Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 110 Gunman? demon? 【Magic Bullet】!

I normally summon a card from my hand in attack position.

The mechanical arm flexibly took out a hand card clip and inserted it into the magic trap area of ​​the duel disk. The virtual image appeared along with Kagemaru's voice.

It was a woman wearing revealing exotic dancer costumes and covering her face with black gauze. However, the strange orange bat wings growing on her right elbow made her a bit weirder. At the same time, she wore a red hat on her waist. The pistol also proved that she was not as weak as she seemed.

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] [4☆/Light]



Hey, you actually used such an enchanting duel monster, and dared to summon it in attack mode with only 1,300 attack points? Wan Zhangmu looked at the [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] summoned by Kagemaru with disdain, And... It's only been a long time since it appeared, but it didn't produce any effect. Isn't it just a fish monster?

And after hearing the words of Banzhoumu, Kagemaru's voice coming out of the mechanical device was filled with a little contempt and displeasure: First it was Hayato Kobayashi and Seto Kaiba, and now even the brats of the Bankzhoumu Consortium are the same. Young people nowadays are just... Do you know how to study future technology without knowing anything about past history?

This old man who is nearly 100 years old and was born at the beginning of the last century said dissatisfiedly: Even if you don't know the famous opera The Magic Bullet, you should at least know about the famous gunman during the Western Development Period, the 'Bandit Queen' Belle. Starr!”

Where did you get that outdated knowledge from the last century? Who in the right mind would understand that kind of thing? Wan Zhangmu complained, Will understanding that kind of thing help in a duel? Can it help me win? Traveling to the city Judai? If not, I have no interest in learning about those boring things.

Daitokuji, who was watching the duel, said, 'Queen of the Oklahoma Outlaws' means 'Queen of Oklahoma Outlaws.' Belle Starr is such a legendary woman. The Queen of Gunslingers and Outlaws, while possessing extraordinary marksmanship, she also knows how to manage her subordinates' forces and command—

Amunaeru, are you trying to point out that kid, hinting at the effect of that kid's card?

Because of Kagemaru's words, Daitokuji stopped and did not continue the introduction. Instead, he said: ...I don't have that idea. It's just an occupational disease of popular science knowledge. I want to help you introduce the character who is the prototype of that card.

Oh, you'd better think that way. Kagemaru didn't hold on to it, and he believed Daitokuji's statement for the time being. He took out a card from the robot arm and looked at Wan Zhangmu, Anyway, even if you don't tell me, I I originally planned to start using its effects.”

In my magic trap area in the column where [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] is located, activate the magic card [Pot of Desire], and I can draw two more cards from the deck.

Watching Kagemaru activate the magic card, Wan Jangmu sneered: Old guy, is this your first time playing Duel Monsters, or do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder? Do you like to put magic cards, trap cards and monsters in one column?

You arrogant brat, stop barking over there. Of course I have deep meaning in doing this. Kagemaru's voice seemed to be sneering, and he looked at the [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] on his field. Said, Whenever a magic or trap card is activated in the column you are in, the effect of [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] is activated!

From my deck, special summon a [Magic Bullet Shooter] monster with level 4☆ or lower except [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] in defense position on my field. The mechanical arm automatically retrieved the duel disk. The card was drawn out and placed on the duel plate. Kagemaru said, The monster I specially summoned is this one, [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid]!

After Bandit Queen Bell Starr, the second [Magic Bullet Shooter] monster used by Kagemaru can be seen from the name that its prototype is Billy the Kid, one of the most famous and famous among many Western gunmen. .

The young gunslinger who is both a villain and a righteous man is dressed like a classic cowboy in a Western movie, whether it is his hat, cape, boots or the holster on his waist. And on the elbow of his left arm that holds the gun, like the previous [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr], there are also abrupt orange devil bat wings growing.

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] [3☆/Light]



After the effect of [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] was resolved, the robot arm drew two cards from the deck and added them to Kagemaru's hand, causing his hand to return to six cards after summoning two monsters. And he immediately controlled the mechanical arm with his mind to insert the drawn card into the magic trap area, located in the column where the [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] was located.

The card I want to use next is this, the permanent trap card [Magic Bullet-Blood Crown]——

Hey, wait a minute. Although I just said it casually at first, is this really the first time for you, old guy, to have a duel? Wan Zhangmu interrupted Kagemaru's operation and pointed at his mask. The card inserted into the duel plate with his arm said, Although all magic cards can be activated directly from the hand, that does not mean that the same is true for trap cards. They need to be prepared first and can be used after one turn. Card type.”

If you activate the trap card directly from your hand like you do, the duel disk won't be read - is it read!?

Looking at the open permanent trap card that really appeared behind [Magic Bullet Shooter-Boy], Wan Zhang's eyes widened and he couldn't understand what was happening in front of him. Could it be that what he had been playing all along was fake? Duel monsters? He looked at Kagemaru, What exactly is going on?

I remember, in the rules of Duel Monsters, there is never a need to explain the effects of one's cards, right? Kagemaru is not the kind of person who has to explain the effects of cards and let the other party know everything so that he feels comfortable. As a person, he clearly knows how little unknown information can be amplified into an advantage. In short, I can activate this permanent trap card directly from my hand.

At the same time, the effect of [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] is also triggered because there are magic and trap cards in the same column. I discard a [Magic Bullet] card from my hand to activate its effect. From the deck Two cards were drawn.

Among the many famous gunmen during the Western Development Period, there were countless sharpshooters, but when it comes to being the fastest to draw a gun, without exception, people will think of the Billy the Kid who died young, with his 3-second super shot. The skill of high-speed drawing and shooting is superior to that of any gunner of the same generation, allowing him to gain a 1000% advantage in battle.

The effect obtained by [Magic Bullet Shooter-Boy] based on this gunman has naturally become the hand card that is almost equated with advantage among duel monsters. After all, the advantage of hand card can It guides or even determines the outcome of a duel. The biggest advantage is the number of cards in hand. How can there be such an imbecile who has far more cards than the opponent but is reversed and won by others?

(Malik, who once lost a duel because he could draw unlimited cards but could not play any of them: sneeze!)

One card was sent to the graveyard, but the mechanical arm replenished Kagemaru's hand back to six cards, and the continuous trap card that was successfully activated for some reason on his back field also began to apply its effect. Kagemaru controlled the mechanical arm. Pull out a card from your hand and place it on the duel plate and say: During my main phase, use the effect of [Magic Bullet - Bloody Crown] to special summon a [Magic Bullet] monster from my hand. The monster I specially summoned is this one, [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster].

The name Disaster once again revealed the prototype of the new monster card played by Kagemaru. It was in the same era as Billy the Kid and was called the Queen of the Plains and was also known as the Disaster. The legendary female gunner Calamity Jane.

The woman with the contradictory hair colors of red and blue appeared on Kagemaru's back field unknowingly under the cover of the white dove that flew out of [Magic Bullet - Bloody Crown], her body was unusually cool. Her dress is worthy of her title of Queen of the Plains and is wild and wild. Compared with the cloak she wears, which looks like a cloak but is actually a bat wing similar to the abrupt organs on the bodies of several other [Magic Bullet Shooters], it is actually quite wild. It is the huge machine carried on her shoulders that attracts more attention.

Not only because its size is large enough to be called a cannon, but also because its structure is completely beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding, and the several red eyes growing on it also make people wonder whether it is What turned into the abnormal gun-shaped creature?

(Sorry, I went to the wrong set, it should be this one)

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster] [4☆/Light]



Similarly, [Magic Bullet Shooter - Disaster] also has an effect that can be used when there is a magic or trap card activated in the column. I once again activate a continuous trap card [Magic Bullet - Devil's Deal] from my hand. Kagemaru Use the mechanical arm to insert another card into the magic trap area and say, The effect of the triggered [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster] is to special summon a [Magic Bullet] monster in my graveyard in defense position on the field.

Is there no limit to activating one trap card from your hand? Is it because of the number of monsters or other reasons? Wanzhang glanced at the second permanent trap card that Kagemaru activated from his hand and scanned the Kagemaru field. Looking for clues, he looked at Yankagemaru's duel plate at the same time, So the [Magic Bullet] monster in the cemetery is like this. Is it the effect of the previous [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid]?

A man wearing a long white trench coat and dressed like a doctor silently came to the movie theater holding a sniper rifle. He looked like an ordinary person. His slender left hand holding the barrel of the gun was also wearing a white glove, which made people feel... It’s hard to imagine that the hand is actually used to hold a gun instead of treating diseases and rescuing people, but its shoulders also have bat-wing skin like [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster], and even his right hand holding the handle of the gun has The clothes also transformed into blue-purple demonic hands.

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Doctor] [3☆/Light]



As before, the new [Magic Bullet Shooter-Doctor] is also the legendary shooter during the Western Development Period, namely Doctor Holliday. The origin of this nickname is extremely simple, because in addition to being a shooter, he is also a shooter. A dentist. This can be seen from the fact that [Magic Bullet Shooter-Doctor] wears an endoscope on his head that has not been removed.

Four monsters were summoned one after another in one round. Although the attack power and defense value of any one of them did not exceed 2000 points, Kagemaru's performance still made Wanzhangmu become a little serious. It seems that the old man Kagemaru did not watch. Although he is so old, at least his mind is quite flexible, and he can withstand the consumption of dueling monsters that require thinking.

However, what surprised Banzhangmu, who had just become a little serious, was that there were clearly four cards in Kagemaru's hand, but he didn't cover any of them. He just suddenly declared to Banzhangmu: Then, I'm This round is over for now, the round is over.”

[Kagemaru: 4000LP, 4 cards in hand]

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] [ATK1300]

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] [DEF200]

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster] [ATK1500]

[Magic Bullet Shooter-Doctor] [DEF1200]

[Magic Bullet - Scarlet Crown] [Magic Bullet - Devil's Deal]

No, you just ended the round like this? Looking at Kagemaru, who only had two permanent trap cards in the back field, he looked down at the cards in his hand, Wan Zhangmu frowned, One of the four cards in your hand is There are no cards that can be used to cover it. Could it be that they are all monster cards? Then, do you plan to use these four miscellaneous fish monsters on the field, none of which has a value of 1500 points, to deal with Mr. Wan Zhangmu and me?

Hmph, hum, hum hahahaha! Holding his forehead, Wan Zhangmu laughed wildly, I am really underestimated! Then let you see how powerful I am!

My turn, draw a card!

The drawn card made Banzhangmu's face become more relaxed, and Kagemaru's expression changed after hearing what Banzhangmu said, or to be exact, after Banzhangmu pulled out the card, but relaxed again after seeing the four cards in the hand held by the mechanical arm. He still maintained a calm attitude after taking a breath.

The drawn card was not played by Wan Zhangmu but was temporarily added to his hand. He drew one card from the original five cards, inserted it into the magic trap area and said: If there is a magic or trap card in the same column, the effect will be triggered if it is activated. If so, wouldn't it be great if I just need to avoid your monsters and use cards? Besides, not every monster on your field can activate its effects at this moment.

Then, in the column with the [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster] that revived the graveyard monster, I activate this magic card, [Lightning Storm]!

The thunder rolls along with the card played by Wan Zhangmu, because there is no [Magic Bullet] monster in the Kagemaru Cemetery that can be resurrected, and [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster] is completely unable to respond to the activation of [Lightning Storm] and use its own effect. Wan Zhangmu also continued: When there are no face-up cards on my field, I can choose to activate one of the two effects of [Lightning Storm], which are to destroy all attack position monsters on the opponent's field, and Destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field.

As soon as Wan Zhangmu finished speaking, he raised his hand to wave and make a choice before he spoke, Kagemaru suddenly said: Idiot, the monsters on my field will not be destroyed easily by your card, not only It’s because I have two monsters in both attack and defense positions, and it’s also because of the effect of [Magic Bullet-Devil’s Deal] on my backfield.”

As long as this card exists in the magic trap area, the [Magic Bullet] monster on my field will not be destroyed by the effect.

Hearing Kagemaru inexplicably tell the effect of his card, which saved him from wasting a card in vain, Wanzhang looked at Kagemaru in confusion, and found that the opponent in the life-saving cabin still looked calm. Coupled with the cover of the respirator mask, Wan Zhangmu was completely unable to see what the other party was thinking.

Intuition told Wan Zhangmu that the other party's sudden statement about the effect of his card was definitely a conspiracy, but Wan Zhangmu had no choice but to think about it for a moment, and said decisively: In that case, I will choose the third one of [Lightning Storm]. The second effect is to destroy all magic and trap cards on the opponent's field!

Lightning Lightning - Storm! Shouting like some kind of electric mouse move, Wan Zhangmou waved his hand forward, and the lightning accumulated in the sky immediately obeyed his command and fell, completely destroying the two cover cards on the field behind Kagemaru. cover.

Before it is destroyed, activate the effect of [Magic Bullet - Bloody Crown] for the last time. During the main phase of both parties, a [Magic Bullet] monster in my hand will be specially summoned. The one I specially summoned is [Magic Bullet Shooter - Wild].”

A fierce man appeared in the last empty monster area of ​​​​Kagemaru Field. He was carrying as many weapons as a small arsenal. His prototype was the lover of the Queen of the Plains and the so-called King of the Plains. Wild Bill. But even this late legendary gunner couldn't change the fate of Kagemaru's backcourt cards with his hands transformed into devil's claws.

Kagemaru's two cards were destroyed simultaneously, and when the [Lightning Storm] dissipated, Kagemaru couldn't help but smile.

At first, I wanted to give Kagemaru a life card related to medical treatment, defense damage or effect damage, such as a material dragon, to match the character, but when I was looking for a doctor related card, I suddenly found [Magic Bullet Shooter-Doctor], so I just thought so hastily. I decided to use [Magic Bullet Shooter] for Kagemaru.

Not only because this is a Demonic deck that works with the Phantom Demon King, and can be stuffed with a large number of Demon Traps to support the other two Phantom Demons, it is very suitable as a deck prepared by Kagemaru for the addition of three Phantom Demons, but also because Magic Bullet Shooter - It’s not a deck but a prototype of an opera—it fits the picture quite well.

In order to save his soul that he made a deal with the devil, the hunter tricked the forest ranger into making a deal with the devil, in an attempt to have his soul collected by the devil on his behalf. In the end, he was killed by the devil's magic bullet due to the devil's teasing.

In order to extend his life, Kagemaru did not hesitate to make a deal with the phantom demon. When the phantom demon wakes up, he will absorb the power and even life of the elves. He knows this, but he doesn't care at all.

I can do anything to continue my life.

You, you really only think about yourself (unprovoked)

And, the devil has seven magic bullets. The first six are all magic bullets that are always accurate, but the seventh one is a fooled bullet. The one who hits it will belong to the devil.

The other six members of the Seven Stars Organization, which happened to correspond to Kagemaru, all followed his instructions and dueled on Duel Academy Island until they were defeated. Although the seventh member, Daitokuji, was also fired smoothly like the seventh bullet, and was as poor as in the opera. Clicking on the lover of the ranger almost wiped out the teachers and students, but the Philosopher's Stone left behind at Daitokuji Temple became the key to Judai's defeat of Kagemaru.

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