Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 127: The basic score will not change even if you are not damaged by even 1 point.

Based on the number of 'three phantom demons' on my field, [the awakened three phantom demons] will have a lasting and powerful effect. Kagemaru said, pointing to the open cover card on his field,

In the case of more than one type, every time the opponent successfully summons or special summons a monster, my base points will be restored to the base points of those monsters' attack power; in the case of two or more types, the effects activated by the monsters on the opponent's field will be restored to my base points. Neutralize!”

Because I haven't summoned the third body of 'Phantom' yet, I can't use the effect of 'monsters sent to the opponent's graveyard are eliminated instead of going to the graveyard' when there are three types of 'Phantom', but this is enough!

No matter what monster you plan to summon, the effects it activates while it is on the field will be invalidated like my [Godly Flame King Uriah] with a prey counter placed on it, and the higher the attack power, the better The more you can restore basic points for me!

The ones who surround me on the throne of God are your incompetent monsters! Hahahahaha!

Looking at Kagemaru who was laughing, Hayato shrugged indifferently: If you want to restore the basic points of her attack power, it's up to you. Even I'm not so stingy that I can't even get a mere 1 basic point. I won’t even let you reply.”

Kagemaru didn't pay too much attention to Hayato's 1 basic point. He only thought that Hayato was just talking about it verbally. After all, he only said you won't take any damage at the end of his turn.

Looking at the cards in his hand, Hayato continued: Because of the [Awakened Three Phantom Demons], even if I activate these [Summon of Silver City - Arianna], [Rabi of Silver City] on my field Linsi] Ah, their effects will also be nullified.

At this moment, there are only those that exist permanently without being activated, such as the invalid activation effect of [Predatory Plant - Rhinoceros] and the ability to increase the attack power of [Silver City's Demonic Statue].

Decisively remove the cards of [Summon of Silver City - Arianna] and [Predatory Plant - Rhinoceros] from the duel plate, send them to the graveyard, and then Hayato will retrieve the card in his hand that was just taken from the graveyard with [Dark Burst] pulled the card from his hand and said, In this case, instead of letting them continue to suffer on the field, I might as well take the initiative to end their pain. After all, there is no duelist more caring than me.

Free the [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] and [Summon of the Silver City-Arianna] on my field as sacrifices for the superior summons——

Hearing Hayato's words, Kagemaru didn't take the card he was about to play to heart at all. If two monsters are needed as sacrifices, it means that the monster Hayato will normally summon will be at least level 7☆, or even higher. Although the monster's attack power and other values ​​have never been bound to the star rating, in Kagemaru's understanding, no matter how you think about it, the higher the level, the higher the attack power of the monster.

Thinking about it on the lower side, it has at least 2000 attack points, right? Kagemaru had no intention of stopping Hayato, and he would not refuse the more than 2,000 basic points offered to him for free.

The green maid bowed to Hayato and [Rabilins of Silver City] respectively, then politely stepped down from the field and entered the cemetery. [Predatory Plant-Rhinoceratops] also disconnected from the earth. Sneaking underground, the liberation of the two monsters caused a strange black spot to appear on Hayato's field, floating in mid-air against gravity.

However, at the next moment, several green ribbons stretched out from Hayato's graveyard, breaking through the ground and extending into the strange black spots. Immediately, Kagemaru saw his duel disk that was constantly vibrating.

what happened? While having such doubts, Kagemaru found the source of the vibration. It was the field magic card [Paradise Lost] that he put into the duel plate area. It was obviously the field magic card that best embodied the power and terror of the Three Phantom Demons. Card, but at this moment, he was actually trembling because Hayato wanted to summon a monster from a higher level.

Even the beings in the shadows inhabiting the terrifying dead tree in the center of [Lost Paradise] closed their eyes and tried their best to hide their existence, for fear of being noticed by the strange black spots that appeared on Hayato's field. .

Hayato, who took out a card and prepared to place it on the duel plate, also called out: Free from the long-term bondage, guide the dark reality in this changing world, and the sleeping soul that has accumulated years of resentment spans five thousand years. Years of time will revive again and bring ultimate destruction! The strongest [Earthbound God]!

Come out! [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca]!

A pair of sharp claws suddenly protruded from the black spot. With one exertion, the initially extremely narrow black spot was suddenly opened and expanded into a huge rotating black hole. The bird's head poked out from there, followed by a pair of dark wings painted with pink lines. Although it was suspended in mid-air, the ground cracked due to the appearance of this monster. Amidst the splashing of gravel, the huge vulture spread its wings and lifted into the air, trailing a long turquoise ribbon like tail feathers behind it, and the ground. connected.

The huge size was even greater than Kagemaru's Three Phantom Demons, and the aura that seemed to come from the depths of a black hole and would swallow up all light was far more oppressive than the Three Phantom Demons, making Kagemaru almost forget to breathe.

If the three phantom demons prey on the power of elves and the vitality of humans, representing physical power, then the monster summoned by Hayato's superior at this moment is undoubtedly a soul-hunting demon, almost like a world-destroying demon. !

Taking a closer look, Kagemaru discovered that the Viracocha in the name of [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] was not the same as the God of Creation and King of Gods in Inca mythology. Viracocha has the same name!

However, even if it is the Creation God, even for his own precious life, Kagemaru must use the Three Phantom Demons to defeat him, and no matter how powerful the monster summoned by Hayato is, what can he do after he has activated [Awakening Now, that monster will undoubtedly become part of his power!

Thinking like this, Kagemaru regained his composure, and even took the initiative to open his arms and said with a grin: I actually summoned such a powerful monster that looks amazing. I really want to thank you for the gift, Xiaolin. Hayato.

Then because of the effect of [Awakened Three Phantom Demons], every time the opponent successfully summons or special summons monsters, I will restore the base points of those monsters' attack power!

Closing his eyes on purpose, Kagemaru wanted to carefully feel the power of the [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] that Hayato sent to him, and taste the pleasure of the unparalleled vitality filling his body.

However, Kagemaru's thought was quite beautiful, but after waiting for a long time, there was no special feeling coming out of his body at all. This made him have to quickly open his eyes and look at the cards on his field. It was clearly [The Awakened Three Phantom Demons]. 】It is still running normally and has not been destroyed or invalidated by the hateful Hayato Kobayashi, but why is my basic score not restored?

What did you do, Kobayashi Hayato! What despicable and shameless methods did you use behind God's back!? Kagemaru stared directly at Hayato, Why didn't my basic points recover! Could it be that that pink monster Is there some hidden effect that I don’t know about!”

Hayato raised his eyebrows, looked at Kagemaru and said unhappily: Let me see clearly, this is magenta! And your basic skills have obviously been restored. Okay, look down at your duel disk!

After hearing Hayato's words, Kagemaru also subconsciously looked at the basic sub-areas of his duel disk, and found that the red basic score values ​​on it had indeed changed, but——

【Shadow Pill: 4000→4001LP】

Basic points, only one point restored!? How is that possible! Kagemaru looked at [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] with a suspicious look on his face, What exactly is wrong? My basic points are impossible. Just give me a little reply!

Is there a possibility that it's just because the attack power of [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] is only a little? Hayato crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at him as if he was watching something being fed in a zoo. The banana was a toy, and the furious orangutan looked at the gloomy Kagemaru, So, your basic score has only recovered a little.

Impossible, absolutely impossible! Kagemaru denied Hayato's statement without hesitation, feeling that what he said had no credibility at all.

The storm brought by the waving of wings seems to be able to blow out the fire of the soul; the subconscious cry can extinguish all resistance; the magenta stripes on the body seem to be made of blood. The [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] who is known as the Creation God is clearly the demon god who crawled out of the underworld and came to destroy the world!

If Kagemaru had known about such a monster earlier, he would probably have given up on the Three Phantom Demons and gone after him. It's not unbelievable that Kagemaru said it had infinite attack power. How could it be that its attack power was only -

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] [10☆/Dark]



This thing has an attack power of less than 1,500 points!?

When he caught a glimpse of the panel displayed next to [Earthbound God - Viracocha Raska], Kagemaru's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief on his face, and he couldn't help but say in surprise. As Hayato said, the attack power of [Earthbound God - Viracocha Raska] is only 1 point, and this also reminded him of the [Dark Burst] that Hayato had just activated.

In other words, the card recovered from the cemetery before is Him! Looking at [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] with longing and envious eyes, Kagemaru's voice was filled with jealousy. Onorei Kobayashi Hayato, why do you always get favored by those powerful cards!

You have made God jealous! As punishment, I will take away your card after killing you!

Ha, I've always been the only one who can take away other people's cards. No one can take my cards away. If you want it, just come and get it yourself. You know the rules. As he spoke, Hayato pointed at Kagemaru and said, But it's a pity that you won't be able to last until that time. Because I want to use the effect of [Earth-Binding God-Viracocha Lasca], ​​aunt, button button (at this moment, right here) )!

Hearing Hayato's words, Kagemaru sneered: I don't know! Did you forget the existence of the [Awakened Three Phantom Demons] so quickly on my field? In addition to the first effect of absorbing life force, because I have [ Thunder Lord Harmon] and [Sacred Flame Emperor Uriah] exist, and when the two 'phantom demons' are present, [the three awakened phantom demons] can negate all effects activated by the monsters on the opponent's field!

Even the powerful monster you just summoned is still subject to its effects!

Immediately, the two phantom demons on the Kagemaru Field once again released the absorption ability that allowed them to become golden. The power and vitality of the spirits floating in the air continued to gather towards the phantom demons, and now they are even more... The main absorption power was concentrated on [Earth-bound God-Viracocha Lasca], ​​as if it was going to be sucked dry.

Although he did not even have basic sanity and consciousness originally, as the duel progressed and Kagemaru continued to use the Three Illusion Demons cards, between [Godly Flame Emperor - Uriah] and [Thunder Lord - Harmon] In his eyes, Hayato could see that they had gradually possessed all the subconscious desires of living creatures, the desire for power.

But he just showed a contemptuous smile, looked at Kagemaru and said: You seem to have made a mistake, Kagemaru? Could it be that you were comparing the 'Three Phantom Demons' and [Earthbound God - Viracocha· Which one is stronger and which one is weaker? Stop using your fakes to humiliate my cards!

This is not a monster, it's Camida!

The passionate Wrath of God sounded in Hayato's duel plate, and the wings of the [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca] on his field suddenly spread and flapped, almost piercing through [Lost Paradise]. 】The illusory environment created by her, and her open eagle beak issued a sharp neighing that was not within the frequency that any living thing could hear, but could be felt extremely clearly by the soul of any living thing!

The tangible elven power and vitality that originally filled the Seven Spirits' Explanation Door were swept away in an instant under the roar of [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca], ​​and no trace of it can be seen anymore. The two phantom demons who were full of energy just now also fell into the subconscious trembling of the body in an instant and were unable to move. In addition to desire, they also acquired a new emotion in their consciousness, that is fear. .

After the powerful roar of [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca], ​​Kagemaru even clearly felt the impact of the Seven Spirits' Unlocking Gate at his feet on the power of elves and human vitality on a global scale. The absorption came to a standstill for an instant!

It's like [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] is a demon that preys on souls. No one dares to eat before her until she is full and satisfied!

However, Kagemaru didn't have much time to think about those things anymore, because he saw that after a roar completely negated the power of the [Awakened Three Phantom Demons], [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca 】A pitch-black singularity condensed in front of him, like a small black hole.

[Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] is not affected by the effects of magic and trap cards, let alone [Awakened Three Phantom Demons], which is just an inferior skill that 'invalidates the activated effects' If you draw it, she can even ignore the effect of the genuine [Skill Extraction]. This is the gold content of the text beyond the noble effect!

Hayato paused and continued, As long as there is a field magic card, [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] can not only directly attack the opponent's duelist, but the opponent's monsters cannot also use it as an attack target. In addition, Its ability to not be affected by the effects of magic and trap cards is almost non-existent. Even if you use this adjective, it will feel deflated.

However, the strongest thing about [Earthbound God - Viracocha Lasca] is not her resistance. With her low attack power, she has an unprecedented ultimate effect. Even an infinite base score can give her death.

Pointing towards Kagemaru, Hayato said: Once per round, I can activate the ultimate power at the cost of skipping my battle phase - turn the opponent's basic points into 1 point!

Seeing the surprised and horrified expression on Kagemaru's face, Hayato raised the corner of his mouth and sneered: Since you said you won't take any damage this round, how can I have the nerve to destroy your monster with such brutal means as fighting? However, being immune to even a little damage does not mean that your basic score will not change~

Lower your despair, [Earthbound God-Viracocha Lasca]——

Polestar obeys!

Swordsman of Fire seems to have a lot of enhanced card slots, and even distant relatives like Phantom Knight have gotten new enhanced card slots.

But the most annoying thing is that Jonouchi also printed himself as a card, still wearing the Swordsman of Fire equipment (the one used in the anime and manga to play dark games with Tapiryo)

Even Feilongyan has changed from an equipment card to a fusion monster. Fast forward to the release of the new Red-Eyed Big Daddy.

And, as expected, the fire attribute is the first attribute of Yu-Gi-Oh! (laughs


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