Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 134 and XX are different from XX!

Chapter 1188 and XX are different from XX!

The words were divided into two parts, Bajie's side was miserable than Shidai's side. The duel was still going on.

Although it seems that Hayato and Kagemaru have been dueling for a long time, but if you think about it carefully, you can find that the two of them only dueled for five rounds. The duel started by Hayato, and then in Hayato's third round. It's over, and time hasn't passed at all.

As for Judai and Amunaeru, who started the duel later than Hayato and Kagemaru, they had only just reached the third round. The person who took the initiative was Amunaeru, who had just drawn a card from the deck at this moment.

My turn, draw cards.

[Amunaeru: 100LP, hand 6→7]

Don't ask why Amunaeru's basic points are only 100 points like a candle in the wind. This is the high explosive power of [E·hero] used by Judai. Last round, it was only a little short of that, and he could almost directly defeat Amunaeru. Yes.

Although there are still seven cards in hand, six of them all benefited from a [Treasure Card from the Sky] used by Judai in the last round. At the same time, it added a lot of cards to both sides, but even if they borrowed With the [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky] to maximize his combat effectiveness, Judai failed to achieve the kill in the last round, so he still let Amunaeru wait for his turn.

But at least Judai also cleared all the monsters on Amunaeru's field, leaving only five cards in his back field.

[Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining] [Gaika] X4

Looking at the card in his hand, Amunaeru couldn't help but said to Judai: Although I want to praise you for doing a great job, Judai, after all, you are only the last 100 points away from clearing my basic points, but unfortunately, in There is no room for error in the path of alchemy.”

A little bit of a miss here, a little miss there. The accumulation of a few mistakes in daily life will lead to irreparable mistakes in important things at the most critical time.

So, I am not an alchemist at all. Don't give me advice like you are my teacher! Judai looked at Amunaeru angrily and said, Teacher Daitokuji is my most important teacher. He killed Are you qualified to say that?

Teacher, Daitokuji? Amunaeru pretended to know Daitokuji, What kind of person do you think he is? I respect him very much. That person can abandon the bottom line of being a human being and pursue pursuits. The end of the road to alchemy, but he had given up on surviving as a human long ago, but in the end he failed because of human emotions, and he is a stupid person.

But Judai, you are different from Daitokuji. It will not be the old man who creates a new era. You have inherited Daitokuji's alchemy and continue to go forward, reaching the end that he has never seen. The ability of scenery. Raising the duel plate on his arm, Amunaeru continued, So I have to confirm your talent here, and confirm that you will continue to be an alchemist in the future and use my deck.

Who knows what you're talking about?

Without answering Judai's words, Amunaeru took out five cards from his hand and said: The so-called alchemy, in layman's terms, is a strange technology that can turn decay into magic. The specific performance is like this, which can be used almost conventionally. The ability of any existence.”

Magic cards, [Iron Oil Lamp], [Copper Balance], [Lead Compass], [Tin Magic Circle], [Mercury Hourglass] activate!

In the first round of Daitokuji Temple, he had already used a magic card [Silver Key] of the same series as the card he activated at this moment in front of Judai. Its effect was when [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining] was present. , Special Summon one [Alchemy Beast Silver Moon Face] from your hand or deck.

And now that he saw five cards with the same effect in a row, how could Judai not guess what the effects of these cards were?


That's right. Same as [Silver Key], these five cards are all cards that extract impurities from [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining], and correspond to the other five [Alchemy Beasts]. Amunaeru raised it. The duel disk was automatically shuffled, and the five cards were retrieved and placed at the top of the deck to pop up. Amunaeru reached out and pulled out the five cards and showed them to Judai,

Therefore, from the deck, I added [Alchemy Beast·Iron Fire Dragon], [Alchemy Beast·Copper Scale Python], [Alchemy Beast·Lead Lion], [Alchemy Beast·Tin Eagle] and [Alchemy Beast] Beast·Mercury's Antoine] These five monsters are Special Summoned in Attack Position!

As the five cards were activated, five metal streams were released from the huge [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining] window behind Amunaeru, which fell on his field and turned into five alchemical metal monsters of different shapes.

[Alchemy Beast Iron Fire Dragon] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast Copper Scale Python] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast·Leon of Lead] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast·Tin Eagle] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast·Mercury's Catfish] [ATK500]

Although they have different shapes and different attributes, these [Alchemy Beasts] of Amunaeru are all level 3☆ rock monsters without exception. Their attack power and defense power are both 500 points, and they all belong to Special Summoned monsters cannot be normally summoned, but can only be specially summoned by the effects of the corresponding alchemy magic cards.

Being able to steadily ensure that these cards stay in the deck and prevent them from being drawn into the hand, Amunaeru obviously has strong dueling capabilities. However, strength is strength, and this does not change the fact that Amunaeru just used five cards in his hand to summon five not very powerful monsters from the deck.

Besides, the monsters on Judai's field are not just decorations.

[Yucheng Tenth Generation: 2000LP, 2 cards in hand]

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK2500→3100】

【E·hero Nova Master】【ATK2600→3200】

【E·hero Ionization Clamp】【ATK2600→3200】

【Gate Card】X4

Although most of the monsters in [E·hero] are only good at offense and not very good at defense. For example, among the three powerful monsters on the tenth generation field with an attack power of more than 3000, whether they are [E·hero Nova Lord] or [E·hero] Ionization Clamp] are both very effective in attacking. The former can draw cards from the deck unconditionally when destroying monsters, and there is no limit even once per turn. The latter can be activated once per turn to take the target land. Destroys the ability of attack position monsters, and has its own defense penetration effect.

But [E·hero Sunrise Man] is enough. Once per round, he can directly take the target land and destroy any card on the field when the [Hero] monster declares an attack in battle. Previously, in order to kill Amunaeru and Ten as soon as possible, Dai chose to destroy the cover card in his backfield instead of destroying [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Connection], and accidentally exploded a [Coffin of the Curse], forcing himself to discard a [Mask Transformation], otherwise he would have been early That's the end of the duel.



But it doesn't matter even now. The combined attack power of the monsters summoned by Amunaeru is not as high as any of his [E·hero], and they pose no threat to him at all.

What's more, he still has four cover cards in the backcourt, including [Hell's Cold Spear] to deal with effect damage, [Naraku's Hole] to defend against powerful monsters, and the attack pit [Sacred Shield-] to hinder attacks. The power of the reflector -], and Zhang Qiang’s powerful secret weapon is left at the end, so you are not afraid of the opponent attacking at all!

——To this day, Judai understands more and more how Hayato guided him. Mr. Hayato must have seen the characteristics of the [E·hero] deck many years ago. There is no return, a backhand breakthrough deck that focuses on attack. It has more than enough offense but not enough defense. Therefore, he specifically recommended that he bring more trap cards for defense in his deck.

Worthy of being the king of duels, he can easily do things that others cannot do. Judai, who has gone deeper and deeper on the path of Yin Xiong, has become more determined to put so many trap cards into his deck under the guidance of Mr. Hayato. The decision was absolutely correct. Otherwise, how dangerous would it be to have only three monsters standing alone on the field?

This is the Duel King's top understanding of Duel Monsters!

After special summoning five [Alchemy Beasts] with only 500 attack points, Amunaeru looked at Judai's basic path: During the last round, in order to retrieve [E·hero Bubble] from the deck Xia] This card you particularly like, you did not hesitate to pay half of the basic points to activate that [Hero Arrival].

But Judai, miracles and magic are never free. If you want to get something, you will lose something. Even the alchemist's Midas touch must follow the principle of 'equivalent exchange'. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Judai. , Amunaeru continued, At this moment, in front of these [Alchemy Beasts] with direct attack capabilities on my field, your arrangement is already as if you are naked!

The ability to directly attack? And all of them!? Because Amunaeru was unable to enter the combat phase in the first round, even though Judai had destroyed [Alchemy Beast Silver Moon Face] in defense position, he never knew it had it. What effect.

I didn't know until now that the effects of [Alchemy Beasts] are all the same: This card can attack directly, which is simple and powerful, especially now that the basic score of the tenth generation is only 2000 points!

Amunaeru only needs to use direct attacks from four [Alchemy Beasts] to clear the basic points of the tenth generation. No more, no less, it can cause exactly 2000 points of combat damage, and there is not even a chance for the fifth one to take action. Rounding up, it is five. …

Ahem, in short, Judai is suddenly in crisis now - if he doesn't have [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -] in his backcourt.

I have to say that although this common trap card, known as Mirror Reflection, is very old and even one of the first batch of trap cards to be released, it is still useful today and has not become outdated, just like the [Pot of Desire]. Unless the duel rules undergo earth-shaking changes one day, it would be possible for such a powerful card to be withdrawn from the environment.

‘Already, there is nothing to be afraid of. ’

But just as Judai was confidently waiting for Amunaeru to let the monster attack so that he could trigger the [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -], Amunaeru pressed the button on the duel plate to activate the card, and put a Zhang opened the card and said: Although I don't have the ability to read minds, Judai, you shouldn't be thinking about things like 'there's nothing to be afraid of'.

Do you rely on the cards in your hand or the cards in the backcourt? I think it should be the cards in the backcourt. After all, the Duel King Kobayashi Hayato exists as your principal, and the content of trap cards in your deck is bound to be Have a great impact.

However, the performance of the cards is not the key to determining the outcome of the duel. Although they are weak individually, I have the earth attribute [Alchemy Beast, Lead Lion] and the water attribute [Alchemy Beast, Mercury's Antoine] on my field. ], the wind attribute [Alchemy Beast·Tin Spiked Eagle], and the fire attribute [Alchemy Beast·Iron Fire Dragon], now they will exert the power of 'perfect harmony' under the coordination of alchemy!

Activate the trap card [Fenglin Huoshan]!

In addition to the light-attribute [Alchemy Beast·Copper Scale Python] on Amunaeru's field, the other four [Alchemy Beasts] with different attributes simultaneously raised a ball of spiritual light guided by the opened trap card in Amunaeru's backfield. Gathered in one place.

This card can only be activated when all monsters with the four attributes of earth, water, wind, and fire are on the field. You can choose one of the four effects to apply. Amunaeru stretched out four fingers, All the monsters on the opponent's field are Destroy, destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field, discard two random cards in the opponent's hand, and I draw two cards from the deck.

I choose the second effect to destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field!

Instead of selecting the monsters on Judai's field, he immediately cleared the cards in Judai's backfield. The effect of [Fenglin Huoshan] unfolded instantly, and a huge meteorite appeared out of thin air and hit Judai's backfield.

And this also means that the [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -] on the field after the tenth generation will also be destroyed and will not be effective!


Just like Sydney being hit by a colonial satellite, Judai's backcourt was wiped out after being hit by a meteorite, and not a single card was left.

However, Amunaeru glanced at the monsters on Judai's field that were suddenly enveloped in a layer of light: That's it?

In chess, you need to have the mentality of 'take the next move, look at the next move, and think about the third move.' Although I don't know how to play chess, this sentence should be applicable to Duel Monsters. Judai He pulled out the card from the magic trap area and said, Although the [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -] on my back field is the best way to counterattack the [Alchemy Beasts] that can directly attack me, but this is not It means that I really only have that one card to rely on.

The trap card [Messenger of Peace] and the chain [Wind Forest Volcano] are activated. Only this round, the monsters on my field are given resistance that cannot be destroyed by battle, and the battle damage I receive this round is changed. becomes 0.

Judai, who rubbed his nose and sent the card to the graveyard, said with a smile, Although it is to prevent Professor Chronos from being able to deal a lot of damage in one round, and at the same time, he has the ability to block me from activating the card during the battle phase. I only put this card into use due to my dueling style, but it’s also very suitable for dealing with your [Alchemy Beasts] that attack directly.”

Compared with [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -] which can only be activated during the combat phase, [Messenger of Harmony] mainly focuses on a turtle defense without any counterattack. Being destroyed by battle and not taking damage from battle is indeed an effective countermeasure against decks like [Ancient Machinery] and even [Electronic Dragon].

At the same time, it also happened to fill the loopholes in Judai's defense and perfectly countered Amunaeru's [Alchemy Beasts] with direct attack capabilities, because no matter how they attacked, they could not deduct Judai who were protected by the [Messenger of Peace]. Even a little basic score.

As for why this is considered a counterattack——

Summoning a large number of monsters with low attack power but direct attack ability in one breath is indeed a very dangerous duel style, but after I used [Messenger of Peace] to avoid the risk, the person who needs to bear the risk now is Only you, Amunaeru, those [Alchemy Beasts] that exist in your attack display are not even considered walls in my next turn, and will be swept away by my [E·hero] very quickly!

Hearing Judai's words, Amunaeru chuckled under his mask: In that case, wouldn't it be great if I let these monsters be destroyed and removed from my field this turn?


Enter my battle phase, and then I use the [Alchemy Beasts] on my field to attack the monsters on the opponent's duelist's field!

Even though his basic score is only 100 points, Amunaeru actually lets his [Alchemy Beasts] with only 500 attack points attack the monsters on the field of the 10th generation whose lowest attack power is over 3000 points! ?

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