Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 149 When you stare into the abyss

[True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] was destroyed by [E·hero New Bubble Man] in a weak victory over the strong. A strong wind blew in his face, making the Kaibaman's windbreaker rustle. Through the helmet, others could only see that the corners of his mouth had not changed at all, and could not see the specific expression.

For what reason did Seto Kaiba, the founder of Duel Academy, spend so many resources on establishing Duel Academy?

There are many factors, but the most important thing is the defeat five years ago. It was not a defeat to Kobayashi Hayato, Muto Yugi or even Jonouchi Katsuya, but a defeat to an unknown kid-regardless of the actual age. Judging from the appearance, Kaiba's height and aura are more like those of an adult than those of the ten generations to come.

After learning about the existence of the concept of Duel Academy from Future Man Judai, he was extremely excited about the prospect of continuously providing outstanding duelists as described by him. Only then did Seto Kaiba invest in the Duel Academy project. many.

Everything comes from his pure fighting spirit, wanting to duel with more styles and stronger people. If he changes to another studio and has something that can continuously bring strong people for him to fight with them, but it will affect There are countless props in ordinary people's lives. Although Seto Kaiba will not shout lines like O must stay for me, he will definitely enjoy fighting happily.

Judai used [Lava Demon God] right from the start of his turn. Why did the Kaibaman get so angry? Because he didn't see anything from the duelist Yujo Judai himself in that hand, it was full of the duelist king's shadow.

It is absolutely not possible to just walk on the path of others, because no matter how far Yujo Judai goes on this path, he is just following the path of his predecessors, and is not walking among his own duelists at all. On the road, no matter how much progress he made, he could not catch up with Hayato Kobayashi.

But what made the Kaiba people breathe a sigh of relief was that although Yujo Judai was influenced by the Duel King, it was only a little bit. After that, he successfully got rid of the temptation of the smooth road and walked on his own road, opening up Make your own path.

The best proof is the [E·hero New Foam Man] at this moment. That tiny existence created a miraculous resurrection in an almost desperate situation. Even the seahorse people can't help but feel excited!

Faced with [True Blue Eyes], there was no moment of fear or wavering. Instead, he used the courage to bring his own card with him to do something miraculous? Huh, although it's not amazing, it can barely be considered a third-rate to a second-rate and a half. .”

Judai heard the Kaibaman's evaluation of him and secretly complained, How awesome is that 'second-rate duelist'?, but he didn't know that based on the Kaibaman's evaluation standards, even the professional duelist world champion Katsuya Jonouchi was He can only be rated as a second-rate duelist.

Boy, tell me your name.

When Judai heard this, he looked at the Kaibaman strangely. He must have heard his name before, so why did he ask it again? But he still wiped the tip of his nose, smiled, pointed at himself with his thumb, and introduced himself: My name is Yujo Judai, and my dream is to become the king of duels.

Yushiro Judai? I have remembered this name, the long-lost hero. The Kaibaman looked at Judai, while taking off the [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] card from the duel plate, and watched it disappear out of thin air and enter. But courage is far from enough. The world is much broader than you imagine.

As a reward for your courage, let me show you the true meaning of 'Ultimate'!

The moment the [True Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon] on the field was destroyed, the Ultra Dragon in my hand met the conditions for appearance!

Infinite time is hidden in the white power of the origin, spreading its trembling feathers in the echo of the intertwined soul, come out from the pale abyss!

As Kaibaman used his magnetic voice to shout out the Chuuni lines that were a little awkward when spoken by others, but were full of momentum when he read them, his previously destroyed [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon] 】The location where the light bloomed. However, it is obviously pure white light, but it feels like it is swallowing up everything and dragging it into the abyss.

what is that!?

Others couldn't see clearly what was in the light, but Wan Zhangmu, who was also a dragon envoy, opened his eyes and saw clearly that a deep hole was opening in the light, and a dragon-shaped existence with outstretched wings emerged from there. Coming in.

Power, only pure power can last until the end of time! Awaken from the seal at the end of time now, Dragon of Destruction!

Deep-Eyes-White-Dragon (Deep-Eyes-White-Dragon)!!

Woo ho ho ho!!!

【Abyss Eye White Dragon】【10☆/Light】



Although [E·hero New Bubble Man], who created miracles in desperate situations, successfully destroyed [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], it just met the conditions for the appearance of [Abyss-Eyes White Dragon] in the hands of Kaibaman, which is similar to [Abyss Blue-Eyes Dragon]. The five-winged white dragon soars across the field!

When a level 8☆ or above monster on my field is destroyed, [Abyss Eye] can be Special Summoned from my hand. Then when [Abyss Eye White Dragon] is specially summoned by this effect, the opponent will also suffer [ Abyss-Eyed White Dragon] The wrath of the graveyard dragon in the abyss comes at the same time!

The ring connected to the wings on the back of [Abyss-Eyed White Dragon] lit up, and when the wings were waving, stardust was scattered on the ground, and the ground ignited with blue flames, and transformed into the monsters in the Seahorse Cemetery. image of!

Although the previous [Ultimate Fusion] returned the three [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] from the Seahorse Graveyard to the deck, the other [Abyss Blue-Eyes Dragon] and [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] can still be returned to the deck. Existing in his graveyard, the simulated graveyard dragon transformed into blue flame spit out an attack and hit Judai as soon as it appeared!


【Ten generations: 2000→800LP】

Each dragon-type monster in both sides' graveyards will inflict 600 points of effect damage to the opponent's duelist. Said the Seahorse man, waving his hand again, At the same time, the attack power of [Abyss Eye] will also become that of a dragon-type monster in my graveyard. Same value!

【Abyss Eye White Dragon】【ATK0→4500】

We just defeated [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon]. Hayato Maeda swallowed. First, Judai's [E·hero New Bubble Man] successfully destroyed [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] and then [Abyss-Eyes White Dragon]. 】 came, they, the onlookers, had not closed their mouths for a long time because of surprise.

There is no other way. Big brother, it seems that his ability to defeat [True Blue Eyes] has reached his limit. Sho Marufuji looked at the splendid and beautiful Hakuryuu, who seemed to be a bottomless abyss and gave people a sense of endless despair. , Is that kind of monster a demon?

However, Judai's miracle seems to have reached its limit. The [Bubble Launcher] equipped by [E·hero New Bubble Man] was damaged and disappeared after the battle with [True Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon], although it helped Judai block it. The combat damage is reduced, but the attack power boost it can provide disappears.

【E·hero New Bubble Man】【ATK1600→800】

Besides, what if it is still there? [E·hero New Bubble Man] has only attacked once this round. It is completely powerless against the newly appeared [Abyss Eye White Dragon]. Moreover, its high attack power of 4500 points can be used even if it takes the initiative to attack. Before the effect destroys it, Judai's base points will be directly reset to zero due to the battle damage caused by the difference in attack power.

No, not yet, Judai has not given up yet! Unlike Maeda and Marufuji Sho, the angle of Manzhangmu can see Judai's side face, Judai's eyes still have the desire to continue fighting. The perseverance to go down!”

But what can be done in this situation now? Misawa said puzzledly, Among the five cards in Judai's hand, there is really a chance that he can draw one that can play a role at this moment and find the weakness of [Abyss Eye White Dragon] And the card that beats it?”

Isn't the answer to that kind of question obvious? Wan Zhangmu said confidently with the corner of his mouth raised. This confidence did not come from himself, but from his belief in Judai and the duel king, There is such a thing In a word, 'A true duelist can control his own destiny, and he can create his own future even if he draws cards.' Judai, he has that ability.

Let the guy across from you see how powerful you are, Judai!

Ah, there will always be a way. Judai did not turn his head, but just extended his thumb and said, [Hero]'s limit has not been reached yet.

During the battle phase, I want to activate this quick-attack magic card, [Bubble Chaos]!

It's actually a quick-attack magic card? Kaibaman glanced at the card Judai activated, Do you want to use that card to overcome the desperate power gap between your [E·hero New Bubble Man] and [Abyss Eye]? ?”

No, although [Hero] will fight bravely, courage has never been equated with recklessness, right? Judai said with a smile, [Bubble Chaos] only has [E·hero Bubble Man] on the field. This is a quick-attack magic card that can only be activated when the card is activated. Its effect is to change the [E·hero Bubble Man] in attack position on my field and the monster in face-up attack position on the opponent's field into defense position!

Bubble chaos!

Although there is no assistance from the high-power [Foam Launcher], the [E·hero New Foam Man] on the tenth generation field still has the ability to create bubbles. The foam gun equipped on his wrist sprays a large amount of foam. Although It is fragile but is first-class in terms of quantity. Even though [Abyss Eye White Dragon] can destroy a large amount of bubbles with just one move, it accidentally got the bubbles in its eyes and turned it into a defensive position.

【E·hero New Bubble Man】【ATK800→1200】

【Abyss Eye White Dragon】【ATK4500→DEF0】

I see! This is Judai's plan! Misawa clenched his fist and struck his palm, Although the attack power of [Abyss-Eyes White Dragon] has become the same as the attack power of [True Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon] in the Kaiba Cemetery, But what changes is only the attack power. Unlike [True Blue-Eyes Ultra Dragon], which has extremely high levels of attack power and defense power, [Abyss-Eyes White Dragon]’s defense power is 0!”

After Judai turned over the [E·hero New Bubble Man] card on the duel plate, he looked at Kaibaman with a smile and said: Hey, how about my bubble blindfold trick, Kaibaman-san?

Hmph, I actually brought that kind of card with unknown meaning in the deck. I'm really lucky that you were able to draw it out. But, it just looks good. What's the point of activating that card now? the seahorse said casually. , If you use it during my battle phase, it may keep you alive for a while, but so what if the form of [Abyss Eye] has been changed now. Do you still have monsters that can attack and destroy it?

Hehe, maybe I really do? Judai said with a smile, The [Bubble Disruption] tactic is not just as simple as changing the form of expression. The core lies in the 'transposition' tactic after the bubble blocks the line of sight. Turn it into a defense The one represented by [E·hero Bubble Man] is released as a sacrifice, and I can special summon a monster with [E·hero] in its name from my hand.

On the duel board, Judai replaced the horizontal [E·hero New Bubble Man] with a monster card and shouted: Come out, the warrior with the sharpest blade and strongest body in [E·hero]!

[E·hero Golden Blade Man]!

On the Judai field, a warrior covered in metal, with jet wings on his back and sharp blades on his arm armor, appeared behind [E·hero New Bubble Man], taking advantage of [Bubble Chaos] to interfere with [Abyss] Eyes on Bailong], they quickly exchanged positions, and when they passed each other, they high-fived to complete the handover.

[E·hero Golden Blade Man] [7☆/land]



[E·hero Golden Blade Man] has the ability to penetrate defense. With an attack power of 2600 points, he can cause up to 2600 points of combat damage when attacking [Abyss Eye White Dragon] with a defense power of 0 points. And now, he is still fighting with me. In the stage! Judai waved his hand and ordered, It's time to go, [E·hero Golden Blade Man]!

Eternal disaster in the future!

With Judai's faith in him, [E·hero Golden Blade Man] waved his hand, and the sharp blade on the arm armor opened to the maximum angle, as if his momentum had reached its peak!

Facing [Abyss Eye White Dragon], now is the best time to defeat it. You can't escape, you can't escape, you can't escape. There is only one word that can be done -


The sharp blade he swung hit the body of [Abyss Eye White Dragon], first the wings, and then the slender body. The seahorse man with his arms folded in front of his chest calmly watched the attack of [E·hero Golden Blade Man] hit [Yuan Eyes White Dragon]. Eyes White Dragon] cuts him in two, and then the overflowing damage comes straight towards him!


[Seahorse: 4000→1400LP]

A-Ada! We finally reduced the opponent's base points! Maeda watched the Kaibaman's base points plummet and said excitedly, Well done, Judai!

You actually did it, huh, that's so cool, Judai! Even Wan Zhangmu praised Judai without hesitation, he looked so arrogant no matter how he looked at it.

And taking off the card of [Abyss Eye White Dragon] that turned into a blue light point and disappeared, the seahorse raised the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer: I'll give you a mere 2,600 basic points.

But when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. The moment you break [Abyss Eye White Dragon], the third effect of [Abyss Eye] is activated!

Destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field! Let's be dragged into the abyss together with [Abyss Eye]!

At the last moment before being destroyed, [Abyss Eye White Dragon] used all its strength to release a beam of light from the ring behind it, hitting the only [E·hero Golden Blade Man] on the field in Judai 】. Although the latter immediately tried to block the attack with crossed blades, he was ultimately unable to withstand [Abyss Eye]'s dying counterattack and was destroyed together and sent to the graveyard.

The monsters on both sides of the field were once again wiped out.

The tense nerves finally relaxed at this moment. Judai breathed heavily to relieve the hypoxia caused by the tension, but still smiled: Finally, victory is finally in front of me!

As he spoke, Judai looked at the cards in his hand, played one and said, Quick attack magic card [Kuriko Ball's Calling Flute], special summon [Wing Kuriko Ball] from my deck to the field!

Then, the quick-attack magic card [Berserker Shatter] is used to banish one of the monsters in my graveyard, so that the attack power and defense power of [Wing Kururi Ball] will be the same as the removed monster until the end of the round!

On the Judai field, the small and cute fur ball monster appeared on the field at the call of the flute, and then the power of [Berserker Broken] was integrated into that petite body.

【Wing Chestnut Ball】【ATK300】

The monster card that Judai removed from the graveyard was displayed in front of Kaibaman. It was the [E·hero Golden Blade Man] that had just been destroyed by [Abyss-Eyes White Dragon] and sent to the graveyard together! (End of chapter)

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