Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 95 The opponent of the last puzzle card is...

The essence of the duel monster's vitality absorbed by [Thunder Lord Harmon] and [God Flame Emperor Uriah] is actually some kind of love for duel monsters and the spiritual power of duel monsters. If Hayato hadn't taken action today, Hesiod probably wouldn't have suddenly become kindhearted and returned the power of the card spirit that was sucked away by him.

As a result, Banjo Meshoji lost his strong interest in dueling monsters and entered the business world. The Dragon of Light and Darkness with his accurate eyes would also be unable to awaken his power due to excessive losses before awakening the card spirit. As a result, it is no longer taken seriously by Wan Zhang Mu, which indirectly leads to the fact that in the future Wan Zhang Mu will no longer mainly use dragon monsters like the comic version, but will use a miscellaneous fish deck.

Destiny is amazing.

————The Last Phantom————

After parting ways with his brothers, Hayato walked onto the streets of Doshino City again. As time went by, almost a day had passed since the opening of Duel City. The sky was getting darker and the street lights on the roadside were also turning on.

However, even when darkness fell, the enthusiastic duelists could not stop. Instead, they became more proactive after sharing their gains with acquaintances who had also dueled for a day, not wanting to lose to others.

But at the end of the day, they finally recognized an extremely cruel fact - compared to legendary duelists such as Muto Yugi, Kobayashi Hayato, and Kaiba Seto, their strength was simply vulnerable.

If you see an imp with a starfish head, a guy with a loud laugh, or a zombie face wearing an anti-gravity white windbreaker, don't challenge them easily.

Looking at the passers-by who were bypassing him and not daring to accept the duel, Hayato felt a little worried about gains and losses. During the day, he didn't really want to duel. As a result, a group of people surrounded him and refused to let him go until he had a duel. But at night, when he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder attack and wanted to collect all the puzzle cards quickly, these fourth-rate duelists actually started to avoid them again. Fight.

Hayato's current mood is probably as if he would rather freeze to death than die of heat in summer, and would rather die of heat than freeze to death in winter.

I saw a lot of people here during the day, including Mai, Ryuzaki, and Samejima-san. Why can't I find them at night? Hayato held out curiosity and picked up the [ Millennium Wheel of Wisdom], caressing its golden wheel like a magic lamp.

Wheel of Wisdom, Wheel of Wisdom, who is the most beautiful in the world? Help me find the duelist closest to me, one who has certain strength.

The Eye of Ugato glowed faintly, and five cones floated out of the air, all pointing in one direction. Hayato looked in the direction the cone was pointing and found that the cone was pointing at a small alley beside the road.

It was a rather ordinary-looking alley. There were two large trash cans placed at the entrance to briefly classify the garbage. One of the recyclable trash cans was filled with garbage, and the other one was filled with food waste. There was only a bag of egg shells in the trash can, which seemed to have been cleaned out this morning.

I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to participate in the famous alley plot? So what kind of type will I encounter? Is it the alley of no return, the alley alliance, or the slaughterhouse of the big brother who plays vector? while complaining. , Hayato hesitantly stepped over a garbage bag that fell outside the trash can and entered the alley.

Although the function of the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is comparable to that of Google Navigation, and its accuracy is quite high, are there really duelists with a certain level of strength in such an alley?

With such suspicion, Hayato entered the alley.

Not far from Hayato, a Gurus member in black robes knelt on the ground with a look of fear on his face: No, Lord Lishid, please spare me, Master Lishid!

But the person standing next to this Gurus member was not Malik, but Lishid who took off his hood, revealing a shiny bald head. He looked at the Gurus members who were kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and in his heart he asked Malik, who maintained a spiritual link with them: Master Malik...

I said, Lishid, you don't have to consult me ​​on everything. You are free and can make your own decisions. Far away in the underground base, Malik looked through his cards one by one. The group, holding the [Millennium Scepter] in one hand, kept talking, I have to think of a way to defeat Kobayashi Hayato and get [Ra] back.

Therefore, I will maintain a minimum level of spiritual connection with you. During this period, you will be in charge of Gurus.

As he spoke, Malik closed his eyes again and recalled the composition of the deck he had just completed. In his mind, the imaginary enemies are the [Disruption] monster that flips offense and defense, the [XYZ] with single-point explosion, the [Armed Dragon] with group annihilation, and the [Entertainment Partner] with complex group operations.

Of course, Malik did not forget to take into account Hayato's [Gaia], which would always appear in his hands at the right occasion, as well as the [Earth Spirit God], [Earthbound God], and the ones he had taken from Malik. Walking [La's Winged Dragon].

Standing in front of the Gurus members who kept begging for mercy and seemed to have realized their faults, feeling that Malik on the other side was thinking hard, Lishid looked silently at the man kneeling begging for mercy and sighed helplessly. Tone: This is the last time. Next time, Lord Malik will not be so kind and will forgive your mistakes.

Although Lishid had been following Malik for a long time, he helped Malik establish even the prototype of Gurus, a criminal organization. However, until now, he still has not been able to take away other people's lives easily. Among Gurus, his behavior is really out of place. If it weren't for Malik's relationship, I'm afraid he would have left Gurus long ago.

The man in front of him arbitrarily misappropriated a large sum of funds that Gurus had in Tongshiye City to bribe the mayor of Tongshiye City. Malik blamed this for the Haima Group's siege of Gurus some time ago and ordered him to He handed over the money.

However, who knew that this guy was actually a Pachinko enthusiast and a player of mobile card-drawing games. He embezzled a total of 70 million from selling fake cards and selling real stolen cards. The key point is that whether it is pachinko or a card drawing game, there is nothing to gain at both ends, and even selling it will not make much money.

Malik happened to be busy adjusting his deck. For such a guy who would be too wasteful to die, Malik arranged for his most trusted Lishid to come and play the role of Scavenger.

Thank you, thank you Lord Lishid. Thank you very much. The man who was kneeling to beg for mercy seemed quite surprised when he heard that Malik seemed to have let him go. He stood up and kept bowing to Lishid. However, as he was saying thanks, at a certain moment, his tone suddenly changed.

I want to thank you, Mr. Lishid, for believing in me. When Lishid wasn't paying attention, he took out a dagger from his arms and held it in his hand. He shouted with excitement: I don't do ancient things. Ruth, Lishid! Use your blood to commemorate my new life!

He was saying something that made Dio angry. If this was the JoJo studio next door, someone might use a once-in-a-lifetime teleportation to get in front of Lishid and block the knife for him. Unfortunately, this is the world of card guys who don’t have martial ethics.


The man in black robe stared blankly at the hand where he was holding the dagger and stabbed it out. Just there, there was a sudden sound of water leaking from the broken water pipe. However, that was not the sound of Lishid's wound bleeding after his dagger stabbed him, but the sound of blood spurting from the aorta after his palm was chopped off out of thin air!

Uhhhhhh!!! Holding his bleeding wrist, the man in black robe was kicked unconscious by Lishid. Behind Lishid, the tall blue demon figure gradually disappeared.

Looking at the traitor of Gurus who fell unconscious on the ground and turned pale due to excessive blood loss, Lishid was annoyed that he had shown mercy just now. He turned his head and glanced at the shadow of the demon disappearing behind him, and sighed.

I may not really be suitable for an environment like Guru's, but Malik is obsessed with revenge on the Pharaoh, and it's hard for me and Isis to get rid of him. Now I can only hope that Hayato Kobayashi really has the ability to make Lord Malik let go of his hatred.

But before that, as long as Malik doesn't leave the darkness for a day, he will always exist as a shadow beside him, even if he hurts others against his will, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, Lishid took out the card Malik gave him and held it in his hand. [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] is one of the three cards that Malik traded from the guy named Tapirang. It is said to be the most powerful card among the three.

Although Malik temporarily lost [Ra], he still held [Osiris] in his hand. He looked down upon the cards that Taixiang called the Three Phantom Demons and handed them to the hands of three of his subordinates. Increase the strength of Gurus. Naturally, the strongest phantom was handed over to Lishid, whom Malik trusted most.

Unlike the God Card, the Three Phantom Demons do not have very strict requirements for users, and there is no price for unqualified users to be deprived of their lives. However, the self-awareness of the Three Phantom Demons is even stronger.

Specifically, when Lishid was attacked just now, he actually didn't react at all. That attack was completely carried out spontaneously by [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] who was thirsty for blood and soul.

If the Three Fantasy God is a car that is very difficult to start but can be driven easily after starting, the Three Magic is a motorcycle that is very difficult to start but extremely difficult to control.

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