Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 96: A world where you play cards whenever you disagree

At this moment, Lishid suddenly heard the crisp sound of a can falling to the ground outside the alley.

Looking back, I saw Hayato's figure appearing at the entrance of the alley, leaning against the wall, pinching his nose with one hand and waving with the other to dispel the unpleasant smell in the air: The conditions here are too bad, right? Say, do I really want to complete my collection of puzzle cards in a place like this?”

Are you, Kobayashi Hayato? Lishid called out Hayato's name and looked at him with some caution.

As if he didn't notice Lishid's precautions, Hayato greeted him friendly: Hey, I remember your name is Lishid, right? You're the bald guy next to Malik's three-year-old boy.

Don't be too nervous. Don't be too nervous. I can see that you are different from the others in Gurus. I'm not an evil spirit who beats up anyone I see. The reason why I have been retaliating against you Gurus is simply because That guy Malik just offended me. Seeing Lishid's wary face, Hayato calmly waved his hand to indicate that he had no intention of dueling him.

Hayato would never admit that it was because when he saw Lishid, he always remembered that in a certain Yu-Gi-Oh mobile game in his previous life, he was often killed by autistic players who used Lishid as a character, which indirectly caused Just thinking about the scene of dueling with Lishid made me feel uncomfortable for no reason.

The same situation also happened to Kyoko, but Kyoko only occasionally played a few games with Yugi dueling monsters, so the situation was better.

As he spoke, Hayato looked down at the black-robed man who fell on the ground: Is this guy from your Gurus? But it looks like he's probably a traitor like the Second Five. Just leave it like that. Is it okay if he bleeds to death?”

...Do you think it's appropriate for me to call an ambulance to save him? Lishid said quietly after holding back for a long time.

Hayato shrugged: That's true. But, what's the matter with the wound on his wrist?

I don't think ordinary knives can cut such neat wounds, plus this guy is inexplicably missing a piece of vitality and the thing behind you. Hayato clamped his fingers, and a card appeared in his hand, You Could it be that there is also a 'Three Phantom Demons' card?

Lishid had just relaxed his vigilance, but when he saw Hayato's movements, he became nervous again, and asked sternly: What are you going to do, Hayato Kobayashi!

I would like to ask you what you want to do, Lishid? Hayato said coldly, How long have you got the card of 'Three Phantom Demons'? But even if you just got it, you should be able to detect the 'Three Phantom Demons' What is the essence of the Phantom Demon? Unlike the 'God Card', they are demons.

Lishid was silent for a moment and then said: I don't care what they are, I only know that the order given to me by Sir Malik is to use the 'Three Phantom Demons' cards to duel as many times as possible.

Hayato frowned: You guys are really stupid and loyal. Even if Malik asks you to die, will you do it? Don't you have your own thoughts?

The one who answered Hayato was Lishid with a serious look on his face: If that is what Sir Malik wants, I will do it.

Hey, you're an idiot. Hayato said, turning over the card in his hand, revealing his true face, I'm too lazy to continue talking to you, [Wing Shenlong], give me the one behind that guy Lishid. 'Phantom' shreds into pieces!

Don't get in my way, Lishid, I'm just saving you!

Accompanied by the loud cry of an eagle, a phoenix like a sun disk flew out from the card in Hayato's hand, directly hitting the hidden blue shadow behind Lishid, knocking him out. . Although they did not pass through the virtual projection device of the duel disk, the card spirits of the two duel monsters appeared together and started fighting in this secluded place.

Facing the attack of the strongest three phantom gods - [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon], the strongest three phantom demons - [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] was unwilling to be outdone. He took the initiative to fight back with his fists, but before he hit, Only then did he realize that [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon] was in the state of Phoenix at the moment. His whole body was made of the fire of the sun and could not be hit at all. On the contrary, [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon]'s sharp beak and sharp claws were continuously attacking. Scrape the flesh and blood from the body of [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel].

Seeing that the card spirit of [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabiare] was at a disadvantage and was about to be beaten to death, Lishid, who did not want to live up to Malik's order, quickly transferred the card containing the [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabiare] card. The group inserted it into the Duel Disk, activated it, and shouted: I won't let you destroy this card, Hayato Kobayashi!

I told you I was saving you, you idiot! Hayato said unhappily, watching [Ra's Winged Dragon] fly into the air, he helplessly raised the card to take it back, and then stuffed the card into the deck. Among them, the duel disk was also activated, You guys should know that you can't beat me.

It doesn't matter whether we win or lose, as long as I am still breathing, Lord Malik's order must be implemented. Lishid said, drawing five cards from his hand, Even though I know clearly, the 'Three Phantom Demons' card will harvest innocent people. The person’s vitality, and that guy named Tapirang is using Master Malik in the name of transaction.”

You guys, don't you know exactly what the situation is? Hayato also pulled out five cards, Forget it, I will deal with you as soon as possible. Don't think that you can save that card through a duel.

Each drew five cards from their hands, and Hayabusa and Lishid faced each other in this no-man's land.

This was a duel that could have been completely avoided.

If Lishid continues to use the card [Phantom Demon King-Rabiel], even if he subjectively does not want to use this card to hurt others, because the Three Phantom Demon cards cannot be controlled, there will be more and more People will be affected by its power and be deprived of the power to fight monsters.

For this reason, Hayato wants to stop Lishid. Not only to protect Tong Shinoichi, but also because he didn't want Tapi Liang, who had been recycling the Three Phantom Demons cards, to succeed.

However, Use [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] to fight as many duels as possible was Malik's order to Lishid, so Lishid refused to let Hayato get his way.


[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Licid: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I attack first and draw the card! Lishid seized the right to attack first and kept the card he just drew from the deck in his hand. He inserted the remaining five cards into the magic of the duel disk. Trap area, Five cards covered, my turn is over!

[Licid: 4000LP, 1 card in hand]

【Gate Card】X5

The too rough start made Hayato complain: So are all of you tomb-keepers people from the underworld? One is playing in the underworld, the other is giving away big treasures, and you are a big trap?

However, Hayato noticed the information that Lishid inadvertently revealed before the duel began - the Three Phantom Demons cards that Malik distributed to the Gurus members were obtained from Tairyo in a transaction. of. This aroused Hayato's curiosity - that guy Tapira was not just a money-giving boy. What exactly did he trade with Malik?

Then, for my turn, I'll draw a card. After Hayato drew the card, he didn't rush to summon the monster, but activated a card. Your cover card is really in the way, activate the magic card [Harpy Banshee Feather Sweep], destroy all the magic and trap cards on your field!

The huge feather sweep whipped up a strong wind and swept towards Lishid's field. Seeing that the cover card in his backcourt was about to be opened, Lishid calmly activated one of the cards: Corresponding to your [ Harpy's Feather Sweep], I launch a chain of Gaika to counter the trap [Demon Palace's Bribery].

When the opponent activates a magic or trap, invalidate the activation, and then the opponent draws a card.

In response to the howling of the wind, two voices suddenly sounded above the duel venue:

What do you mean by giving me money!

Means nothing.

You are such an interesting person, but it would be boring to say this.

That's not what I meant, I just meant it.

Listening to the level 10 hearing that can stump 99% of foreigners, Hayato reluctantly pulled out a card: I knew it wouldn't be that easy to break your trap.

Then, I activate this, the magic card [Rough Expectation]. When there are no monsters on my field, I will special summon a normal monster below level 4 from the deck.

Come out, [X-Leader Ganon]!

After the howling wind dissipated due to the money power, a ball of lightning appeared on Hayato's field. In the gradually dissipating lightning, the blue robot soldier - [X-Leader Cannon] revealed his figure.

However, Lishid activated Gaika again.

Activate the trap card [Mirror of the Spell], Lishid opened a cover card. This card can only be activated when the opponent special summons a monster from the deck. Destroy all those monsters, and then I can use the card to Draw a card from the group.”

As soon as the lightning surrounding [X-Leader Canon] dissipated, several prisms of the same height as it suddenly rose around it, reflecting powerful magic power from the mirrors, and in just an instant, [X- [Boss Cannon] was blown to pieces, and Lishid drew a card from the deck.

Hayato frowned: Well, I usually summon [Goblin Feint Troops], but I don't believe you still have a summoning pit.

A group of goblin monsters dressed like special forces appeared in groups on Hayato's field. What made Hayato relieved was that this time, Lishid did not activate Gaika to counterattack Hayato like before. .

【Goblin Feint Unit】【4☆/Dark】



Equip the magic card [Dragon Killing Sword] to the [Goblin Feint Troop], and then enter the battle phase. Hayato waved his hand forward, Launch a direct attack on the opponent's duelist!

Then, I'll turn on Gaika. Watching the [Goblin Feint Troops] start to take action, Lishid activated Gaika again.

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