Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 111: A dead end for health. A panda dragon dies again. There’s really no one around.

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[Magic Bullet Shooter-Wild] [4☆/Light]


He saw that among the two permanent trap cards that Kagemaru had destroyed, a phantom of the devil suddenly appeared in the broken card of the [Magic Bullet-Devil's Deal]. He took out a firearm and pulled the trigger with a grin.

The bullet shot into Kagemaru's deck, and his duel disk spit out a card, which was picked up by the mechanical arm.

The effect of the destroyed [Magic Bullet - Devil's Deal] can only be activated when this card is sent to the graveyard by the opponent's effect. Select one card other than [Magic Bullet - Devil's Deal] from my deck and graveyard. Magic Bullet] card is added to the hand. Kagemaru's voice came from the mechanical device, with a bit of pride, The card I chose is this, the quick-attack magic card [Magic Bullet-Cross Ruler].

Hey, there is indeed a trap, but it doesn't make any sense. It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu's turn now, not yours. The quick-attack magic cards in your hand can't be used at all. He looked at the new player on the eye shadow pill field. Only [Magic Bullet Shooter-Wild], although not bad, is still not enough to catch the eyes of thousands of people. He continued, There is no point in having a bunch of fish monsters standing on the field, since you don't have even one in the backcourt. A cover card protects monsters, so let me show you how—

——What does it mean, complete defeat!

Sending a card from the hand to the graveyard, Wan Zhangmu shouted: I discard a card from my hand to use this magic card, still in the same position - the column where [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster Star] is located, The magic card [Angel's Alms] is activated, and I draw three cards from the deck, and then I choose two more cards in my hand and discard them.

I still deliberately chose the column where the [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster] whose effect is the [Magic Bullet] monster in the Susheng Cemetery is located to activate the card. When Kagemaru's field is already filled with five monsters, Wanzhangmu There is no need to worry about how he can summon monsters again, unless the rules for Duel Monsters are changed and a sixth area is added to the field where monsters can be placed.

The number of cards in Wan Zhang Mu's hand increased to seven, but not all of these cards could be kept. He still needed to pick out two more cards and throw them away to the graveyard. It may seem like a price, but in the Duel Monsters game, the graveyard is already another resource similar to hand cards. Sending it to the graveyard may seem like giving up cards, but it is actually another way to activate the card's effect.

What I sent to the graveyard are these two cards, [Eclipse Winged Dragon] and [Hell Dragon].

After sending the card to the graveyard, Wan Zhangmu's operation did not stop, but continued, When [Solar Eclipse Winged Dragon] is sent to the graveyard, its effect is activated. I put a light or dark attribute card from the deck. Except for dragon-type monsters with level 7☆ or above, I chose the light-attribute dragon type with level 8☆—this [Dragon of Light and Darkness].”

From his deck, Banzhangmu took out a dragon monster card. The black and white dragon attracted Kagemaru's attention: I just protected you just now, and now I'm excluding my own monster? How cold is it? The little devil.

Oh, you are just giving me advice, old man, how can you believe my amazing wisdom? Wan Zhangmu sneered and took out another card in his hand and said, Except [Solar Eclipse Pterosaur] The card in the graveyard will be added to my hand when it is banished. Now, I want to use the effect of this [Dark Dragon - Collapsing Star Serpent] in my hand to banish it from my graveyard. I hit a light-attributed monster—the light-attributed [Eclipse Winged Dragon], and special summon it to my field!

The image of a bipedal flying dragon [Eclipse Pterosaur] with a black and white carapace appeared from the Wanzhangmu Cemetery. The sun-bait-like red lines on its body lit up, opening a door to other dimensions in the Wanzhangmu Field. . From then on, a flying dragon holding a black hole in its claws and mastering the power of the gravity singularity appeared in front of Wan Zhang. At the same time, a black and white intertwined light flew out of the door of the different space, and fell. into the hands of countless people.

[Dark Dragon-Collapse Star Snake] [4☆/Dark]

[Dragon/Special Summon/Effect]


Because [Eclipse Winged Dragon] was excluded, the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] that was excluded just now was added to my hand. He glanced at the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] that came into his hand. Although it was very I want to capture this powerful monster now to make Kagemaru happy, but the level 8☆ [Dragon of Light and Darkness] requires two monsters as sacrifices to be normally summoned, and the current conditions are not met yet.

However, light is often accompanied by darkness. [Dark Dragon-Collapse Star Snake] has a corresponding existence of another light attribute dragon, and it happens to be in the hands of Wan Zhangmu at this moment.

The effect of this [Glow White Dragon - Storm Source Winged Dragon] in my hand will send a dark attribute monster from my graveyard - a dark attribute monster sent to the graveyard together with [Eclipse Winged Dragon] [ Except Hell Dragon], special summon [Huibai Dragon - Storm Source Pterosaur] from my hand!

The exact opposite of [Dark Dragon-Collapse Star Serpent], but a white flying dragon that symbolizes the instant power of a supernova explosion, appeared on his field after banishing another dragon-type monster in the Wanzhangmu Graveyard. Its level is the same as [Dark Dragon]. -Collapsed Star Serpent] is equal, but its attack power, defense power and attributes are exactly opposite to [Dark Dragon-Collapsed Star Serpent].

[Hui Bailong-Baoyuan Pterosaur] [4☆/Light]

[Dragon/Special Summon/Effect]


Activate the magic card [Super Regeneration]. At the end of the turn this card is activated, I draw from the deck the Dragon-type monsters I discarded from my hand this turn, and the cards from my hand and field this turn. Cards containing the number of dragon monsters released.”

Activate the Continuous Magic Card [Treasure Card of the Underworld], and activate it when I successfully summon the upper level to liberate two or more monsters, and I draw two cards from the deck.

He activated two cards one after another, and without exception, they were all still in the column where [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster Star] was located. After Wan Zhangmu consumed his hand to the last two cards, he placed them on his field. When he had gathered the sacrifices needed for the superior summons, he finally defeated the monster he had been waiting for for a long time.

Stop blinking, old guy. Let you meet Mr. Wan Zhang Mu, my strongest monster. This is the ultimate dragon that combines the power of light and darkness! The two dragon monsters that appeared not long ago were all killed by Wan Zhang Mu. Liberation as a sacrifice, he played the card in his hand and said, O dragon that vetoes all things, clear all obstacles in front of me!

Level 8☆! Offer the two sacrifices of darkness and light, come out, Wagga Tamashi!

The light attribute [White Dragon - Storm Source Pterosaur] and the dark attribute [Dark Dragon - Collapse Star Serpent] dissipated into black and white particles and rose into the air, filling the body of a new dragon one on the left and one on the right. The blue eyes suddenly lit up, and the two-color dragon with angelic white wings and demonic black bat wings descended on the field of thousands of feet, and let out a majestic roar!

[Dragon of Light and Darkness] makes a majestic appearance!

【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【8☆/Light】



When sent to the graveyard from the field, both [Glow White Dragon - Storm Source Winged Dragon] and [Dark Dragon - Collapsing Star Serpent] have effects and can be activated. Add another dragon corresponding to it in my deck to my hand. . And when I liberate these two monsters at the same time, I can add one card each of [Glow White Dragon - Storm Source Wing Dragon] and [Dark Dragon - Collapse Star Serpent] from the deck to my hand.

After a pause, Wan Zhangmu continued, As well as the effect of the permanent trap card [Treasure Card of the Underworld], I drew two cards from the deck.

Although Banzhangmu said that there were three cards to participate in the chain, Kagemaru discovered that the black and white dragon that had just been summoned launched an attack in the direction of its master, hitting the [Glow White Dragon-] in Banzhangmu's cemetery. Storm Source Pterosaur] card.

【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【2800/2400→2300/1900】

The effect of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] is that while she is on the field, all monster effects, magic cards, and trap card activations are invalidated. As a cost, each time she uses this invalidating power, she will consume 500 points of attack power. ·Defense, this effect does not distinguish between friend and foe.

The effects of [Glow White Dragon - Storm Source Pterosaur] and [Dark Dragon - Collapse Star Serpent], which were released for the superior summoning of [Dragon of Light and Dark], are naturally activated after they appear on the field, and the automatic chain C1 [Hui Bailong - Stormy Pterosaur] C2 [Dragon of Light and Darkness] C3 [Dark Dragon - Collapse Star Snake] C4 [Treasure Card of the Underworld], according to the reverse processing of the chain, [Treasure Card of the Underworld] and [Darkness The effect of Dragon - Collapsing Star Serpent was activated smoothly. I drew two cards from the deck and added one [Huibai Dragon - Storm Origin Winged Dragon] to my hand, and [Hui White Dragon - Storm Origin Wing Dragon] The effect is invalidated by [Dragon of Light and Darkness].

Wan Zhangmu glanced at [Dragon of Light and Darkness] and complained: Although this is not the first time, I still want to complain about you, this guy is too difficult to use, and it is identified as a pure traitor dragon. .”

But forget it, even if it only has 2,300 points of attack power, it is enough to crush those miscellaneous fish on the opposite side. Waving his hand, Wan Zhangmu said: When entering the combat stage, I use [Dragon of Light and Darkness] to attack the opponent's field attack. Represents [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr]!”

Pointing at the [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] who was the first to appear on the Kagemaru field and also had an attack display, [Magic Bullet Shooter-Starr] with the lowest attack power of 1,300 points, Wan Zhangmu ordered, 2300 against 1300, the advantage is mine. !”

Chaos Burst!

The Black and White Dragon seemed to want to make up for it, and breathed out the dragon's breath at the dancer and gunman on the Kagemaru field, and the attack came towards the target. Once it hit, its combat power would be completely unable to reach the power of the dragon, and it would hit Kagemaru with one breath. Causes a full 1000 points of combat damage.

No matter how Banzangmu looked at it, he didn't think Kagemaru could do anything to avoid this damage. After all, he didn't have a single card in the backcourt and couldn't do anything at all——

But Wan Zhangmu had just thought of this when he noticed that Kagemaru's mechanical arm holding the cards was inserting the cards in his hand into the duel plate openly, and said with a slightly proud voice: That's really stupid. Seeing that there are no cards in my backfield, do you really think that you can sit back and relax? However, due to the chain attack of [Dragon of Light and Darkness], I activated this trap card from my hand, [Magic Bullet-Desperation] only】!

In the card played by Kagemaru, [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster] is holding her gun that is almost a cannon and firing. The angle is behind [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster], and she can perfectly see her cannon firing. The angle of the whole process of hitting the target seems to be a tribute to the scene where the protagonist uses a rocket launcher in the movie Desperado of the same name.

However, Banjomu did not discuss his idea of ​​​​the composition of the card with Kagemaru, but looked at Kagemaru with some surprise and said: I actually activated the trap card from my hand again? It is obviously my turn now!

Oh, then when did you start to have the illusion that I can't activate trap cards directly from your hand during your turn? The proud Kagemaru finally told the truth to Wan Zhangmu at this moment, [ Except for the slightly different second effects, the Magic Bullet monsters have the same first effect, that is, as long as the Magic Bullet monster exists in the monster area, I can use the Magic Bullet from my hand during both rounds. 】The magic and trap cards are activated directly without any other restrictions!

The effect of [Magic Bullet-Desperado] is that when there is a [Magic Bullet] monster on the field, I will activate it by targeting a face-up card on the field and destroy that card. I want to The card of destruction is naturally the [Dragon of Light and Darkness].”

Hey, don't think about it! Wan Zhangmu waved his hand and said, The trap card [Dragon of Light and Darkness] can also be invalidated. It reduces her attack power and defense power by 500 points. I will activate [Magic Bullet-Desperado]. invalid!

Seeing that the black and white dragon on the field was about to reduce its attack power and defense, Kagemaru's voice came again, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice: But, I saw it just now, [Light and Darkness The effect of [Dragon] can only be used once in a chain, right? If [Magic Bullet-Desperado] is invalidated, it means that you cannot invalidate my other subsequent effects.

Kagemaru said, pointing the robotic arm at the field, Because the position where I placed the card is in the column where [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] is located, the effect of [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] is activated, and I will put a [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] in my hand. Magic Bullet] card is discarded and two cards are drawn from the deck.

Then chain-activate the quick-attack magic card [Magic Bullet-Cross Ruler] in the hand, targeting a face-up monster on the field, reducing its attack power and defense power to 0, and negating the effect!

And it is activated in the column where [Magic Bullet Shooter-Doctor] is located, so I choose a [Magic Bullet] card from the graveyard with a different card name from [Magic Bullet-Cross Ruler] - the one that was destroyed before. Add this [Magic Bullet-Blood Crown] to your hand!

C1 Attack Declaration C2 [Magic Bullet-Desperado] C3 [Dragon of Light and Darkness] C4 [Magic Bullet Shooter-Kid] C5 [Magic Bullet-Cross Ruler] C6 [Magic Bullet Shooter-Doctor]

It was just an attack declaration, but a long chain was exploded. Banzhangmu finally understood it at this moment - even though Kagemaru didn't have a single card on the field behind him, due to the effect of the [Magic Bullet] monsters, his The deck can actually be classified as a heavy trap deck, which is the type that your deck is least good at dealing with!

Because of the misdirection that the opponent did not have a cover card in the backfield, Wan Zhangmu's choices in this duel were greatly deviated, and some mistakes will be continuously amplified in the duel and lead the battle to a negative point. The ending of defeat!

The chain started to be processed, and Kagemaru, who had only one card left in his hand, recovered a card from the graveyard and used the effect of [Magic Bullet-Cross Ruler] to reduce the attack power and defense power of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] to 0. And the effect is invalidated, and two more cards are drawn from the deck to increase the number of cards in the hand to four. Because the effect of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] has been invalidated, it cannot prevent the activation of [Magic Bullet-Desperado]. The monstrous ace monster - [Dragon of Light and Darkness] was blown to pieces under the attack of [Magic Bullet Shooter-Disaster]!


In the blink of an eye, the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] that finally appeared on the battlefield was destroyed and sent to the cemetery. At the same time, Kagemaru's hand of cards did not decrease, and he still had four cards in his hand!

[Wan Zhangmu: 4000LP, 4 cards in hand]

[Kagemaru: 4000LP, 4 cards in hand]

Although he also had four cards in his hand, there was not a single monster left on Wanzhangmu's field, but the five [Magic Bullet] monsters on Kagemaru's field were unscathed, just like gunners recharging their energy. The team is aiming at Wan Zhangmu, who is out of ammunition and food, and is preparing to cover it with firepower to completely suppress it!

The new DLC of Zhu Zi is not easy to comment on, but the new wife is still good-looking. The new evolutions such as the Aluminum Bridge Dragon and the reappearance of the Aqua Pokémon are also good, but the plot feels about the same as the previous one, which is all a drag. The level of evaluation of this plot

However, the sponsorship system is quite interesting, and the replica of Sword and Shield's garbage recycling machine is also very good. Overall, I can give it a six.

Um? Why does New Evolution specifically mention Aluminum Steel Bridge Dragon? Of course it’s because I caught Flash. The ice blue and stainless steel gray colors are so cool.

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