[Blue Eyes White Dragon]!?

Looking at the white dragon in front of him, Judai exclaimed, there are many reasons. [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] is the most famous monster card among duel monsters, and its user is also well-known. He is the president of the Kaiba Group and the legendary duelist Seto Kaiba.

In this case, it is very wrong that the spirit of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] would appear here. It is very wrong by ten or even nine points.

Another point is - all the other card elves that appear here are female-oriented. Is it possible that [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is also a female-oriented card elf? Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Hmph, has someone been attracted here? And he's a brat? A voice interrupted Judai's thinking. When he heard the voice, he saw a man standing next to the mighty [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. Wearing a long white trench coat and a [Blue Eyes White Dragon] style helmet to cover his face, only revealing a head of waist-length hair that is unknown to be real or fake, he seemed to be talking to himself just now.

Speaking? Is it a human? Judai glanced at the helmeted man and looked up and down his clothes, I always feel like I have seen this clothes somewhere... Ah, by the way, it's a brochure for Duel Academy. Come on, are you the legendary duelist, Seto Kaiba?

The name from Judai's mouth failed to elicit the slightest reaction from the helmeted man. He just said calmly: Are you questioning me? Who am I who possesses the [Blue Eyes White Dragon]? Seto Kaiba or something like that, A name I’ve never heard of at all, I’m a Seahorse, [Partner of Justice - Seahorse]!”

While talking, as if to prove his identity, the helmeted man who called himself Seahorse Man took out a card from the necklace on his chest. The name printed on the card was clearly the name he said. The name on the card His appearance is also the same.

Ah, I'm not questioning it. There's no need to use the posture of taking out your student ID card to prove your identity. Judai was frightened by the Kaibaman's movements and took half a step back. He smiled and waved his hands, looking at the hand in the opponent's hand. Card, with a novel expression on his face, But this is the first time I've heard of a card with this name...

Hmph, is [Blue Eyes White Dragon] something that can be seen everywhere? Unlike those third-rate cards, [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is tough, invincible, and the strongest!

The Kaiba man's full of enthusiasm, or to be precise, the full of chuunidai's speech did not make Judai have any special reaction. He just had a look of realization on his face: So, it's because in the real world [Blue Eyes White Dragon] There are only a few of them, probably because they are all in the hands of Seto Kaiba, so few people can fully understand even the cards related to them.”

Speaking of which, Mr. [Seahorse Man], do you know where this place is? Have you seen my other companions?

After experiencing the adventure of The Valley of the Royal Family's Rest, Judai also had some experience of traveling to another world. At the same time, the vigilance he raised in the Seven Spirit Seal incident that just ended did not disappear so quickly. Dai couldn't help but worry about what happened to Banzhoume, Maeda, and Xiang who sank from the hot springs just like him.

Could it be that they were captured and sacrificed alive just like the time in The Valley of the King's Rest, and then he had to fight with others to rescue them?

Even Judai, who loves duels, will get tired if the same scene appears several times, and it is difficult to get excited.

Fortunately, the situation this time was different from what Judai had imagined. After hearing Judai's words, the Kaibaman crossed his arms across his chest and said, This is the interlayer between space and space. Underneath the world on the outside is a small independent world. As for your companions, it’s almost time to show up.”

The moment the Kaiba man finished speaking, alarm bells suddenly rang in Judai's heart, and an inexplicable sense of crisis surged into his heart. Subconsciously, he moved his feet and quickly left his original position.

The next moment, he clearly saw his younger brother Sho Marufuji, who was in the same dormitory, suddenly appear in mid-air, and then he was restrained by the damn gravity and smashed to the ground. Fortunately, the height was not very high, and it was almost as if he fell. , but the glasses on the bridge of Sho Marufuji’s nose fell aside because of this.

Just as he was about to reach out and pick it up based on his feeling, Sho Marufuji heard Judai's voice and suddenly remembered: Get out of the way, Sho!

Ah, big brother? Sho Marufuji was stunned for a moment. He couldn't react quickly enough. When he was still thinking about what Judai's words meant, behind him, the figures of Banjomu, Maeda and Misawa also appeared in the air one after another. , and then smashed it down!

Although he couldn't react at all during the previous fall, when he fell from the air this time, Wan Zhangmu was stunned to use his waist to adjust his posture in mid-air, and successfully landed on all fours like a cat without moving. As for falling to the ground, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.

I felt like I was in there, free-falling for at least thirty minutes!

Compared to Manzōme, Misawa and Maeda did not have that level of coordination, and both fell to the ground. However, to their surprise, they didn't feel any pain when they fell to the ground like this?

Why is the ground here so soft? Misawa asked strangely, Is there such a place under the hot spring?

I thought I was going to drown before. Maeda also scratched his head and let out a sigh of relief.

Raising his hand tremblingly so that Maeda and Misawa who were sitting on his back could see it, Sho Marufuji said with difficulty: I only know that if you don't get up, I will probably die...

Hey!? Xiang?!

Misawa and Maeda quickly stood up, and Sho Marufuji finally breathed a sigh of relief: Yes, I'm saved...

Ah, thank you, Maeda. Subconsciously reaching out his hand and taking the glasses handed to him, Sho Marufuji put them on while being thankful that at least his glasses were not crushed.

But when he put on his glasses, he suddenly discovered that Maeda Hayabusa and Misawa were on his left and right sides, but not in front of him. If you look carefully, the person who handed you the glasses just now is obviously a huge koala?

[Death Koala] is out!?

Hmph, it's really noisy. You get so excited when you see something that is slightly incomprehensible. You are worse than a mediocre person. The Kaibaman glanced at Sho Marufuji who was pointing at the [Death Koala] and was startled, and said scornfully said.

Wait a minute, if Lian Xiang also saw the [Death Koala], does that mean that this place is also another world like the previous place where the 'Tomb Guard Clan' was? Maeda Hayato suddenly thought of this and was a little panicked. said.

After hearing Maeda's words, Judai comforted him and said: Relax, Maeda, I feel that this place is different from the 'Valley of the Royal Family's Rest'. You see, the elves here are much better than the unreasonable ones. The Tomb Guards clan is much friendlier, isn’t it?”

As he spoke, Judai rushed to the elves hiding behind the stone pillars in the cave and waved to them. Although they were a little wary, they waved their hands in a friendly way as a greeting.

Hey Jellyfish Head, when you say 'friendly', do you include the two here? Wan Zhangmu tugged at his school uniform and suddenly changed from only having a bath towel wrapped around his lower body to wearing school uniform. He always had the guts to take advantage of someone. The bad feeling of being taken advantage of. After noticing the Kaibaman and the very presence of [Blue Eyes White Dragon] standing next to Judai, he pointed at them and said.

After looking at [Blue Eyes White Dragon] and then at Kaibaman, Wanzhangmu asked suspiciously: Mr. Seto Kaiba?

I am Kaiba! Kaiba once again stated his identity and did not admit any relationship between himself and the name Seto Kaiba.

Even if you say that, who else can like long white trench coats and be related to Blue Eyes White Dragon? Looking at Kaiba's attire and the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] behind him that made people think of Kaiba Seto for the first time, not only the ten thousand eyes, Misawa and Maeda both had the same complaints in their hearts at the same time.

As for Sho Marufuji? When he saw the elves around him who were wearing very little fabric, his face turned red with embarrassment. He felt that he had probably reached heaven. How could he have the time to care whether Kaiba was Seto Kaiba or not?

Don't worry about so many details, Wan Zhang Mu, as long as you are fine. In short, we just need to leave here as soon as possible.

Judai still remembers the setting of the Valley of the Royal Family's Rest. He said that entering there requires specific conditions, and the same is true for going out. If you miss the time when three suns appear in the sky, you will accidentally enter that different world at that time. They would be trapped there and unable to leave.

Thinking about it carefully, the accident that happened at that camping dinner was such a coincidence. The location was recommended by Mr. Daitokuji, and he himself went there for the picnic. The three suns in the sky happened to match his trump card monster [Sanzi]. Sun God Helios] Corresponds. In fact, Asuka's brother, Tenjoin Fubuki, also went there before disappearing.

——However, now it doesn’t matter whether that unexpected trip has anything to do with Mr. Daitokuji. After all, even Mr. Daitokuji has left this world. Judai, who was unable to see Daitokuji's soul being swallowed by the Pharaoh, thought this way.

Although there are many differences between this world and the Valley of the Royal Family, for example, the strength displayed by other elves except [Blue Eyes White Dragon] is obviously incomparable to the [Tomb Keeper] clan, and the space is much larger. The tomb must be far larger than this grotto.

However, Judai did not dare to bet that the conditions for leaving this world would be different. What if this world could only be left at a specific time, and then missed the opportunity to leave because of his own laxity, wouldn't it be terrible?

Leave here? Huh, it couldn't be easier. As the leader of this elven world, my rights are unlimited! I don't even have to think about sending you out for a second. The Kaibaman heard Judai's words. , said, subconsciously also bringing along the line that someone had said many times in front of him.

And when he heard the word elf coming out of Kaiba's mouth, Wan Zhangmu suddenly felt relieved. As far as he knew, the president of the Kaiba Group was a paranoid man who talked about science. No matter what he encountered, he had to use science to explain it. It seemed that the other party was indeed not the legendary duelist Seto Kaiba, who also likes windbreakers. There is also [Blue Eyes White Dragon], which is probably just a coincidence.

When Judai heard the Kaibaman say that he could send his people out without having to rush like last time, he was relieved, laughed happily, and said to the Kaibaman: That's great, Mr. Kaibaman, can you help get us out? Please.

Hmph, why should I help you? If you want to ask for help, what's the use of attitude? After hearing that Judai was asking for help, the seahorse man who was quite talkative just now subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth and revealed With a planned expression, he relied on his self-control to forcefully suppress his smile, revealing a cold expression.

In the world of Duel Monsters, there are only cruel predators of the jungle. Only the strong can give orders. Want my help? Then use your deck to prove that you are stronger than the 'weak' like me. Be the 'strong one', Yujo Judai!

As he spoke, a white light flashed from the jewelry-like wristband worn by the seahorse man, vaguely revealing a disk device and then changed into another appearance, just like a duel disk with a special style.

Hearing Kaibaman's words, Judai didn't notice that Kaibaman easily called out his name even though he hadn't introduced himself much. He was mentally prepared and glanced at the duel disk he was wearing: Although I had a similar premonition when I saw the duel board when I woke up. In the end, we still have to rely on duel to solve the problem.

This is not like the Yujo Judai I know. Manzhangmu frowned when he heard Judai talking to himself, Are you scared?

To hit the mark, Judai was actually a little afraid in his heart, afraid of failure and afraid of dark games. However, what is different from the fear that most people understand is that Judai is afraid that if he fails, his companions who trust him may be trapped in this world, and he is afraid that the dark game will cause the loss of life.

Even though there have been more than one life-risking duel before, because the final result is Judai's victory, and no one around him is harmed, even though Judai knows that people who are killed will die The truth is that he will also feel sad for people's death, but death has always been an unreal thing to him-until Dadeji died in front of him.

Judai, who has never thought about anything more and just simply enjoys the fun of dueling, feels for the first time the existence of things other than dueling contained in dueling. The more the soul has never had a burden, the more it will be under this pressure. Dominated to the point of being breathless, Judai's fear at the moment was just that.

However, for the same fear, different people will naturally have different manifestations. Some people will only yell noisily, some people will lose consciousness due to panic, and some people's first reaction is to run away from the person who makes them afraid. Something, but some people will stamp out cockroaches with all their strength while being afraid.

Judai is not ashamed of feeling fear. On the contrary, he clearly understands that the feeling of fear in his heart at this moment is exactly the opportunity for him to grow.

Is it a duel that risks whether my friends can leave? I accept it, Kaibaman! Facing Kaibaman's gaze, Judai said, This is a trial, a trial from the negative emotions in my heart. , Only by overcoming one's own immature emotions can people grow.

Is the flea that jumps towards the giant elephant ignorantly brave? No, it doesn't even know what fear is. The so-called courage is exactly that after knowing what fear is very clearly, it can still step into the darkness ahead without hesitation. , to open up a path of light in the dark wasteland.

And humans like that are called 'heroes'!

Judai took out the card deck from the card box on his waist, inserted it into the duel plate, unfolded it, and said to the Kaiba man, Hero, you can't run away from the battle.


[Ten generations of Youcheng: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Hmph, at least you still have decent courage. However, the gap between your deck and [Blue Eyes] cannot be made up by just 'enlightenment' of courage. In the duel plate raised by the seahorse man, A blue light lit up in the deck slot, and the duel monster cards appeared out of thin air one by one like virtual projections. Finally, even the [Blue Eyes White Dragon] behind him turned into a beam of light and entered the deck.

Understand the differences in power, and understand what 'complete defeat' means!


[Seahorse: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand] (End of this chapter)

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