Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 135 Killing Matter Regenerating Matter

Amunaeru attacked Judai even when his base score was 100, like a candle in the wind. None of the target monsters had an attack power of less than 3,000 points. This surprised Judai. After all, none of the [Alchemy Beast]'s attack power exceeds 500 points.

But what surprised Judai even more was what came next. After announcing that he was entering the battle stage, Amunaeru actually pressed the button to activate the block card and opened another block card on the field behind him.

The Trap Card [Alchemy Cycle] is activated. Until the end of the activation round, the original attack power of all face-up monsters on my field becomes 0. The card Amunaeru activated is not a card that gives the monsters special powers. , did not increase their attack power, but directly reduced the already low attack power of his [Alchemy Beasts] to zero.

[Alchemy Beast·Iron Fire Dragon] [ATK500→0]

[Alchemy Beast Copper Scale Python] [ATK500→0]

[Alchemy Beast·Leon of Lead] [ATK500→0]

[Alchemy Beast·Tin Eagle] [ATK500→0]

[Alchemy Beast·Mercury's Catfish] [ATK500→0]

Take the initiative to reduce the attack power of your own monsters. Could it be that the [Alchemy Beasts] have some hidden effects that I don't know about? Judai glanced at the [Alchemy Beasts] on Amunaeru's field who had 0 attack power. guessed. Nothing special happened after he destroyed [Alchemy Beast·Silver Moon Face] before, but there is no guarantee that Amunaeru will trigger something else if he takes the initiative to attack with [Alchemy Beast] now.

After all, if you think about it, it is easy to get stuck because it cannot be normally summoned. Even the summoning conditions are not very broad and can only be specially summoned with the corresponding exclusive magic card. Such [Alchemy Beast] is compared to those that Judai put in the deck. The support cards dedicated to each [E·hero] are also easy to get stuck. In this regard, Judai is somewhat similar to Amunaeru.

However, the difficulty of use is not proportional to the strength that the [Alchemy Beasts] have shown so far. Even if the attack power and defense power are only 500 points, the effect is not like skip the opponent's next draw after causing combat damage. card phase, When a magic, trap, or monster's effect is activated, discard a card to invalidate and destroy it, and increase its own attack power by 1000 points, etc. It's just This card can directly attack the opponent's duelist. Just?

Something is very wrong, isn’t this very wrong? It’s ten or even nine points wrong!

First, let's attack with [Alchemy Beast Mercury's Antoine]. The target of the attack is [E·hero Sunrise Man] with an attack power of 3100 points.

Even when carrying out a suicidal attack, Amunaeru did not choose the stupidest option - Judai's [E·hero Nova Master] on the field, which has the effect of destroying monsters in battle, allowing Judai to draw a card from the deck. Instead, he chose [E·hero Sunrise Man] as his goal.

Judai, who had no cards in the backfield and no cards to play in his hand, just watched Amunaeru's [Alchemy Beast Mercury] collide with [E·Hero Sunrise Man]. The flying fish made of mercury, also known as mercury, collided with [E·hero Sunrise Man]'s fiery fist and evaporated into a highly toxic vapor on the spot, but it failed to cause any harm to [E·hero Sunrise Man]. Influence.

Judai, who had originally speculated that [Alchemy Beast] might turn into a monster with weakened equipment cards if it is destroyed saw this scene and was even more confused, but he still looked at Amunaeru and said: Then because of [Alchemy Beast] ·Mercury's Angoiter] was destroyed by battle, Amunaeru, you will suffer the difference in attack power between [Alchemy Beast·Mercury's Angoiter] and [E·hero Sunrise Man], which is 3100 points of battle damage.

That's natural. Seeing the mercury vapor drifting towards him with a wave of [E·hero Sunrise Man]'s hand, Amunaeru said calmly, being caught so unpreparedly Shrouded in a poisonous mist. However, under Judai's gaze, Amunaeru's body suddenly lit up with a colorful light. The poisonous mist not only did not reduce his basic points, but was absorbed by him?



While Judai was puzzled, he suddenly noticed that one of the cards on Amunaeru's back field had been opened like the [Alchemy Cycle] at some point, revealing the card picture.

That card is?

[Life of Rainbow], just when [Alchemy Cycle] was activated, I discarded a card and activated this card in a chain. Showing the last card in his hand, Amunaeru said, As an alchemist, any experiment must be carefully arranged. Do you really think that I just launched a suicidal attack on your monster without any plan, Judai?

Oh, that's not certain. After all, you are just a lunatic who is obsessed with alchemy. Judai looked at [Rainbow Life] with a rather troubled expression. He knew the effect of that card, because Hayato was This card is often used, and its effect is to replace the damage received with the equivalent amount of basic points restored.

Generally speaking, this card is used for defense. When the opponent is about to deal the maximum damage, it will be activated in a chain, absorb the damage and restore basic points. Incidentally, it can also interrupt other damage that the opponent intends to continue. After all, it is definitely Most people don't want to increase the opponent's base points.

However, Amunaeru used this card in conjunction with the [Alchemy Cycle] that Judai also possessed, maximizing the effect of [Life of Rainbow] by weakening his monsters as much as possible, and even Amunaeru was still on top This card has already been stamped out in the first round, even if the basic points were reduced to only 100 points, it was not used, just to maximize its effect at this moment.

Not only that, Judai remembered that [Alchemy Cycle] not only weakens the attack power of his monsters, but also has subsequent additional effects——

The essence of alchemy is equivalent exchange, but the essence in specific practice is to 'kill' matter and then 'regenerate' matter. In order to create a 'human body' that can serve as a second life, In order to make the 'Philosopher's Stone' that extends life, one must 'kill' life in exchange for the miracle of 'regenerating' life. Amunaeru said, pulling out a card from the deck, Each time The effect of [Alchemy Cycle] caused the monster whose original attack power became 0 to be destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, and I drew a card from the deck.

Then, the battle continues, and the attack target of the remaining four [Alchemy Beasts] is still [E·hero Sunrise Man]!

Following the [Alchemy Beast Mercury Snake], Amunaeru's other [Alchemy Beasts] also launched suicidal attacks one by one, causing them to be constantly killed and turned into Amunaeru's base points and hand cards.

The premise of life is death, dead matter will become the best material for the birth of regenerated matter, killed silver will breed gold, and the basis for forging swords is killed steel.

Amunaeru kept killing the [Alchemy Beasts] on his field, but he extracted rare secret treasures from the remains of these metal beings, and instantly raised his base score to a level that astonished Judai. At this moment, to Judai, he really looked like a skilled alchemist who played with matter and life and death.

[Amunaeru: 3200→6300→9400→12500→15600LP, hand 2→6]

At the cost of losing three cards in the backfield, Amunaeru's basic score has reached as high as 15,600 points, and at the same time, he still has as many as six cards in his hand!

After his plan to directly attack Judai's base points failed, Amunaeru changed his course of action and decisively turned the [Alchemy Beasts] with low attack power on his field from weaknesses into his base points advantages, while also recycling With a large number of cards in his hand, he looked at Judai and said: My combat phase is over. But in my main phase two, I activated magic cards again, [Iron Oil Lamp], [Bronze Scale], [ Compass of Lead], [Magic Circle of Tin] and [Hourglass of Mercury].”

The strength of [Alchemy Beasts] itself is extremely low, which means that the exclusive magic cards used to specially summon them are not limited to once per round. After all, for ordinary people, it is already good to be able to get started, so don't ask too much. And the five cards in Amunaeru's hand recovered through the self-destruction of five [Alchemy Beasts] this round were actually five more magic cards used to specially summon [Alchemy Beasts].

In the second main stage, he specially summoned the five monsters that had just been destroyed in one breath - of course, these five [Alchemy Beasts] are all brand new existences, after all, because of [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining] ], the cards Amunaeru sent to the graveyard have been excluded and cannot be specially summoned by their corresponding magic cards.



[Alchemy Beast Iron Fire Dragon] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast Copper Scale Python] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast·Leon of Lead] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast·Tin Eagle] [ATK500]

[Alchemy Beast·Mercury's Catfish] [ATK500]

Looking at the [Alchemy Beasts] returning to Amunaeru's field, although the current Judai can still use his [E·hero] to destroy them in battle and inflict a lot of damage to Amunaeru, but because of the [Alchemy Cycle] and [Rainbow no. Because of life, the situation has been completely different.

The only good thing is that the magic cards corresponding to the [Alchemy Beasts] are normal magic cards rather than quick-attack magic cards that can be played during the battle phase. Otherwise, Judai feels that Amunaeru can still use them during the battle phase. If your own basic points are piled higher, even your own [E·hero] will inevitably be helpless when faced with too high a basic score.

Judai, who was thinking like this, saw Amunaeru play a card again and said: I thought now, the warm-up is almost over, let's enter the formal alchemy experiment, Judai. I activate the magic card, [The Black Process-Nigredo].”

Warm-up? Are these just warm-ups? Judai looked at Amunaeru's basic score and the monsters on his field, not sure what he looked like when he was serious. At the same time, the name of the card Amunaeru used felt somewhat familiar to him, as if he had heard it somewhere.

If you have listened carefully to the lessons of your Daitokuji teacher, you should know the most famous four stages of alchemy, the creation of the 'Philosopher's Stone', right, Judai? You can tell Judai at a glance The expression on his face was exactly the same as that of a student who was called by the teacher to answer a question in class but couldn't hold back even a single word. Amunaeru said in a tone of hatred, Including the 'killings' I just talked about. Matter is the content of the first stage of 'blackening' among the four major stages.

These are all important tests to be taken at the end of the semester. It's nothing.

Not only did he accidentally expose his oral habit, but he also almost said the lines he used to say when asking students to highlight their key points in class. Amunaeru quickly stopped talking and held up the magic card [Black Process-Nigredo]. Said: The effect of this card is to 'kill' matter for subsequent preparations. When there is [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining] on my field, and there are 0 cards in my hand except this card. Only then can it be activated.”

Remove all [Alchemy Beasts] on my field, and then for each [Alchemy Beast] removed, I can draw two cards from the deck.

As soon as these words came out, Judai's expression changed: Huh?

He just said, how many? !

Under the effect of [Black Process-Nigredo], the [Alchemy Beasts] that had just appeared on Amunaeru's field followed in the footsteps of their predecessors in the blink of an eye, and were all removed from the field. However, just now there were only cards left in their hands. The last card was Amunaeru, but after a [Black Process-Nigredo], he suddenly drew ten cards from the deck!

If someone else uses a [Treasure Card from the Sky], both parties will only draw twelve cards in the most extreme state, and then you can draw ten cards with just [Black Process-Nigredo]? What a fake card!

Compared to the number of cards drawn, even the cost of activating the card is to remove the monster, which seems a bit too slight.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Amunaeru pulled out another one and said: After [Black Process-Nigredo], there is 'Albino'. Magic cards [White Process-Albedo] and [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining] exist on the field. It can only be activated when necessary, and I special summon a [Golden Artificial Life Form] from my hand and deck.

When the card in the hand is sent to the graveyard after being activated, and then removed due to the effect of [Alchemy Cauldron - Chaos Refining], it is sucked into the still cauldron behind Amunaeru, and what appears from the still cauldron this time is no longer the one that appeared before. Those monsters made of impurity metal, but a huge humanoid made of solid gold.

【Gold Artificial Life Form】【6☆/Light】



The artificial life form composed of metallic gold, which symbolizes the sun, Sunday, and the goddess of dawn, is the most powerful monster in my deck, [Golden Artificial Life Form]. It has the characteristics based on the cards that have been excluded from me. Quantity, and the ability to increase the attack power and defense value.

Amunaeru said, waved his hand, and the shadow of the card that Daitokuji had used before and was excluded suddenly appeared around the [Golden Artificial Life Form] on the field!

Before the start of the second round at Daitokuji Temple, he had already eliminated five cards due to the effect of [Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining], and then in this round he eliminated twenty-five more cards. Now he has More than half of the cards in the full sixty-card deck have been excluded.

And these excluded cards were not wasted. In the hands of the alchemist, any substance can have the opportunity to be reused. At this moment, the [Golden Artificial Life Form] specially summoned with [White Process-Albedo] flashed golden light, and those Absorb all the power of the excluded cards!

Under Judai's gaze, its attack power and defense power soared!

[Gold Artificial Life Form] [1500/1500→10500/10500]

Obviously in theory, Chairman Kagemaru, who was holding the Three Phantom Demons card, was more dangerous than Mr. Hayato faced, but seeing that he summoned a [Golden Artificial Life Form] with an attack power of tens of thousands, Judai was a little confused about who was facing the final boss.

Compared to the [Chaos Phantom-Amitel] that Chairman Kagemaru just summoned, this [Golden Artificial Life Form] seems to be stronger!

The base points were tens of thousands, the attack and defense power of the monsters on the field were tens of thousands, and there were still nine cards left in his hand. However, Amunaeru did not float easily like Kagemaru, and still said calmly: [ The attack power and defense power of Golden Artificial Life Form will increase by the number of my cards removed from the game

Then come on, Judai, let me see your talent. It should be more than what it was before, right? So now that I'm a little more serious, use your strength to surpass me!

Put down three cards and my turn ends.

[Amunaeru: 15600LP, hand 9→6]

【Gold Artificial Life Form】【ATK10500】

[Alchemy Cauldron-Chaos Refining] [Gaika] X4

'As a punishment for sleeping in class every day, don't blame me for giving you more strength, Judai~' Looking at Judai who was about to sweat, a dark smile appeared on the face under Amunaeru's mask, which was at least eight times more charming than Hayato. . (End of chapter)

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