Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 129 The enlightened are always happy

【Thunder Emperor-Harmon】【ATK4000】

Like a huge golden bat, [Thunder Lord Harmon] returned to Kagemaru's field, because Hayato had already skipped his own with the effect of [Earthbound God - Viracocha Raska] this round. During the battle phase, the returning [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] no longer needs to maintain a defensive position to maintain its magnetic field rotation ability.

The [Thunder Lord Harmon] in attack position, combined with the [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] on the field, gave Kagemaru another magic and trap effect that ignored the chain.

However, seeing the [High-pitched Flame Wave] being bounced back into his hand, Kagemaru had a gloomy face and couldn't be happy at all.

The Jedi counterattack that he had been looking forward to for so long was suddenly interrupted when he was just one step away. Such a perfect plan was forced to be cancelled. It was as if he was about to collect all five [Exodia] in his hand. 】On the occasion, someone used a [Hand Card to Obliterate] and completely lost it, which was disgusting!

How could this make Kagemaru happy? What's even more outrageous is that Kobayashi Hayato continues to mock him from the opposite side!

Dueling Monsters is a game that can bring happiness and smiles to people, and the king's duel must be entertaining. You are dueling with the duel king, Hayato Kobayashi. Why don't you laugh, Kagemaru, is it because you don't want to?

Hayato looked at Kagemaru and said, You neither want to laugh nor die, which makes it very difficult for me...

Seeing Kagemaru with a dark face and not saying a word, Hayato felt bored, so he opened a card in the backfield and said: Activate the trap card [Rabilins Welcome], you can randomly dispatch one of the cards in my deck [Rabbi Lins] The monster is on the field.”

But I guess you won't just watch me use this effect to special summon a new [Rabilins] monster, right?

The duel with Hayato has entered the third round. Even Kagemaru has already understood the characteristics of the Pure [Silver City] deck used by Hayato this time. The trap cards that are constantly being dispatched are disgusting, but What's really disgusting is the furniture and servants who set these traps down.

The three pieces of furniture that Hayato used before were all sent to the graveyard and are no longer in Hayato's hand. Cards like [Silver City's Crazy Clock] can actually activate the trap card in the turn it is set, Kagemaru Cai. It will not be retrieved by Hayato, and the same goes for other furniture that can retrieve traps and trigger the recycling effect of [Silver City's Crazy Clock] in the cemetery.

Even if Kagemaru has [Awakened Three Phantom Demons] on the field, it is useless, because the furniture in Hayato's [Silver Castle] are all monster cards that enter the graveyard to activate their effects. The ones sent to the graveyard themselves belong to the Cost and are not part of the effect, and [ The three awakened phantoms] can only negate the effects of Hayato's activation on the field, and cannot control those demonic furniture at all.

Although he knew that Hayato Kobayashi knew this and gave up the opportunity to invalidate this effect so easily, there must be some conspiracy, but Kagemaru could only hold his nose and admit it, after all, he really didn't want to see that move again. It goes on endlessly, and can become a long and lengthy chain of chain 4 and chain 5.

No God of Command! shouted dissatisfied, Kagemaru could only use the effects of the cards on the field as Hayato wanted, Hey, then the effect of [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy], the invalid trap card [Rabi The effect of [Lins Welcome] is to change the [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] that I have on the field in attack position into defense position.

The scattered thunder has been frozen again. Until now, [Thunder Emperor Harmon] is not using thunder and lightning as the name suggests, but more often it is in a frozen state. Maybe change its name. Would it be more appropriate to become the Ice Emperor?

【Thunder Emperor-Harmon】【ATK4000→DEF4000】

The spreading ice covered the [Rabbirinth Welcome] that Hayato had just opened. Although the card was successfully activated, its effect was invalidated, making the [Rabbirinth] Welcomes on Hayato's field lonely. The card was then sent to Hayato's graveyard.

The previous exclusion of [Rabbirins Welcome Welcome] resulted in one fewer trap card type in Hayato's graveyard and the attack power of [Demon Statue of Silver City] was reduced by 400 points, but now there is another [Rabbirins] [Si Welcome] Entering the cemetery, its attack power has risen again and is still 3600 points.

Not surprised that the card was invalidated, Hayato opened another card and said: Since it has been invalidated, in that case I will activate this quick attack magic card, [Rabilins Arrangement], from my graveyard and the excluded cards. , activate by targeting the magic and trap cards of [Rabbirinth] other than two [Rabbirinth Placement].

From Hayato's graveyard, [Summoner of Silver City - Arianna], who left the scene but only retreated behind the scenes to continue the attack, poked her head out, waving the keychain in her hand to command the furniture that were also busy in the graveyard, He took out the [Rabbirins Welcome] that Hayato had just sent to the graveyard and the excluded [Rabbirins Welcome Welcome] and put them into Hayato's deck.

Hayato continued: The target card is returned to my deck, and if there are Demon-type monsters on my field, I can select normal cards other than the returned number of [Rabbirins] cards from my deck. The trap card is set on my field. The cards I return to the deck are two, so I set the two cards on the back field.

In this regard, Kagemaru could do nothing and watched helplessly as the number of cards placed in Hayato's backfield increased to four, without decreasing at all. The only thing that has been reduced is probably the attack power of the [Silver City Demon God Statue] on his field.

[Demon Statue of Silver City] [ATK3600→3200]

After looking at the cards in his hand, he drew a cover and placed it on the back field to fill the last vacancy. Hayato announced: Put a card on the cover, and my turn ends here.

[Hayato: 4500LP, 4 cards in hand]

【Silver Princess of Labyrinth City】【DEF2900】

【Rabbi Lins of Silver City】【ATK2900】

【Demon Statue of Silver City】【ATK3200】

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] [ATK1]

【Gate Card】X5

The full five-card set made people's eyes darken. Kagemaru could imagine that it would be extremely difficult for him to break through Hayato's defense in the next round. Now that he doesn't have the assistance of [High-pitched Flame Wave], it's really difficult for him to defeat Kobayashi Hayato in one round.

However, you can't do it, you have to do it, because Hayato still has [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] on the field, and its ability to forcefully modify the basic points is even if it is [Thunder Emperor- Harmon's power cannot protect him. It would be extremely dangerous if Hayato Kobayashi takes out some cards that directly cause effect damage, because if he just defends blindly, he will eventually be negligent.

He must kill Kobayashi Hayato in this round, and he must avoid his troublesome monsters to reduce his own base points!

My turn, draw cards—

A crucial draw card was drawn from the deck, and what came into view was the third body Phantom Demon in Kagemaru's deck that had not yet appeared, and it was also the strongest among the Three Phantom Demons [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel 】. Drawing a powerful monster should have made Kagemaru very happy, but the [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] he used at this moment directly caused Kagemaru to get stuck in an embarrassing situation.

Without it, [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabiel], like the other two Phantom Demons, is a card that cannot be normally summoned. Kagemaru can only summon it by liberating three monsters directly on the field. Even if Kagemaru's field includes the two Phantom Demons, there are only two monsters. Where are the three monsters for [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] to liberate?

It was supposed to be a hopeful draw, but Kagemaru fell into despair.

Why, why! Unwilling to lose in this handicapped situation, Kagemaru murmured angrily, not knowing who he was angry at, Obviously what cards are those people in the images trying to draw? I can draw whatever card I want, why can’t I draw the card I want when I want it?”

Idiot, for a real duelist, of course we can draw whatever we want, and we can even create the fate of the card we draw. Looking at the incompetent and furious Kagemaru, Hayato said disdainfully, You Why don't you ask yourself, are you a duelist? Apart from anything else, whether it's me, Yugi, Kaiba, Jonouchi, or even Ryuzaki, they are all real people with the consciousness to fight with their cards until the end. Duelist.

But you are not a duelist, Kagemaru. You have never put trust in your cards, have you? The best example is-in the duel with Wan Zhangmu just now, you did not choose to trust your [Devil in a desperate situation. Bullets, but abandoned them and chose the power of 'Darkness', and now that you have obtained 'Three Phantom Demons', they have disappeared without a trace from your deck.

You didn't fight with the card to the end, so why did the card help you when you were in despair?

It's so noisy, you brat! Hearing Hayato's words, Kagemaru became angry and unwilling to give in. In the end, cards are just tools. Even if they have some powerful power, they are just useful tools. Don't use them like that. Humiliate me with incomprehensible lies!”

I want to use the effect of [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah]. Without the suppression of [Predatory Plant - Rhinoceros], his power of 'trap destruction' can be used again to destroy the trap cards on the opponent's field once per round. Destroy them all!”

There are five cards in Hayato's backfield, and four of them are clearly trap cards. Even if the card Hayato set at the end of the last round is a magic card, it doesn't matter. Leah] can destroy at least four of them.

At this moment, Kagemaru no longer cares about whether there is a card in Hayato's backfield that can be destroyed by the opponent like [Fighting the Grass and Provoking the Snake], but can activate the effect. He only wants to use [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria] The effect is to vent and dampen Hayato's momentum.

However, just when [Shen Yan Emperor - Uriah] was about to roar, a card in Hayato's backcourt was opened, and a piece of paper flew out and was pasted on [Shen Yan Emperor] - Uriah] interrupted his roar and suppressed it back in his stomach. Kagemaru took a look and saw that the word スカ was written on the piece of paper, and the card that Hayato opened was actually a trap card?

How is it possible!? The 'Three Phantom Demons' should not be affected by the effects of trap cards, and they will not be the target of the opponent's effects——

Trap Card [Pseudo Trap] can only be activated when the effect of the magic, trap, or effect monster that destroys the trap card on my field is activated by the opponent. Hayato interrupted Kagemaru's words and moved the button to activate the card in his hand. Open, the explanation said, Its effect is purely to replace destruction, so that my other trap cards will not be destroyed. Everyone knows the effect of your [Godly Flame Emperor-Ulia], do you think I will do it at all? Putting five cards without defense and waiting for you to destroy them?

Hearing Hayato's taunt, Kagemaru clearly felt that his blood pressure had definitely risen, but even the effect of [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah] could not clearly play the cards in Hayato's backcourt. How could he fight this round? Kagemaru was so distracted that he didn't even carefully identify the cards Hayato turned over to confirm.

The extreme anger and despair in his heart caused Kagemaru, who looked at the two cards with unknown meanings in his hand, to gradually fall into an abnormal calm. A burst of black energy wrapped around the palm of his right hand with the golden Eye of Ugato mark. roll.

So what if I don't have that boring 'consciousness'? I have another 'consciousness', and that is the 'consciousness' that can give up everything! It doesn't matter what you do, it doesn't matter if you take my soul. Raise your palms , Kagemaru said with a ferocious expression, I want to become a 'god'! A 'god' who transcends all things and lives forever!

The effect of [Paradise Lost] is activated, and I draw two more cards from the deck!

The bright red forbidden fruit fell into Kagemaru's hands again and turned into two cards. Kagemaru trembled after touching these two cards that exuded a dangerous aura, and then showed an expression of ecstasy. Just like a drowning person grabbing the driftwood beside him, regardless of whether he can support himself, at least Kagemaru has touched the existence called hope.

What's more, in Kagemaru's view, those two cards can no longer be described as hope, they are clearly victory and fate favoring him!

Haha, hahahahahaha! You are right, Hayato Kobayashi, the most important thing is 'enlightenment', you are right! Kagemaru's laughter was a bit crazy, Sure enough, for someone who will eventually become a god 'For me, 'fate' has always been my partner, and everything before was just a trial he gave me. 'Enlightenment'! 'Enlightenment' has blown away my despair, and those who are enlightened will always be happy!

Pulling out a card and inserting it into the magic trap area, Kagemaru's smile suddenly stopped and turned into coldness and resentment, Then, the trial will end with bloodshed!

Magic card [Dimensional Fusion Kill], activate!

It doesn't matter even if [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabiel] does not have the conditions to appear, because under the influence of this [Dimensional Fusion Killer] in Kagemaru's hand, the Three Phantom Demons will merge into a stronger form and come in the hand. It’s no different than being on the field!

Otherwise, how can we say that fusion summoning is the most noble summoning method?

The fusion vortex appeared in front of Kagemaru, and while Kagemaru was surrounded by [Godly Flame Emperor-Ulia] and [Thunder-Lowering Emperor-Harmon] on the field, there was also [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiai] who had not appeared behind him. The shadow of you], and in the shadow behind the three-body phantom demon, several scarlet eyes opened in the dark purple sky.

Except the two 'Phantom Demons' on my field and the three monsters [Phantom Demon Emperor - Rabiel] in my hand as fusion materials, and in the name of 'gestation', let's become the placenta and cornerstone of the birth of 'God', The 'Three Phantom Demons'!

The corner of Kagemaru's mouth curled up with a ferocious expression: The ultimate power is approaching me. This suffocating sense of oppression is undoubtedly the real 'god'!

The left arm is the demon god of light and fire - [Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah], the right arm is the demon god of ice and thunder - [Thunder Lord Harmon], and the demon god representing sacrifice and control - [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] constitutes the torso. The three-colored demon gods merged into one, turning into a giant god with huge wings that covered the sky and a slender body like a demon dragon. The fusion monster card with a purple border was placed on the duel disk by Kagemaru.

Come, my trump card, the 'god' I believe in!

[Chaos Phantom-Amitair]!

Before the ultimate phantom and God, despair, Hayato Kobayashi! (End of this chapter)

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