Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 66 Malik, the genius who prostitutes himself for free

Hayato could swear that the language Malik was reciting was something he had never heard before, and it didn't match any of the languages ​​in his memory. Even if he repeated it according to Malik's pronunciation, Hayato couldn't do it. arrive.

But coincidentally, he could understand what Malik was reading right now——

Beast of the sky, hear my call and transform yourself from the orb of light and bring me victory in this battle. Surround the desert with your radiance and show your wrath to my enemies. Open your inner Strength, let us win together.”

Appear in this dark game, I call your name, [Ra's Winged Dragon]!

As Malik finished speaking, the huge golden sphere in the sky began to deform.

Huge blade-like wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun; sharp claws stretched out from the limbs, looking very aggressive; a ring was placed behind the deformed head of the [Winged Dragon], as if It's like a sun.

That's it, [Pull]! Isis' eyes widened. Although the Three Illusion Gods have the restriction that it cannot be used by those who do not possess the [Millennium Artifact], as the strongest of the three Illusion Gods, [Ra's Winged Dragon] has higher requirements for its users.

Although the tomb-guarding clan that Isis belongs to has kept the cards of the three phantom gods since Bekas completed them, it was not until today that Isis saw the true face of [Ra] for the first time, and she felt as warm as the sun from the bottom of her heart. It is fearful as it rules the world.

Kobayashi Hayato, even I have to admit that the monster you hold does have the ability to fight against [Osiris], one of the three phantom gods. Malik said with a smile, But the power of [Ra] is It is also the most powerful existence among the three illusory gods!

Its attack power and defense power will become the total of the two values ​​of the sacrifice!

In the ring behind [Ra's Winged Dragon] on Malik's field, Hayato saw the three monsters that had been used as sacrifices before.


【Sky Dragon of Osiris】【4000/4000】

After gathering the three-body monsters, [Wing Shenlong]’s current power is————

【Ra's Winged Dragon】【10☆/God】

【Fantasy Beast Tribe】


Did you also inherit the power of [Sky Dragon]? However, even if it is [Ra], its current attack power is not as good as the [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt LV10] on my field! Hayato said calmly.

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][ATK5000]

Thanks to the previous activation effect that destroyed [Yuyou], [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10]'s attack power has now increased by 1000 points, which is 400 points higher than [Wing Shenlong].

Humph, stupid guy, you can't imagine the limit of [La]'s power. Malik said proudly, If God's power is not enough, then I will give my basic points!


Malik raised his hand and pointed at [La's Winged Dragon] in the air: When [La] is successfully summoned, its effect is activated. I fuse myself with [La], reducing the base score to 1, and all the rest are converted. It’s the attack power and defense power of [Pull]!”

Seeing Malik being enveloped by a beam of light projected from the [Winged Divine Dragon] and slowly rising into the sky after he finished speaking, Hayato subconsciously turned his head and complained to Isis: My wife, ask the Bull Demon King to come out and see God together. .”

Wife Isis:...

Bull Demon King Lishid:...

With a displeased expression on [Ra's Winged Dragon]'s face, Malik followed the beam of light and climbed to the top of its head, and his entire lower body seemed to disappear and blend into the god at his feet. His basic score returned to only 1 point. In contrast, the aura on [Wing Shenlong] became stronger.

【La's Winged Dragon】【4600/4200→5100/4700】

This is the power of [Ra]'s complete body! Next, let's whip yourself, Hayato Kobayashi! Malik's expression was a little crazy, and he pointed at the [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] on Hayato's field, Obey me Drive me, [La]! Destroy that monster for me!

Divine Flame Cannon!

The [Armed Dragon·Thunder Lv10] on my field can use the effect when it is specially summoned by the effect of [Armed Dragon] and its attack power is above 100! It will not be destroyed by battle!

Although it will not be destroyed by the battle, you have to take all the damage caused! Malik couldn't wait to see Hayato's painful expression. The power of God cannot be completely limited by the rules of dueling monsters. Even if it’s just a little bit of damage, it will be as painful as the soul being torn apart!”

Be reduced to ashes in the flames of the sun!

Hot flames spurted out from the mouth of [Ra's Winged Dragon], and the golden sun fire swept across Hayato's field in an instant. [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] saw that the situation was not good and took off in advance to run away, leaving behind [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10] and Hayato were engulfed by lightning.

Hayato was already prepared to face the pain, but when he saw the fire of the sun falling on him, surprisingly, he didn't feel a trace of heat. He felt that the flames surrounding him were like the sunshine of an autumn afternoon. mild.

[Hayato: 2000→1900LP]

Huh? What's going on? Malik was also quite surprised. According to his experience of using [Pull] to punish his subordinates countless times, Hayato should be lying on the ground screaming in pain now, without even the strength to stand up. But why does Hayato look like he is not in pain at all?

Malik, who couldn't find the reason, immediately thought of Hayato's [Millennium Wisdom Wheel]. Compared with other [Millennium Artifacts] that can foresee the future, see through the soul, and control thinking, the [Millennium Wisdom Wheel] is in the documents of the Tomb Keeper Clan. There are only two useless abilities in the record: interfering with other [Millennium Artifacts] and finding paths.

Did you escape with the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom]? Humph, I will completely kill you in the next round. Malik sneered, took back the [Golden Heavenly Dao Insect] he showed before and put down two cards in his hand, Ambush a card and my turn ends.”

[Malik: 1LP, 1 card in hand]

【La's Winged Dragon】【ATK5100】

【Gate Card】X2

When it was his turn, Hayato put aside his doubts for the time being and turned his attention back to the duel: My turn, draw a card!

In this round, Hayato just drew a card with unknown meaning, and he put it down casually. Hayato looked up at Malik who was integrated with the [Winged Divine Dragon] in the air: Malik, your god is indeed very strong. And I If your guess is correct, it should still have a hidden effect that is not used, right?

However, I will not leave you a chance to use it! Hayato raised his hand and pointed at Malik, In order to pursue more powerful power, you gave up many things you originally had, and now, that will become your failure. reason!

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca], ​​direct attack on Malik, singularity of death!

In order to increase the attack power of [Ra], Malik just raised the basic points to 1 point! After hearing Hayato's words, Isis also understood what the flaw he was talking about was, [Earthbound God-Virak Cha Raska] has an effect that is not affected by magic and trap cards. As long as this attack succeeds, Hayato wins!

Compared to herself who was panicked by the foreseen changes in the future, Isis now wants to see the future changed more. She shouted to Hayato: Come on, Hayato!

Lishid on the side saw this and silently turned his gaze to Malik, or rather the cover card in Malik's backcourt. He seemed not worried that Malik would lose because of this: 'If nothing happens, The cover card in Sir Malik's backcourt should be that card...'

As expected, Malik had already expected that Hayato would use [Earthbound God-Viracocha Laska] to directly attack: Idiot! Do you think I wouldn't think of this move? As the incarnation of God, I would have already Just take everything into account!”

Open my Gaika! [Fusion Release], separate me from [Pull], and my basic points will be restored to the value of [Pull]'s attack power!

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Raska] pounced towards Malik on top of [Ra's Winged Dragon], or [Winged Dragon], but with the activation of [Fusion Release], the horse Riku emerged from the body of [Ra's Winged Dragon].

In everyone's surprised eyes, Malik stomped hard on the head of [La], jumped into the air, waved his fist and actively attacked [Viraccha Lasca]!

【Malik: 1→5101→5100LP】

嘤 嘤 嘤 嘤 嘤 嘤 嘤 The attacking Malik failed and was beaten back. [Verakocha Lasca] fled back to the field of Haruki and made a pitiful cry.

Hahahahahaha, you are weak, weak, weak, weak! With this level of attack, I can spend a whole day with you! Malik felt the unusually abundant vitality in his body at this moment, and landed in a squirrel style with great pretense, forcing himself to Enduring the pain in his knees, he yelled at Hayato.

Roar! Compared to Malik, who received most of the power after [Fusion Release], [La's Winged Dragon] was in no better condition at all. The vitality in Malik didn't come from nothing, it was all taken away from him.

【Ra's Winged Dragon】【0/0】

Obviously, I only brought 500 points to invest when I merged, but after [Fusion Release], I actually took away all the power. Seeing Malik, a free-for-all genius, [Pull the Winged Dragon] would be in a better mood, that would be strange.

Can you please please not end this duelist personally? Hayato complained casually. Looking at [Viracocha Lasca] who returned without success and Malik who regained a large number of basic points in one go, he felt slightly A touch of thorniness.

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