Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 133 I can’t do anything

Any resistance is useless before the power of [Star God - Tiera]. All are huge!

The restoration power that covers all hand cards, the field, and the graveyard returns all the cards of Hayato and Kagemaru to their original state. With the power of [Star God - Tiera], there is not even a single hand pit or grave pit. There is a chance to stay.

At the beginning, the three-body nameless dragon provided power and blessing for [Super Fusion], thereby devouring the huge sea beast God of Oliha Gang that was fused with Dazi - codenamed Leviathan. One of the incarnations of Darkness was the [Creation Star God-Tiera] that was conceived at that time, but it was only at this moment that Hayabusa had the opportunity to use it, ending the duel with Kagemaru.

[Creation Star God-Tiera], who was born under [Super Fusion], even has the ability to activate the same effect as [Super Fusion] and cannot activate the effects of magic, traps, and monsters in a chain. It is unstoppable and invincible. Match!

Kagemaru's remaining basic points are 1501 points, but [Star God - Tiela] has an attack power of up to 3400 points. The flames symbolizing divine punishment and the wrath of heaven are attached to [Star God - Tiela]'s feet. He hit Kagemaru with his huge arm!

In an instant, Kagemaru's base points were cleared, and the high amount of combat damage that exceeded his base score turned into a substantial impact in this dark game, knocking Kagemaru violently away, mainly suffering from There was an obvious dent in the abdomen of Kagemaru in the force area, and it seemed that several ribs were broken.

However, Hayato is so kind, how could he let [Creation Star God Tiera] beat Kagemaru with so much force just to torture Kagemaru? The next moment the power of [Creation Star God Tiera] invaded Kagemaru's body, the elven power and human vitality from the outside that had been absorbed by Kagemaru were expelled from his body one after another - specific manifestations , even Kagemaru, who was lying on his back and unable to move, opened his mouth wide, and spit out large golden light spots from his mouth, all of which had been connected into a long line!

To deal with a big bitch like Kagemaru who is willing to harm the whole world with his own power, Hayato's approach is to make him vomit out everything he eats. Although it is difficult to make it exactly the same as before he took action, there are at least nine The completed power will be returned to all parts of the world and returned to its original owner under the guidance of the power of [Creation Star God-Tiera].

What Kagemaru can do by taking Three Illusion Demons and then adding the Seven Spirits' Interpretation as an aid, Hayato can do it with just [Star God - Tiera], even compared to It is obviously more difficult to absorb it than to send it back, and this is the gold content of [Star God-Tiera], one of the two supreme creation gods in the DT worldview!

Of course, Hayato will not leave the remaining 10% to Kagemaru. If he wants him to spit it out, he will spit it out. Even if he can't send it back, it doesn't matter. The power and vitality of those redundant spirits will remain. Card spirits are deposited on this island to enhance the vitality of the creatures on the island, including the students, and to help the duelists better awaken themselves.

As for Kagemaru——

When [Creation Star God Tiera] sent away the last trace of power that could be returned to its original position within the scope of its ability, and Hayato waved goodbye to him and put away the cards on the duel plate, Kagemaru felt the energy rushing into his body. The desperate and suffocating power finally disappeared, and I resisted the pain in my abdomen and tried to move.

However, his body was weak, and his legs did not have the strength to get up like carp push up. Even his hands that supported his upper body and tried to sit up from the ground were trembling. He finally managed to get up, but I heard a crisp sound from my elbow, and it was actually dislocated.

Kagemaru fell back to the ground again, and when he raised his palms, he realized that after losing the power of the Three Phantom Demons, he could not even retain the power of Darkness and had turned back into the old man.

After so many preparations, in the end, I turned back to this ugly and powerless look. Looking sideways at Hayato not far away, Kagemaru's voice was full of envy, I just want to become young, especially It’s after seeing you young people in their teens and twenties that I want to regain my youth no matter what.”

“However, after losing the ‘Phantom Demon’ and the power of ‘Darkness’, I turned into an old man who couldn’t even stand up on his own!”

I can't do anything

Walking up to Kagemaru, he looked at Kagemaru who was thinking about running the wrong lines on the server. If it was a children's film and television work, after defeating Kagemaru, Hayato should start to use words to encourage Kagemaru and let him not think about relying on the outside world. Strength depends on yourself, and you start by standing up with your own efforts.

As for a gentle person like Hayato, what he did as a matter of course was——

Here? Kangkan deck. Without listening to what Kagemaru just said, the first thing Hayato did was to take the duel disk off Kagemaru's arm with an unusually skillful technique, then took off the deck and turned it over. Looking at the cards in Kagemaru's deck, he directly picked up the magic trap cards that matched the Three Phantom Demons. To be precise, it should be to prevent Kagemaru from using these dangerous cards to do anything else. Collect the cards and keep them in your own warehouse. Yes, it is like that.

As for Hayato already having the Three Phantom Demons card, why did he need to get the Three Phantom Demons matching card from Kagemaru? It's not that the card packs in the system store can't be opened, but it's more cost-effective to get them from Kagemaru.

It's not like the system never pushed something like the Three Phantom Demons Special Card Pool to Hayato at the beginning. In addition to the matching cards for the Three Phantom Demons used by Kagemaru, the final grand prize is three types of Three Phantom Demons in the card pool. The fused form - the greatly weakened [Chaos Phantom Demon-Armitel], the separately castrated [Chaos Phantom Demon-Armitel-Void Phantom Luo Shengbo], and Hayato doesn't know why they are the same as the Three Phantom Demons Contacted [Huan Mo Emperor-Sanlian Electronic Man].

Compared with the special grand prize in the previous Three Phantom Gods Special Card Pool that Hayato didn't draw [Creator God of Light - Herakti], the Three Phantom Demons Special Card Pool is nothing at all. It's superfluous. To use my DP points to open a card pack for a few cards that I have little interest in, I might as well get a few cards directly from Kagemaru, or even get the original animation effect of [Chaos Phantom-Amitel] instead of the castrated version—— Ahem, let me correct you again, it’s not that the hair is taken away, it’s collected and kept for safekeeping.

And after Hayato collected all the support cards, the next thing was the three Three Phantom Demons that Kagemaru made up. Although it also bears the name of Three Phantom Demons, and the effects are the original ones without any weakening, the three that Hayato carries are made by Daitokuji himself, and they are fed and hunted by Yami Tapiryo. Compared to the Three Phantom Demons who are fully awakened by the souls of powerful duelists, Kagemaru's Three Phantom Demons don't even have their own intelligence.

In themselves, they are just fakes that Kagemaru imitated on stone slabs with the help of the power of Darkness. They have been suppressed by Kagemaru's Seven Spirits' Explanation since their birth, and not much of the power absorbed is even their own. Also, because of Kagemaru's defeat, he vomited it all out again. The self-awareness that finally had some signs of awakening before was directly beaten to pieces by the power of [Creation Star God - Tiera].

So, when Hayato got the three cards, he saw that Hayato didn't care much about these three cards and even took out the card they were on. Hayato's Three Phantom Demons were as hungry as wild dogs on the loose. Keke jumped out of his own card, and each found his other self to devour the other.

Following Hayato, they starved for nine meals in three days. For Hayato, the most caring duelist, it is of course impossible for Hayato to come to the dark game to hunt for souls when playing cards. It is also rare for them to indulge in meat. After all, they usually play cards. All they can do is suck in the dueling energy emitted by the abundant will of the duelists in the dueling academy to satisfy their hunger.

As for killing your other self, it has nothing to do with you. It's better than starving yourself. In other words, this is a necessary sacrifice!

When the Three Phantom Demons who had enjoyed their rare meal lazily returned to their cards and went to sleep, the three cards in Hayato's hand still retained their original appearance intact, and could even be used normally for summons on the duel disk. , but Hayato can use his ability as a New-Type to sense that the inside of the card is already in a mess.

Trivia - Although there is no limit to the number of spirits that can be awakened by a card. For example, Hayato awakened the spirits of the three brothers [Disruption Yellow] from the trap card [Disruption Trio], but the number of times that can be awakened is limited. Only once, there is no such thing as awakening with a card, and there will be a new elf for another person.

Among the cards of Kagemaru's Three Phantom Demons, the old spirits that were about to be born were strangled in their infancy. Even if Hayato took these cards to find Yugi, Kaiba, Jonouchi, and the others to play a few cards with all their strength, Don't even think about the possibility of an elf being born. If you can't awaken, you can't awaken. Even if you tear up the card, you won't be able to awaken.

Another way to describe it is that just like castrating pets, Kagemaru's Three Phantom Demons cards have been rendered harmless. Hayato, who already has Three Phantom Demons, can even take these cards. As a gift, he had already thought of a candidate.

After putting away the card, Hayato looked at his feet. Although the duel disc he had taken off was still there, Kagemaru was nowhere to be seen. Looking around, Hayato quickly found the Kagemaru guy. While he was working hard to confirm what the collected cards were, that Kagemaru guy actually managed to crawl close to the sealing device with his old body?

He says nothing can be done, but in fact this guy can move normally and even stand up and walk on his own.

With his back turned to Hayato and not looking at him, Kagemaru moved closer to the sealing device. He swept away the frustration and loss on his face and revealed a ferocious expression: As long as you get there!

While Hayato wasn't paying attention to him, although he lost the Three Phantom Demons, it didn't matter. As long as he retrieved the [Dark Demon - Neosfia] card that replaced the Three Phantom Demons in the sealing device, he could When he gets another chance to make a comeback, he can not only re-inject the power of Darkness into his body to regain his youth, but he can also use [Darkness Demon - Neosfia] to sneak attack on Yujo Ju who is still dueling with Amunaeru on the other side. generation.

Although despicable, as long as you can achieve your goal, that's enough! By taking Hayato Kobayashi's student as a hostage, he can once again exchange the Three Phantom Demons from him. But this time, he will not even give him a chance to duel with the opponent, but will directly let the invincible Three Phantom Demons with him. The materialized state is dispatched!

Kagemaru, who did not have the ability of a spirit user or the Prana talent that Hayato nicknamed New-Type, had no idea that during the time when Hayato was holding the Three Phantom Demons card, he had already used that card. The unawakened elves in the three cards have all been killed. Even if you get the cards, you can't summon the three phantom demons that have materialized.

Seeing Kagemaru approaching the sealing device, and immediately guessing what Kagemaru was planning, Hayato sighed: Sure enough, I am too holy and gentle, and I didn't even kill such a bad guy. It gives the opponent a chance to fight to the death.

He said this, but Hayato's feet seemed to be rooted in place and did not move at all. He just watched Kagemaru crawling to the front of the sealing device, and pressed towards the center of the device!

You've been fooled, Kobayashi Hayato, this is my escape route! Standing up from the ground while holding on to the rising sealing device, Kagemaru leaned on the sealing device, turned to look at Hayato and shouted proudly, It's just for a moment. It’s just a victory, but your negligence gave me an opportunity!”

Use your life to make up for this mistake!

The sealing device protruding from the ground opened, spitting out the [Dark Demon of Darkness - Neosfia] card that Kagemaru had put in it before. This card Kagemaru had put in before to maximize the effect of The Seven Spirits' Unleashing card, but it became the only card Kagemaru left that was not taken away by Hayato, and was regarded by Kagemaru at this moment as the hope of turning defeat into victory!

For this reason, Kagemaru even thought of a wonderful line: The ending of the story is up to me!

Reaching out to grab the card on the sealing device, Kagemaru raised the grabbed card above his head and said, [Dark Demon - Neosfia], activate!

However, I wanted to use the card I raised to cover the shadow of the sun emerging from behind the clouds above my head, but I found that the card failed to cover all the light, and almost half of the sunlight still shone down and reflected on me. head on.

Looking sideways in confusion, Kagemaru's eyes widened, because he actually saw that his [Dark Demon - Neosfia] card had been cut off for some reason, and he only had half of the card in his hand. ! ?

Looking back, Kagemaru found that except for the [Dark Dark Demon- in his hand, what was left on the sealing device was -Neosfia], but when and who did it? !

Yeah, yeah, if I didn't remind you, you really wouldn't be able to react at all? Hayato calmly walked closer to Kagemaru, as if Kagemaru's [Dark Demon - Neosfia] card had been destroyed long ago. It was expected,

Before, you confirmed that the 'Seven Spirits' Unlocking' was operating normally, so you started your actions with confidence, right? But when you opened the sealing device, you only got a few 'specials' that I carefully prepared. At that time, there was only an angry expression but no confusion?

Don't you think about where the collected energy goes?

Walking past Kagemaru who was sitting on the ground in despair, Hayato also pressed on the sealing device. The seven-prism-shaped sealing device actually opened another layer. Kagemaru had no idea about the device until Hayato took action. There is actually a layer below?

Looking at the only card in the inner device, Hayato did not touch it, but introduced to Kagemaru: Have you heard of the story of 'Knight's Journey'... ah, no, the legend of 'King Arthur'?

I brought back some small 'specialties' from my trip to Victoria. At the request of an old scammer, the [Paladin-Artoris] was left on the Duel Academy Island for me to see. Where is it? After looking left and right, Hayato lowered his head and looked at the device and said, Oh, it happens to be right here~

you you you!

Pointing at Hayato tremblingly, Kagemaru's weak and pale face turned red with anger. He was speechless for a long time, holding his chest and breathing heavily, breathing rapidly as if he was going to die at any moment.

Oh, why do you look so dangerous, Chairman Kagemaru? Kneeling down in front of Kagemaru, Hayato said with a smile, without any intention of lending a helping hand to Kagemaru who looked eager for help, You look like this, shouldn't you? You want me to save your life, right? Even though you are old, aren’t your thoughts still very naive?”

You don't care about other people's lives, but when your own life is in danger, you want me, who you wanted to kill before, to save you? Ask yourself, how can there be such a good thing in the world?

Since you have done such a disgraceful thing, let me help you look decent. Without even looking at the angry Kagemaru, Hayato stood up and said casually, 'Seven Stars' Battle, Chairman Kagemaru How pleasant does it sound to die an untimely death?

In the anime, after Kagemaru was knocked down, Judai desperately encouraged him to stand up with his own efforts, and then he really succeeded.

(The next second he pounced on Kagemaru and strangled Kagemaru's waist so that he could only use a wheelchair in the future. Judai had to be a sinister person to give people hope and then turn it into despair)

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