Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 109: Tracking! put out! It's all lightning! dazzling

Wan Zhang Mu's eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly turned his head to look behind him, only to see Dade Temple with his head lowered and the upper half of his face covered in shadow.

In the hands of Dade Temple, Wan Zhangmu saw a black and purple book that he had never seen before, but suddenly appeared in Dade Temple's hands at this moment, with an Eye of Ugato embedded in the center.

For the first time, Wan Zhangmu thought of the mask on the opponent's face that he had seen in the Osiris-Red Dormitory when he was dueling with Titan. There was also an Eye of Ugato on it.

Could it be that! ?

Just as he was about to make a move, Wan Zhangmu was suddenly hit by an invisible impact and was knocked away.

If it is above, it will appear below; if it is inside, it will appear outside. Dadeji still lowered his head, overlooking the fallen Wan Zhangmu not far away.

This open space in the dense forest is not flat, but has an extremely obvious depression, which is at least one meter lower than the ground. So when Wan Zhangmu was lying on the ground, there was a gap between Dade Temple and Wan Zhangmu. The height difference is about two meters, which is about the same height as when students usually sit in their seats and look at the teacher who is at the front and lowest point of the classroom.

However, the Manzhangmu who used to be at a high place is now at a low place, and Dadeji Temple, which has always been at a low place, is standing on a high place overlooking the fallen Manjangmu, just like the strange lines he recited just now .

This is a sentence from The Record of Jade, which means that all development and changes must follow the law from the inside out and from the top down. By mastering this law, you can know whether the apple is rotten, whether the organs are diseased, and Does a person change? It’s just that, Wan Zhangmu, you don’t seem to be able to grasp this rule and fail to notice the difference in me.”

As he spoke, the skin on Daitokuji's face that he had just pushed back did not crack again, but it bulged like a new blood vessel, and the steps he just wanted to take were also stopped.

As always, you like to talk about useless things, Daitokuji. Kagemaru's slightly dissatisfied voice came from the life support device where he was, No, now, I should call you Amneru again. Amunaeru, the original, strongest and most trusted member of the inhuman duelist organization 'Seven Stars' formed by me?

If you really trust my words, you should stay in your group and receive physical recuperation instead of bringing your subordinates to this island. Daitokuji shook his head and untied the clothes on his body. He wore a white suit, revealing a black tight-fitting magician uniform he had been wearing. He took out the folded cloak and mask in his arms and put them on to cover his face, which was slightly ferocious due to the bulging blood vessels. .

(Before changing clothes)

(after changing clothes)

A long time ago, Daitokuji gave up the Phantom Demon in order to repay Kagemaru's kindness for supporting his research and to find a way to prolong Kagemaru's life, which was already like a candle in the wind. After the Card plan, he chose to make the Philosopher's Stone on the island where Diablo once conducted experiments - which is now the Duel Academy Island.

Although Daitokuji's ability cannot create a perfect Philosopher's Stone, even a defective Philosopher's Stone can greatly extend Kagemaru's life, but it cannot bring him more magical powers and immortality. That’s all.

But Daitokuji's idea is one thing, but Kagemaru's idea is another. In Kagemaru's eyes, there is clearly a way to help him, but Daitokuji doesn't use it, which is obviously to help him. Reluctantly, he was extremely dissatisfied with this and directly chose to take out the box containing the unfinished Phantom Card from Daitokuji's former laboratory and bring it to Duel Academy Island, asking Daitokuji to Place it to awaken the Phantom Card.

Daitokuji could not persuade Kagemaru to go his own way, and he also knew that with the financial resources of Kagemaru's Kagemaru Medicine, he might be able to find other alchemists even without himself. After all, the world is so big and no one knows how many hidden dragons and crouching tigers there are. It doesn't matter even if he is not as talented as Daitokuji, Kagemaru only needs someone to put the Three Phantom Demons card into the Seven Spirits Seal on the island.

In this case, all Daitokuji can do is to minimize the impact of the Seven Spirit Seals on life on the island and reduce its power to the minimum. However, it has been four years since the Duel Academy was established. It seemed that it was time to harvest the cards that had been placed at the beginning, so Kagemaru came to the island in person to collect the results. For this reason, he also specially found a way to cooperate with Tenma Tsukiyuki to get rid of Hayato.

Hearing the faint dissatisfaction in Daitokuji's words, Kagemaru in the life-saving cabin couldn't help but feel a little unhappy. In his opinion, he had no plan for Daitokuji, a rip-off guy who had been cheating on funds by fishing in water. You're so generous, why would you get Dade Temple to complain about yourself and dictate your own will?

If it was Kagemaru in his youth, he would naturally tolerate his dissatisfaction and go to comfort Daitokuji with a smile on his face. His condition was deteriorating and his life was running out. He had long since lost the mood. In his eyes, Daitokuji had stayed in Duel Academy for too long and it was time to give him a beating.

You'd better remember your identity clearly, Amunaeru. You are also a member of the Seven Stars. You and the teachers and students on this island are not on the same side. When Kagemaru's voice was simulated by the device, Ben The indifferent tone added a bit of mechanical coldness, Don't forget, it's not just me who has a limited time. How long can your body support it?

This is not the first day that Kagemaru and Daitokuji met. He began to support Daitokuji's alchemy research decades ago. When Daitokuji's body was about to reach its limit due to an illness, it was Kagemaru who refined the human body for him. With help from the Cheng experiment, it is natural to know that Dadeji's second life is almost coming to an end.

It was also for this reason that Kagemaru was extremely dissatisfied when Daitokuji proposed the Philosopher's Stone plan. Time is also running out, how can I guarantee that after I provide you with a large amount of resources and help you refine the Philosopher's Stone, you will resist the temptation to live and give it to me for use?

I'm not alive. There's no point in saying this. Daitokuji didn't argue with Kagemaru. Although he devoted himself to studying alchemy, he was not an idiot who didn't understand anything. He understood Kagemaru's character and thoughts and knew that no matter what he said, Nothing could change the impression he had in Kagemaru's mind, so he looked around the clearing.

——Although Kagemaru planned well and planned to use the evil power of the Phantom Demon Card to extend his life, no one stipulated that only he could scheme. As early as the beginning of the school, when Daitokuji carried out the action of putting the Phantom Card card into the Seven Spirits Seal, Hayato stopped Daitokuji and plotted against Kagemaru's perfect plan without Kagemaru's knowledge. A few hundred million modifications were made.

Over the years, although Kagemaru has long stopped funding experiments such as the Philosopher's Stone, Daitokuji has also accumulated a lot of savings in his own way, and has devoted himself to the Philosopher's Stone, the ultimate subject that he has been thinking about. The experiment has never been stopped and has achieved certain results.

After Kagemaru knew that his Phantom Demon plan had failed and became desperate, it was the best time for him to give him the Philosopher's Stone to save Kagemaru from being greedy for the power of the Phantom Demon. But for now, let's help him open the Seven Spirits Seal and let him see what the Phantom Demon Card in the seal is like.

Did you get knocked unconscious? That would make it easier for me to get the key. With that said, Dadeji walked towards the direction of the fallen Wan Zhangmu, intending to get the Seven Spirits he had been hanging on his chest. Seal key.

As the second creator who transformed the original alchemy formation into the current Seven Spirits Seal, Daitokuji still has some privileges of his own when opening the Seven Spirits Seal, that is, he added He has the privilege of being able to open the seal without a duel, as long as he obtains the key. Otherwise, it would be meaningless for him to deliberately set the key of the Seven Spirits Seal as a physical key.

Otherwise, wouldn't Daitokuji's original design of a emblem that was in the form of a tattoo when scattered, but can be assembled to form a cool monster be more handsome as a key? He had already thought about the shape. The dragon would be nice, handsome and cool. It would be best if it was red. Thinking about it, it would make him feel very fast.

But this privilege only goes so far. In any case, he still needs to get the key to the Seven Spirits Seal like others to unlock the seal. He just has one more way to obtain the key than others. , it’s good to have it. After all, the alchemy array is actually the same as the program written by the programmer. The more functions you add, the more error-prone the code will be.

And now, he is about to take off the key to the Seven Spirits Seal from Wan Zhangmu's body. Counting the one on his body, he will get two——

While thinking about it, when Daitokuji stretched out his hand towards the fallen Manzhangmu, he saw that the originally lying flat Manzhangmu had stepped on the ground with one foot to exert force, and raised the other foot high towards him. His chin was kicked violently!


Unprepared, Daitokuji was kicked away by Manzhangmu's sneak attack, and fell to the ground before sliding some distance away.

The more nonsense we talk about, the more we talk about it. Can't you guys connect your words together when you talk? Don't just skip over what others want to know most! Wan Zhangmu doesn't look like a big boss at all. Tokudera was knocked unconscious as expected. Looking at Daitokuji who was kicked away, he subconsciously imitated Judai's movements, brushed his fingers from the tip of his nose, and said with a proud smile, This kick of reciprocity, How do you feel?

The kid of the Manzomoku, didn't you get knocked unconscious? The life-support device where Kagemaru was located did not get close to the Manzōmoku. The machine turned according to Kagemaru's thoughts and looked in the direction of Daitokuji who was kicked away. Amunaeru, you His methods are too unfamiliar. Or are you holding back on this brat because of your feelings?

No, when I attacked just now, I used Armnile, which represents the 'breath of the cloud' in alchemy. If an ordinary person is attacked, not only will he be knocked away, but he will also fall into a coma caused by suffocation. There is nothing like holding hands. No matter what. He stood up from the ground and flashed a green circle sign with a dot in the center in his hand. Daitokuji looked at Wan Zhangmu and said, Probably because of Wan Zhangmu's special characteristics.

It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu! I will not allow you, the despicable Seven Stars pretending to be a school teacher, to call my uncle's name! Looking at Dade Temple angrily, Wan Zhangmu stood up and opened his Obelisk Blue dormitory. His uniform revealed the spot where Dadeji's previous attack hit him. There was a deck of cards placed there. As you said, the top is the bottom, and the inside is the outside. I'm pretty lucky, and you Very bad luck.

Hearing Wan Zhangmu's extremely poor understanding of the Jade Record he had just read, Dadeji shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Wan Zhangmu had no talent for alchemy at all.

Thanks to the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] who protected me in that attack that sneaked up on me, this is my luck; and next, don't think that this kick is the end. You are not a great guy. Teacher Temple, right? Although I don’t know when you switched him, I know very well that that guy is just a weak guy, and there is no way he can be a ‘Seven Star’.”

Whether it's one or two, whether it's the founder of 'Seven Stars' or the strongest of 'Seven Stars', I'll hit Mr. Wan Zhangmu the same. This is your next misfortune! Looking at Kagemaru and Daitoku Temple, Wan Zhangmu extremely arrogantly planned to fight both of them once, adding two victories to his record in one fell swoop.

Really, [Dragon of Light and Darkness], I remember that it was also a powerful elf from ancient Egypt. He input all the miscellaneous information collected over the years in order to extend his life into the computer. Although it was not too much, it was still Kagemaru, who knew a little about the existence and background of [Dragon of Light and Darkness], suddenly became interested. He looked at Daitokuji who was about to take action again, and immediately said, Wait a moment, Amunaeru!

Although I don't know if you are holding back because of your feelings for the students, but it doesn't matter. You don't have to do anything to this brat. After all, I am not a devil. Kagemaru said proudly, and the four-legged robot began to move and move him. Moving to the position between Daitokuji Temple and the Manzomu, the device turned so that Kagemaru faced the Manzomu who was looking at him, Anyway, we have plenty of time now, so just treat it as a long-lost mental activity. I'm here to talk to this brat. Duel and defeat him to get the key to the seal.

As he spoke, the fixed device in front of Kagemaru's life-saving cabin was untied, revealing a pair of mechanical arms. One of them had basically worn a duel disk and installed a deck for dueling, while the other mechanical arm Arm, on the other hand, was completely unstoppable and flexibly drew five initial cards from the deck.


[Kagemaru: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Whether it's you, the old guy I wanted to defeat from the beginning, or the guy over there pretending to be Daitokuji, it doesn't matter to me, because you are all the targets I want to kill.

Until now, I still firmly believe that Daitokuji Temple is not Daitokuji Temple's Wanzangmu. As he spoke, he also took out the deck and inserted it into the card slot, unfolding the duel disk that was of excellent quality and had not been damaged in the previous sneak attack by Daitokuji Temple. , Before others follow the news and rush here, kill this old guy quickly. I don't want anyone to take away the record that I'm about to get, especially that guy Judai!

Trace! Fight! No matter what, it's lightning! Shouting a cool line, Wan Zhangmu pulled out five cards in one hand and shouted, Mr. Wan Zhangmu~da (lightning~lightning)!


[Extremely accurate: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I will take the first attack, draw the card!

Although the momentum was very strong, Banzhoumu only started to draw cards after Kagemaru had already drawn five cards from his hand. There was no way he could draw cards from his hand faster than the mechanical arm that had been prepared to seize the initiative. He could only Attack from behind. Before Kagemaru, who had taken the initiative, started his turn, he first raised his left hand and looked at the five cards drawn in his hand.

Because he saw a pretty good card, the corners of Wanzhang Mu's mouth raised slightly.

However, what Wan Zhangmu didn't notice was that the reflection of something flashed past in the dense forest behind him.

And Kagemaru, who can see things in front of him through the device, sees the hand of cards in front of him, and the corners of his mouth under the oxygen mask are also raised in a sneer that shows that he has a chance to win.

I’ve already read the line in the title, with thousands of eyes, and a majestic exit!

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