Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 15 The body starts to move on its own

[Devil Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon], attack [Harpy 2]! Black Demon Thunder Flame Bullet!

Following Jonouchi's instructions, [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] spit out an energy ball wrapped with lightning and black flames and attacked [Harpy 2]. Although he knew that resistance was just a meaningless struggle, but the enemy would not lose the battle, Peacock Wu also responded with a lot of fighting spirit: I don't want to be looked down upon by you!

[Harpy 2], let's go forward too! Condor Attack!

However, momentum is momentum, and the gap in attack power cannot be made up by a little courage. [Harpy 2] was destroyed the moment it was hit by the attack of [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon], and Peacock Dance also received equal damage as she expected.

[Peacock Dance: 2700→1000LP]

Black flames and lightning fell beside him, but Peacock Dance did not feel afraid at all. Instead, he immediately activated the effect of the card on his back field: Because [Harpy 2] was destroyed by your [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon ] Destruction, the effect of [Charming Two Mirrors] will be applied once per round!

From the floor-to-ceiling mirror behind the peacock dance, another [Harpy] monster appeared.

【Harpy 3】【4☆/Wind】



The summoned [Harpy 3] was surrounded by strong winds. At the same time, Peacock Dance explained: Same as the other sisters, the card name of [Harpy 3] can also be regarded as [Harpy 3]. ] to use. And because the effect of [Harpy's Hunting Ground] is forced activation, when [Harpy] is summoned, I must choose a card to destroy.

There are no magic or trap cards on my field. Jonouchi confirmed that there was only one monster [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] on his field. In other words, Mai, you must destroy your own card now. Yes.

Hmph, you don't think this effect is a flaw, Jonouchi? Peacock Dance glanced at the card in Jonouchi's hand, Although I don't know what the card in your hand is, but in [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Now that the Dragon has attacked, you have no monsters left to destroy my [Harpies].”


That's right, because the card I want to destroy is the [Charming Mirror] on my field! As Peacock Dance confirmed the target of the effect, the whirlwind on [Harpy 3] easily destroyed The huge floor-to-ceiling mirror in the backcourt of Peacock Dance was shattered. When the [Charming Mirror] on my field is destroyed by the opponent's effect or the effect of my [Eagle] card, I can activate its third Second effect!”

Specially summon a [Harpy] monster from my graveyard! Peacock Dance looked at the figure that appeared on his field after the floor mirror was broken, and said, Return from the graveyard, [Harpy] The demon’s pet dragon]!”


The slender pink flying dragon appeared among the broken mirrors in the sky. It responded to the call of Peacock Dance and let out a dragon roar. However, it immediately stopped after seeing the mighty [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon] on the field in the city. Huddled in the peacock dance field.

【Harpy's Pet Dragon】【7☆/Wind】



When did that card come from - I see, was it [Induction from the Dark World] just now? Jonouchi was a little surprised when Peacock Dance sent [Harpy's Pet Dragon] to the graveyard, but he He also quickly remembered that when he just sent [Devil's Summons] to the graveyard, Peacock Dance also sent a card to the graveyard.

The effect of [Harpy's Pet Dragon] can increase its attack power and defense power according to the number of [Harpy] on the field. There is no upper limit to this effect. However, you can't attack anyway. Alright?

As he said that, Peacock Dance looked at the top card in his deck and thought to himself:

‘This taste is [the power of inheritance]. This round, the city is no longer able to attack, so in the next round, as long as I use [Power of Inheritance] to liberate [Harpy 3], the attack power of [Harpy's Pet Dragon] will be increased to 3300 points, just enough to deal with that [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon]. ’

‘Looks like I’m still the better one, Jonouchi! ’

Just when Peacock Dance had finished thinking about everything that was going to happen next, she heard Jonouchi on the other side suddenly start laughing.

In that case, it would be better if I didn't attack.


Jonouchi turned over the card in his hand, revealing its true identity - a quick-attack magic card, [Burial from Another Dimension].

A card that selects up to three of the monsters you've eliminated and your opponent's monsters, and returns them to the graveyard? Peacock Dance recognized this card. In this era when monsters rarely have a way to return to the field after being eliminated, in order to To prevent certain important cards from being accidentally excluded and unable to be obtained, many people have put cards with similar effects in their decks, and Peacock Wu himself also brought one.

I'm going to activate the effect of this card now, targeting the three monsters I eliminated, and returning them to the graveyard. As he spoke, Jonouchi took out three cards from his trouser pocket, two of which It was the [Devil's Summons] and the [Red-Eyes Black Dragon] that Jonouchi had previously excluded from the game in order to summon the [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon].

The other card is [Earth Star Warrior], which is one of the four cards Jonouchi excluded from the deck after using [Card of Destiny].

Peacock Dance looked at Jonouchi with some confusion. He obviously just sent the three monsters back to the cemetery, but he showed a winning smile: It's just that the three monsters returned to your cemetery. You should not have any more. [Dragon Mirror] is a card that can be used to fuse monsters in the graveyard, right? Jonouchi?

Jonouchi nodded: This [Dragon Mirror] card was given to me by Hayato as a symbol of the bond between us, and I only have one. Besides, even if there is a second [Dragon Mirror] in my In the hand, during the battle phase, [Dragon Mirror], which is not a quick-attack magic card, cannot be activated at all.

Not only that, Peacock Mai is not Jonouchi who will carelessly turn [Time Magician] into attack position and let others attack. The [Harpy 3] and [Harpy's Pet Dragon] on her field are both In defense position, even if a new monster is summoned in the city to attack, it will not be able to cause damage as long as it does not have the ability to penetrate defense.

Just when Peacock Mai was on guard about what other cards Jonouchi would use, Jonouchi said: Then, my battle phase is over.

Huh? Peacock Wu was also a little surprised. Although he looked confident just now, why did Jonouchi suddenly declare the end of the battle phase at this time, Is this the end?

Yes, after all, I no longer have any monsters in my hands to attack. Jonouchi spread his hands and pointed to the ground, But, the power of [True Red Eyes] sleeping in my graveyard will only begin now. Show.”

At the end of the battle phase in which the [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] that was summoned by fusion has fought, activate its effect! As Jonouchi declared to activate the effect, the [Demon Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] that had attacked will be the demon. The transformed dragon claw was raised above his head, and then slammed down to the ground!


Suddenly the earth shook and the mountains shook. In the middle of the desert where [Harpy's Hunting Ground] was located, [Devil Dragon - Dark Demon Dragon] used its own brute force to forcefully smash a large pit into the middle of the desert. , the black flames from its body turned into tangible magma and quickly filled the pit, forming a natural magma pool.

The dark red magma pool formed within a few seconds, and suddenly began to boil like water that had been boiled. In Peacock Wu's surprised eyes, a huge figure suddenly flew up from the magma, draped in magma towards the sky. Go!

Jonouchi also explained at the right time: I can choose a [Red-Eyed] normal monster in my graveyard, inflict damage equal to the attack power of that monster to the opponent's duelist, and then return that monster to me. card in your hand!

What else could it be, covered in magma, except the [True Red-Eyed Black Dragon] that just returned to the cemetery in the city? [True Red Eyes Black Dragon] turned into photons and dissipated a few seconds after it rushed out of the magma, and returned to the deck in the city. However, the magma it had previously covered on its body lost its support and fell straight towards Peacock Dance!

Have you made a mistake? Seeing the hot magma falling towards him, Peacock Wu forgot that what he saw was just an illusion because of the overly realistic image. He subconsciously squatted down holding his head and closed his eyes in fear.

But what made her a little strange was that, let alone the heat of the magma, even the impact she was supposed to receive didn't come.

She opened her eyes in confusion, only to find that Jonouchi was standing in front of her with his arms spread out to cover her head, and he also closed his eyes with a look of fear on his face.

Ah, ah? Almost the second after Peacock Wu opened her eyes, Jonouchi also opened his eyes with some doubts, and said with some confusion, Why doesn't it hurt at all?

Idiot, are you crazy about playing cards? This is just a virtual projection. In the audience, Hayato complained as he felt like he was being fed a mouthful of candy.

The magma passed through the bodies of Peacock Wu and Jonouchi and fell back to the ground. Although the impact did not exist, Peacock Wu still suffered basic damage due to the effect of [Demon Dragon-Dark Demon Dragon].

[Peacock Dance: 1000LP → 0]

Well, well, I'm a little embarrassed. Jonouchi later realized that he had made a mistake, I just saw your scared expression, and my body started to move subconsciously.

B-Idiot, who's scared? Maoquewu turned away suddenly, covered her face with her blond hair so that Jonouchi wouldn't see it, and quickly distanced herself from Jonouchi with a rather angry look on her face. However, the city couldn't see it, and everyone in the audience could clearly see Peacock Dance's red face.

And Isono also announced the result of the duel: The winner has been decided, and the peacock dancer's basic points have returned to zero, so the winner of this duel is——

Jouchi Katsuya!

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