Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 126 The Awakened Three Phantom Demons

I am the storm that is approaching!

After placing a trap card on the backfield with the effect of [Shirogane Princess of the Labyrinth City], Hayato's unexplained shouts, the storm of [The Great Disaster of the Evil God] began to fully release its power, and for a moment, whether it was The three cover cards on Hayato's back field and the magic and trap cards on Kagemaru's field began to sway, and would be swept away by the storm and torn to pieces at any time.

The fact that the Three Phantom Demons are resistant does not mean that they can share this resistance with other cards. When Kagemaru's cards are destroyed, they will also expose the weaknesses that have not been erased but have been temporarily covered up. .

However, just when the power of [The Great Disaster of the Evil God] was about to be released at full power, there was a sudden buzz from Kagemaru's backcourt:


The opened continuous magic card [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] trembled, and streaks of lightning wrapped around the card, actively reminding Kagemaru that he could use its effect at this moment, as if the card itself had produced something that he did not want to be destroyed. His emotions were ordinary, and what Kagemaru reached out to grab in his despair was the [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy].

Not only the [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] card, but the violent current on it also caused the current in Kagemaru's [Thunder-Subduing Emperor-Harmon] to continue to overflow, as if it was trying to drain out all the stored current. , and Kagemaru, who was holding the [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] card in his hand, after knowing its full effect, said proudly: Although I didn't confirm the specific effect of the card in advance, I didn't expect that even under such circumstances, I still didn't On a dead end.

Sure enough, I am destined to become a god surrounded by the 'three phantom demons'!

After [Thunder Lord Harmon] almost abnormally emptied its reserve power, the release of a large amount of energy caused its own incapacity. The temperature in the air began to absorb as [Thunder Lord Harmon] began to absorb Hot, actually quickly formed a large amount of ice crystals to wrap up [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] itself, just like when it first appeared?

The effect of the continuous magic card [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] can be used once per turn. When [Thunder King-Harmon] is on my field in attack position, I can use the magic or trap card activated by my opponent to The effect is invalid, this effect does not enter the chain! Kagemaru pointed arrogantly at the [Great Disaster of the Evil God] on Hayato's field and said, I decided to name this ability 'Vaporization Freezing Method'.

The cost of this effect is just to re-seal [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] and change it from attack position to defense position, but it successfully invalidated your trap card [The Great Disaster of the Evil God]. My will for God is absolute!”

When [Thunder Lord - Harmon] was completely frozen and changed from attack position to defense position, the frost starting from it had also covered Hayato's field, and the [Evil God's Greatness] he opened Disaster] frozen, the storm was forcibly stopped.

After Hayato sent the invalidated [Great Disaster of the Evil God] card to the graveyard, which increased the attack power of [Demon Statue of Silver City] to 3600 points, it was also due to the change in the display form that the [Thunder Down] in defense position Emperor Harmon] could no longer continue the previous attack declaration, so the attack declaration of [Thunder Emperor Harmon] was just a bolt from the blue, unable to destroy anything or cause any damage.

[Demon Statue of Silver City] [ATK3200→3600]

【Thunder Emperor-Harmon】【ATK4000→DEF4000】

Kagemaru confidently ordered [Thunder Lord Harmon] to attack to no avail, and although his battle phase was not over yet, there was another [God Flame Emperor-Ulia] on the field with attack display. ] existed, but Kagemaru did not order it to attack any other monsters on Hayato's field to perform a self-destruction attack so that he could clear the trap cards again after resurrection.

[Sacred Flame King - Uriah] is resurrected from the graveyard by its own effect and is specially summoned this round. If there are other monsters on my field, it cannot attack.

Reluctantly reciting the effect of [Shen Yan Emperor - Uriah], Kagemaru looked at the three cards in Hayato's back field, knowing that if he missed this round and didn't destroy those three cards now, Hayato would be in the next round. Then you can activate those three prepared cards to make yourself sick again.

But what can he do? Being able to summon two three phantom demons in just one turn, he is very powerful, right? Have you ever used [Treasure Cards from Heaven]? What’s wrong with using [Treasure Cards from Heaven] to replenish hand cards? Putting aside the fact that you can perform such wonderful operations in one round, don’t you deserve even 99% of the credit?

You saved your life, Kobayashi Hayato. I am ending the battle phase. No matter how you look at it, Kagemaru himself is the one who is at a disadvantage, but when he announced the end of his battle phase, he looked at Hayato arrogantly, As if it was really Hayato who managed to survive this round by relying on luck, Although I can't finish you off in one go, it doesn't matter. I have the patience to spend time with you slowly, so that I can make you stronger. I try to absorb as much of the power of the spirits as I can use.

It doesn't make any sense if you have more monsters than I do. Even though [Godly Flame King Uriah] is in attack position with 2000 attack points, the [Thunder Lord Harmon] on my field is in defense position. But it has the power to absorb attacks into its body with electromagnetic force, and even direct attacks on me will be redirected back to it.

This ability can simply be called 'Magnetic Field Rotation'. In short, under the protection of [Thunder Lord Harmon], no matter how you attack, I won't even shed a drop of blood, nor will I receive any damage. You What else could threaten me?

Put down two cards, my turn is over! With an inexplicable look in his eyes at the two cards he just put down, Kagemaru looked at Hayato sinisterly and confidently declared the end of his turn.

[Kagemaru: 4000LP, 1 card in hand]

【Shen Yanhuang-Ulia】【ATK2000】

【Thunder Emperor-Harmon】【DEF4000】

[Anatomy of the Seven Spirits] [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] [Gaika] X3

Venue: [Lost Paradise]

Although the arrogant speech just now seemed like the kind of explanation of death behavior that is common among ordinary villains - and in fact Kagemaru was explaining his own [Thunder Subduing Emperor] with a bit of showoff. -Harmon], but in fact Kagemaru is not worried about any threat from Hayato at all.

The reason is very simple. Although it is said that the so-called magnetic field rotation ability of [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] can force the attack target to be transferred to him, the attack power of up to 4000 points does not seem to be a miscellaneous fish that can be defeated casually. Not to mention that its strong resistance makes it an extremely difficult and almost impossible wall to break through - at least that's what Kagemaru thinks.

but! Here comes the point, but! Kagemaru did not explain to Hayato that when [Thunder Lord Harmon] is destroyed, it will give Kagemaru a whole round of protection effect of not receiving any harm. That is Kagemaru's most proud barrier and A source of confidence.

When Kobayashi Hayato finally used all his strength to destroy [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] against the perfect resistance of [Thunder Emperor-Harmon], he could only find in despair that his efforts were completely in vain. , even if he attacks with an infinite monster, he will not be able to harm himself at all under the effect of [Thunder Emperor - Harmon].

At the same time, this is also the second part of Kagemaru's perfect plan. Letting Hayato's monsters attack as much as possible is the main purpose of the first half of the plan, which is to allow Hayato to have monsters on his field in attack mode. If possible, it would be great if some monster attacks [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria].

Because one of the cards he just stamped was the support card of Three Phantom Demons, more precisely, [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah], and [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] is [Thunder Emperor - Harmon]. ]'s attack move is named the same, and the continuous trap card High-pitched Flame Wave is also named after the attack move of God's Flame Emperor - Uriah!

Hayato's monster, the [Demon Statue of Silver City], can absorb the power of the trap cards in the graveyard to increase its attack power, but so what? [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah] is a powerful phantom. In addition to the trap cards in his own graveyard, with the blessing of the trap card [High-pitched Flame Wave], Kagemaru can even make [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah] 】Absorb the power of trap cards in Hayato's graveyard to increase attack power and defense power!

There are currently two cards in Kagemaru's graveyard and four cards in Hayato's graveyard. Once the power of [High-pitched Flame Wave] takes effect and Hayato's monster takes the initiative to attack, then [Godly Flame Emperor-Uria]'s The attack power will instantly soar from 2000 points to at least 6000 points, just like the legendary [Sky Dragon of Osiris] that can soar attack power when combined with the [Treasure Card from Heaven]!

If he's lucky enough, he can even hit Hayato Kobayashi's turn with this brat who has always had the confidence that makes Kagemaru the most unhappy, and who has the talent to stand in such a high position at such a young age that makes Kagemaru extremely jealous. Get rid of it!

Jie Jie Jie! You can't laugh at this time! If you laugh, you will be thought of as a heartless guy.

But when such a joyous scene is about to appear before my eyes, how can I hold back my laughter?

Covering the lower half of his face with one hand, Kagemaru tried his best to suppress his excitement and eagerness to see Hayato's deflated and humiliated expression, and lowered the duel plate holding two cards in his hand.

Eh~ I always feel like Kagemaru you are planning something.

Although there is no prop that can directly read minds like the [Millennium Eye], Kagemaru's acting skills are really not that good. Hayato can guess what he is planning with just one glance, and that inexplicable confidence most likely comes from One of the three cards he put down in the backcourt.

The card he set before activating [Treasure Card from Heaven] should not be his reliance, so the key point is undoubtedly one of the two cards he set in the second main phase before the end of the round. .

My turn, draw cards.

Pulling out a card, thanks to Kagemaru's previous [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], Hayato now has seven cards in his hand. It is so exciting to fight such a rich battle, but it is a pity that he is not here. In the secondary Pure [Silver City] deck, bring a 3000-attack monster with level 8☆ to give Kagemaru a little liberation shock.

Although Kagemaru did not explain all the effects of [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] just now, but kept half of it, it seemed that Hayato had been bluffing him before but he didn't know all its effects, but in fact Hayato was against Kagemaru The other effects of [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] that were deliberately kept unspoken are clear, but they are just that the [Winged Chestnut Ball] of the same style will not receive any damage during the round it is destroyed.

It is naturally not difficult to destroy [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] in battle, but if Kagemaru triggers the effect of [Thunder Emperor-Harmon], it will have to drag on for at least another round. Looking at the battle with the enemy not far away Next to Judai who was dueling at Daitokuji Temple, the [Wing Kururi Ball], which was so sluggish that it could only lie motionless on Judai's shoulder, Hayato knew that the Seven Spirits' Release Gate was still absorbing the power of elves and humans. vitality.

With the physical fitness of Judai and Hayato, they can continue to persevere, but Hayato also knows that not everyone can withstand the influence of The Seven Spirits' Unlocking like young people. For those who are weak due to illness, if they don't get rid of the shadow pill as soon as possible, they are likely to die because of the Seven Essence Release.

Since the opponent is the 'Three Phantom Demons', although the user has changed from a second-rate player to a third-rate player because she is too incompetent, it is a rare opportunity for her to come out and do some activities. As he spoke, Hayato put a card in his hand Played, In my main phase, I want to use this magic card [Dark Burst], target a dark attribute monster card in my graveyard with an attack power of 1500 points or less, and add it to my hand.

Seeing Hayato starting his main phase, Kagemaru also immediately put a card in the backfield and said: In that case, to chain that magic card, I will also activate the card in the backfield, the Continuous Trap Card [Awakened] Three Phantom Demons].”

As Kagemaru activated Gaika, the pillars of the Seven Spirits' Release Gate surrounding the dueling duo flashed with light. Subsequently, the power of elves and human vitality that were previously invisible to the naked eye in the air gathered together and turned into conspicuous golden light spots after entering the range of the Seven Spirits' Explanation Gate. [Sacred Flame Emperor - Uriah] and [Thunder Emperor - Harmon] kept floating on their bodies.

The countless absorbed elves' power and human vitality are divided into three parts. The most is the part absorbed by the Seven Spirits' Explanation Gate and funneled into the ground, and then the part absorbed by [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah], [Jiang Lei] Emperor Harmon] and the third body Phantom Demon in Kagemaru's deck that has not yet appeared. The last remaining dregs were absorbed by Kagemaru.

The golden light spots are continuously absorbed by the phantom demons. Even though it was fashionable and unfinished at the beginning, with the continuous opening of the Seven Spirits of Explanation, I am afraid that the three phantom demons in Kagemaru's hands have actually completely awakened and possessed them. My mind has also improved.

With this power to dominate the world and this glorious figure, there is no doubt that he is the apostle that best matches me as a 'god'. Looking at the apostle extracted from the Seven Essence Explanation after absorbing it, The two phantom demons shrouded in golden light due to their strength, Kagemaru showed an expression of enjoyment, opened his arms and said, I am ascending to the gods!

Although the continuous trap card [Awakened Three Phantom Demons] was activated, Kagemaru was completely immersed in the cool figures of the monsters on his field, and had no idea of ​​using its effects when activated. After the chain is processed, it is Hayato's turn to retrieve a card with unknown meaning from the graveyard into his hand.

Ha, what a weak 'god'. Hayato said with some disdain after hearing Kagemaru's words.

Are you jealous of me, Hayato Kobayashi, of me as a god? With inexplicable confidence, Kagemaru pointed at Hayato and said, Seeing such invincible power, I'm afraid you have vaguely felt the approaching danger in your heart. Are you desperate?

The dark monsters with an attack power of less than 1500 points are nothing more than the furniture you sent to the graveyard before. Besides, aren't the monsters with an attack power of less than 1500 points just trash? Even these monsters on your field will be used by me. There's nothing the invincible [Thunder Emperor Harmon] can do, let alone that kind of bastard monster.

At this point, Kagemaru paused, and then sneered: But even if I don't know what you want to do, I won't give you even a chance to disgust me, so I used this [Awakened Three Phantom Demons]. In addition to the second effect that allows me to recycle a continuous trap card from the graveyard once per turn during my turn when there is a level 10☆ or above monster on my field, its most invincible effect is its first effect.”

That is, depending on the number of 'Three Phantom Demons' on my field, I will obtain a powerful and sustainable effect!

Last night, because the new year started, I opened the mobile game and drew a card first.

Um? Did fgo draw Wu Zun with the 30 stones he sent?

Um? Did Arknights draw the new Pallas in ten consecutive shots?

emmmm, in order to prevent accidents, I won’t draw fgo’s lucky bags for now.


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