Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 131 The Phantom of Nothingness Luo is bored

Usually the name of the trap card [transaction rollback] seems to come from computer terminology. If it were Rebecca or Keppei, I might be able to explain it to you in a few hundred words, but I can't tell you more. Let’s just say this is a super powerful normal trap card.”

Spreading his hands, Hayato faced Kagemaru's surprised gaze and said to himself, [Silver City] cannot lose [Transaction Rollback], just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem, although in fact I kind of want to use Xiaolan to do it. Stack three, and then [Transaction Rollback] copies [Reviving Sky God]... No, I won’t use this to deal with you.”

Who cares about those inexplicable things! Kagemaru looked at Hayato's untouched backfield three cover cards and the [Pseudo Trap] that appeared out of thin air on Hayato's field. I'm asking you what that card is. What happened, it came out of nowhere!

So, it's [Transaction Rollback], this [Transaction Rollback] in my graveyard. You don't think I will throw cards into the graveyard randomly like you, do you?

He took out a trap card from the graveyard and showed it to Kagemaru. Hayato looked at Kagemaru's graveyard with disdain. There were several cards there that would be quite difficult to deal with if used well, but look at what Kagemaru used them for. ?

There is no need to know the effect of [Transaction Rollback] as a set trap card. Here I am using its second effect, which is to remove this card from the graveyard and pay me half of my base points. The normal traps other than one [Transaction Rollback] in my graveyard are the effects that the target can activate. [Transaction Rollback] will have the same effect as that.

With a snap of his fingers, Hayato used magic to quickly replace the card hidden behind [Transaction Rollback] to the front of [Transaction Rollback]. Without a high-speed camera, the average person's technique would be almost invisible to the naked eye, but Hayato Holding up the [Pseudo Trap], he said: For the lightless people, in order to pursue miracles, they are as ugly as moths rushing towards the candlelight that resembles the sun.

But they don't know that the reason why a miracle is called a miracle is because it only happens once, and it should end when it should end, just like life.

However, the power of [Transaction Rollback] can reproduce miracles, and can even bypass those complicated activation conditions and directly obtain the power of trap cards. There is no doubt that this is my god as the strongest duelist. What a talent! Wu~~!”

[Hayato: 4500→2250LP]

As Hayato took the initiative to pay his basic points, the amount of basic points paid was obviously higher, but it didn't look like Kagemaru was as desperate as he was. He even wasted for the power of [Transaction Rollback]. The monster screamed.

The effect of [Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah] failed to activate smoothly, although it was beyond Kagemaru's expectation, but it was reasonable. Although I used the Three Phantom Demons card with very high expectations at the beginning, there is a saying that goes well, Longing is the furthest distance from understanding. In other words, distance creates beauty. .

After using this period of time, I don’t know whether it was Hayato’s stereotype of “the long red monster is the traitor dragon” that affected Kagemaru, or Kagemaru himself also saw clearly that [Shen Yan Emperor-Uria] is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. In short, Kagemaru himself There was more or less the feeling that he might be a traitor.

After all, for the resurrection of [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah], including [Dimensional Fusion], I have used up four resources in my hand, but [Thunder Emperor - Harmon] is at least better. Hayato's card and liberation restored Kagemaru's base points and protected Kagemaru from damage.

What about [Shen Yanhuang-Uria]? How many times has he succeeded in activating the effect so many times? The only time it was successful was in turn used by Hayato to blow up a piece of [killing grass and provoking snakes]! This guy is either useless or he is a traitor!

...Forget it, it doesn't matter if the effect of [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah] fails to explode the card again. After all, Kagemaru is afraid that Hayato will be bombed again and throw out a few new monsters, so it's better to Saying that [Transaction Rollback] made Hayato pay the basic points was exactly what he wanted.

Because, as Hayato's base points dropped, it became easier for him to clear Hayato's base points!

So what if you paid your basic points to protect the cards in your backcourt? You actually dare to lower your basic points when I have the three-body 'Three Phantom Demons' watching me? Kagemaru sneered. He waved his hand and said, In that case, I will directly enter the battle stage, and then use the 'Three Phantom Demons' to impose sanctions on you, a disrespectful person!

Let's just lose in regret and despair, Kobayashi Hayato! Kagemaru said, waving his hand and saying, First of all, the attack of [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] destroyed the [Shirogane Princess of Labyrinth City] in defense mode. , high-pitched flame waves!

Although Kagemaru feels that the permanent trap card [High-pitched Flame Wave] he still holds in his hand probably has no chance of being used again, but at least he can still shout when [Godly Flame Emperor-Ulia] attacks. This move is named after. Spiral flames gathered in the mouth of [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] as he inhaled, and then a cone-shaped spreading pillar of fire swept towards [Shirogane Princess of Labyrinth City] on Hayato's field!

Wow! What a gaffe! Although its own attack power is equivalent to [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], it is still difficult for [Maze City's Shirogane Princess] to fight [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah] with an attack power of 4,000 points. It was a bit reluctant, but fortunately because it was in defensive position, it would not cause combat damage to Hayato. To be defeated by a monster of this level, what a shame!

After the flames dissipated, the card of [Silver City of Labyrinth City] had been destroyed and was excluded due to the effect of [Awakened Three Phantom Demons], but then, a card appeared on the Kagemaru field, clutching a wreath. The golden bat of Thunder's Ice Spear - [Thunder Emperor - Harmon].

Then the attack of [Thunder Lord Harmon] destroyed [Rabilins of Silver City]! Kagemaru said proudly, The attack power of [Rabilins of Silver City] is 2900 points, so You will receive a full 1100 points of combat damage, and when [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] destroys the monster and sends it to the graveyard, it will cause an additional 1000 points of effect damage!

The damage you receive in the end is not 1100 points, but 2100 points. After that, your basic points will be only a mere 150 points like a candle in the wind!

Thunderbolt of lost joy!

The spear of thunder and ice was thrown, easily breaking the ax blade in the hand of [Rabbi Lins of Silver City], and affecting [Rabbi Lins of Silver City] with its prototype Demonic Pillar Ammon's ability to control rebellion. 】The power of the flying ax blade, together with the overflowing electric current and frost, struck in the direction of Hayato.

It will definitely be used next time. Following his vest form, [Rabbirinth of Silver City] was also destroyed by the battle. While turning into particles and slowly dissipating, [Rabbirinth of Silver City] He also looked back at Hayato's location, but it was shrouded in smoke and dust from the aftermath of [Thunder Emperor Harmon]'s attack just now.

Kagemaru has never believed in the law of there is no harm in smoke. In his opinion, since his attack undoubtedly destroyed the monsters on Hayato Kobayashi's field, it stands to reason that he has also been affected. A high amount of combat damage. After all, he is not using ordinary monsters, but noble Phantom Demons. The trap cards on his back field are impossible to take effect on the invincible Phantom Demons.

Looking at the smoke and dust where Hayato was, although he couldn't hear even a trace of wailing from it, Kagemaru had already deduced the truth on his own: So that's it, because the power of the 'phantom demons' was too strong, they were basically killed in one breath After it dropped to only 150 points, you may have been attacked by pain and lost your self-consciousness, Hayato Kobayashi?

Although I can directly sentence you to defeat in this duel when you lose your will to fight, but I have long wanted to repay you for the humiliation I suffered before, so this duel is not that simple. It can end!”

Kagemaru's right hand was clenched into a fist and raised beside his head, and [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] behind him also made the same movement simultaneously.

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] with only 1 attack power will not be the target of the monster's attack, but it makes no difference whether it is there or not, because this final blow will crush your life. , annihilate your soul. [Illusion Demon Emperor-Rabiel]’s first and last attack, a direct attack on the opponent’s duelist!”

He suddenly punched forward, and the [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel] behind Kagemaru attacked simultaneously. Kagemaru shouted excitedly: Heavenly Ravaging Fist!


The unparalleled ultimate punch fell on the ground, blowing away the smoke and dust raised by the previous attack of [Thunder Emperor-Harmon], but also leaving more spider web-like cracks on the ground, setting off a bigger crack. dust.

Kagemaru stood there until [Phantom Demon King-Rabiel] retracted his fist without making any movement. He stayed there for a while and then suddenly raised his palm to cover his face.

Hehe, hehe, hahaha, hahahaha!

The one who can stand at the end is me, Kagemaru, as expected. Didn't the final winner die under the attack of [Phantom Demon Emperor-Rabiel]? I'm afraid even his body has been turned into mud as if it was run over by a steamroller. It’s Hayato Kobayashi, but I, Kagemaru!”

'Darkness', immortality, and the throwing of 'Phantom Demon'!

You little humans, I, Kagemaru-sama, am coming to conquer you!

After speaking arrogantly, Kagemaru looked in the direction of Hayato, where the smoke was gradually dispersing, and sneered: First of all, let's take the powerful [Earthbound God] from the dead body of Kobayashi Hayato. I hope that Don't let the card be destroyed like Hayato Kobayashi.

Talking to himself, Kagemaru was about to take a step, but suddenly found that the phantoms around him did not disappear with the end of the duel. At the same time, in the smoke and dust, the voice of Hayato, whom Kagemaru thought was dead, was heard! ?

Yeah, yeah, it's too arrogant for you to just talk to yourself and conclude that I'm dead. Hayato, who was safe and sound - even unscathed, waved his left hand, and the duel disk Raising the wind to sweep away the smoke and dust around him, he looked at Kagemaru and said contemptuously, Do you think the 'Three Phantom Demons' can really kill people? Under the influence of this trap card, use combat damage to clear up my basic points. ?”

Among the three cards in Hayato's backfield, one of them was open and seemed to be continuously exerting its effect. Kagemaru was surprised enough when he saw that Hayato did not die. After seeing the company protecting Hayato from the Three Phantom Demons When the card that survived the hit turned out to be a trap card, he was even more surprised: Impossible! The 'Three Phantom Demons' are not affected by the effects of trap cards!

Even if the trap card is ineffective against your monsters, I didn't say that this card targets your monsters, right? I've already shown you the cover cards in my backfield when [Pseudo Trap] was activated before. The opponent didn't remember any of the cards, so you have to reflect on it, Kagemaru. Hayato picked up a card in the backcourt, knocked on the side and showed it to Kagemaru, Usually the trap card [Rainbow's Life], discard it. Only one card in my hand can be activated until the end of this round. Instead of taking damage, I will recover that value of base points.

Obviously I had already activated this card when [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] was activated, and even your [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] paused for a moment due to the activation of the trap card, leaving you with the opportunity to activate [ [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy], but as a result, you idiot only focused on attack, attack, and attack, and didn’t even pay attention to the cards in my backfield.”

Hayato said contemptuously, I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it.

[Hayato Kobayashi: 2250→4350→8450LP, hand 4→3]

Seeing that Hayato's basic points did not drop at all due to his fierce attack this round, but instead continued to skyrocket. Not only did he make up for the consumption of the previous [Transaction Rollback], but he also increased it to twice the initial 4000 basic points in one breath, and even It was more than five times Kagemaru's current base score, which made Kagemaru's eyes widen.

You, you despicable guy, activated the trap card without even saying a word!

He didn't feel that it was his fault at all but blamed it all on Hayato. Kagemaru was so angry and annoyed that he wanted to exchange base points with Hayato. Hayato's basic points are still 8350 points. Even the Three Phantom Demons with 4000 attack points need to attack all three in one round to defeat him. However, his basic points are only 1501 points, and in the next round Hayato's [Earthbound God - Viracocha Raska] can also use the effect again to modify his base points to 1 point, and he can clear his base points by matching any card with any effect damage.

Even the power of [Thunder Lord-Harmon] cannot resist its ability to modify the basic points. Moreover, I don’t have the ability to let them leave the field to trigger the effect at the moment. All I have is a basic card. The useless permanent trap is stuck in your hand.

No, I don’t want to lose. I have the consciousness to give up my soul, so why can’t I defeat Kobayashi Hayato! The unwilling Kagemaru looked at the four monster cards on his duel disk, his eyes stayed on [Chaos Phantom-Amitel], and suddenly noticed an effect of it that he had not noticed before.

So that’s it, I haven’t reached the end yet!

Kagemaru looked at Hayato and sneered: What's the use of having a high basic score? Even if you summon some monsters next round, are you still going to be able to kill me in one go? As long as you can't do that, then my' The three phantom demons can easily defeat your temporary defense line, and then [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitair] will deal up to 10,000 points of damage to torture you to death.

Before that, let's use the other effect of [Chaos Phantom - Armitel] to collect some interest, and get rid of the difficult monsters on your field first!

Kagemaru pointed at Hayato and said: My battle phase is over, and then I put a card in the main phase two, and activate the second effect of [Chaos Phantom-Amitel] on my field, transferring its control. Give it to the opposing duelist and end my turn!”

Following Kagemaru's instructions, the huge body of [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel] instantly turned into a phantom and dissipated. Instead, it reappeared on Hayato's field, and as Kagemaru announced the end of the round, it moved to Hayato's side of [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel] suddenly began to spit out a large amount of black mist from his mouth! ?

“During my main phase, I can transfer the control of [Chaos Phantom-Armitair] to the opponent, and at the end of this round, remove the controller of [Chaos Phantom-Armitair] from the field [ All other monsters except Chaos Phantom-Armitel will be removed, and then Chaos Phantom-Armitel will return to the original owner's field.

Kagemaru said proudly, This way, your [Earthbound God] will leave the field and never come back, and I can rest easy! Facing [Chaos Phantom Demon-Amitel] The most terrifying power, Hayato Kobayashi!

The phantom of nothingness is boring!

Thanks to the 100-point reward from book friend Yulam, thank you

Although I planned to end this chapter, it’s still a little short. The next chapter should be almost there.

Also, NS National Bank’s flagship store will be closed, and WeChat Mall will also suspend services. Now National Bank NS is completely clowning.

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