Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 6 What is field magic?

Come on [Swordsman of Fire] and crush that bastard fish with 0 attack power!

After Inogoro took out [Swordsman of Fire], Hayato interrupted him just as he declared his attack.

You did say you were going to attack just now, right? Hayato turned over one of his three cover cards. Before you attack, I activate the magic card [Mysterious Chinese Pot]. The effect of this card You can sacrifice a monster on your field, and I choose to restore the attack or defense of that monster.

Hahahaha, I wonder which unlucky guy will be sacrificed as a sacrifice? Looking at the magic card activated by Hayato, [Disruption·Yellow] smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed. In its opinion, the sacrifice of either [Baby Dragon] or [Flying Dragon Warrior] can restore more health points than itself.

The one I want to sacrifice is [Disturbing Huang]!

Hmm, the person being sacrificed is - ah, [Disturbing Huang]!? At the beginning, [Disturbing Huang] didn't react yet, and [Disturbing Huang] was still swaying its butt happily. But it quickly reacted, turned its head, and looked at Hayato pointing his finger at him with an expression of disbelief.

This monster is just a piece of trash with an attack power of 0. If it stays on the field, it will be killed by you. I might as well fire it and eat it.

Hayato ignored [Disturbing Yellow]'s cry of No, Ani~ and ruthlessly threw it into the cemetery area, choosing to restore 1,000 basic points of [Disturbing Yellow]'s defense.

[Hayato: 2000LP→3000LP]

You are really just kidding me, then I will attack your [Baby Dragon].

Although the current duel monsters do not have a battle rollback setting, because Hayato activated [Mysterious Chinese Pot] before the battle, Inoto Goro was able to re-select the attack target of [Swordsman of Fire]. But this time, [Baby Dragon] was successfully destroyed in battle.

My turn ends—

At the moment you finish, I still have a card to activate. While Jonouchi and Honda were discussing It's that card again, Hayato opened the cover card, [Time Machine], because of its effect, The destroyed [Baby Dragon] will return to my field again.

Hayato once again performed the repeated horizontal jump stunt, putting [Baby Dragon] back on the field after being sent to the graveyard before he could exchange feelings with [Disturbing Yellow].

It's really haunting, the round is over!

[Goro: Hand card 6→7→6]

Inogoro Goro's mood will not affect Hayato's operation at all. He drew a card from the deck: In my card drawing phase, I will activate another card cover.


Don't worry, it's not an outrageous effect. For the effect of [Loading], I return all the cards in my hand to the deck, shuffle them, and then draw out the number that I put in. After turning over [Loading] and discarding it into the graveyard, Hayato put himself A total of five cards in hand were put back into the deck. After shuffling several times, five more cards were drawn out.

Pig-headed Goro, right? Actually, I'm quite introverted and like to be passive, even with duel monsters. Hayato said nonchalantly and put the two cards in his hand into the field, Gate Two cards, my turn is over.”

[Hayato: Hand card 4→5→3]

To tell you a joke, Hayato is not good at attacking. He is an introvert. Jonouchi said casually, He must have blocked some kind of attack card to activate the effect.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

My turn, draw a card. Inogoro drew a card. He did not summon the monster immediately, but looked at the two cards Hayato had just dealt. Last round, he launched an attack on the monsters on Hayato's field. Although it achieved certain results, it can also be said that it was completely ineffective.

Except for the [Disturbing Yellow], which was worse than a trash fish and was sacrificed to the graveyard, and helped Hayato's base points increase to 3000 LP, the other two monsters were basically the same as before. Moreover, because the battle was rolled back to change the attack target, and the monster was destroyed and summoned back immediately, Hayato's series of operations made Inozu Goro feel that he was completely manipulated by him.

‘I haven’t summoned a monster this turn. Do I want to summon a monster? In this way, I can clear all the barriers on that guy's field in one go. Holding a card in his hand, Zhutou Goro hesitated, But it doesn't seem like the yellow guy over there is lying. This guy might What strange trap has been set?'

I'll use the [Swordsman of Fire] on the field to attack that [Baby Dragon]. After much hesitation, Zhutou Goro did not summon the monster, but directly launched the attack with [Swordsman of Fire]. To deal with the monsters currently appearing, the attack power of [Swordsman of Fire] is completely sufficient, and there is no need to create extra breakthroughs for the opponent. Pig-headed Goro thought so.

Then, without any operation, Hayato sent the [Baby Dragon] on the field to the graveyard.

You didn't actually activate Gaika!?

Hayato looked very troubled: Oh, I wanted to use it, but the conditions for activation are not met. One of the walls was damaged, which is really annoying.

Damn it, I was bluffed by this guy's bluff! Staring at Jonouchi angrily, and looking a little confused at Jonouchi, Inozu Goro said: End the round. Because the cards in my hand have reached the upper limit, I will discard one.

[Goro: Hand card 6→7→6]

My turn then.

Pulling out a card, Hayato took a look at the monster Goro abandoned. It was a mortal fish. After confirming that it was not a grave pit like [Super Electromagnetic Turtle], Hayato smiled: That Goro over there, I heard that you are a fan of Becas. So, have you heard about the new species he plans to launch recently? Cards?”

I activate the field magic card, [Disturbed Land]!

What, field magic?! Zhutou Goro showed a panicked look for the first time, Impossible, I have memorized all the cards produced by the International Illusion Society. There is absolutely no such thing as 'field magic'!

Unfortunately, field magic is real. This card in my hand is proof. And in the near future, more new types of cards will be released. Hayato placed [Disturbed Land] in the center of the field. , then activates its effect,

The first effect of [Disruption Land], while it is on the field, I can send a card with a [Disruption] field to the graveyard once per turn, and then remove a [Disruption] monster from the graveyard. Special call.”

Revealing [Disruption Black] in his hand, Hayato resurrects [Disruption Yellow] from the graveyard, and then plays a card: [Dark Mass Production Factory], which can recycle two normal monsters from the graveyard back to the hand. . I want to recycle the [Disruption Black] that was just sent to the graveyard and the [Baby Dragon] that was destroyed before.

Then, I'm going to activate the [Fusion] that I covered earlier!

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