Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 147: Uno is tired of Kobayashi Hayato!

[Seahorse: 4000LP, 3 cards in hand]

【Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon】【ATK2500】

【Blue-Eyed Girl】【ATK0】

【Gathering Power】【Gate Card】X4

Seeing the scene laid out by Kaibaman when the cards in his hand were not conducive to taking the lead, Judai took a deep breath and sighed: It's really a stakes, Mr. Kaibaman. But I must take my friends behind me out. So I will never lose.

My turn, draw a card!

Pulling out a card from the deck, Judai felt something in his heart, and he suddenly woke up as if an electric current passed through his temples. Looking at the card he drew, he smiled slightly, then looked at Kaibaman and said: Although it is a [Blue Eyes White Dragon] deck, Mr. Kaibaman, in the end, you didn't have even one with an attack power of 3000 points on the field. As for monsters, wouldn’t that be a pity?”

Why don't you let me give you a powerful monster?

Hearing the familiar words from Judai's mouth, each one after another made Kaibaman's eyelids twitch, and he had a bad premonition: Is this you?

At the cost of not being able to normal summon me this turn, I will liberate the two monsters [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] and [Blue-Eyed Girl] on the opponent's field, and special summon [Lava Demon] on the opponent's field!

I will give you this powerful monster! After Judai raised the card in his hand, the card itself turned into light points and dissipated, and then reassembled on the Kaibaman's duel plate. The position that originally belonged to the [Blue-Eyed Girl] was taken, and all the two monsters on the Kaiba field were liberated and sent to the cemetery. At the end, Judai also added: This guy wants to go to your side~

Although Kaiba was wearing a helmet, Judai could not see the expression on the upper half of his face, but the lower half of his face exposed by the helmet was revealed after he sent the [Lava Demon God]. With a rather unhappy and angry expression, he gritted his teeth and said not to Judai but to the referee Jiutong: Onorei!

Wow, it's so touching. In order to make the duel fierce enough, Judai actually took the initiative to help his opponent increase the strength of the monster. The reason behind it is heartwarming. As if he didn't see the Kaibaman's expression, Nine-cylinder He was still explaining, But without the normal summons to carry out the first step, how will Judai deal with the [Lava Demon God] that he actively sent to the opposite field?

Hehe, of course I have my plan. After hearing the words of Nine Cylinders, Judai wiped his nose and looked at his graveyard and said, Although I was sent to the graveyard by [Hand Card Obliteration] last round. , but as long as the call of justice is heard, the hero will be awakened!

The magic card [Miracle Fusion] is activated! Remove the water attribute [E·hero Liquid Man] and [E·hero Skyman] from my graveyard as fusion materials for the [E·hero] fusion monster. The material requirements are: The [Hero] monster is combined with a water attribute monster to fuse and summon!

The familiar two-body fusion material reminded the seahorses of five years ago, when the kid from the future performed the first Fusion Summon. Although it was an ordinary [Fusion] magic card activated from the hand, it used The fusion materials happen to be these two monsters, so will the final fusion summon be the same?

The power of the endless storm and the power of pure flowing water gathered together and turned into protective ice to stand in front of the formation! Judai called out the name of the hero and placed a card with a purple border on the duel plate.

Fusion Summon! [E·hero Absolute Zero]!

The armor is as pure and flawless white as the ice and snow in the polar regions. The sharp-edged armor does not give people a chilling air, but only a calming coldness. Crystal ice flowers bloomed on the ground where the combat boots stepped, holding up the warrior who appeared on the Judai field!

【E·hero Absolute Zero】【8☆/Water】



When [E·hero Sub-Zero] is successfully fusion summoned, the effect of [E·hero Liquidman], which was excluded as the [Hero] fusion monster fusion material, is activated.

Judai said, drawing two cards from the deck, I draw two cards from the deck, and then pick one card in my hand and discard it.

Behind Judai, [E·hero Liquid Man], who had been eliminated due to [Miracle Fusion], appeared in the form of a phantom. The liquid jet wristbands equipped on both arms absorbed water and expanded, spraying a cloud of water in the sky above Judai. The drizzle was then frozen into a piece of ice crystal under the low temperature naturally emitted by [E·hero Absolute Zero], and gathered into two cards in Judai's hand.

However, because the operation was too delicate, something would inevitably go wrong. One of the two cards that Judai obtained was shattered into ice crystals and fell into the graveyard just when Judai pinched it lightly.

The card I discarded is this [E·hero Shadowmist Girl]. When this card is sent to the graveyard, the effect will be activated. I will add a card other than [E·hero Shadowmist Girl] from my deck. [Hero] monster is added to the hand, I choose [E·hero Clayman].

‘Did you choose an effect that was activated when it was sent to the graveyard instead of a special summon? There is indeed a big gap between then and now’

Watching Judai's operations, the Kaibaman thought in his mind, watching Judai play more and more cards in his hand, even to six cards, but did not make any move, as if he was waiting for Judai to play some cards.

Judai, who was not aware of it at all, after putting away the card of [E·hero Clayman], looked at the [E·hero Absolute Zero] on his field and said: The attack power of [E·hero Absolute Zero] The value will be increased by 500 points for the number of water-type monsters other than him on the field. Unfortunately, apart from him, the only one on the field seems to be the [Lava Demon] that was sent to your field, Mr. Kaibaman.

But it doesn't matter, because the power of [E·hero Absolute Zero] is more than this. Next, let's use the power of this card to activate his backup hidden energy. As he spoke, Judai showed The card in my hand is, The quick-attack magic card [Mask Change] is activated against [E·hero Absolute Zero] on my field!

The effect of this card is to transform a [Hero] monster on my field into a [M·hero] monster with the same attribute in my fusion deck.

Judai explained, looking at [E·hero Absolute Zero] who was affected by the power of [Masked Change] and wrapped in his own ice. Facing [E·hero Absolute Zero], he stretched out his palm: The water attribute [E·hero Absolute Zero] will summon a new Masked Water Hero, and the solid ice will be transformed into a gentle one. Flowing water, awaken with the power of water!

[M·hero Acid Water]!

The ice crystal suddenly exploded, turning into a dense rain of ice blades and attacking the [Lava Demon God] on the seahorse field. At the same time, a warrior wearing dark blue armor walked out from behind the shattered ice crystal.

——This is how it should be.

However, after Judai shouted, although [E·hero Absolute Zero] was activated by [Masked Change] and the huge ice crystal exploded, the lasing ice blade did successfully shatter [Lava Demon], but this [M·hero Acid Water], which should have appeared on his side due to the power of [Mask Transformation], did not appear! ?

Counter Trap Card, [Black Horned Flute of Ascension], activate.

Kaibaman's magnetic voice reached Judai's ears. Only then did he notice that Kaibaman actually activated a cover card in the back field without saying a word, revealing a pitch-black weapon with devilish bat wings. horn flute.

The corner of his mouth raised into a contemptuous sneer, and the seahorse said: What a terrible performance. Do you think the same trick can be used forever just because it is easy to use? Idiot! After the appearance of [E·hero Absolute Zero], you You have already exposed your next intention to your opponent!

In Duel Monsters, having your intentions seen through is almost equivalent to defeat. If you want to defeat me with such immature means, it's still 20,000 years too early!

The effect of [Ascended Black Horn Flute] negates the special summons of the opponent's monsters and destroys them. When [E·hero Absolute Zero] leaves the field, the effect of destroying monsters will be activated with you, and [Lava Demon] will be destroyed. , but at this moment when the special summon of [M·hero Acid Water] is invalid, his effect of destroying my backfield cards will not be activated!

Hearing Kaibaman's words, Judai looked at him in surprise: You actually know the deck I use so well?

Now do you know why I want to reveal the information about the opponent's card to you? On the side, the referee Jiutong crossed his arms in front of his chest and said to Judai, Other cards are actually easier to say, but you use This combo is the one he remembers most clearly. It’s strange that he doesn’t know how you can operate it.”

Five years ago, Kaiba, who did not believe in the so-called future people, had a duel with Yujo Judai who had graduated from the future more than ten years later. Judai who had cheated his teammates several times when fighting Paradox was there. In this duel, he beat Kaiba violently as if he wanted to avenge his younger self. Among them, the combo that impressed Kaiba the most was the Zero Acid Water transformation combo.

Five years, five years! In the past five years, Kaiba has never forgotten the humiliation of being defeated by a mere kid - although the Judai from the future was actually much older than the underage Kaiba at that time - and today's picture [Ascension to Heaven] What the Black Horn blew was the prelude to his counterattack.

Transform? Transformation is prohibited!

After his operation, although he still had five cards in his hand, no monsters were left on the field. He just destroyed the [Lava Demon God] on the Kaiba man's field and returned it to his own graveyard. , but the Seahorses only consumed one of the cover cards in the backcourt, and there were three more unopened cards in the backcourt.

Feeling the obvious pressure, Judai had a few drops of sweat on his forehead, but he was still not discouraged. He looked at the cards in his hand and said: Sure enough, it's not that easy to win. But after defeating a hero, There will be more heroes standing up, and it’s not yet time for me to be at the end of my rope.”

Send the [Demon King of the Swamp] in my hand to the graveyard to activate its effect. I add a [Fusion] magic card from the deck to my hand. Use a universal card to retrieve a [Fusion] card to get started. , Judai immediately activated it and said, Then activate the magic card [Pot of Greed], add the five monster cards in my graveyard to the deck, shuffle them, and draw two cards.

Judai said, taking out five cards from the graveyard and showing them: I chose these five, [E·hero Absolute Zero], [E·hero Shadow Mist Girl], [M·hero Acid Water], The [Demon King of the Swamp] and the [Lava Demon God] were just sent to the cemetery.

After putting the cards back into the deck and shuffling them, Judai drew two cards and added them to his hand, and then played the fusion that retrieved his hand: Activate the magic card [Fusion], and use the earth attribute [E· hero Clayman] and the fire attribute [E·hero Flameman] are fusion materials for fusion summoning!

This material, huh, it's the same old thing again. Just by hearing Judai calling out the different attributes of the fusion material when he summoned it, the Kaiba people already guessed which monster he planned to fuse and summon.

However, Judai was not moved by his words. His hand, which had just grown to six cards, shrank to only half due to the card-loss feature of Fusion Summoning. He placed the Fusion Monster card on the duel plate and shouted: Earth Pregnant with blazing hope, the light of courage will burst from the earth to the sky, and be born and transformed into the radiance of miracles!”

Fusion Summon! [E·hero Sunrise Man]!

The flowing blue cloak was blown up by the breeze, the broad chest, the sharp gaze through the horned helmet, and the handsome weapons mounted on the two gauntlets that looked like the shining sun wheel split in half!

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【7☆/Light】



[E·hero] is a hero who controls the elemental power 'Elemental' to uphold justice. What they are best at is combining multiple elemental powers to create miracles. Judai said proudly, In [E. ·Hero Sunrise Man] can activate the effect when the special summon is successful, and add the second [Miracle Fusion] from the deck to my hand.

At the same time, the effect of [E·hero Sunrise Hero] can increase the attack power of the monsters on my field and my monster attribute type x 200 points. The only light attribute [E·hero Sunrise Hero] on my field is In this case, his attack power increases by 200 points!

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK2500→2700】

It's not over yet! I still have to activate the magic card [Weapon Hole]. I cannot normally summon this card during the turn it is activated, but it is repeated with [Lava Demon God]'s self-restraint, so there is no impact. Judai said, Draw the top card of my deck and send it to the graveyard. [Weapon Hole] needs to send the top card of my deck to the graveyard to activate it. Select a card from my deck and graveyard to equip a spell. The card was added to the hand, and I chose the equipment magic card [Beloved Hero].”

Here comes the [Beloved Hero] that Tenshangyuan exchanged with Judai! Hearing the familiar card appear, Wan Zhangmu said excitedly, Although it's still the same set of three axes, it's just as useful as ever.

It can retrieve magic cards on the field, give the equipped monster resistance, and even increase its attack power by a large amount. I'm so awesome! Sho Marufuji also said happily.

However, Misawa frowned: The increased attack power of [Beloved Hero] is based on the defense power of the equipped monster, but I remember that the defense power of [E·hero Sunrise Man] is only 1200 points, right?

After 2,700 points of attack power plus 1,200 points of defense power, there is only 3,900 points of attack power, which is still a little worse. Misawa paused, then looked at Judai's graveyard and said, Even in order to use [Pot of Greed] replenishes the cards in the hand. There are not many monsters left in the cemetery in the city. The only ones are the fusion materials of the group of [E·hero Sunrise Man] just sent to the cemetery, but there are already Now that I have [E·hero Sunrise Man], I don’t even have the chance to use [Miracle Fusion].”

No, 3, it's not even close this time! However, after hearing Misawa's words, Judai said confidently. He glanced at the four cards in his hand and couldn't help but recall the criticism from the opponent when he had a duel with Daitokuji teacher. Said again, This time, there is no difference.

Activate the magic card, [H-Fiery Heart], targeting [E·hero Sunrise Man] on my field. Until the end of the round, its attack power will be increased by 500 points, and its defense penetration effect will be given!

As well as equip the magic card [Beloved Hero], equip [E·hero Sunrise Man] with level 7☆, and enter my battle phase! (End of this chapter)

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