Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 65: The inherent attributes of the three illusory gods——Sacrifice

Malik, have you actually drawn [Pull]?! Isis looked at the field worriedly.

Although the current situation seemed to be Hayato's advantage, Isis remembered the future she had foreseen.

If Malik succeeds in summoning the second-body god, he will be just a hair away from the ending she foresaw.

‘Hayato-kun, can you change this destined future? ’

[La's Winged Divine Dragon], you actually drew it. Hayato looked at the [Winged Divine Dragon] displayed by Malik and smiled nonchalantly, But so what, you don't have any on the field at all. A sacrifice that can be used to summon gods.

Hmph, you have to watch carefully, Duel King, see clearly how I summoned the god who will end your life right away! Malik first showed a card from his hand like he did in the last round. came out, The effect of [Golden Heavenly Dao Insect] is activated!

【Malik: 1→501LP】

Although it only restored 500 basic points, the pain in Malik's body was somewhat relieved, and he was out of the next Hayato's turn. [Viracocha Lasca] can kill him with just one attack. The result is a dangerous situation.

First, I activate the magic card, [Resurrection of the Dead], to special summon one of the [Yoyou] that I released in my graveyard in order to summon [Osiris]. Malik summoned a soft creature from the graveyard area of ​​the duel board. Huhu's tofu cubes bring the angel to life.


Then, with the special summon of [Yuyou], I activate this card! Malik smiled proudly and opened the cover card on his field, Quick attack magic card [Hell's Rampage Summon]!

When a monster with an attack power of less than 1500 on my field is successfully Special Summoned, try your best to Special Summon the monster with the same name from your hand, deck, or graveyard in Attack Position!

Hayato sensed something was wrong - there were two more [Yuyou] in Malik's graveyard, and if you add the one on the field, there would be enough for three!

On Malik's field, three Yoyos stood in a row, but Malik did not rush to summon the [Ra's Winged Dragon] that he had already revealed in his hand immediately, but looked at Hayato with an unhappy look on his face. : However, [Hell's Rage Summoning] also has side effects.

You also have to select a monster on your field, and then Special Summon as many monsters with the same name as possible from your deck, graveyard, or hand.

Hayato frowned and pointed at the [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10] on his field: When it is specially summoned by the effect of [Armed Dragon] and its attack power is 1 or above, [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10] It can be used as [Armed Dragon LV10].

By the way, I will chain-activate the cards on the field, [Bottle of Desire], and draw a card from the deck.

On Hayato's field, the figure of [Armed Dragon LV10] appeared next to [Armed Dragon · Thunder]. The size of the two was almost the same, except that in order for the wings of [Armed Dragon · Thunder] to discharge electricity properly, It is thinner and lighter, while the wings of [Armed Dragon LV10] are equipped with thick armor.

【Armed Dragon LV10】【3000/2000→3000/0】

It only took a few seconds before [Armed Dragon LV10] had time to let out a majestic roar. [Sky Dragon]'s thunder bomb fell on it fairly, and a ball blocked its mouth, and Hayato would be on guard. The summoned one was directly destroyed and sent to the cemetery.

【Sky Dragon of Osiris】【ATK4000】

Although I've given you a free ride, don't think I'll let you take advantage. Malik watched Hayato's [Armed Dragon LV10] being destroyed and smiled wildly, The field can be used for sacrifices. There are three monsters, then I will——

Before that, the effect of [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt LV10] is activated! Hayato said, discarding the card that was just added to the hand due to the effect of Bottle of Desire, Once per turn, choose the card on the field. One card is destroyed. I choose to destroy the [Yoyou] on your field!

The galloping thunder and lightning hit the tofu angel, and the [Yoyou] that Malik had previously used [Resurrection of the Dead] to activate [Hell's Rage Summoning] was destroyed by Hayato without any suspense.

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][4000/0→5000/0]

Seeing that the monster was indeed sent to the cemetery, Hayato couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: You said there are three monsters on the field that can be used as sacrifices? Unfortunately, there are only two now, and they are all Attack expressed.”

But what surprised Hayato was that Malik still looked calm? He smiled proudly and said: Who told you that the monsters I want to liberate to summon [La] are these three useless trash fish?

As the most superior being among the monsters of the three illusory gods, [Ra]'s power depends on the total power of the sacrifices when summoned by the superior! Malik said, looking up at the [Sky Dragon of Osiris] above his head, Although [Osiris] has a very good suppression effect, in this case, its value has been reduced.

Dedicate all your strength to [La], [Osiris]! Use all the two bodies [Yoyou] and [Osiris's Sky Dragon] on my field as sacrifices!

The elves sing! The great power controls all things! Its life, its soul, and even its body! Come, the strongest illusory god, [Ra's Winged Dragon]!

As the two [Yoyou] on the field were sent back to the cemetery, the body of [Sky Dragon of Osiris] originally entrenched in the sky gradually dissipated, and was replaced by a dazzling golden light, like the blazing sun falling from the sky. It was generally eye-catching, but when the light dissipated, what appeared in the sight of several people present was the majestic [Winged Divine Dragon]——

——Why is it a ball? !

Yes, Malik sacrificed three monsters including [The Sky Dragon of Osiris], and the monster summoned to his field was actually a huge golden sphere?

Although the size is quite large, and according to [Viracocha Lasca], ​​the thing's mere existence makes it feel quite uncomfortable, and the sphere seems to be very exquisitely made, but this cannot be changed after all. The thing is really just a ball of reality.

Don't worry, [La] is not like the other gods. Only those who understand how powerful it is are qualified to use it. Malik held the card of [La's Winged Dragon] in his hand, which was originally blank. In the description area, several unknown paragraphs of text slowly emerged.

To Hayato's surprise, after summoning the [Ra's Winged Dragon], Malik, who had a handsome face before, had a rare expression of piety on his face, and put the [Millennium Power] pinned to his waistband. He took out the staff and held it in his hand, looked up at the ball in the sky, and began to recite an unfamiliar language that was difficult to pronounce.

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