The so-called Armityle is the transformation of the angel Almisae who is in charge of womb and childbirth in Jewish mythology, and the [Chaos Phantom Demon-Armityle] summoned by the fusion of Kagemaru 】It does have a bit of the image of those angels who are more demonic than demons in religious mythology in ancient times.

[Chaos Phantom-Amitel] [12☆/Dark]

[Phantom Monsters/Fusion/Effect]


Although the level is as high as 12☆, [Chaos Phantom-Amitair] does not have high attack power and defense values, and even two eye-catching 0s.

As we all know, most monsters with 0 attack and 0 defense are monsters. After all, if they don't have attack and defense power to rely on, they have to use their own effects to find ways to survive. And the effect of [Chaos Phantom-Amitair] is——

[Chaos Phantom-Amitel] is the strongest form formed by the fusion of the three-body 'phantom'. In addition to having the same resistance, it can also be obtained from the field magic card [Lost Paradise] and will not become the opponent. The effect target’s resistance will not be destroyed by the opponent’s effect!”

Looking at the [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel] on his field, Kagemaru said proudly, Although the attack power is 0, due to the effect of [Dimensional Fusion Kill], the [Chaos Summoned by [Dimensional Fusion Kill]] is fused and summoned. The combat damage to me from the battle with Phantom Demon-Armitair will become 0, and at the same time, [Chaos Phantom-Armitair] will not be destroyed by the battle, so its mere existence means that I am in Invincible!

And the effect of [Chaos Phantom - Armitel], once per turn when this card is in attack position, it can also inflict 10,000 points of combat damage to the opponent, which is equivalent to using a monster with 10,000 attack points and the opponent The monster calculates combat damage. This means that even if you don't enter the combat stage, I can still harvest your life and soul!

Pointing at the monsters on Hayato's field, Kagemaru glanced at the [Shirogane Princess of Labyrinth City] whose defense indicated that it would not cause combat damage even if it was hit. Kagemaru's eyes were on [The Demon Statue of Silver City], [Rabilin of Silver City] Si] and [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] are lingering.

He wanted to choose the [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] with the most dangerous effect, but just like the phantom demons who have extremely powerful resistance in Kagemaru's view, the [Earthbound God] - Viracocha Lasca] also has resistance that makes Kagemaru quite troublesome. At the same time, it is not affected by magic and trap cards. It is even better than the Three Phantom Demons, not to mention the shameless one. The ability will no longer become the target of attacks by the opponent.

The effect of [Chaos Phantom-Amitair] can be regarded as an attack that is not an attack. Although it transcends the restrictions of the combat stage, it is also restricted by rules such as attack target, so don't look at [Earthbound] God - Viracocha Lasca] is only literally 1 point stronger than [Chaos Phantom Demon - Amitel] with 0 attack and 0 defense, but there's really nothing Kagemaru can do. Can't reach Him.

But if I can’t beat the monster, why can’t I beat the duelist? Although I am very afraid of the effect of [Earthbound God - Viracocha Raska], wouldn't it be good if Hayato Kobayashi is eliminated before then? The required method is to use the effect of [Chaos Phantom - Armitel] to attack the monsters in attack position on Hayato's field. No monster can withstand the 10,000 points of combat damage, and the overflow damage will be cleared directly. Kobayashi Hayato's basic points!

Kagemaru's eyes finally rested on the [Demon Statue of Silver City] that he failed to attack last time and was almost tricked. The humiliation Kagemaru has not forgotten is still engraved in his heart. He resolutely chose the importance of it. It’s not high but the one that makes me most unhappy is the [Demon Statue of Silver City], “The monster I chose is the [Demon Statue of Silver City], it will be destroyed by the attack of [Chaos Phantom Demon-Armitel]!

Whether it's that monster or you, Kobayashi Hayato! Kagemaru waved his hand and shouted, Kill the Tenami everywhere!

It was not an attack during the battle phase, so [Chaos Phantom-Amitel] itself did not move, and just released a spinning purple energy ball flying towards Hayato's field. Although it was just a small one at first and didn't look like much of a threat, as the flight distance increased, the sphere actually swallowed the air and expanded as it advanced, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a giant one that was almost two people tall. Meteorite!

Isn't it an attack? It's rare that there is something new. Unfortunately, the sense of oppression is still not enough. It would be nice if the scene here was changed to the sunset, and then the attack power was added to 6,000 points to become 16,000 points. Facing Kagemaru's attack, Hayato had a calm expression, as calm as a fighter pilot riding a rocker.

16,000 points? Are you so scared that you start talking nonsense? No monster can increase its attack power to that level!

It's just that you, a frog in a well, can't imagine how big the world is. Hearing Kagemaru's words, Hayato shook his head, Besides, you want to scare me to this extent? It's still 20,000 years too early!

Open the cover in my backcourt—

Usual trap card, [Dimensional Wall]!

Seeing that Hayato did not take out a card like [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] from his hand, but opened the cover card in the backcourt, Kagemaru breathed a sigh of relief, and also laughed at Hayato contemptuously: You guy is Are you an idiot? I made it very clear just now. [Chaos Phantom-Armitel] is also a 'phantom'. It is not affected by the effects of magic cards that are not activated during the turn, nor is it affected by the effects of trap cards. At the same time, it will not Even if it becomes the target of the other party's effect, it will not be destroyed by the effect.

You took out a trap card when facing the attack of [Chaos Phantom-Amitair], did you want to laugh me to death!

Then I also have a question to ask you, Kagemaru. Looking at Kagemaru who was smiling arrogantly, Hayato showed a rather confused expression, When did you give birth to the [Dimensional Wall] card? What about the trap cards that act on your monster?”


Just as Hayato's words fell, Kagemaru saw a twisted black-purple vortex suddenly opened in the open space between him and Hayato, accurately intercepting the attack of [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel] Total Destruction In front of the killing natural wave, the narrow hole actually expanded instantly when it came into contact with the latter, swallowed it all and disappeared in Kagemaru's surprised eyes? !

You may have been thinking before that [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] is resistant but not duelists are resistant, even if you can't solve [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] Card] You can also win the duel by killing me, right? The same situation applies to you, Kagemaru. Hayato snapped his fingers and said, [Dimensional Wall] can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack, then The battle damage I suffered in this battle will be borne by the opponent instead.

What's the use of your [Chaos Phantom-Amitair] being resistant? After 10,000 points of combat damage is destroyed by my [Demon Statue of Silver City] on the target object, all the remaining combat damage will be dealt to you. Come and bear it!”

On Hayato's field, [Silver City's Demonic Statue] was the target of the attack. Although she was not directly harmed due to the protection of the [Dimension Wall], she still needed to leave the field and enter the cemetery to face Hayato. [Rabbi Lins of Silver City] They saluted, and the silver knight took his card and ran to the cemetery.

After listening to Hayato's explanation, Kagemaru suddenly turned around and saw the attack of [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel] that appeared from the exit of another twisted space tunnel and attacked him.

His eyes widened in an instant!

Wait a minute——


The attack power of Hayato's [Silver City's Demonic Statue] is 3200 points, so the attack power of [Chaos Phantom - Armitel] still has 6800 points remaining after reducing [Silver City's Demonic Statue], which will all be converted into The damage to Kagemaru is borne by its remaining 3501 life points.

The moment the expanding energy bomb touched Kagemaru, it exploded because he took one more look. A strong shock wave swept through the surroundings, almost breaking the dead tree in the center of the venue [Lost Paradise], but Hayato's On the other hand, he was safe and sound. [Earthbound God-Viraccha Lasca] even extended his wide wings to protect Hayato from the strong wind so as not to blow him into a big back.

Under normal circumstances, Kagemaru's base score of 3501 points would be completely unable to withstand such a move, but judging from the fact that [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel] on Kagemaru's field had no tendency to dissipate, the duel was not over yet.

Sure enough, after the smoke and dust caused by the explosive attack dissipated, Kagemaru was still safe and sound. It seemed that he had not suffered even a trace of damage under the effect of [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel]. However, the surface of his body was covered with visible damage to the naked eye. beads of sweat, it was obvious that he was definitely panicked and nervous just now.

Hmph, no, it's just that, your counterattack won't scare me at all! Although Kagemaru's voice was still loud, Hayato could clearly hear that he was not very calm. If he was lying on the ground now, he might still be You can hear Kagemaru's violent heartbeat, I am a 'god', and how could a 'god' be harmed by his own power!

The effect of [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] can be triggered if any of the 'Three Phantom Demons' leave the field on my field this round, making me immune to damage again, whether it is effect damage or combat damage.

As if to reinforce his affirmation, Kagemaru added, This is all within the plan!

That's weird. I saw that your face turned pale with fright just now. You must have just remembered the effect of [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy]. Not to mention that you are covered in cold sweat, and your crotch cloth is already wet. Are you done? Hayato complained as he pointed at Chaokagemaru.

What——!? Hearing Hayato's words, Kagemaru quickly lowered his head in panic, and found that his crotch cloth was not wet at all. He understood that Hayato was playing with him, and he immediately raised his head angrily. Come on, You actually dare to fool 'God', you must be sentenced to death!

I am still in my main phase one. I have to pay 2,000 basic points to activate the strongest supporting card of [Dimensional Fusion Kill], [Dimensional Fusion]! Previously known as Paradise Lost The second card drawn by the effect was played by Kagemaru. At this moment, he only had the last open-card permanent trap card [High-pitched Flame Wave] in his hand, but he was full of confidence in the [Dimensional Fusion] activated at this moment. .

【Shadow Pill: 3501→1501LP】

Although [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] can reduce any damage received by Kagemaru to 0, it cannot reduce the basic points he pays to 0. Under Hayato's pressure, he has grown spiritually at the age of ninety and no longer flinches. Now that Kagemaru had sacrificed everything to gain his own goal and achieve enlightenment, he was no longer like before, not even daring to lose basic points to gain an advantage. Instead, he now actively gave up more than half of his basic points to seek victory.

Looking at Kagemaru who was full of fighting spirit, Hayato even felt for a moment that he might be the kind of villain who could help the protagonist grow. No, it's an illusion. No matter how you look at a loving character like yourself, he should be a positive character.

The black-purple space vortex summoned by Hayato's previously activated [Dimensional Wall] appeared again, but it was no longer between Hayato and Kagemaru, but behind Kagemaru. The silhouettes of three huge monsters stretched out from the three whirlpools. , at the same time, Kagemaru covered his heart that had stopped for a moment just after paying the basic points, with a slightly ferocious expression on his face due to pain: [Dimensional Fusion] is a taboo that requires paying 2000 basic points to activate. The decisive battle card. Although the effect affects both sides equally, at this moment, only I can enjoy its power, so it is my advantage.

Its effect is that both parties will try their best to special summon the monsters that have been eliminated. At this moment, I am the only one with monsters that have been eliminated. Therefore, I want to remove the three monsters that I have eliminated. No, in your words, not The monster is the 'Phantom Demon', and I want to special summon the 'Three Phantom Demons'!

Come back, my demon gods!

Pillars of lava and fire shot up from the ground, thunder fell from the sky and tore the sky apart, and a huge blue body stood on the ground. In front of Kagemaru's [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel], the three people who were excluded in order to fuse and summon it were Only the materials are combined - the Three Phantom Demons have returned to Kagemaru's field!

[Shen Yanhuang-Ulia] [ATK? →4000】

【Thunder Emperor-Harmon】【ATK4000】

[Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] [10☆/Dark]

[Phantom Monster Tribe/Effect]


Although he failed to annihilate Kobayashi Hayato with one blow through [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel], it does not matter. What came back with the effect of [Dimensional Fusion] were three phantom demons with an attack power of up to 4000 points, not one but three. Only, the attack power is not 2000 or 3000 points, but a full 4000 points!

The price is only a mere 2000 basic points, but with the presence of the three-body Phantom Demon, not only the [Awakened Three Phantom Demons] will be re-validated, invalidating the effects activated by Kobayashi Hayato's monsters, summoned and specially summoned monsters will Cards that become your base points for recovery and are sent to Hayato Kobayashi's graveyard will also be removed.

On Kobayashi Hayato's field, three cover cards are nothing to be afraid of. The only two monsters on the field are one with an attack power of 2900 points and a defense power of 2900 points. They are simply beaten casually and cannot attack [Earthbound God-Wei] Lacocha Lasca] Then just skip it, because what follows is the direct attack of the Three Phantom Demons!

With the [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitair] and the Three Phantom Demons who have collected all three bodies, his chances of winning on the field are increasing, increasing, and increasing sharply! What else can stop this world? ! Tmd, what else in the world can I resist? !

Can I kill Kobayashi Hayato in this round? Absolutely, easily!

The first is the effect of [Shen Yan Emperor - Uriah]. Its effect can be activated again after returning from the excluded area. I will drive you to death, Kobayashi Hayato! Kagemaru waved his hand and used [Shen Yan Emperor - The effect of Uriah] is used to clear the backcourt, Trap is destroyed!

High-frequency sound waves were released from the mouth of [Shen Yanhuang Uriah] and swept toward Hayato's backcourt. Kagemaru thought that this time would be foolproof. After all, Hayato had already used a [pseudo trap] to protect the card from being destroyed once before, but——

In Kagemaru's surprised and puzzled eyes, a large number of characters and numbers 0 and 1 appeared in Hayato's graveyard, and he actually reassembled the usual trap card that had appeared before on his field [Pseudo trap】?

[Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah]'s open mouth was blocked again by the note that flew out of it. Its effect was actually deflated twice in one round, twice!

What kind of throwing tiles is this!? (End of chapter)

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