Magic [Big Storm], destroy all the stone slabs in your back field!

Nani!? My [Super Gravity Network]!

Then, it's a direct attack from my friends! Come on, Mana, Mahad!



Watching Atum easily defeat his opponent, a pharaoh who was also in the underworld, after a round of operations, Ramses II, who was standing by and watching the battle, smacked his lips and clapped his hands: What a cruel massacre.

The pharaoh who was defeated was using an ancient stone slab, but Atum was wearing a duel plate to draw cards. Atum, who put the cards away, turned around when he heard the voice of Ramses II. Come, with a surprised look on his face: Hayato?

No, it's Ramses II. But soon, Atum realized that he was now in the underworld. As a living person, it was impossible for Hayato to appear here. The only possibility was that the person in front of him was Ramses. Second, Sorry, I still couldn't react at the moment.

It doesn't matter, Pharaoh Atum, habits are such a hard-to-correct and extremely cruel thing. Even when I was sixty or seventy years old, I would still occasionally subconsciously call out to Yu who left Yu more than twenty years ago. Nefertari’s name.”

Ramesses II shook his head and didn't care much about Atum calling himself Falcon. Instead, he looked at Atum and said casually: I just went to see the container you used when you were still alive. No, I should say He must be your partner.

Aibo? Ramses II's words surprised Atum, But how did you, Pharaoh Ramses II, who is in the underworld, meet Aibo and the others in the human world?

Because it's a bit too troublesome to talk about, and I hate trouble, I ignored the detailed process. In short, your Aibo, and Hayato Kobayashi, who is Yu's reincarnation, contacted Yu through Yu's gate to the underworld. of.

He has a trouble-hating character similar to that of Hayato. Rameses II curled his lips and said unhappily, You actually used Yu, who should be respected and loved like the sun, as a mouthpiece. If it hadn't been for Kobayashi Hayato, Yu would have been lowered. Punishment like the scorching sun.

Anyway, what they want Yu to tell you is——

After a pause, Ramses II adjusted his voice and imitated a voice that was very similar to Atum's memory:

Take care, another game. This is Grandpa Shuangliu;

I look forward to seeing you again, Atum. Let's play Dragon Gate Dice again then. This is Yujia;

We will definitely find a way to see you again, bet Shizuka's cell phone number!

Wait for us in the underworld, bet Honda's life! This is Honda and Jonouchi;

You two idiots are serious - ah? Me? Well... we will see you again, Atum. This is Kyoko;

Can I do it too? Then in the underworld, protect me from being beaten by my sister - ugh! This was Malik, but it looked like he was still beaten;

Grandma said that those who walk side by side on the same road are just companions, but those who can move in the same direction even though they are far apart are friends. This is Hayato. It is a pity that he has never been around in these years. Being able to meet his philosopher grandma. No, after all, does that grandma really exist?

Finally, it was the voice of the game: I will become stronger. When I meet you again, I will definitely let you see a stronger and stronger me. We have agreed!

Aibo... Listening to these recited words, Atum could still feel the emotion in those words and the speaker's intention, and was deeply moved. But he looked at Ramses II who coughed twice in surprise, Although it's not very important, I still want to say that the imitation was so good, it was almost as if they were speaking in person in front of me. It’s really amazing that you have such talent, Pharaoh Ramses II.”

Humph, because Yu Nai is the pharaoh among the pharaohs, the king among kings, and the only sun under the sun worthy of the highest respect! Ramesses II said in response to the praise of Atum, who was older and better than him. A very helpful expression.

But at this moment, a female voice came from the distance: Oh no, Pharaoh Abydos III wants to find someone to fight again?!

Is it the voice of Queen Nitocris? Oops! Ramses II's expression also changed, and he said to Atum, It's too late to explain, hurry up and get out of here with me!

Huh? Why do we have to run when we hear someone wants to duel? How can a duelist escape from the battle? Atum was a little confused and pointed at Nectaneb, who was defeated by him just now. Shidao, And we don't care—huh?

I saw Nectaneb I, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead just now, running wildly on the reed fields in the underworld, saying at the same time: Who wants to duel with that old guy Abydos III? I, the pharaoh, am really going to get wet. ah!

Although he still didn't know why he ran away, considering that he had just arrived in the underworld not long ago, Atum, who was not very clear about the taboos or rules in the underworld, also followed Ramses II, By the way, Aibo , After Hayato and the others asked you to relay those words, did they say where they were going?

Well, I heard from them that there seems to be a very important thing that they need to do. Ramses II nodded.

At that time, when we talked about what we wanted to do, it seemed like we were talking about Jonouchi and Honda? The faces of the two people suddenly changed and turned pale. They were probably going to do something dangerous and terrifying.

, C, why would someone choose C for this question! Pushing up his glasses, the English teacher, who was only in his early forties and had gone bald early because of the students' troublesome grades, Although they all mean 'I', Why would anyone start a sentence with 'Me' instead of 'I'!

Jounuchi Katsuya, Honda Hiro! You two stand up and answer me!

But obviously that guy Becas is just... Jonouchi stood up when his name was called, and wanted to talk back a little unconvinced, but Honda at the back table covered his mouth.

Teacher, you are right, we know we were wrong!

The bell rang after class, and with the help of disciplining poor students, he released a lot of pressure from being reprimanded by the dean above. The English teacher walked out of the classroom refreshed, while Jonouchi, who was sitting in the classroom, said dissatisfied: You actually used yourself That strange oral habit subtly misled me and caused me to subconsciously give wrong answers in the mock exam. This is unforgivable, Becas!

Unforgivable, Becas! Jonouchi was not the only one who answered this question incorrectly. Honda subconsciously chose C on that question that was almost giving away points. They were the only ones in the class, or even the whole grade, who chose C. No wonder the English teacher was so angry.

Compared to Mr. Choono's heavy-makeup Obasan, Mr. Saotome is a bit grumpier, but he is really a good teacher. You two should be more careful. Walked up to the two of them with Yugi. Kyoko reminded the two of them, Next week is the central exam, so your grades will improve a little bit.

After all, only if you pass the central examination can you take the second examination and then advance to higher education.

Today is the second day after the winter break, but most of the first day was spent on mock exams. In theory, today is their first day of class this semester, and the English class just now It's the last class in the morning. Looking at the small package that Kyoko and Yugi each carried, Jonouchi also took out a wooden box from his desk.

I had so much fun in Egypt during the winter vacation that I accidentally completely forgot that mid-January is when the central examination begins.

And Honda also sighed: I have given up, no matter what, there is no hope for college or anything. After graduating from high school, I can only go home and work in a factory.

Huh? You are showing off, you are showing off to us, bastard Honda! Jonouchi heard Honda's words and hugged Honda's neck hard, Apologise to the workers who are actually tightening screws in your factory. , you child of a capitalist!

Quick! Let me go, the lunch is about to be spilled, the lunch box is about to be spilled!

Honda, who wanted to get rid of Jonouchi, quickly changed the subject and said, By the way, where did Hayato go?

Huh? Hayato, isn't it the second to last one by the window? Jonouchi was also successfully diverted by Honda. He looked at Hayato's position, but found that Hayato was not there at the moment. There was an English textbook spread out on the table. He didn't even pick up any of his comic books, Huh? Not here?

Taking the opportunity to break free from Jonouchi's arms, Honda looked around, pointed to the corridor outside the classroom and said, Ah, that's where it turns out to be.

Looking in the direction Honda pointed, several people saw through the window glass Tairyo walking side by side with Hayato, and behind them were several girls with disappointed faces.

Thank you so much, Hayato-kun, otherwise I will really be entangled all the time. With slightly red cheeks, Tairiang thanked Hayato, holding five bento boxes in his hands, Everyone at Doushino Market is as enthusiastic as ever. It’s too much. If I had known better, I wouldn’t have transferred back to another school. Now I can’t finish all the bento boxes. Do you want one, Hayato-kun?”

I have a lunch box, too. Hayato raised the handle and also held a lunch box wrapped in cloth. His eyes met the people walking out of the classroom, Hey, why don't we go to the rooftop together?

Hey, it's rare that I brought a lunch box today. Of course I'm going to eat on the rooftop. Jonouchi said with a smile, showing off a little proudly, Jingxiang specially asked Miss Yin Xisi to learn how to cook and cooked this for me. , I’m really looking forward to what kind of dishes are there.”

Did Shizuka make it? Honda was quite moved when he heard this, Hey, Jonouchi, I brought fried chicken nuggets today. I'll swap them with you then.

Your plan is so good that Yuka heard it from across the sea. Jonouchi complained.

Jounouchi, have you forgotten that Oka went back to Doshino City with us? Yugi said with a smile, His store is still open in Doshino City. It seems that he is not planning to return to the United States and concentrate on running the store here. .”

And I heard that he is preparing for this year's Cologne Games Show in Germany, where he plans to further promote his game. Kyoko thought about it and added. The gamers on the side were also bright-eyed when they heard about the game show, and seemed to have special expectations for that show.

While talking, a few people walked up to the rooftop and found that there were already many people here, gathering together in small groups to enjoy lunch, but there were also some who were enjoying lunch alone with aversion to youth. Silent guy in the corner.

The guys in the game were pretty lucky. Although they arrived a little late, the seats where they usually have lunch together were still empty and not occupied. This was also thanks to something called hidden rules.

Although it seems that Hayato and the others have unpopular characters such as scumbags, delinquents, and villains, looking at it from another perspective, in this city that is gradually filled with Duel Monsters games, their small group But there are three legendary duelists gathered here, they are simply the top of the campus food chain.

And the Japanese campus is a small society that pays great attention to atmosphere. No one would dare to break in and occupy the territory where a few people are often, even if they actually don't care much about these things.

Honda and Jonouchi sat directly on the ground without paying any attention to the dust. Tapira took out a few paper towels for the others to clean up where they sat. They sat on opposite concrete piles with Hayato, while Kyoko and Yugi sat next to the fence that prevented students from falling from the rooftop.

Opening the lunch box, Yugi noticed that although Kyoko's lunch box was colorful, most of it was just vegetables. There was no meaty food or oil and water at all. There was not even rice but pumpkin instead. The only meat dish was a small piece of jade. Grilled and two octopus intestines.

Noticing Yugi's gaze, Kyoko smiled and said, How about it, Yugi, do you want to trade with me?

No, Kyoko, your healthy meal is really anti-human. Although it is indeed healthy, it has no taste at all. I had tasted it once before and was fooled by the Tamagoyaki, which had no salt or sugar at all and only had an eggy smell. Yugi, who had passed it once, immediately refused, You really work hard to stay in shape, Kyoko.

Hehe, because my dream is to go to the United States to be a professional dancer after graduation. I have been working towards this dream since I was a child. Kyoko said with a smile, picked up a piece of pumpkin and put it in her mouth, And I didn’t force myself too much. Standard healthy meals include taro, but I don’t like taro, so I used pumpkin instead.”

As Kyoko was talking, she suddenly noticed that in the corner of the rooftop, a boy with long dark blue hair was eating chow mein bread from the convenience store alone.

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