Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 94 The Dragon of Light and Darkness

Therefore, you can continue to use my code name in Gurus - 'Regulus' to call me. Although there is no hostility yet, don't think about me telling my real name just now.

With that said, the strong man left the place without even looking at the people around him who were completely unconscious due to the sudden return of a large amount of life force.

Looking at the back of the strong man Regulus as he left, Hayato lowered his head and thought about the information related to it.

First of all, we can rule out Enma Tokio. Although they all pursue fashion, this is not the set of Kamen Rider.

Speaking of 'Regulus', although it is one of the four king stars in Persian astrology, it is also one of the fifteen stars of Bethlehem that guide the saints, but the most famous one is its guardian.

In Catholicism, the archangel in charge of healing, Raphael, who represents the element of wind, is the guardian of Regulus.

So, is that guy Raphael, the Raphael of the Three Swordsmen of Doma? Then, isn't the 'that man' behind him the old immortal Dazi?

Even Hayato couldn't help but feel extremely nervous when he thought about that guy, and even subconsciously bit his fingernails.

He didn’t remember that Raphael, the Three Swordsmen of Doma, appeared in the plot of Duel City. It would be better to say that the Doma chapter where Datsu and the Three Swordsmen of Doma were in was basically the animation of Yu-Gi-Oh! The original plot does not exist in the comic version.

So, what is the reason why they appear in Duel City? Is it because you want to capture the cards of the Three Illusion Gods like before? Or is it because of Hayato, the butterfly?

The information was too scarce and Hayato could not analyze more information. However, the matter of the Three Swordsmen of Doma to which Raphael belonged was put aside for the time being. Hayato flew out the [Gaia] card in his hand without looking back and threw it towards Hesiod who fell to the ground.


With a crisp sound, [Gaia] and Tapirang appeared at the same time.

Hooray, you are as alert as ever, Hayato-kun. Tapiryo was playing with the [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] card that Hesiod had used before, and said with a chuckle, Just now Just a little bit, you hit me.

But having said that, your [Gaia] is really powerful. I remember that when we were in the Duel Kingdom, he was just able to interfere with reality, right? Tairiang said, looking at [Gaia] that had reached the third stage. .

Thanks to the duel just now, [Thunder Lord Harmon] collected a lot of life force, but was intercepted by [Five Array Magician] and used it for attack. Although Hesiod used the [Absorption Shield] to absorb this power into his body, he spit it out with the final blow of the [Five Formation Magician] and returned it to the surrounding areas.

However, it was like pouring water on the ground from a high altitude. Although all the vitality in Hesiod's body was returned, in the absence of dominance, the closer to the duel venue, the higher the concentration of the returned vitality. The further away they are, the rarer they are. This is also the reason why the duelists watching suddenly fainted.

Hayato can imagine that after these people wake up, most of them will awaken to the ability to see the card spirits of duel monsters, and be surprised to find that there are such magical existences around them.

However, Hayato did not forget to seek some benefits for himself, intercepting some magic power and giving it to his elves, and [Gaia] directly broke through to the third stage through this external force.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if Hayato didn't throw the card just now, because [Gaia] can now physically intervene without the card, but the attack power will be higher if there are cards acting together.

Hayato sneered and said: No matter where you are, you have made greater progress, Tapirang. I can clearly see the magic power in you. Even the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is vibrating due to this.

How many people have you hurt in order to gain such deep magic?

Do you remember how many rice balls you have eaten? Tairiang chuckled. When he saw Hayato taking a step towards him, he quickly stepped back into the shadows. I have already got what I want, so I don't need you to give it to me. Come on, I’ll leave now.”

Looking at Tapi Liang who quickly disappeared into the shadows, Hayato curled his lips in disdain: This guy really has his running skills to the max. He is worthy of being the king of flying. It's a pity that I don't know how to darken his eyes.

He bent down and put Hesiod's scattered cards one by one into his pocket. As usual, he sent an email to Kaiba telling him to call the police over to clean the floor. Hayato was thinking of taking advantage of the group of people on the ground who were still unconscious. In the meantime, leave here quickly to avoid the situation of being surrounded and forced to duel before.


A person on the ground murmured unconsciously and then opened his eyes: I am...

Hey, you're awake. Hayato came to squat in front of the awakened Banzhang Menzhun. Can he be said to be the second male lead (?) of GX? This kid's mental strength is quite strong. You are the one this time. The best quality among the newcomers.”

It's a pity that Hayato doesn't like the smell of smoke at all, otherwise if he holds a cigarette in his mouth, the Cos restoration degree will be higher.

Hayato, sir? Wan Zhangmu sat up from the ground and glanced at the fallen people around him blankly. If he hadn't clearly seen the smile on the corner of his brother's lips, and looked like he was sleeping soundly, he would have doubted whether all these people were dead.

What just happened?

Hayato thought for a while and felt that it would be better not to tell Wan Zhangmu that Hesiod was dead.

You don't have to be too clear about dueling monsters. You can't understand it just by talking about it anyway. Hayato, who spoke like the old Riddler, helped Wan Zhangmu up, A simple summary is that I won and the guy just lost. ”

As he spoke, Hayato showed a total of seven puzzle cards in his hand. Although two of them are invalid duplicates, the three collected from Hesiod are not duplicates.

Now, Hayato has collected five different puzzle cards in his hands. As long as he gets one more, he will be qualified for the top eight in Duel City.

But then again, why did you two brothers show up here to duel with that guy? He carried Banjo Meshoji, who was sleeping like a dead pig and couldn't wake up, on his shoulders. After receiving Kaiba's reply, Hayato took advantage of the opportunity. The passers-by hadn't woken up yet, so they moved to other places with a keen eye, and asked by the way.

It's not all because of this card. After being mentioned by Hayato, Wan Zhangmu took out a card with some dissatisfaction and showed it to Hayato.

It was because I accidentally opened such a card and unexpectedly lost to my brother that he was so confident that he ran around on the street provoking others to duels, and that's why he provoked that guy.

Hayato looked with some surprise at the strange black and white dragon on the card that Wan Zhangmu took out. Isn't this the Dragon of Light and Darkness nicknamed Panda Dragon, the ace monster used by Wanzhang Muzhun in the comic version of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Even though its level is 8☆ and its attack power is a full 2800 points, Mr. Hayato, this monster is super tricky. Wan Zhangmuquan complained, Although it can negate magic, traps, and monster effects, it The effect is actually mandatory for both parties, and it also comes with a price of 500 points of reduced attack power and defense power!

Wan Zhangmu pointedly handed this card to Hayato in displeasure: Since neither my brother nor I have the ability to control this monster with troublesome effects, just think of it as thanks for saving us. Mr. Hayato, please accept it. This card.

Hayato was a little surprised and remained silent for a moment: I think it's better for you to stay by yourself. It's not suitable for me to hold it.

No, it's suitable, it's so suitable! Wan Zhangmu said with certainty, and directly forced the card into Hayato's hand, I have also thought about it clearly during this period. Now I will not say that I have not participated in Duel City. Even if I have the qualifications, my strength is not enough to support me to reach the quarterfinals.

But I am unwilling to miss this rare feast, so Mr. Hayato, I would like to ask you to take this card and take over as the Duel King. In that case, I can comfort myself to some extent. Even the Duel King needs my power.

After hearing this, Hayato smiled bitterly: You are really a little kid. Do you really want to defeat me, the duel king?

Humph, my goal has never changed, Mr. Hayato. 'Beat you and become the king of duels.' I am not someone who gives up easily. Also, please call me Mr. Banjomu.

Since you have mentioned this, I will accept it for the time being and treat it as a deposit with me until you have the ability to challenge me. In the eyes of Wan Zhang's expectant eyes, Hayato put [ The card of Dragon of Light and Darkness was put into the deck, Is this good, Mr. Wan Zhangmu?

Banzhumu was about to answer, but when Hayato said Mr. Banzhumu, Banzhumu Shoji, who had been drowsy just now, suddenly sat up and looked at Hayato with piercing eyes: What did you ask me to do!

Asshole brother, no one calls you!

Zhengji raised his hand and held down Zhun who rushed towards him with a look of contempt on his face: Huh? My stupid Oudou, when it comes to Mr. Wan Zhangmu, you are obviously calling me, right?

Yeah, Euler!

Hmph, Mu Da!

The Wan Zhangmu brothers started arguing energetically. Hayato smiled as he watched the two of them playing around, but in his heart he had some guesses about the situation he encountered today.

Regarding the appearance of the three phantoms, he originally thought that it was because of his butterfly effect that the plot he was familiar with changed. But what happened to the Wan Zhangmu brothers today made Hayato feel that maybe his fate would still be on the original path.

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