Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 125 The Ultimate Jade God (Confirmed

The effect of [Paradise Lost] is to give the 'Three Phantom Demons' on my field the ability to not become the target of the opponent's effect, nor to be destroyed by the opponent's effect. This makes the 'Three Phantom Demon' already powerful. The resistance has gone even further!

Kagemaru would never admit that he was a little afraid that Hayato would draw a card like [Lightning Strike] and send away the Three Phantom Demons that he had no resistance to. Instead, he pretended to be nonchalant and said, And, there is anything on my field. The second effect that can only be activated in the case of 'Three Phantom Demons', I drew two cards from the deck.

A red apple as bright as blood was lifted up from the ground and brought to Kagemaru in a wriggling hand-like branch. The fruit seemed to be the forbidden fruit that symbolized the name of the card Paradise Lost, but Kagemaru He didn't care about the price he had to pay to receive the forbidden fruit, so he touched the fruit in front of him without hesitation and drew two cards.

Then, with the number of cards in his hand rising to six again, he played another card and said: It's almost time. During this period, the 'Seven Spirits' Unlocking' has absorbed a lot of power for me. I don't need to use it when I need to. , this absorbed power is meaningless.”

The Continuous Magic Card [Seven Spirits of Explanation] is activated!

As Kagemaru inserted a magic card face-up into the magic trap area, in an instant, the rising pillars in the jungle around the clearing where Hayato and Kagemaru were were freed from the cover of the magic cards on the field, and reappeared in front of the two of them. within sight.

Not only that, the tops of five of the seven pillars lit up with bright yellow balls of light, and they were connected by boundaries formed by dancing blue arcs. The Seven Spirits' Explanation activated this time no longer distinguishes and surrounds Hayato, Kagemaru, Daitokuji and Judai. Only the final winner can get out of here.

In other words, Asuka had to leave earlier, otherwise she might still be locked in by the barrier that was activated again at this moment.

Although only the five obelisks corresponding to the five keys that have been obtained by Kagemaru are activated, even in its current state, the Seven Spirits' Explanation can still operate normally, and Kagemaru activates this one with the same name as the barrier. The sustainable magic card [Seven Spirits' Explanation Gate] also has an effect and starts to be used by Kagemaru.

This is the barrier I use to control the 'Three Illusions'. It is the ultimate alchemical array 'Seven Essences' that was transformed based on the array left by the alchemist who once existed on this island. It can destroy everything and create everything!

Kagemaru said, taking out a card from the deck, As an effect processing when [Seven Spirits' Explanation] is activated, I can use one of the 'Three Phantom Demons' or any of them from my deck. A monster card described in the card name is added to the hand, and the one I chose is the second 'Phantom Demon', [Thunder Emperor - Harmon].

Hearing the card chosen by Kagemaru, Hayato whistled: My name is John's distant relative!

Kagemaru, who didn't understand Hayato's words at all, ignored Hayato. After adding the card of [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] to his hand, he said: It's just a monster with a measly 3200 attack points. I can take advantage of [God's] The Flame King Uriah] did not use his own effects to grow up and now suppresses his 'God's Fire', but he is completely vulnerable to the power of the Demon God Amon who knows the past and the future and can control relatives and friends!

I then activate the continuous magic card [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] and set two cards.

After filling up the backcourt, he seemed to think that this method was on par with Hayato filling the area with monsters. Kagemaru said arrogantly: Since you said you know the effect of the 'Three Phantom Demons', you have more or less guessed what I set. What are the two cards? The effect of [Thunder Lord - Harmon] is similar to that of [Godly Flame Emperor Uriah]. The difference is that the former uses a completely different magic card from the latter to be specially summoned as a sacrifice.

At this moment, I already have enough sacrifices in my backfield. I will send the three magic cards [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy], [Robbery], and [Forced Encourage] to the graveyard and Special Summon them into my hand. The 'Phantom' in this second picture——

Holding the card high, Kagemaru called out the name of the card in his hand,

——[Thunder Emperor-Harmon]!

Although the name is The Emperor of Thunder, just like [Dark Knight - Gaia] is an earth attribute and [Dark Knight - Gaia] is a dark attribute, the name of the duel monster has nothing to do with its attributes. It was a normal thing. When Kagemaru raised the card and shouted the name [Thunder Lord Harmony], there was lightning and thunder in the dark purple sky. But when the gathered thunder and lightning fell on Kagemaru's field, Under the dispersed lightning, there was a large cluster of icicles.

The pale yellow bone wings wrapped around the skeleton-like body, and together with the cyan lightning wrapped around it, the ice was broken and the second body of the phantom demon - [Thunder Lord Harmon] was specially affected by Kagemaru. Call out. In just one turn, he summoned two Phantom Demons, which made Kagemaru extremely excited and proud. In his wild laughter, [Thunder Lord Harmon], whose eyes were equally lifeless, spread his wings to attack Kagemaru. The broken ice shakes off.

【Thunder Emperor - Harmon】【10☆/Light】

[Phantom Monsters/Special Summons/Effects]


It's like [Sacred Flame Emperor-Uriah] corresponds to the mythical archangel Uriel. His ability is exactly the meaning of Uriel's name, 'God's Light' and 'God's Fire', shattering all darkness. Traps and the power of constantly resurrecting and absorbing the cards in the graveyard. Although he knows nothing about literature, because he has sought life extension in various ways, Kagemaru knows a lot about myths and legends, [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] corresponds to Amon, the seventh demon among the seventy-two demons commanded by God-chosen King Solomon, has the power to know the past and future, and to communicate with relatives and friends.

Since the 'three phantom demons' can correspond to the names of the servants who serve the 'god' in mythology, then it stands to reason that I, who is now controlling the two 'phantom demons', am the undisputed 'god'!

Kagemaru declared arrogantly: I am the second god, the only one who exists now!

I suggest you create a world with Lin first. Hayato complained, You don't think you are very powerful, do you? Use [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky] to draw six cards, and use [Lost Paradise] White You tried [Pot of Desire] once, but this is what happened? How about you look at what cards you threw into the graveyard in order to summon [Thunder Emperor-Harmon]?

Glancing at the [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] at the top of his graveyard, Kagemaru thought Hayato was referring to this card, and immediately said arrogantly: Hmph, you don't need to worry about this kind of thing, do you think I really know how to do it? Are you just going to send this precious card to the graveyard and let it go to waste?”

I want to use the third effect of 'Seven Spirits' Release', which can only be activated when there is a level 10☆ monster on my field. I choose a continuous magic card from my graveyard and add it to my hand. I chose [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] is returned to the hand and activated again!

Looking at the [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] re-attached to Kagemaru's backfield, as well as the [Robbery] and [Forcibly Drawn Soldiers] in Kagemaru's graveyard, Hayato couldn't help but complain: I think that card might as well be called 'Thunderbolt after losing one's wits' Okay, is [Forced] and [Forcedly Leading Extraordinary Soldiers] meant for you to use like this?

Don't question God! Kagemaru couldn't hear half of Hayato's question and said impatiently, thinking that his operation was perfect without any flaws, All of this is for the coming of the 'Phantom Demon', I I have summoned the two 'phantom demons', and I have taken another big step forward on my way to the throne of God!

Same as [Sacred Flame King - Uriah], [Thunder King - Harmon] also has the ability to not be affected by the effects of trap cards, and not affected by the effects of magic cards that are not activated this turn. At the same time, it also has the ability Thanks to the protection of [Lost Paradise], I have the ability to not be the target of the opponent’s effects, nor to be destroyed by the opponent’s effects!”

Then his attack power is a full 4,000 points higher than your [Silver City's Demon God Statue]. This blow can cause you a full 800 points of damage. Can you block it? There was a smile on his face. With a confident expression, Kagemaru pointed at Hayato with a sneer, Finally, finally it's now, the time to give the arrogant brat who has always had that condescending and unpleasant contemptuous attitude, Hayato Kobayashi, a painful blow!

Enter my battle phase, and then use [Thunder Lord-Harmon] to attack [Silver City's Demon Statue], and experience the real thunder!

Thunderbolt of lost joy!

The cyan lightning released by [Thunder Lord - Harmon] shattered the darkness in [Lost Paradise], but this does not mean that its thunder and lightning are a symbol of light. On the contrary, it is the light that Hayato fields. [The Demonic Statue of Silver City] The thunder and lightning that struck was exuding the aura of destruction.

At this moment, Kagemaru had already taken the initiative to let the monsters attack and declare an attack. Hayato naturally did not want to waste the opportunity given by the opponent, so he immediately pressed the button to activate the card block and used the card on the back field with [Silver] The trap card set by the effect of Castle's Demon God Statue is activated.

Due to the effect of [Silver City's Crazy Clock], when there is a [Rabilins] monster on my field, I can only activate the normal trap card in the set turn once, chaining [Thunder Emperor-Harmon]. Declaration of attack, I open the cover card in my backcourt——

At this moment? Are you kidding me, Hayato Kobayashi! Kagemaru said contemptuously, interrupting Hayato, Do you need me to remind you again? The invincible 'Three Phantom Demons' are immune to the effects of trap cards. The resistance to the impact, and under the protection of [Lost Paradise], they now have further resistance that they will not become the target of the opponent's effect and will not be destroyed by the opponent's effect!

[Explosion Armor]? [Holy Shield - Power of Reflector -] or [Magic Canister]? It's useless, it's useless, it's useless! None of your trap cards are invincible to me' Three The phantom is in effect!

Unexpectedly, after Hayato heard Kagemaru's words, his expression remained unchanged. He calmly pulled out the activated trap card and showed it to Kagemaru: But when did you appear? The trap card I want to activate is. Illusion of a card that works on your 'Three Illusions'?

Instead of letting you use the effect of [Godly Flame King-Uria] to blow up all the trap cards on my field next turn, I would rather take the initiative to detonate them now to increase the monster's attack power! I'm going to activate The one that attacks the cave is the invincible [Evil God's Great Disaster] with the name of 'Evil God' which sounds more powerful than 'Phantom Demon'!

From the card Hayato opened in the backcourt, a powerful suction force was suddenly released, and the dark purple vortex began to expand and spread with the opened [Great Disaster of the Evil God] as the starting point.

[Great Disaster of the Evil God] is the card I just retrieved from the deck using the effect of [Demon Statue of Silver City]. This card can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. Its effect is also very simple. That is the second-speed [Great Storm], which destroys all magic and trap cards on both sides of the field, whether they are set, opened or occupying the field area!

Hayato stretched out his hand and pointed at the two continuous magic cards, a set card with unknown meaning and the field magic card on the field behind Kagemaru. Kagemaru will have four cards destroyed in one go under the influence of [The Great Disaster of the Evil God].

However, that is not the point. The real point is that in order to draw as many cards as possible from the [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky], Hayato played all the two pieces of furniture in [Silver City] in his hand in order to draw as many cards as possible. The two cards retrieved from the deck and placed on the back field cannot be used because they were just set during this round. But who said that cards that cannot be activated cannot be used by oneself?

As a duelist, your power is unlimited!

Although Kagemaru was surprised and angry when he heard Hayato's words, thinking that he was going to have so many cards destroyed, his reaction was not too slow, and he realized in time that the real focus was not on him. The cards to be destroyed are the other two unopened cards on Hayato's backfield.

[Security Ball], trap cards that can be activated even if they are destroyed, are ineffective against Phantom Demon whether they are on the field or in the graveyard, and cards like Provoke the Snake also need to be destroyed by Kagemaru instead of Hayato himself. To take effect, the problem is not that the trap has any effect, but that it is extremely simple that a trap is sent to the cemetery!

Kagemaru has not forgotten the effect of [Silver City's Demonic Statue]. Each type of trap card in Hayato's graveyard can provide him with an attack power bonus of up to 400 points. Her original attack power was only 2,000 points. She suffered three After the addition of one trap card, the attack power is already 3200 points, surpassing the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon]. If you add the two trap cards that were destroyed and sent to the graveyard, its attack power will soar to a full level again. 4000 points, the same as [Thunder Emperor-Harmon]!

[The Great Disaster of the Evil God] This card only destroys magic and trap cards but does not affect the monsters. Therefore, Kagemaru cannot trigger the battle rewind at all to withdraw the attack that [Thunder Lord-Harmon] has already issued. He can't think of anything to do. If anything, I can only watch the [Thunder Lord Harmon] that I finally summoned die together with the [Demon Statue of Silver City]!

Of course it doesn't matter if Hayato's monster dies, but [Thunder Emperor Harmon] whom he trusts so much and one of the important three phantom demons must not be destroyed like this. Don't do that!

You can't, you can't do that!

*Tong Shiye swears*, I can do that! Hayato sneered, Not only that, I also have to chain the third effect of [Shirogane Princess of Labyrinth City]. Usually when the trap card is activated, from my card Choose a normal trap card from the group with a different name than that card, place it on the field, and send an extra trap card to the graveyard!

My destroyed trap cards will not be two but three! The attack power of [Silver City's Demonic Statue] will be 4400 points, which is higher than 4000 points!

Hahahaha, don't stop it, Kagemaru, keep attacking with [Thunder Emperor-Harmon], I want to see [Thunder Emperor-Harmon] defeated by [Silver City's] who you thought could be easily defeated When the Demon God Statue was stabbed to death and stirred inside its body with a giant sword, would you be so excited because of the first battle damage you received in a dark game? Hahaha!


When Kagemaru fell into extreme despair, he suddenly saw the magic trap area with [Thunderbolt of Lost Joy] on his duel plate that was lit up because he had not exited the novice guidance mode, like a drowning person. Like a piece of driftwood floating by, I grabbed it without caring about anything - (End of Chapter)


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