Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 17 It was Climax from the beginning

While [King of Disruption] is face-up on the field, its effect continues to activate. Hayato said, The designated area for up to three monsters on the opponent's field cannot be used. Disruption Seal!

After Hayato designated the three areas, [Disruption King]'s hand was empty one moment, but the next second after its hand passed behind his butt, there were three more seals with different shapes. , was thrown onto Isis's field without any monsters or Gaika.

Buddy up!

After the seal was put down, three pieces of paper appeared on Isis's field. The papers were quickly folded and turned into three origami models that were almost identical to [Disruption·Yellow], [Disruption·Green] and [Disruption·Black]. , firmly occupying the three monster areas.

Seal my monster area? Isis watched the three monster areas on her field being occupied. She was unmoved and said with a smile, Hayato-kun, you should know that I am better than using the field on the field. To attack and defend monsters, you have to be better at using the power of monsters in the graveyard, right?”

It's just blocking the location where I summon monsters. Even if they are all sealed, it won't have a big impact on me.

Hayato responded with a smile: Of course I know this. But Isis, you are not the only one who is good at using the power of the monsters in the cemetery, right?

Saying that, Hayato played a card in his hand: The magic card [Disruption Demonic Transformation] is activated! I will show you a fusion monster of the machine family and light attribute, and then take it from my hand, the field, and the graveyard. Exclude any number of [Disruption] monsters, and Special Summon the same number of fusion materials written on that fusion monster from your deck, hand, or graveyard!

In the cemetery, [Disruption], the three brothers hadn't even started to feel hot when they found themselves rising again.

Huh? Why are we flying again? Where are we going?

After hearing what the brothers said, [Disturbing Huang] showed a confident expression: Hmph, the answer to this question is too simple. It must be Ani who knew that we would be lonely in the cemetery, so he specially removed us from the cemetery. The summons is on the field.

[Disturbing·Green] and [Disturbing·Black] heard [Disturbing·Yellow] say this and really believed it. When they poked their heads out of the cemetery, they heard Hayato say: I am a kind-hearted person and I can't see those three monsters being so lonely in the cemetery, so...

Look, let me tell you, Ani is trying to summon us back to the field. [Disturbing Huang] raised his head and said, Sure enough, compared to that colorful bastard, we are Ani's real Tamashi!”

However, before it could be happy for too long, it discovered that its soul body not only did not materialize as if it were about to be resurrected, but also began to dissipate.

...So, I exclude them all from the game! Hayato glanced contemptuously at the three [Disturbed] brothers who looked surprised, As long as they lose consciousness, they won't be lonely.

Nani! Ani! Yeah! The three [Disturbing] monsters heard Hayato's words, as if they heard someone saying Bao Sheng Eternal in the background music of I Fucked Billy Like a dream, he suddenly started running a 100-meter race. But unfortunately, their movements were too slow. Before they could reach Hayato, they had completely turned into photons and dissipated, and were eliminated from the game.

Putting the three cards into his trouser pocket and sealing them, Hayato took out the three cards that popped up from the duel disk and slapped them on the duel disk: Don't let [Disruption] brothers' sacrifices be in vain. Come out, [X-Leader Ganon], [Y -Faucet], [Z-metal tracks]!”

In the rain of photons transformed by the three brothers of [Disruption], a steel creation of red, yellow and blue colors appeared.

【X-Boss Cannon】【ATK1800】


【Z-Metal Track】【ATK1500】

It's amazing. Hayato summoned four monsters in the first round. In the audience, Jonouchi couldn't help but exclaimed, And they're not monsters like [Sheep Derivatives], all of them are quite powerful. existence.

Huh, idiot. Kaiba said disdainfully, A mediocre person like you can only see the surface. I'm starting to regret why I set the number of participants to eight people who are so rich.

What did you say?! It's like you saw something else.

Jonouchi asked back unhappily, but what surprised him was that Kaiba actually said something else he saw: Look at the cards in Hayato's hand, three-legged cat.

It's just four monsters summoned, so there's no need to be so surprised. However, until now, he has not used the opportunity to use the normal summons, and there are four cards left in his hand. This is what Hayato is most wary of. ah.

The game on the side also reminded him of the concept of card difference that Hayato once mentioned to him. If necessary, he can actually summon multiple monsters in one turn, but the cost is that a lot of hand resources are consumed. It is a bit difficult for someone like Hayato to still have four cards in his hand after one operation.

[X], [Y], [Z], are you going to summon [XYZ] next? Isis asked.

Hayato shook his finger: Although I also know that summoning [XYZ] is the most appropriate choice now, but, I am a person with very little self-control. There are as many as four monsters on the field, and I haven't done it yet. After the normal summons, and I just happened to draw this card in my hand.

Turning over a card in his hand to reveal it, Hayato sent the three monsters he had just summoned to the graveyard without hesitation: I will use the three monsters on the field as sacrifices to perform an advanced summons!

Come, my glory, my Tamashi! [Blue Eyes] ah, [Ra's Winged Dragon]!

That's my line!

Amidst Kaiba's dissatisfied roar, a monster card with a sacred golden border in Hayato's hand fell on the duel plate. Flames rose from Hayato's back and turned into a huge golden phoenix flying into the air. The flames extinguished, but the true appearance of the Phoenix was revealed. It was the [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] who was at the top among the three illusory gods!

【Ra's Winged Dragon】【10☆/God】

[Phantom Beast Tribe/Effect]

【? /? 】

The attack power and defense power of [Winged Divine Dragon] are determined by the monster that is sacrificed to it. The total attack power and the total defensive power are the attack power and defensive power of [Winged Divine Dragon]!

[X-Boss Cannon] [1800/1500]


【Z-Metal Track】【1500/1300】

[La’s Winged Dragon] [? /? →4800/4400】

Attack power, 4800 points?! Kaiba looked calm just now, but now his expression became a little serious. With an attack power of 4800 points, in his deck, except for [Obelisk's Titan Soldier], which uses the ability to increase the attack power to unlimited, even [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] is no match for [Winged Divine Dragon].

Moreover, this is only the most basic ability of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] to change the attack power and defensive power. Kaiba does not think that the effect of [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] will be limited to this.

Did you actually summon [Ra] in the first round? Isis also looked at [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] with some distress, God's resistance is a big (shielding) problem for my deck. ah.

Hey, after all, I don't really like boring foreplay. From the beginning to the end, I am always in Climax state.

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