Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 96: Gray, no search allowed!

Chapter 1150: Gray, no search allowed!

No wonder Marufuji suddenly called the mysterious man in front of him Principal Kobayashi, because the man looked too much like Hayato.

Clothes and grooming can be ignored for the time being, but when a man’s hair gets high from playing cards and sticks up against gravity as if it’s covered with hair gel, the expression on his face is really consistent with Hayato Kobayashi’s, and his face After careful observation, Ryo Marufuji also found many similarities between him and Hayato.

However, after all, there are so many people on the earth. Even if the person is an ancient Egyptian thousands of years ago, it is not impossible to look exactly like someone from the far east of Asia. Even if you are lucky, you can still continue. There might be several of them.

——For example, in a certain class of Tong Shiye High School that graduated a few years ago, there were actually four out of forty students who had a lot to do with ancient Egypt.

However, the rainbow light that appeared in the man's hand was the final evidence, because Ryo Marufuji recognized the identity of the light as the rare card that only his principal, Hayato Kobayashi, had in the world——

(cute and cute)

Nefertari, my beloved princess, your brilliance is always with me. Looking at the card in his hand and the rainbow light curtain in front of [Electronic Terminator Dragon], the man said, The opponent's monster's attack declaration When, I target it and equip this [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] in my hand as an equipment card to it, and the monster equipped with [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] cannot attack!

Attacks as powerful as the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] were unable to cause even a trace of damage or destruction in front of the [Rainbow Chestnut Ball]'s light curtain. They were all intercepted, and the light screen deformed, shrank, and was tied to the [Electronic Terminator Dragon]. ], making it impossible for Marufuji's [Electronic Terminator Dragon], which was originally used to hit the final kill, to make any further attacks.

Looking at the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] that had lost its ability to attack, Marufuji turned his attention back to the man opposite.

Even the principal’s unique [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] was brought out. Who else could this be if he wasn’t the principal?

But before he could say anything, he saw the man opposite him shaking his head and saying dissatisfiedly: Stupid! Although Yu and that guy are indeed very similar, they are not indistinguishable. Not only are their brains stupid, but even their eyes are dull. Not so good?

And compared to Yu's status, have you ever felt unwilling and disappointed in your heart when you saw your victory gradually fading away?

After hearing what the other party said, Marufuji said without hesitation: I have done everything I can do in this duel. Although I failed to protect the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal', I have implemented my own There is no such emotion as 'unwillingness' in a duel.

Yes, what I have always cared about is not the outcome of the duel. What is important to me is the process rather than the result. Therefore, although I am destined to have a failed ending, I have done my best in the process. There will be no regrets or unwillingness in a duel.

Absolutely not.

Subconsciously covering his heart with the palm of his hand, Marufuji felt the beating speed of his heart, which had accelerated due to the appearance of [Electronic Terminator Dragon] before, but now slowed down due to the departure of victory.

Do you really have no hunger for victory in your heart?

Unable to give an answer, Ryo Marufuji fell into silence, but the man opposite him had lost interest in him and looked in another direction, because there was something more interesting to him approaching.

No, a more accurate statement should be that because the man saw the target he had locked on from the beginning, he transferred all his attention to the target, and was no longer interested in Ryo Marufuji, who was just used to kill time!

Looking up, he saw the man looking away. Marufuji Ryo also followed his line of sight, but happened to see the duel monster [Cursed Dragon] leaping off from the body and landing with a super hero landing Kobayashi Hayato boarding the golden spaceship.

He looked at Hayato with wide eyes, and then at the mysterious man with his arms folded across his chest and a smile that said I've waited until you. Even Marufuji Ryo couldn't figure out what happened: Principal Kobayashi, Are there two?”

Dazi was probably crazy with joy when she heard what you said, but although I am indeed very similar to the guy over there, we can't tell the difference, right? Forget being stubborn, Liang, why don't you even have a good look in your eyes? Hayato stood up and looked at the spaceship at his feet. After hearing Marufuji Ryo's words, he said with some dissatisfaction, but he didn't know that he coincidentally said something similar to what the man had said to Marufuji Ryo.

Finally, Hayato looked at the mysterious man and said, Besides, this ship is quite handsome.

Humph, isn't that a matter of course? Yu's car must be the most gorgeous and noble, matching the glory of Yu as the King of Kings. After hearing Hayato's words, the man said with some pride, However, Anyone who breaks into Yu's car without permission will be sentenced to death, so I'll punish you by dueling with Yu, Hayato Kobayashi!

The capital punishment is just playing cards, right? I'm too embarrassed to expose you. Besides, your name isn't written on this spaceship. It'll be fine if I just pick it up.

The appearance of two Kobayashi Hayatos has made Ryo Marufuji a little confused. Seeing Hayato and the man interacting like acquaintances made Marufuji Ryo confused about the situation, but he didn't. It took too long to wonder, because after hearing that Hayato had no idea of ​​dueling with him, the mysterious man smiled at Hayato and said: Humph, I already knew that you wouldn't duel with me, but no Relationship, Yu had expected this a long time ago.

Ta-- He lifted his toes slightly and stepped towards the golden ship below. After the shoes and the gold collided with each other and made a soft sound, Marufuji saw that the magic card that had previously shrouded the surrounding area actually stopped the duel without ending it. It was withdrawn in advance, and so were the monsters and magic trap cards on the opponent's field. Even the [Electronic Terminator Dragon] on one's own field was forcibly dispersed and disappeared, as if the duel was suspended.

Of course, an ordinary duel can be interrupted at will according to the duelist's will, but Marufuji Ryo remembered clearly that he had been touched by the opponent's materialized monsters more than once in the previous duel, although they were attacking. Although he obviously held back his strength and did not actually attack Marufuji Ryo's body, there is no doubt that this duel was a dark game with substantial damage.

Can the dark game be interrupted at will?

After hearing Marufuji Ryo's words, both the mysterious man and Kobayashi Hayato showed doubts: Dark Games, don't they just do whatever they want, and can they kill people? X2

Seeing the confused expression on Marufuji's face, the mysterious man gently raised his arm and said: It's just a duel ceremony in a purely illusory state, but it can't bring enough pressure and tension. If it's not exciting enough, it won't be interesting at all. No more, I still wanted to point out the glimmering people who were stuck in the fog and couldn't move forward in my spare time, but the result was that I was so stupid that even I had to sigh.

But in the final analysis, I have no intention of taking away the lives of people in this world. It's just a dark game. If I want it to end, let it end, because Pharaoh is omnipotent on earth, and everything is in Yu's hands! After a pause, the man pointed to Marufuji Ryo's chest and said, But having said that, even if I stopped the duel early, something on your body seemed to show that you were destined to lose in the previous duel.

What!? Subconsciously looking down at his chest, Marufuji Ryo was surprised to find that the key to the Seven Spirits Seal hanging on his chest was melting like ice and snow at this moment.

It seems that because he was absolutely defeated in the duel before and the duel ended, the special mechanism was triggered, causing the key to mistakenly think that Marufuji Ryo had lost the duel and was disappearing to open the Seven Spirits. One of the seals on the door, even if Ryo Marufuji reached out to grab the key, he could only grasp it empty and touch the empty lanyard.

But the next moment, the mysterious man suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the air in front of him and said: Huh, want to escape? Just stay in Yu's hand. You are not allowed to disappear without permission before Yu completes his goal!

The fingers that made the pinch motion stopped. In Marufuji's surprised eyes, the key to the Seven Spirits Seal that had just disappeared out of thin air now returned to his hand obediently, as if fearing the man. Formed, as if it hadn't disappeared just now?

Glancing at the key to the Seven Spirits Seal in his hand, the man held it in his hand and showed it to Hayato: So, what answer will you give now?

What an annoying guy. It's not something important. It's more like an extracurricular activity that I assigned to the students. Looking at the face opposite him that was exactly the same as his own, Hayato sighed and said, Hey Meliamon, your days of snatching toys from kids are over.

Give me the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal'.

If you want it, then come and get it yourself. The man Hayato called Meliamon smiled, paused and said, But you know the rules.

With a sigh, Hayato turned off the projected map on the duel plate and returned it to its original state: I knew you would say that. At the same time, a drumbeat of unknown meaning sounded from his duel plate.

How many times have we dueled? Like Hayato, he restored the duel disk and deck to their initial state, Meliamon looked at Hayato and said, there was also a drumbeat of the same meaning from his ancient Egyptian style. The golden duel plate sounded.

It's a bit hard to say. In my mind, I've been dueling you since the first time I met you. The drumbeat on Hayato's duel plate did not stop, and he looked at Meliamon. Hayato and Meliamon both smiled.

It's time to end this, Meliamon. He took out the adjusted deck and inserted it into the duel plate. Hayato unfolded the duel plate, looked at the opponent and said, It's over!

Simultaneously, Meliamon also made the same action, unfolding the duel disk.

Both sides said in the same voice: Duel! X2

Marufuji Ryo on the side watched the two people in front of him finish the unclear conversation with a thoughtful expression: Meliamon? This name seems to me...

It's normal to have an impression of this name, because even if the academy doesn't teach history courses specifically, when mentioning the origins of the contemporary Duel Monsters game, it will inevitably involve the dueling rituals of ancient Egypt three thousand years ago. Since he is related to the ancient Egyptian culture, it is difficult to avoid him. Pouting at Meliamon across from him, Hayato said to Ryo Marufuji, Who is to say that he is almost the best among the pharaohs of ancient Egypt? Who are the most famous people and the most special ones among many pharaohs?

Yu's name 'Meliamon' means 'the person protected by the god Amun', but a more suitable name for Yu should be 'Rameses', which is 'the incarnation of Ra'! Ibid Ryo Marufuji Speaking with completely different seriousness and enthusiasm during the duel, the man opened his arms as if he wanted to bring the world under his rule, and stood on the golden spaceship soaring in the sky and said, Yu Nai is above the gods and equal to La. The Great One among Pharaohs!”

I am Ramses II, the king of kings! Even though I am an omnipotent god, look at my great achievements - and then surrender in despair!

(Pull 2)

[Ramses II: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Looking at Ramses II opposite who looked completely excited, Hayato said disdainfully: Why are you so excited about playing cards?

He said this, but Hayato raised his right hand to his forehead, touched the hanging bangs, and lifted it up. His hair suddenly stood up as if he had hairspray on his hands, and Hayato's face also showed excitement. He smiled and said: Sa~ Let's start the duel!

(Hayato [epilepsy!])

[Hayato Kobayashi: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

The two people, who were very similar but different in some places, quickly entered a duel state. Although there were many unanswered questions in his heart, Marufuji still stepped away from a certain distance and watched the duel. He continued to think about what he longed for deep down in his heart.

Ramesses II, who watched Hayato draw out five cards and drew out five cards faster, said: Let me guess, you have stuffed some random card mixes into the deck this time, right?

What you said, can the duelist thing be called a mess? What I call it is fraternity and not neglecting every card. Looking at his hand, he saw that there were already three cards in the five simple cards. series, he confidently retorted to Ramesses II.

Oh, you are clearly not devoted and unlike me. You have loved Nefertari deeply from the beginning to the end.

Zhongqing? What about your other hundreds of wives and concubines? A man with hundreds of children really has the nerve to say this.

Stop talking, you shameless NTR lover!

“I don’t know who shamelessly transformed other people’s monuments and buildings into his own name during his lifetime.”

Tsk, I've heard enough of your nonsense. Hearing Hayato's response to every word he said, Ramses II once again felt that the compatibility between the same people was really not that good. Shi changed the subject, pulled out a card from the deck and said, I will take the first attack, draw a card!

Looking at the card he drew, he smiled and said: Although Yu only brought the 'Dark Night Sunship' when he came to this world, whether it is the 'Hot Sand Sphinx' incarnated by Horus or the Temple of Yu, Came with Yu in another form.

Be prepared to be defeated by Yu's majesty, Hayato Kobayashi! Showing a card from his hand, Ramses II said, Send the two cards in Yu's hand, including this card, to the graveyard. , activate the effect of this [Glory of Horus - Imset] in my hand!

Add a [King's Coffin] from Yu's deck to your hand, and then you can draw a card after that!

Oh, Shet! Hayato showed a surprised expression when he saw the card activated by Ramses II, I asked you, why would you want to come to this world to play cards with me? You are the [Horus] seal It’s out, right? Damn it, it’s such a powerful card, I’m so scared!”

It's so strong, so strong, so I have to chain-activate the effect of this pure little sister with 0 attack power in my hand! After sending a card in his hand to the graveyard, a sinisterly smiling one appeared in front of Hayato. Yellow-haired female imp,

Retrieval is not allowed, I'll lose it!

(Although I have sent it before, I will send it again)

Some people have already guessed that it is King's Coffin. Although there is no r8, even if I am the only one in GX King's Coffin, it is still strong enough.

Also, use the unused leave slips from this month tomorrow, otherwise they will be wasted. The next chapter will be the day after tomorrow (laughs)

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