Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 16 Scene 3, Hayato and Isis

After Kaiba, Jonouchi became the second player to advance to the Duel City semi-finals. When he returned to the audience, Jonouchi received a sincere blessing from Hayato and Yugi: Congratulations, Jonouchi-kun.

Well done, Jonouchi. Hayato said, glancing at Mai who was sitting aside and trying to avoid Jonouchi's eyes, and added, But, as your friend, I must give you a piece of advice. . Rather than celebrating or anything like that, now is a great time to pursue victory~

Before Jonouchi's head, which could only accommodate his sister and playing cards, understood what Hayato meant, he was completely distracted by Kaiba's usual indifferent tone.

It's just that you won a duel. Does this level make you excited? A mediocre person is a mediocre person. Even if he becomes the winner temporarily, he is just a slightly stronger mortal.

Huh? What are you talking about, Kaiba? Do you want to fight? Jonouchi may have been slow to understand other things, but Kaiba's easy-to-understand taunting Jonouchi understood instantly, and immediately dismissed Hayato's kind reminder just now Putting it behind his head, he rolled up his sleeves as if he wanted to fight.

However, when he found that the other people were just watching the show expectantly and no one came to help him, Jonouchi put down his sleeves angrily. Just at this time, there were only four balls left in the connected container [Blue Eyes White Dragon Lottery Machine GO! GO! ] started running again, giving Jonouchi a step down.

Among the current top eight contestants, Ryo and Mai have lost, Kaiba and Jonouchi have already advanced, and the duelists who have yet to compete are Hayato, Isis, Malik and Yugi. With two bang sounds, two yellow beads were spit out, namely No. 2 and No. 4.

So, in the third match between the eight duel cities to advance to the semi-finals, the duelists on both sides are——

Isono announced: Kobayashi Hayato, and Isis Isildar!

This result is really bad in a sense. Hearing that he and Isis were the next to appear, Hayato covered his forehead helplessly, It would have been fine even if I had to face Yugi or Malik, but... .....

Isis said a little strangely: Hayato-kun, do you really not want to duel with me?

Isn't that kind of thing a matter of course? To be honest, there are a few people who are willing to confront your [present underworld]. Hayato also spoke frankly and spoke his mind, If I'm not wrong, Ma When Rick was playing cards with you and Lishid when he was little, he must have always worn a mask of pain, right?

Isis showed an expression that looked like she was recalling the past: Well, I don't know much about the 'Mask of Pain' or anything like that. However, every time he loses a duel, Malik often becomes incompetent and furious and wants to fight, but never He will be controlled by Lishid immediately.

While chatting, the two walked onto the duel field, each inserting their deck into the card slot to start the duel. Compared to the first duel, when that guy Tapiryo secretly injected dark energy into the dueling monster, causing the duel to evolve in the direction of a dark game, and thus causing substantial damage to the dueling venue, the last battle between Jonouchi and Peacock Mai. The duel was much more peaceful, and the venue could be used normally.

However, considering that the next duel is between Yugi and Malik...

Hayato glanced at the people in the stands. Jonouchi forgot about the peacock dance because of Kaiba's provocation, and tried to anger Kaiba with words, but Kaiba still had a calm face; the game switched to Wang Xiang's upper body again at some point, and there was no With Hayabusa and Isis as the distance between them, he faced Malik directly, his expression serious because of Malik's undisguised malice.

I hope that in the next duel, the two of them will hold back a little and not blow up the airship.

Hayato is so comparable.

On the referee's bench, the hard-working and ruthless worker Isono, after confirming that both duelists were ready, raised his arms straight above his head and said loudly to attract the attention of several people in the audience. On the duel ground:

I announce that Duel City, the third game of the semi-finals selection for the top eight,

Start now!


After shouting subconsciously, Hayato found with some embarrassment that Isis didn't have the habit of shouting like that before a duel. Obviously I have never had this strange habit before. When did it happen? I understand, it was definitely that yelling guy in the city who led me astray!

[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Isis: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I'll take the first strike! Draw a card! Hayato seized the right to strike first. After pulling out a card from the deck, he said with a smile, If I'm dealing with you, Isis, the second move will be bad. It's not the first strike. No way.

Activate the magic card [Angel's Alms], I draw three cards from the deck, and then choose two cards in my hand to discard. In order to deal with Isis's extremely dangerous [Netherworld], Hayato started stacking up as soon as the game started. Tomb, Then, I activate the effect of [Disruption Magic] sent to the graveyard by [Angel's Alms], and add three wastes from my deck to my hand.

Before Hayato could draw out the three cards that popped up from the duel disk, the card spirits of the three [Disruption] brothers, who felt extremely excited after not appearing for a long time, had already popped out of the cards:

Disruption~ is coming!

It's Show Time now!

Next is our stage La Nie~

[Disruption Yellow], [Disruption Green] and [Disruption Black], who got a set of props from somewhere, jumped up to stand in front of Hayato, and each struck a pose. If they were slightly normal monsters, they might be quite handsome with the well-made props on them, but unfortunately, they are [disruption] monsters.

As Isis chuckled, Hayato played another card from his hand with a black line: You three idiots, it's better to find a place for you to stay quietly.

Activate the magic card [Fusion]! Use the three monsters [Disruption·Yellow], [Disruption·Green], and [Disruption·Black] in my hand as materials for fusion. Come out, [Disruption King]!

The fusion vortex appeared on Hayato's field, and the [Disruption] monsters flew towards Hayato unwillingly, trying to hug his thigh.

No, Ani! We haven't appeared for a long time! Give me a chance, Boss Nie~

It's so noisy, get out of here! The one who responded to the sniffles and tears of the three brothers was Hayato's kick.

Three [Disruption Monsters] were swallowed up by the whirlpool of [Fusion], and the white fat maniac who had also not appeared for a long time - [Disruption King] landed on Hayato's field quite calmly.

【Disruption King】【DEF3000】

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