Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 67: Gather thousands of thunders to attack the gods

Using the power of [Winged Divine Dragon] to save your own life and benefiting yourself at the expense of others is indeed your style, Malik. Hayato sneered and raised his finger to Malik's weak [Winged Divine Dragon] on the field, Then , I use [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10] to attack [Wing Shenlong] whose attack power on your field becomes 0!

Idiot, if you can do it, just give it a try! Once you enter the cemetery, the true terror of [Ra] will be revealed! Malik didn't care at all that Hayato planned to destroy his [Ra's Winged Dragon] , However, since I am going to be sent to the cemetery by you, then I will make the most of [Pull].

Activate the Gaika in my backcourt, [Bitter Moza]!

Above Malik's head, [La], who had been deprived of all his power, looked desperately at [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt LV10], which was covered with dangerous thunder, approaching him, as if he wanted to avenge the fact that he was almost destroyed in the last round. Malik's Gaika was activated, and what the joyful [Ra] was waiting for was not support, but being liberated and sent to the cemetery.

Although gods are not affected by the effects of trap cards, the effect of [Bitter Moza] is to release one monster to activate the effect. Even gods cannot completely circumvent the rules. Malik said about himself using [La's] again. Winged Divine Dragon] felt no guilt about this. After sending it to the graveyard, he drew a card with a red border and said, Place the [Oshi in the graveyard that has the same race, attribute, and level as [Ra's Winged Divine Dragon]. Sky Dragon of Lys] is added to my hand.

Did you actually liberate a god as a sacrifice? Hayato recalled the desperate look in his eyes when [La] was just sent to the cemetery, The duel monster cards all have souls in them, I think You should know this, Malik.”

However, knowing this, you use all your cards as tools and squeeze out the last bit of value. It is really unforgivable, Malik!

Facing Hayato's scolding, Malik fought back: So what!

My goal is to become a pharaoh, to become a god above all living things, a true god! The three phantom gods are just tools under the pharaoh. I am destined to become the pharaoh, driving them and draining their value. It’s just a matter of course!”

Malik... Isis looked at Malik who said such rebellious words, and really didn't know what to say.

Roar! Hayato had no more words to reply to Malik. All he could do was to direct [Armed Dragon Thunder] with a sullen face to continue the attack that had just been drawn back.

【Malik: 5100→100LP】

Yes, that's it, it's this kind of pain! Because of the severe pain, Malik hunched over, tilted his head and stared at Hayato with one eye, Next round, I will return this pain right away. You, Hayato Kobayashi!

My turn is over. Looking at the crazy Malik, Hayato frowned and ended his turn.

No matter how you look at it now, it should be his advantageous round. Why is that guy Malik so confident that he can beat him in the next round?

You know, there are only one [Golden Heavenly Dao Insect] in his hand, and the [Sky Dragon] that he just sacrificed [Winged Divine Dragon] to recover from the graveyard. Even if the Sky Dragon is summoned without any sacrifices, it will only have 1,000 attack points due to the number of cards in the hand. What can it do?

[Hayato: 1900LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][ATK5000]

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] [ATK1]

【Disrupt the slumber party】【Gate the card】【Gate the card】

Venue: [The Dead Emperor’s Mausoleum]

Then, my turn! Putting his finger on top of the deck but not drawing a card directly, Malik's eyes widened and he murmured: I see it, I see victory coming!

Show the [Golden Heavenly Insect] in your hand to restore basic points, and then I activate this card, [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky]!

【Malik: 100→600LP】

The duel has progressed so far. The cards in both our hands have been almost exhausted, right? Malik smiled sinisterly and pulled out four cards from the deck. Draw the cards, Duel King, and enjoy the last card of your life. Let’s round!”

Because the card in my hand is 0, I draw six cards. Hayato drew six cards and saw the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] among them at a glance. The [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] that had saved him countless times in the past appeared now, but it failed to bring Hayato a feeling of peace of mind.

If he guessed correctly, Malik would most likely have to gather the sacrifices to summon the gods in one round to summon the gods. Faced with the God's ability to ignore the effects of all monsters whose level is not higher than the God's, [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] may not be of use this time.

Just now because of [Treasure Cards from Heaven], I added these two monsters to my hand. Malik took out two cards from his hand and showed them, [Cotton Ball], When it is added to my hand due to a card effect, I can Special Summon it onto the field.

Then, activate the magic card [Extraction of Magic Stones], discard two cards in my hand, and I recover a used magic card from the graveyard. The card I chose is-- The remaining cards including [Golden Heavenly Dao Insect] will be The cards in his hand were sent to the graveyard, and Malik only had one [Sky Dragon] left in his hand. He pulled out a card that had just been sent into it from the graveyard and showed it with a smile.

——The answer is, the second activation of [Treasure Card from Heaven]!

Just now due to the effect of [Treasure Card Falling from Heaven], Hayato's hand was replenished to 6 cards, but Malik actually added another wave of cards with the second activation of [Treasure Card Falling from Heaven], and this time. , he drew another [Cotton Ball].

Activate the effect of [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10]! Before the effect of Treasure Card from the Sky came, Hayato activated the monster's effect in time, Discard a card in your hand, and I will destroy a [Cotton] on your field. ball】!

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][5000/0→6000/0]

Hmph, do you think destroying a monster can hinder the arrival of God? Malik looked at the opportunity to send the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] to the cemetery and ride on the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky]. Hayato, who got a card in his hand, proudly played the card, [Survival Treasure Book] is activated. Every time the monsters in both sides' graveyards are specially summoned, I can draw three cards!

Then activate [Silent Dead] and special summon a normal monster from the graveyard in defense position!

Resurrection [Yuyou], and then I draw three cards because of [Survival Treasure Card]!

Finally, the effect of [Pot of Desire] is to draw two cards from the deck.

After a series of card draws, Malik's originally extra thickened deck was reduced to a thin layer of less than ten cards due to his previous continuous card draws. In exchange, he The number of cards in hand now comes to seven.

There are three sacrifices on the field. Come again, [Osiris]! Holding six cards in his hand, Malik raised the card of Sky Dragon above his head.

Amidst the lightning and thunder, the figure of [Sky Dragon] appeared in the sky for the second time. His golden eyes glared viciously at Malik who had just sacrificed himself. Forced by the rules, [Sky Dragon] had no choice but to face He roared in the direction of Hayato.

【Sky Dragon of Osiris】【ATK6000】

God has come again... Hayato looked at the [Sky Dragon] that appeared for the second time and snorted coldly, I spent so many resources just to summon God, but Malik, I The [Armed Dragon·Thunder] above has been accumulating energy for growth in these rounds.

Malik's eyes moved to the [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] on Hayato's field. In the round it was just summoned, [Armed Dragon Thunder] was almost directly destroyed due to the thunder bomb of the [Sky Dragon] present at the time. Even if it survived due to the effect of [Disrupting the Pajama Party], its defense was also destroyed. It dropped to just 0.

However, after several rounds of growth, the attack power of [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] has now reached a full 6,000 points. Even if Malik now has six cards in his hand, the attack power of [Sky Dragon] It's actually just on par with it.

Are you trying to tell me that mortals can rival gods as long as they work hard? Malik narrowed his eyes and then laughed. He used the [Millennium Scepter] in his hand to lean on the ground, God's Power is absolute. Your monster was once suppressed by God, so no matter how powerful you become now, you still cannot escape the fate of being suppressed by God!

Activate the magic card, [Force]! Reduce the attack power of [Armed Dragon Thunder] on your field to half, and then increase the attack power of [Osiris] on my field!

Invisible fluctuations connected Hayato's [Armed Dragon, Thunder] and Malik's [Sky Dragon]. He watched as the attack power of [Armed Dragon, Thunder] continued to decrease, and the attack power of [Sky Dragon] continued to increase. Rising, Hayato couldn't help but recall the first duel he had after coming to Yu-Gi-Oh.

At that time, I used the monster of the [Gaia] game equipped with the [Dragon Killing Sword], and then the game used that [Force] to reduce the attack power of my [Gaia] and increase the [Devil's Summons]. Attack power, kill yourself.

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][6000/0→3000/0]

【Sky Dragon of Osiris】【6000/6000→8000/5000】

This is the final blow, Hayato Kobayashi! [Osiris], attack [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt], superelectric guided wave - lightning strike light cannon!

A full 5,000 points of damage, let me see how you can block this move!

Malik looked at Hayato, trying to see some expressions of fear, unbelievable and unacceptable on Hayato's face.

But he was disappointed. Facing the overwhelming terrifying attack power of [Sky Dragon], Hayato raised his lowered head and showed a smile on his lips.

Malik, if you had used other cards, maybe I would have been helpless. But this is the only card [Force], I don't want to lose to it! Hayato smiled and opened the card from Very early on, he still covered the card on the field, Activate the trap card!

Traps have no effect on gods!

Malik said viciously, but Hayato snorted back: I didn't say that my trap card was activated against God. Trap card, [Armed Dragon's Ten Thousand Thunders]!

Zizzizi... Facing the thunder and lightning cannon spit out by the divine dragon above the sky, [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt], which had been deprived of half of its strength by [Force Force], struggled to straighten its chest, almost with all its strength. He used all his strength to squeeze out as much strength as possible from his body to fight back.

However, how can mortal things defeat gods? What's more, the gods still have the power to take away from it.

Facing an attack power difference of up to 5,000 points, [Armed Dragon·Thunder] attacked without fear.

At this moment, as Hayato Gaika activated, several dragon roars rang in its ears.

Behind [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10], a strange yet familiar current flowed into its body. Looking back, it was shocked to find that there were several illusory dragon shadows surrounding it.

That's the cover card! Malik suddenly remembered that when Hayato summoned [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10], it seemed to be using the effect of the released [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV7], and he took a card from the deck. A [Armed Dragon] card was added to his hand, and it seems to be the one he activated now!

[Armed Dragon's Ten Thousand Thunders] can only be activated by targeting an [Armed Dragon] monster on my field. Hayato explained unhurriedly, Every kind of [Armed Dragon] sleeping in my graveyard All the monsters will become the source of power for [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10].

The shadow around [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10] gradually became clear, but the moment it was completely revealed, it turned into lightning and poured into the body of [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10].

[Armed Dragon LV3], [Armed Dragon LV5], [Armed Dragon LV7], [Armed Dragon LV7], [Armed Dragon LV10], five full-bodied [Armed Dragon] monsters turned into lightning and poured into [Armed Dragon]. Dragon·Thunder LV10]’s body, its lost power has also been replenished, and it is even more powerful!

[Armed Dragon·Thunder LV10][3000/0→8000/0]

The attack power is actually equal to that of God again? Not good! Malik looked at the soaring attack power of [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] in shock, and suddenly remembered that this monster has the effect of not being destroyed by battle!

The attack power is the same as [Osiris], and it will not be destroyed by battle. In other words, [Osiris]'s attack cannot even kill him! ?

Gather thousands of thunders into ourselves, explain our power to the gods, and fight back, [Armed Dragon Thunder]! Hayato looked at the [Armed Dragon Thunder] standing in front of him and shouted, Thunder Mercury ·Red Royal Thunder!!!”

A large amount of thunder and lightning jumped wildly on the surface of [Armed Dragon Thunder and Lightning]. Facing the attack from the gods, [Armed Dragon Thunder and Lightning] gathered all the thunder and lightning together. The color of the thunder and lightning evolved from bright yellow to azure at the beginning, and was finally compressed into a beam of red-black liquid plasma, which was thrown towards the superelectric guided wave-thunder light cannon of [Sky Dragon].

The powerful energy collision, the collision of 8000 attack power and 8000 attack power is not like a low-level battle that cancels each other out. What the tyrannical power brings is the impact of the explosion that sweeps the entire place.

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] also knew that now was not the time to fish, so he quickly put his wings in front of the onlookers Isis and Lishid, offsetting part of the impact of the explosion for them. .

The [Armed Dragon Thunder] loyally stayed in front of Hayato, and the violent thunder and lightning was vented by it in one breath, but in addition to thunder and lightning, its body is also a tyrannical weapon.

The shock wave like a nuclear explosion bombarded the [Dead Emperor's Tomb] under the feet of several people and became more and more fragmented. If he didn't know that the battle would not destroy the magic card on the field, Hayato would even doubt whether [The Dead Emperor's Tomb] could continue. Keep using it.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and [Sky Dragon], which had a duel with [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt], disappeared from Malik's field. Malik did not have any monsters to help him resist the damage, so he was directly blown away by the impact. He fell to the ground on his back.

Hayato looked at the fallen Malik and was about to taunt him. He clearly had two gods, but when he was attacked, not even one of them appeared to protect him. However, looking at Malik's basic score, his expression changed. A change.

【Malik: 600→8600LP】

Moving his gaze to Malik's magic trap area, Hayato instantly found the reason why his base score had increased so much.

【Mysterious Chinese Pot】

Climbing up from the ground, the uninjured Malik felt that he had absorbed the powerful power from the [Sky Dragon], and a proud smile appeared on his face: This Combo, isn't it very powerful? It's all thanks to you after all. Ah, Hayato Kobayashi.

In your countless duel records in the past, the card [Mysterious Chinese Pot] has appeared more than once, which is really helpful. Malik said with a sinister smile, In your words, maybe it is - —”

Instead of letting [Sky Dragon] and [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] perish together, I might as well fry it and eat it.

My combat phase is over, and then I enter the main phase 2. After saying that, ignoring Hayato, Malik looked at the remaining five cards in his hand, First of all, this card, [Soul Liberation], okay Select a total of five cards from both sides' graveyards and exclude them from the game.

I want to get rid of all the [disruption] monsters in your graveyard that are in the way!

Under the effect of [Soul Liberation], [Disruption·Yellow], [Disruption·Black], [Disruption·Green] and [Disruption King] and [Armed Dragon LV3] are excluded from the graveyard.

Malik continued: Then, activate the effect of [Resurrection of the Dead] and resurrect [Ra's Winged Dragon] from my graveyard!

The Ankh rune shines, and the golden [Winged Divine Dragon] reappears on [Malik]'s field, but this time there is no sacrifice to provide it with power, and [Winged Divine Dragon]'s attack power is only 0.

As I said before, the power of [La] can only be fully revealed in the cemetery. Malik's base points just obtained from [Sky Dragon] dropped by 1,000 points, replaced by [La] 】The power in his body was abundant again, and his whole body was ignited with flames, In the round when it is specially summoned, pay me 1000 basic points to activate its effect!

Send all the monsters on your field to the graveyard! Go [Pull], God Phoenix!

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