Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 97 The Strongest Phantom Demon

I open my cover card and quickly attack the magic card [Forbidden Holy Spear]! Corresponding to the attack of [Goblin Feint Troop], Lishid opened his cover card in the backcourt, I designate [Goblin Feint Troop]. Lin Feint Troop] as the target, reducing its attack power by 800 points.

And until the end of the turn, it will not be affected by the effects of other magic and trap cards!

Hayato's [Goblin Feint Troop] on the field had just replaced the [Dragon Killing Sword] in their hands to increase their attack power, but when they were about to launch an attack on Lishid, who had no monsters on the field, they raised their heads above their heads. The [Dragon Killing Sword] suddenly turned into a heavy holy spear, causing them to stagger.

[Goblin Feint Troop] [ATK1000→1700→200]

However, there was still a Goblin who could barely use the [Forbidden Holy Spear]. He dragged the Holy Spear with difficulty to Lishid, pushed Lishid with the handle of the gun, and said proudly: Hmph, Who said you can’t kill someone without a gun tip?”

[Li Xide: 4000→3800LP]

The attack power has been reduced to only 200 points, and the damage caused is not painful at all.

Hayato smiled after hearing Lishid's words: But I never thought about relying on these fish monsters to reduce your base points, right?

For them, success is when they can hit you. When [Goblin Feint Troop] causes damage to you, I can draw a card from the deck.

Hayato drew a card and then activated a card: No matter whether [Goblin Feint Troop] causes damage or not, at the end of the battle phase it attacked, the Goblins' will to fight will disappear and change. Cheng defended the situation.

But before that, I activate the quick-attack magic card [Star Change] and the quick-attack magic card [Sudden Mutation]. The effect of the former is to increase or decrease the level of the [Goblin Feint Troop] on my field, changing by 1 ☆. I chose to change it to level 5.

Then, apply the effect of [Sudden Mutation] to send it to the graveyard, and special summon a fusion monster with a level of 5☆. Hayato sent the [Goblin Feint Troop] that had been drained of its use value to the graveyard. Among them, Special summon level 5 [Disruption Knight]!

The goblins who had already begun to celebrate in advance just because they had caused 200 points of damage were surprised to find that a huge magic circle suddenly appeared under their feet. They were bound in the magic circle and shattered into countless lights before they could even call for help. Click, and then, a brand new [Disruption] monster appeared on Hayato's field.

【Disruption Knight】【5☆/Light】



[Disruption Knight]? A card I've never heard of. Is it a fused [Disruption] monster like [Disruption King]? Lishid guessed.

That's right, and the effect of [Disruption Knight] is somewhat similar to [Disruption King]. Hayato said, pressing [Disruption·Yellow] and [Disruption·Green] in the deck that were always crowded out to join in the fun. He went back and said, As long as [Disruption Knight] exists face-up on the field, I can designate the two monster areas on your field as unusable.

It's rare for a [Disruption] monster to appear in a barely normal costume, but when [Disruption Knight] appeared, it only revealed that it was also a comedian by twisting its waist. Pulling out the sword from his waist, [Disruption Knight] planned to rush to Lishid's field and find two feng shui treasure spots to carve his mark and reserve a seat in advance.

Don't try to succeed! Lishid glanced at the pot-bellied [Disruption Knight] with dissatisfaction, and activated his fourth cover card, Activate the trap card [Defender's Intersection]!

This card is a card that can only be activated during the battle phase. It can change all defense position monsters on the field into attack position and negate their effects!

Although Hayato has now summoned [Disruption Knight] and wants to use its effect to block Lishid's monster area, it is actually still in the battle stage, but it is not so much that Hayato is too impatient to end the duel. It was an oversight. It would be better to say that Lishid, who had always adopted defensive counterattack tactics, caught Hayato's rare flaw.

Halfway through the charge, a trip rope suddenly appeared under the feet of [Disruption Knight], causing it to fall unprepared and gnaw on the mud. Although he was not seriously injured after getting up, the sword used by [Disruption Knight] to engrave fell somewhere. Unarmed, it had to run back to Hayato's field in embarrassment.

【Disruption Knight】【DEF2500→ATK0】

It's really a trap for players. You can take it like this. You are awesome. Hayato helplessly covered the two cards in his hand on the field. Cover two cards and my turn is over.

[Hayato: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Disruption Knight】【ATK0】

【Gate Card】X2

Before the end of your turn, I have a card effect to activate. Lishid said, opening the last card on his back field, Quick Attack Magic [Final Flame], on my field Special summon two [Black Flame Tokens].

Two unknown pitch-black flames ignited on Lishid's field. The flames gradually turned into human shapes as if they were alive, glaring at Hayato with a single eye in flames.

【Black Flame Derivatives】【1☆/Dark】



Although there is a negative effect that I cannot summon, reverse summon, or special summon during the turn when [Final Flame] is activated, but because this card is used during your turn, the negative effect becomes the same as nothing. Sid said, pulling out the card, Then, my turn begins.

And just as Lishid pulled out the card, Hayato's pupils shrank and his breathing became heavy subconsciously: This feeling is not good.

Last round, you could obviously use [Final Flame] to summon [Black Flame Derivatives] to block the attack of [Goblin Feint Troop], but you would rather use [Forbidden Holy Spear] to reduce the monster's attack power and then reduce yourself. The basic points must also leave two [Black Flame Derivatives].

I still feel this way, don't you think so?

Hayato's eyes widened, and he suddenly shouted at Lishid across from him: Hey Lishid, don't summon that monster!

However, Lishid seemed not to have heard Hayato's words. He just closed his eyes and murmured: Master Malik, please watch my duel!

Normally summon [Graveyard Watcher], and then activate the effects of the cards in my hand to liberate the three Demon monsters on my field - [Graveyard Watcher] and two [Black Flame Derivatives] !”

Special summons the strongest phantom I possess, [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel]!

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