Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 148 Miracle Resurrection! (Confident

[E·hero Sunrise Man] (Beloved Hero) [ATK2700→3200]

After Judai declared that he was going to enter his battle stage, Kaibaman suddenly said: Are we going to start talking nonsense about 'heroes have a stage for heroes to fight' again? First, [E·hero Absolute Zero] ] and [M·hero Acid Water], and then [E·hero Sunrise Man], if you say you are a three-axe, you are a three-axe.

Want to enter the battle phase and activate the field magic card with [Beloved Hero]? If you do something arrogant like challenging [Blue Eyes], I'll give you a little punishment first.

As he spoke, the seahorse man waved his hand, but no one could see how he operated. A light flashed on the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk he was wearing, and then a cover card on the field was revealed: Enter your battle phase. Previously, during the main phase for both sides, I activated the quick-attack magic card [Ultimate Fusion]!

The fusion of quick attack, and there are no monsters on the field!? Judai said in surprise.

That's right! If there are no monsters in your hand and on the field, you can't fuse? Can't you fuse on other people's turns? How can fusion be such an inconvenience! the referee Jiutong outside the field said proudly, as if he had played the card. We are not Seahorses but just like him. Fusion summoning is the noblest summoning method, and this is the talent of Seahorses!

Hmph, then I will accept your compliment. The Seahorse man seemed to be very pleased with the support of Nine Barrels, and there was obvious happiness in his voice as he explained, It can only be activated during the main stages of both parties. The effect of this [Ultimate Fusion] is to return the fusion material monsters required to fuse the monsters from my hand, field, and graveyard to the deck for Fusion Summoning.

The requirements for fusion monsters stipulate that it must be [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] or [Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] as the fusion material.

The cemetery area of ​​​​the Seahorse Duel Plate bloomed with light, and the shadow of the three-body white dragon rose from the ground behind him, surrounding the Seahorse Man with a rather intimate look. As the Seahorse Man pointed his hand towards the top of his head, The three-body [Blue Eyes White Dragon] was commanded to fly into the air and merge together!

That's it! Is it coming! The legendary monster! Something is going wrong!

Outside the field, Misawa Daichi, Manjoume, Maeda and Marufuji Sho all guessed the Kaibaman's plan. After all, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is so famous that even its three-body fusion form has become The most famous fusion monster in the field of duel monsters.

It is no wonder that the fusion that calls out the Ultimate Dragon is named Ultimate!

Engrave the posture of the most powerful dragon after evolution into your mind and fall into fear of it forever! the seahorse shouted, holding up a card,


【True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon】【ATK4500】

Not just the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], but also the [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] that fused and evolved from the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]!? Judai looked at the appearance of Kaiba on the field, and that was all over the world. Only the legendary duel monster used by the legendary duelist Seto Kaiba - [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] could not contain the surprise and doubt in his heart.

However, he was not afraid: It's true that the attack power of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] is as high as 4,500 points. However, my hero is not someone who will be dissuaded by that level of attack power.

After entering my battle phase, I can activate the power of [Beloved Hero] to activate the field magic card [Skyscraper] from my deck, so that my [E·hero Sunrise Man] can increase its defense value. His attack power is only 1,200 points, making his attack power rise to 4,400 points.

Then, [Skyscraper] can increase my [E·hero] monster's attack power by an additional 1,000 points when it attacks a monster with higher attack power!

Hoo? That's a good plan. In that case, your plan after defeating [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] would be to use [Beloved Hero]'s additional attack ability after destroying the monster to kill me with the final blow. Bar?

Crossing his arms across his chest, the Kaibaman sneered jokingly, If you use that fourth-rate deck to perform at this level, you can barely be called a third-rate duelist.

However, the power of [Blue Eyes] cannot be achieved by a third-rate duelist like you with a fourth-rate deck and hard work! The assembled [Blue Eyes] will release an invincible power that destroys everything!

The effect of [Gathered Power] is activated!

After Kaibaman activated it in the last round, [Rallying Power] existed in his backfield but had no effect. Until this moment, Kaibaman performed a second-speed fusion summon, [Rallying Power] in the tenth generation's turn. But it suddenly took effect and blessed the [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] on his field.

The most I usually hear is information about cards such as [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] and [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. Being able to know [True Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] is considered well-informed, but [Gathered Power] If you don't look at the card picture and only look at the name, others will not be able to guess the card related to [Blue Eyes White Dragon], which involves the knowledge blind spot of Judai and others.

Not to mention Judai, even top students like Banjome and Misawa, as well as Maeda who likes to know card information, don't know what this card is, let alone Sho Marufuji, whose grades are worse than Judai's.

[Gathering Power] is a card specially used to support [Black Magician] and [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]. Once per turn, when [Black Magician] or [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] is used for fusion and ritual summoning, it is successful. Next, you can activate it by targeting a card on the opponent's field and banish it.

After saying that, Jiutong saw Wan Zhangmu and others looking at him again with how do you know it again? eyes.

The Kaiba man on the field didn't care that Nine Tubes finished explaining the card's effect for him, and said with a sneer: That's it, even if it was a fusion in the cemetery, I successfully used [Blue Eyes White Dragon] for fusion. With the effect of [Rallying Power], I can remove one of your cards from the target land.

[Beloved Hero] can give [E·hero Sunrise Man] the resistance of not being the target of the opponent's effect, but the premise is that there must be cards in your field area. And you haven't entered your battle phase yet, your [Beloved] Hero] hasn’t had time to put the card into your field area.”

Pointing to the only monster on the field in the tenth generation [E·hero Sunrise], Kaibaman said: The one I want to eliminate is the [E] that you have high hopes for and want to use to defeat me in one turn. ·hero Sunrise Man】!

After all, it's just a simulated shine. How can it compare to the heat of the real sun I've seen? Just be crushed into dust!

The power infused into [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] by [Gathered Power] was spit out by it, and the three beams of light locked onto [E·hero Sunrise Man] and then were released, turning into a torrent of light that swallowed everything.

In an instant, [E·hero Sunrise Man], whom Judai had finally summoned again, followed in the footsteps of the previous [Heroes] and was directly excluded without even being able to enter the graveyard. At the same time, the [Beloved Hero] that Judai had specially retrieved using the [Weapon Cave] was also sent to the cemetery.

After a round of hard work, Judai only had the last two cards left in his hand, but he only tested out the two cover cards in the Kaiba people's back field. There was at least one mysterious cover card that had not yet been tested. In fact, the monsters on Kaiba's field changed from the Abyss Blue Eyes Dragon and Blue Eyes Girl at the beginning to the terrifying and oppressive True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

In this regard, Nine Tubes feels natural.

Although Judai performed well in school, in the final analysis he is just a first-year student. Compared with the future Yujo Judai who dueled with Kaiba Seto, he is several years behind in experience and growth. Now his deck is also It’s just adding [M·hero] to [E·hero].

On the other hand, the deck used by Kaiba Seto is much improved compared to the deck used by Seto Kaiba when he dueled with Yujo Judai. Even during Doma, Seto Kaiba's deck can overwhelm Judai. Not to mention that the current deck has grown a lot compared to the Dark Side of Dimension era.

How could it was so difficult to summon [E·hero Sunrise Man]... Sho Marufuji looked at Judai's field being empty again, but Kaibaman's field had an extra attack power of 4,500 points. The [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] couldn’t help but show a desperate expression.

The difference in strength is too obvious. We won't be able to leave here, right? There's no way we can win...

Hey, stop saying such depressing words, aren't you the younger brother of that guy Judai? Banzhangmu glanced at Marufuji Sho with dissatisfaction, I have some confidence in him.

But even having confidence can't help my brother defeat his opponent. Sho Marufuji looked at Wan Zhangmu and said.

Based on rational judgment, Judai's current situation is indeed quite dangerous. Misawa said. Sho Marufuji was about to agree, but Misawa changed his words again, But, I also believe Judai. He has something that none of us have. Talent is the power to create miracles in the face of difficulties.”

Me too! Even though he didn't know what to say, Hayato Maeda agreed.

Marufuji Xiang said nothing and looked at Judai. The unwavering figure in the face of the terrifying [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] turned into a seed and was implanted in his heart. Although it could not immediately change Marufuji Sho's cowardly character, it might take root at some point. .

He didn't hear clearly what his companions behind him were saying, but even if he didn't look back, Judai could still feel the trust coming from behind. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at the tall [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] and said, I will not enter the battle stage for the time being and return to the main stage one.

[Ultimate Fusion] is activated not after Judai enters the combat stage but before he enters the combat stage. Then Judai can naturally withdraw his declaration of entering the combat stage and still stay in the main stage.

Judai currently has two cards in his hand, one of which is the open card [Miracle Fusion], but there is no combination in the graveyard that can be combined by [Miracle Fusion], which means that the only one that can be used is the other one. A card. However, with only one card, how should we deal with [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] with an attack power of up to 4500 points?

Even if the sun sets several times, a hero never gives up so easily! Looking at the card in his hand, Judai said firmly, Even if there is only one card, I will defeat [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]! No, It will definitely be done!”

The sky is calling, the earth is calling, and people are calling! Calling for the arrival of heroes!

The magic card [Hero Arrival] is activated!

[Tenth generation: 4000→2000LP]

Without hesitation, Judai paid half of his base points and said: [Hero Arrival] requires paying half of my base points to activate it when I have no monsters on the field. From my deck, add a single player with a level below 4☆ [E·hero] special summons!”

Come out, [E·hero Bubble Man]!

What Judai called was not the powerful hero that he had already recovered with [Pot of Greed]. Instead, he chose [E], which had the lowest attack power of 800 points in his deck, tied with [E·hero Clayman]. ·hero bubble man].

【E·hero Bubble Man】【ATK800】

Huh? [E·hero Bubble Man]? Kaibaman glanced at the blue hero who appeared on the field of Judai, What can a monster of that level do?

[E·hero Bubble Man] may be considered the weakest among my [Heroes], right? However, the performance of the duel monster cards is not the key to victory or defeat. Even if [Hero] appears at the right time, Even invincible enemies can be defeated!

Judai said, placing his finger on the top of the deck, When [E·hero Bubble Man] is specially summoned and I have no other cards on the field to activate the effect, I draw two cards from the deck!


Pulling out two cards, Judai played another card and said: Then this magic card [Sudden Mutation] frees the [E·hero Bubble Man] on my field and sends it to the graveyard, and removes it from the fusion deck. [E·hero New Bubble Man] Special Summon!

【E·hero New Foam Man】【ATK800】

Seeing Judai on the field [E·hero Bubble Man] changed his clothes and turned into a new monster, Kaibaman snorted coldly: Neo? He actually gave his own monster in front of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] Neo is added to the name, but nothing has changed at all. Your monster's attack power is still only 800 points, and it is no match for [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

Then just watch, Kaibaman, let's see how my 'weakest' defeats the 'strongest'!

Judai said, covering a card in his hand and playing another card: Ambush a card, I activate the magic card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], and both sides wait until their respective hands have six cards. , draw cards from the deck!”

With no cards in my hand, I can draw six cards!

Hmph, I have three cards in my hand, so I drew three cards. He drew three fewer cards than Judai, but the Kaibaman was not as angry as a certain Duel King who felt uncomfortable when others made more money than him. , but he didn't give Judai a good look, So what if you replenish a lot of cards with the struggle of that kind of miscellaneous fish? How are you going to win?

My trump card for victory is this card, the equipment magic card [Bubble Launcher]. This card is the exclusive equipment magic card of [E·hero Bubble Man]. It can increase its attack power by 800 points and can replace a battle. Destroy it and reduce the damage received to 0. Judai showed a card, And [E·hero New Bubble Man] can use the card name as [E·hero Bubble Man].

Equip the [Bubble Launcher] to [E·hero New Foam Man], and I will enter the battle stage again and use [E·hero New Foam Man] to attack [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]!

New Bubble Shooter!

[E·hero New Foam Man] (Foam Launcher) [ATK800→1600]

Hmph, have you given up on yourself? But it doesn't look like you've given up in your eyes. The seahorse man snorted, But fighting spirit can't change the monster's attack power. The attack power of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] is in your [E] ·Hero’s New Bubble Man] After equipping the equipment magic card, it is still more than twice as powerful!”

Fight it, Neo Blueis!

They are both monsters with Neo in their names. The attacks fired from the [Foam Launcher] on the shoulders of [E·hero New Bubble Man] are the same as those of the three-headed white dragon - [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. The dragon breaths spit out at the same time collided together.

Unexpectedly, there was a brief stalemate between the disparity in attack power, and then it was the attack of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] that was gradually suppressed? !

It's unbelievable, it's Judai! Judai's [E·hero New Bubble Man]'s attack has the upper hand! Jiutong who also served as the commentator looked at the colliding attacks and explained excitedly, His attack We are getting closer and closer to [True Blue Eyes]!”

The legendary Kaibaman! Yujo Judai is eager to recover after many setbacks! The entire battlefield is shaking with the battle between the two monsters!

What's going on! Who is the final winner!

The effect of [E·hero New Bubble Man] is that the monster that fights this card will be destroyed at the end of the damage phase! Judai said, shaking his fist, [Sudden Mutation] is not just good-looking, but It’s the attack of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], watch me push it back!”

The [Bubble Launcher] on the shoulders of [E·hero's New Bubble Man] immediately increased its power and gradually broke through with the attack of [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon].

Yushiro Judai! It's Yujo Judai! Yujo Judai, the resurrection of the miracle! In the passionate explanation of Nine Tubes and in the expectant eyes of Wan Zhangmu and others, the foam torrent hit the three-headed white dragon. , destroy it!


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The title neta comes from a legendary horse race

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