play space. Watching the people in Class D being commanded by Inoto Goro, he apologized to the people in Class B while decorating the interior of the store. , Hayato came up with an idea that he thought was good, I have a plan!

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