Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 146 The passing referee

Using the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon], a mysterious man in a trench coat and helmet who calls himself 'Seahorse Man' faces off against [E·hero] user Yujo Judai with the title of 'Legendary Bad Student'.

Duel, victory or defeat!

The man with a nine-tube mask on his face stood at the edge of the open space between Judai and the Kaibaman and announced loudly.

Wait, wait a minute, where did this guy come from as a referee? Pointing to the Nine Barrels, Misawa Daichi complained, And that mask... you are the one who pushed me off the shore!

Ah? I don't understand what you're talking about. I'm just a referee passing by. You don't have to remember it.

Don't worry about irrelevant things, Rokuzai. The important thing now is to let Judai defeat the suspicious [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] envoy first so that we can leave from here.

So you just ignored that suspicious guy who appeared out of nowhere? After hearing Wan Zhangmou's words, Sanze couldn't help but said, Also, my name is Sanze——

I told you not to worry about boring things.

My name is not a boring thing, please show some respect to others and at least remember the name correctly!

After hearing the voice of Nine Barrels, Judai felt that it sounded familiar, but he didn't recognize who it was. Instead, it was the Kaibaman who was suspected to be the card elf, but he seemed to be able to see through the other person's true face under the mask. He recognized the other person as an acquaintance of his.

Hmph! You guys, are you so idle? You don't have anything serious to do, so you come here to watch my duel?

Hearing the displeased snort from the seahorse man, Jiutong spread his hands and said, You're so busy with everything, why didn't you come up with a place like this just to play cards with a few brats? Let me see what's going on? Although I've already made complaints about it before. I've passed it, but I still want to say one more thing, you are so small-minded, plug... no, 'hai~horse~people'.

Hearing the long pronunciation of Haiba Man in Jiutong's mouth, it sounded strange. Kaiba Man snorted coldly again and ignored him. He turned to look at Judai and said, Since you are the challenger, then I’ll let you attack first.”

Ah? No need, Mr. Kaibaman. Since I am the challenger, shouldn't it be natural that you summon the monster first and then I attack? Hearing that Kaibaman was giving way, Judai was stunned for a moment, and then He said it seemingly somewhat naturally.

‘You’re kidding, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] attacks first? Then wait for you, who was taught by the inherently evil Hayato Kobayashi, to show me the correct use of [Fusion Release]? ’

‘Are you kidding, let [Blue Eyes White Dragon] take the back attack? Although I don’t know how many [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] there are on the opposite side, even I know that [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] is the most standard offensive deck! ’

‘The inherently evil Osiris-Red Imp! ’

‘Such a cunning sir, it’s a good thing you’re not from the real world, otherwise you’d be in such bad shape! ’

It doesn't matter, I will take action as the referee! The voice interrupted Judai and Kaibaman's stare, Nine Barrels said, Now that we can't decide who will take the lead, I will make the judgment.

The decision is yours, Seahorse, you'll be the one to attack first!

Nani?! The seahorse man looked at Jiutong in surprise. He originally thought that he should be on his side, You actually betrayed me, Ha——

Don't get me wrong, Kaiba. Hearing the word Hayato that was about to come out of Kaiba's mouth, Jiutong interrupted, The reason why I specifically chose you is just because I want to Look at the surprised look on your face.

Don't underestimate my intelligence network! You have three identical monster cards and two magic cards in your hand right now, right?

Jiutong said proudly: That's the expression, Seahorse, this humiliating expression. Although your hand is pretty good when you play second hand, it's very uncomfortable when you play first. Right? I'm really looking forward to what kind of operations you can perform.

Following the sound of Nine Barrels, Kaibaman lowered his head and looked at the cards in his hand. As he said, they were three identical 8☆ light dragon-type normal monsters, as well as the magic card [Fusion] and the quick attack magic card [ [Fusion release] - Although this set of three axes is old-fashioned, it is not easy to use.

But the prerequisite is to let him take the back attack, otherwise he won't even be able to enter the combat phase. Does he want to end the round with only one monster standing on the field and no means of defense?

Although the referee given by Nine Tubes made the Seahorse very unhappy, he did not protest but accepted the result, saying: Huh, just attack first, but you want to embarrass me like this? Do you think I who is it!

My turn, draw a card!

Pulling a card from the deck, Kaiba inserts it into the Duel Disk without looking at it.

‘Destined to draw, it has never been your or the game’s prerogative. A true duelist can even create the future of his own card drawing! ’

‘I can see, I can also see the cards I drew! ’

The moment he inserted the card into the magic trap area, the seahorse man said: I activate the magic card, [Hand Card Erase]!

You don't even look at it!?

In Judai's surprised eyes, Kaibaman successfully activated the inserted card and took the lead in sending the cards in his hand to the graveyard: With the effect of [Hand Card Erase], both parties discard all the cards in their hands and send them to the graveyard, and then from the card An equal number of cards are drawn from the group. I have five cards in my hand, so after discarding I can draw five more cards.

In this regard, I am the same. Judai also discarded the five cards in his hand and watched with regret as cards such as [Hero Arrival] and [E·Hero Skyman] were given away. Graveyard, then draw five cards.

Seeing the five cards drawn again, the corner of the seahorse man's mouth that was only exposed under his helmet couldn't help but curl up. He took out a card and activated it: Activate the magic card [Dragon Temple]. Take one from my deck. Send the Dragon-type monster to the graveyard. If the monster sent to the graveyard is a normal Dragon-type monster, send an additional Dragon-type monster to the graveyard.

Is this [Stupid Burial] specially designed for dragon-type monsters? Because the Myriad-type dragon monsters often appear in the graveyard to activate their effects, Judai was interacting with the Myriad-type monster - which means playing cards and communicating - Many of them have seen the appearance of this card and are looking forward to what kind of card the Seahorse will send to the graveyard.

Behind the seahorse, a shadow of a huge skeleton appeared, surrounded by stone bricks. It looked like an exhibition area in a museum. The stone slab next to the skeleton was inscribed with The dragon was here. of words. There is no doubt that these huge skeletons are dragons, or at least they once were.

After a burst of blue light appeared in Kaibaman's duel disk, he pulled out a card from the top of the deck and said: The card I want to send to the graveyard is this one, [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon].

Then the level 8☆ [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] can be applied to this card. The magic card [Gospel of Resurrection] is a level 7·8☆ dragon-type monster in my graveyard - the one I just sent to the graveyard. It can be activated only when the target is [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon].

In the center of the exhibition area built around the dragon's bones, the soil broke open and a statue slowly rose, revealing a stone dragon statue. As the blue light from the Seahorse Duel Disk was released and wrapped around the stone statue covered with mud, the dragon's broken body began to be replenished as if going back in time.

As soon as his eyes lit up, it was like the legendary finishing touch. The stone dragon statue regained life after being buried underground for many years and was awakened. It slowly stepped down from the base of the statue, moved its body, and opened its arms. The white dragon wings growing around a ring on the back, which do not look like conventional biological structures but more like the vector nozzles of some kind of spacecraft sailing between the stars.

Submit yourself under this incomparably beautiful, divine and dazzling light, and see the pure white power at the end of time contained in the trembling wings!

In [Gospel of Resurrection], [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] will be specially summoned to my field. Show up, [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon]!

【Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon】【8☆/Light】



With a graceful body like a woman, the gorgeous dragon appeared on the seahorse field. At the same time, the gems dotted at the roots of the two pairs of non-biological wings behind him lit up, feeding the excess blue light back to the seahorse hands. .

[Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] has three effects. Each effect can only be used once per round, and it can only be activated when there is [Blue-Eyed White Dragon] on my field or in the graveyard. Special summon [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] If it succeeds, the first effect is activated. I add a ritual magic card or [Fusion] from the deck to my hand. I chose the ritual magic card, [Chaos Form].

After adding a card to his hand, the seahorse man continued: Next, I will activate this continuous magic card in my hand, [Gathering Power], and then cover up two cards.

After playing down the cards in his hand until there was only the last one left, the seahorse showed his last card and said: The last card I want to activate is this one, [Life-Destroying Treasure Card], until it becomes five. As long as there are cards, I will draw cards from the deck!

Powerful cards often come with huge risks, and the 'risk' of this card is that at the beginning of the fifth user's preparation phase after activation, all cards in the hand will be discarded to the graveyard. Referee on the side Nine Tubes the commentator said, Wow, this card used by the Seahorse player is really a risky card.

You guy, you rarely have such a weird tone. It's like you don't have this card and you haven't used it. Not being used to the referee, the Seahorse asked back on the spot, and the response he got was Jiutong looked around and whistled.

One-way [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky]? What an outrageous effect! Is there such a card on the market? Judai couldn't help complaining after hearing what the Kaibaman said about the effect of the Treasure Card Falling from the Sky .

You might as well think about it first. Apart from the legendary duelist Seto Kaiba, who else can get the genuine [Blue Eyes White Dragon] card? Wanzhangmu standing outside the field couldn't help but said, Compared to [Blue Eyes White Dragon] White Dragon], even this card with overly fake effects is not very eye-catching.”

Although I also think it's fake, it's a pity that the original version of that card does have that effect. It's a pity that even in the early days of Duel Monsters, there were so few copies that it was used in front of the public. There are only a few people. After hearing Wan Zhang Mu's words, the referee Jiutong said, However, there is news that the castrated version of this card's effect will be released in the next card pack.

The castrated version? Sho Marufuji tilted his head in confusion.

The maximum number of cards drawn is changed from five to three. After activation, all damage received by the opponent becomes 0 until the end of the round. The side effect of discarding cards in the hand is advanced to the end of the activation round.

In that case, is it necessary to buy that card? It's too much castration! Misawa thought about the effect for a while and felt that it was useless, unless the deck can be evolved to use three cards or even one card in the future. It's a sudden start, but it shouldn't be that much. Duel monsters won't speed up that much, right?

However, Maeda Hayato, who is quite artistic, I mean artistic, and has a literary mentality that cannot be seen on the surface, has a different idea: The greater significance of the release of this card is actually for those who like Duel Monsters. Let’s collect early cards that we could only hear about but never see in person.”

In other words, it's a meal replacement. This is the despicable part of the card printing company that sells sentimental cards. It's unforgivable, Becas. He said in a tone that this card selling strategy had nothing to do with him. Kyutsutsu said, but noticed that the students who entered here by mistake, including Judai who was in the middle of a duel, were all looking at him.

Who are you, this guy who ran out of nowhere? Stop using the phrase 'passing duelist' to prevaricate. You know too many things, and some things don't even exist in the real world. You know more or less!”

I don't know much, I just know a few things I want to know. After perfunctoryly looking at Wan Zhangmu who was looking at him suspiciously, Jiutong changed the subject and said, After pulling out five cards in one breath, What kind of exciting combo will the Kaiba people perform? Let us turn our attention back to the duel field!

Although blunt, Nine Barrels did successfully change the topic, causing Judai and others to temporarily give up the idea of ​​exploring his identity. Opposite Judai, the Kaiba man who had drawn five cards drew a card and placed it in the monster area: This turn, I haven't performed a normal summon yet, so I summon [Blue-Eyed Girl] in attack position.

Then set two cards and my turn ends.

A girl with long white hair and beige cloth appeared together with the two phantoms. The accessories connected to her clothes looked quite luxurious, adding an extra bit of divine aura to the girl.

【Blue-Eyed Girl】【1☆/Light】

[Magic family/mouth/effect]


Oh, it's really incredible, Seahorse, did you actually bring her back? You have been insisting that everything is an illusion before, but you haven't given up on others at all. Seeing the appearance of the girl, Nine Tubes There was an undisguised smile in his voice. While teasing the seahorse, he waved to the girl and said, Long time no see, 'Kisara'? This should be the right name, right?

The girl nodded and shook her head. She also smiled and waved to Jiutong as a greeting.

Judai was not very clear about the interpersonal relationships on the other side, but he at least knew the data of the duel monsters in front of him. He looked at the [Blue-Eyed Girl] doubtfully and said: [Blue-Eyed White Dragon] I thought the related card They should all be from the dragon clan, but there is also a magician clan? Moreover, the attack power and defense power are both 0!

Although there is 'Blue Eyes' in the card name, actually the 'Blue Eyes' of [Blue-Eyed Girl] should be called [Blue Eyes]. They are similar to [Blue Eyes] but are related to each other. While explaining, Nine Tutsu reminded Judai, Although we are acquaintances, as a referee, I am very fair and will never take sides - in short, don't target the [blue-eyed girl] as an attack or effect target.

Ah? Is there any danger?

It's not a very dangerous thing. The main thing is that the middle-class man in the windbreaker over there will get angry, and then 'boom--' he will turn out a bunch of monsters to beat people.

Hearing that Nine Tubes didn't seem to say anything, but he had almost said the effect, and even revealed it in a way of slandering himself, the seahorse man said angrily: You guy, that's not a favor. '?

It's more fair than if you know all the effects of the opponent's cards and others know nothing about you.

Too lazy to argue with Nine Barrels, Kaibaman looked at Judai again and said: At the end of my turn, the second effect of [Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon] is activated. From my deck, put a level 8☆ Add the above dragon-type monsters to your hand. I choose [Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon] with level 8☆.

[Seahorse: 4000LP, hand 2→3]

【Abyss Blue-Eyed Dragon】【ATK2500】

【Blue-Eyed Girl】【ATK0】

[Gathering Power] [Gathering Cards] X4 (End of this chapter)

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