Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 97: Launching the Rampage Magic Array

[Coffin of the King], or [Horus], this is the name of the deck currently used by Ramses II. It is an expansion deck of the LV monster in the early Yu-Gi-Oh!, [Horus: Black Flame Dragon]. The strongest monster among them can be said to be [Horus: Black Flame Dragon] new vest.

However, compared to [Horus: Black Flame Dragon], which evolves into its final form little by little, the main focus of the [Horus] deck is to repeatedly jump from the graveyard. Its four lower-level monsters all have almost The ability to unconditionally special summon from the graveyard only requires a continuous magic card called [King's Coffin] to be on the field.

Just like the [Sin] deck used by Paradox, which Hayato, Yugi, Judai, and Yusei fought against in the past, those in the [Sin] deck can skip the troublesome steps and go straight to it. The existence of the [Sin] monster that was specially summoned by Earth depends on the field magic card [Sin-World], and the core card of the [Horus] deck is the [King's Coffin].

Although it is not like [Sin], without the field magic card, everyone will die directly, but if [King's Coffin] cannot be drawn for [Horus] to use the special summoning effect, then the [Horus] deck The threat is greatly reduced.

Therefore, how to retrieve [King's Coffin] is the focus of the [Horus] deck. It just so happens that one of the main monsters in the [Horus] deck [Horus' Glory-Imshet] has a search function. Ability, and therefore, this card is often called Shet because of its effect, people often omit the name in front of it.

However, the effect is powerful. The biggest flaw of [Horus' Glory - Imset] is that in order to retrieve [King's Coffin], he needs to lose two cards in his hand. If the retrieval is successful, it will be fine, but it will be discarded. After entering the graveyard, he can be special summoned from the graveyard immediately with [King's Coffin], but if the search is countered, it will be a big loss.

After hearing Hayato's words and seeing the [Gray Flow Rei] appear in front of Hayato, he suddenly jumped when he was about to use the effect of [Horus' Glory - Imset] to retrieve [King's Coffin]. He came out, kicked the card of [King's Coffin] and kicked it back into his deck. The expression on Ramesses II's face looked very unhappy.

You guys are that annoying monster again.

Nonsense, [Gray Rei] is the ticket for the back-attacking player. Hayato sent the completed [Gray Rei] card to the graveyard and said, The [Gray Rei] on the front is the cutest monster in the world.

What about the one with the wrong side facing you?

There is no doubt that it is just a disgusting card about people hating ghosts. Hayato replied confidently.

Ramesses II shook his head helplessly. Although it was not the first day he knew about Hayato's character, to this day he still couldn't figure out why Hayato's character was so different from his own.

However, although the search effect of [Glory of Horus - Imset] has great flaws and disadvantages, which is almost equivalent to exploding at a loss, how could Ramses II not know this? The reason why he used the effect of [Glory of Horus - Imshet] to search was purely because he just wanted to test whether Hayato had drawn [Gray Flow Rei] in his hand.

Over the years, not only Atum has often returned to the human world, but Ramesses II has also been the same. From time to time, he will ask Hayato to play cards. For those who appear very frequently, such as [Grey Stream Rei], [Ghost Rabbit], [Primitive Life Form] -Nibiru] He is also very familiar with the effects of these cards, and naturally he also knows the flaws of the [Gray Flow Rei] card.

That is, its effect has the flaw that the effect of this card name can only be used once per turn, which means that Hayato has already used the effect of [Gray Stream Rei] to invalidate [Glory of Horus - Imset] ], now, even if Hayato still has a [Gray Flow Rei] in his hand, he can't use it to negate the effect of Ramses II's next card!

Although you used that monster to stop Yu's search for the [King's Coffin], don't forget that you are still standing on Yu's car, Hayato Kobayashi! Ramesses II played a magic card and said , It's very easy for Yu to rewrite the combat environment! It's absolutely possible, it's easy!

The magic card [Planet Transformation] is activated! Add a field magic card from Yu's deck to his hand. Yu chose the field magic card [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] and activated it immediately!

Although it has the name of field magic card, the actual [stone wall of the tomb of the king] is just a golden stone wall rising slowly behind Ramses II, with ancient Egyptian priest texts and clear images inscribed on it. The Four Sons of Hall guard the god Horus.

Hayato remembered that in ancient Egyptian mythology, Horus served as the bodyguard of Osiris after he was mummified and became the King of Hades, and the four sons of Horus, the Four Sons of Hor, also became the pharaohs. The guardian of the underworld, and the ancient Egyptian priest's writings on the stone wall of the king's tomb in front of him record this myth.

The Pharaoh is the absolute being who controls everything on the earth, and I am the greatest among the Pharaohs. Even Horus, who once fit into the sun and became the 'Sun God of the Morning', had to bow to me—— In the presence of the King of Kings in the form of the Sun!”

Ramesses II said, waved his hand and said: The first effect of [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] is that while this card exists in the remaining field area, the card name is used as [Coffin of the King]. And in If there is [King's Coffin] on the remaining field, these two monsters in the graveyard can be specially summoned to the field!

The Guardian of the Liver in the South, the leader of men!

The guardian of the stomach in the east, head of the jackal!

Return to Yu Zhi from the underworld!

Following Ramses II's words, the reliefs of two of the Four Sons of Hall on the [stone wall of the King's Tomb] behind him lit up with golden light, and part of them actually protruded from the stone wall. The limbs transform from an illusory soul posture into a substantial body.

The two cards Ramesses II used to test Hayato's [Gray Flow Rei] were all monsters of [Horus]. With the addition of [King's Coffin], [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb], Under the protection, he walked out of the stone wall and stood on the field of Ramses II!

[Imshet], who represents humanity, holds a spear and a shield, wears a horn helmet on his head, and wears gold armor. The pair of golden wings behind him flutter, majestic!

[The Glory of Horus-Imshet] [8☆/Dark]

[Magician Family/Effect]


The jackal-headed [Domtef], which represents jackals and hounds, holds a drawn bow and a sharp arrow on the bow. The golden wings are slightly folded, but once the perfect time comes to start hunting, then The pair of wings will immediately open up and fly into the sky, quickly hunting towards the target!

[Blessing of Horus-Domtef] [8☆/Water]



The second effect of [Horus' Blessing - Domtef] is that the attack and defense of this card will be increased by 1200 points x the [Horus] monster on the field. Now there are two on the field. It contains a [Horus] monster, so the attack power and defense power of [Horus' Blessing - Domtef] increase by 2400 points.

After Ramesses II finished speaking, the [Blessing of Horus - Domtef] on his field took a deep breath. It resembled the God of Death Anubis, who also had a jackal head, and continued to absorb the energy from the field. The power comes from other [Horus] - although it is only him and [Imshet] - the attack power and defense power are greatly increased!

[Blessing of Horus-Domtef] [DEF0→2400]

Easily summoning two [Horus] monsters on the field with high attack power and powerful effects as secret weapons. They are always ready to surprise Hayato anytime and anywhere. Ramesses II proudly said Looking at Hayato, he saw Hayato slowly pulling out two cards from the deck.

On the side of Hayato, a shadow gathered together, and from time to time there was a shiny reflection, as if there was some animal with a carapace moving in it.

[Proliferated G] can be activated by sending this card from your hand to the graveyard. Every time the opponent special summons a monster this round, I draw a card from the deck. Hayato explained, This effect is on the opponent's side. It can also be activated during the turn, and I used this card in a chain when you activated [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb].

Therefore, the two special summons of the [Horus] monster allowed me to draw two cards from the deck. Holding the two cards and shaking them, Hayato said proudly, If you want to blame it, blame it on yourself. The special effects of the cards are so great that you can’t even see what cards I used.”

As Hayato said, in a normal battle, Ramses II would never fail to observe carefully enough to leave an opportunity for his opponent.

This is true even if he is using cards with less dazzling special effects such as [Ming Jie] that he has used before, but the golden light when activated [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] is too dazzling, and [Proliferated G] It was a card that would not leave anything conspicuous on the field after being activated, which was why he accidentally let Hayato earn the card.

Although Ramses II and Hayato denied that he was very similar to Ramses II, Ramses II also always felt that Hayato's personality was completely different from his own, but in fact, if someone else were to evaluate the two of them, they would only conclude that It's the same as what was carved from the same mold. Watching Hayato gain cards, Ramses II felt that this was even more uncomfortable than losing cards himself!

Hmph, you actually used the cockroach card. You are really unscrupulous, Hayato Kobayashi. Ramses II saw at a glance that the pile of [Proliferated G] were clearly cockroaches, and he was quite disgusted. said. In terms of attitude towards cockroaches, even the ancient Egyptians are not much different from modern people. They all hate these creatures, and they are even more disgusted when they see cockroaches in Duel Monsters.

Hayato also immediately pushed back and said: What the hell, aren't some people the same? They clearly claim to be the incarnation of 'Ra', why don't they even have the card of [Ra's Winged Dragon] but use [Horus]? 】Woolen cloth?

Hmph, these cards of [Horus] are the incarnation of the power of 'Horus'. The 'Hot Sand Sphinx' that Yu failed to bring to the world is also the incarnation of 'Horus'. Yu said they are the same Then they are the same. After looking at Hayato's hand that still had five cards after using two hand pits, and the [Proliferated G] that was still in effect, Ramses II took out two cards in displeasure. The card is inserted into the magic trap area,

Even Yu will not be arrogant enough to provide you with cards in your hand that are enough to squander, Hayato Kobayashi, so I'll stop here for this round of Yu's expansion. After placing two cards, Yu's turn will end here. .”

[Ramses II: 4000LP, 1 card in hand]

[The Glory of Horus-Imshet] [ATK3000]

[Blessing of Horus-Domtef] [DEF2400]

【Gate Card】X2

Venue: [Stone wall of the king’s tomb]

Knowing that he couldn't do OTK anyway if he attacked first, and continuing to expand would only help Kobayashi Hayato draw more cards from his hand, Ramesses II naturally decisively chose to end the turn to skip the [Proliferated G] round.

And Hayato doesn't mind that the cards drawn are too few. It would be better to say that by drawing one card of [Proliferated G], even if he draws back his money and draws two, he has already made a profit. When he started, the cards in his hand could not be said to be Tenhu's. It is said to be a perfect ☆ hand☆, but there is no movement at all. However, after playing two hand pits to replenish two hand cards, his hand cards are actually much better.

My turn, draw a card. Pulled out a card from the deck. Hayato did not play the drawn card for the time being, but activated a card and said, Field magic card? What's so great? Who hasn't? A field? I also want to activate the magic card [Planet Transformation] and add a field magic card from the deck to my hand!

I choose to add [Rampage Magic Circle] to my hand and activate this card! Hayato hummed while playing the card, Activate ~ [Rage~ Magic Circle]~

Although it is a field magic card, [Rampage Magic Circle], like [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb], is not a card like [Skyscraper] that will cause large-scale transformation of the surrounding area. It just unfolds a huge enough magic card at Hayato's feet. It was just a magic circle that encompassed everything around it. The red ominous magic circle that suddenly unfolded unexpectedly startled Ryo Marufuji.

As an effect processing when [Rampage Magic Circle] is activated, I add a [Summoner-Aleister] from the deck to my hand. Hayato retrieved a card from the deck and looked at it. The stone wall behind Ramses II slowly collapsed and sank into the ground again.

[Stone Wall of the King's Tomb], as a field magic card, has the advantage of being retrieved and used by [Planet Transformation], but there is also a flaw under today's rules, that is because only one field magic card can exist. Because of this, there is no need for the opponent to continuously use cards like [Tornado] to destroy it. You can simply use a field magic card to break it almost at no cost.

For ordinary decks such as [E·hero], if the home field magic card is destroyed, it will be destroyed, but for the [Horus] deck, it serves as the [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] used by [King's Coffin] at this moment. It can be said that it is the core of the core. Once it is destroyed, many subsequent operations will no longer be possible.

——However, is this really the case? Is the [Horus] deck, which relies on [King's Coffin] to special summon from the graveyard, really afraid that someone will remove the card and leave the field?

No, on the contrary, the [Horus] deck will only burst out their strongest power as the guardian of the underworld when the card leaves the field because of the opponent!

You just activated the field magic card, right? Use the field magic card to effectively push away the remaining field magic cards and make it 'leave', right? Ramesses II pointed and activated it. Hayato, who had just added [Summoner-Aleister] to his hand after using the [Rampage Magic Circle], said, Then at this moment, I also have the monster's effect to activate!

Oops, Hayato-san has stepped into the trap of Ramses II! Ryo Marufuji, who had only dueled with Ramses II once, can be said to have a profound effect on the [Horus] monsters. I know how difficult they are.

In Hayato's hand, [Summoner-Aleister], who had just appeared, also pushed up the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and gave a standard villain speech with great interest: Hoo-ho, things are getting interesting. Here, Master~

As Ramesses II waved his hand, the card in his hand and the two monsters on the field all lit up with golden light——

I am trying out MD’s Sky Dragon package. The venue and pet effects are so cool that I have to play with Sky Dragon.

This wave of three phantom gods all have special effect attack animations. La and Xian Mingditian have entered a card pool, and the giant god soldiers will be given away when they land.

——It’s hard to say which one of the three phantom gods is the cheapest (looking at Kaiba)

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