Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 98 Normal Summoning Aleister Effect Retrieval Summoning Magic

When the cards on the remaining field are removed from the field due to the opponent's effect, the [Glory of Horus - Imset], [Blessing of Horus - Duamtef] and the remaining cards on the remaining field All the effects of this [Horus: Black God of Fire] card in your hand can be activated!

If you switch to the OCG rules that Hayato was in before, activating a field magic card will not give

However, in the current rules of Duel Monsters, it is clearly stipulated that both sides can only have one field magic card. When the opponent activates the field magic card, it will have the ability to send the opponent's field magic card to the graveyard by default.

Except for field magic cards like [Oliha Gang's Barrier] that cannot be removed from the field, other field magic cards will be easily squeezed out by subsequent field magic cards. Hayato uses this to remove Ramesses II's field. The [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] was used as the [King's Coffin], but precisely because of this, Ramses II took the opportunity to trigger the effects of his monsters.

The order of the effects of the three cards activated at the same time was freely arranged by Ramses II. He waved his hand and said: Self-arrangement chain C1 [Blessing of Horus - Duamutefo] C2 [Glory of Horus - Im Shet] C3 [Horus: Black Flame God], chain reverse processing.

The starting point is [Horus: Black Flame God] in Yu's hand. This card is activated when a [Horus] monster or [King's Coffin] on the field other than this card leaves the field due to the opponent's effect. Special Summon a card from Yu's hand!

Swallow the black sun flames, spread your wings, and display the other side of the sun wheel that creates all things, which symbolizes destruction and destruction. Let's face the incarnation of the sun god!

The card in his hand was placed on the duel plate by Ramses II. He shouted, Kowtow before the King of Kings and destroy everything!

[Horus, the Black Flame God]!

As the new vest of [Horus: Black Flame Dragon], [Horus: Black Flame God] has completely unchanged attack power, defense power, level, attributes and race, but compared to the restrained [Horus] [Black Flame Dragon] and [Horus: Black Flame God] are obviously much more wild.

In ancient Egypt, the silver-white body that symbolizes bone is additionally covered with the same golden armor that symbolizes flesh as other [Horus] monsters. There is also a golden armor that symbolizes life in ancient Egyptian culture. red jade embellishment, but in addition to this, the black flame that was originally only regarded as a means of attack by [Horus: Black Flame Dragon] is now fully absorbed from its body due to the full absorption of [Horus: Black Flame God]. It overflowed and wrapped around the limbs, neck, wings and long tail.

Although he has the name of god, he clearly looks like the demon god in charge of destruction!

[Horus: Black God of Fire] [8☆/Fire]



It's a pity that [Stone Wall of the King's Tomb] has left the remaining field. Otherwise, when I activate the effect of [Horus: Black God of Fire], I would be able to draw one from the deck every time. Card. Ramses II paused, Although [Horus: Black God of Fire] has extremely strong destructive power when it comes on the field, it can only be used when there are no monsters on your field. It will only affect the monsters on Yu's own field, and Yu chose not to activate the follow-up effects of its special summons.

Then, there is the effect of [Glory of Horus - Imshet] on the remaining field. Looking at [Horus, the Black God of Fire] on the field, he has exactly the same attack and defense power as [Horus: Black God of Fire]. Glory of Si - Imset], Rameses II said, His effect can be activated while it exists in the monster zone and other cards on the field have left the field due to the opponent's effect.

Send a card on the field to the graveyard without taking an object!

With the brilliance of the sun, I will burn you to death! Right now, right here!

Ramesses II reached out and pointed forward, choosing not any other card but the only field magic card on Hayato's field [Rampage Magic Circle]!

Golden light suddenly burst out from the deck of the Dark Night Sun Ship under his feet, covering the entire ground covered by Hayato's [Rampage Magic Array]. After a loud boom sound like a volcanic eruption, The [Rampage Magic Array] covering the ground was all ripped off the field and blasted away!

After that, Ramesses II drew three cards from the deck and said: Then the next one is the effect of [Horus' Blessing - Duamutefo] on the remaining field, which exists in the monster area. It can be activated when other cards on the field are removed from the field due to the opponent's effect, and cards are drawn from the deck according to the number of monster types in the remaining monster area.

[Horus' Blessing - Duamutefer], [Horus' Glory - Imshet] and [Horus: Black Flame God], there are three types of monsters on the field, so I can draw them Three cards. After replenishing three cards in one go, Ramesses II pointed to the [Blessing of Horus - Duamutefo] on his field and said, The last one, the last one on the field. The [Black Flame God of Horus] that appears is also a monster of [Horus].”

Because the number of [Horus] monsters has increased, the attack power and defense power of [Horus' Blessing - Duamutefo] have increased by 1,200 points again!

[Blessing of Horus-Duamutefer] [DEF2400→3600]

Hayato just activated a field magic card from beginning to end. However, Ramesses II messed around during Hayato's turn. He just sent the field magic card he just activated to the graveyard, and also specially summoned a new one. monsters, increase the power of existing monsters, and even draw three cards in one go!

Ramses II felt uncomfortable watching Hayato use [Proliferated G] to earn cards. Hayato also felt uncomfortable watching Ramses II draw three cards. He said unhappily: Aren't you afraid that I will draw [Heaven in my hand? The treasure card that you dropped]? So why do you love to draw cards and not drain your deck?

Humph, then do you have a [Treasure Card from Heaven] in your hand, Hayato Kobayashi? Ramses II and Hayato can be said to know each other well. He knew that if Hayato really had a [Treasure Card from Heaven] in his hand, What he said was definitely not what he said just now, but he would shout like a female brat, Ozymandias is just a bastard~a bastard fish~.


In fact, as Ramses II said, Hayato does not have a [Treasure Card from Heaven] in his hand, but his hand is still quite sufficient, enough for him to quickly raise enough to defeat Ramses II's three attack power 3000+ Monster lineup.

In my main phase, I usually summon [Summoner-Aleister], and then retrieve the [Summoning Magic] in the deck with the effect of the successful summoning of [Summoner-Aleister].

Come out, Wagga Tamashi! In a burst of faint singing, Hayato summoned the [Summoner-Aleister] in his hand and retrieved a [Summoning Magic] card in his hand. middle.


[Magician Family/Effect]


Although it’s a pity that he can’t proceed to the next step of “Link Summoning the Holy Demon Girl”, it doesn’t matter. There is a card in his hand that he has been looking forward to returning to the game for a long time!

Although your monsters are very strong, I am still very confident in the 'scumbag' Alai on my field. With just one magic card, I can let you see the power of Alai!

Hearing Hayato's voice from behind, [Summoner-Aleister] said with a face on his face: If possible, can you not show so much confidence in me, Master? I always have an ominous premonition... …”

How come, what are you worried about, Alai? You are my beloved relatives, friends, and brothers. Look, I will use powerful equipment magic cards to increase your attack power! Saying that, Hayato will give one The card is inserted into the magic trap area.

As long as it's not a card like [Monster Gate]... Wait, equip magic card? Master, are you - [Summoner-Aleister] who turned around saw the card appearing behind him , with an I knew it was like this expression.

Equip the magic card [Magic Wand], which can be equipped on the magician monster to increase its attack power by 500 points! Looking at the wand that appeared out of thin air in the hand of [Summoner-Aleister], Hayato nodded, This way As soon as he came, Alai's attack power increased by a full 500 points, it was so powerful!

What, Alai, you said this is not enough, so you have to sacrifice yourself to create more hope for me? You are so brave Alai, it really moved me to tears!

...I never said that at all, and Master, you smile too openly...

Is that so? I'll restrain myself next time. He said this, but Hayato didn't restrain the thought that raised the corners of his mouth at all. It didn't look like he was acting extremely excited, The [Magic Wand]'s third The second effect is to send the equipped monster on my field to the graveyard along with this card, and I draw two cards from the deck!

Destruct yourself, Alai! This is a necessary sacrifice!

When [Summoner-Aleister] complained, I don't see why it's necessary, but you just like to send monsters to the grave, he entered Hayato's graveyard with the [Magic Wand], and Hayato's After drawing two cards, the number of cards in the hand increased to seven, which is more and more.

However, after drawing the card, Hayato placed the drawn card on the field: The effect of [Cotton Ball] is that when this card is added from the deck to my hand due to the card's effect, Special Summon her on my field. Come out, Wagga Tamashi!

The speed of replacing Tamashi is a bit too fast! [Summoner-Aleister] complained in the cemetery, while the white fur ball Hayato appeared on the field tilted his head in confusion.

【Cotton Ball】【1☆/Light】

【Angel Family/Effect】


Magic card, [Summoning Magic] activates! Following Hayato's movements, a summoning spell unfolded in front of him, engulfing the [Cotton Ball] he affectionately called Tamahi before it was sent away [Summoner-Aleister] from the cemetery also stretched out his hand from the cemetery and touched a corner of the magic circle.

[Summoning Magic] can select fusion materials from my hand and send them to the graveyard for fusion. However, when performing a Fusion Summon of a [Summoned Beast] fusion monster, I can also exclude the monsters on my field and those in both graveyards as Fusion materials. Putting the two cards from the graveyard on the field into his pocket, Hayato declared, The material requirements are [Summoner-Aleister] and light attribute monsters!

Chariot of light named after the Hexagram of God, drive away everything and bring me victory! Half covering his face with one hand, and reaching up to the sky with the other, Hayato shouted with his five fingers spread, I am the one who is approaching. storm!

A monster card with a purple border appeared out of thin air in Hayato's open hand. He placed it on the duel plate, and then the name of the monster was read out.

Fusion Summon——

[Summoned Beast-Merkaba]!

The fusion monster also known as the Light Chariot came to Hayato's field from that summoning spell. Both the rider and the beast of burden are integrated with the chariot, and he can play a powerful role in any situation as his offense and defense are integrated. the power of!

[Summoned Beast-Merkaba] [9☆/Light]

[Mechanical family/fusion/effect]


Seeing the appearance of [Summoned Beast - Merkaba], Ramesses II raised his eyebrows and said: It's this monster again. The frequency of its appearance is a bit too high, and its effect is also very troublesome.

Because the small axes of [Summoner-Aleister] and [Summoning Magic] are too simple and can be used in most fusion decks with enough free areas, Hayato often plugs them into various decks. In this deck, and because the light attribute is a very common attribute, the [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] has become the most common monster produced by Hayato. At least Ramses II is dueling with Hayato. I have seen this monster often, and I also know its effects clearly.

Once per turn, it can provide the ability to discard the corresponding card to invalidate and eliminate the effects of magic, traps, and monsters. Hmm, but can your monsters keep up with the speed of the remaining cards? As he said, there was no need to go. Press the button to activate the cover card, and a cover card in the backfield of Ramses II will be opened directly, revealing a red border. Corresponding to the special summons of [Summoned Beast-Merkaba], I activate this trap card. , the spell speed is a three-speed counter trap card, [Ascension's Horned Flute]!

A huge golden horn appeared next to Ramses II, dotted with countless precious gems. The moment [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] appeared, the huge horn also played, like I want to drive its [Summoned Beast-Merkaba] away from the field with the loud noise it makes.

It can only be activated when the opponent successfully special summons a monster during the opponent's main phase. The special summon will be invalidated and those monsters will be destroyed. After that, the opponent can obtain a compensating card from the deck. Draw a card, but you need to end the main phase like that. Rameses II explained, looking at the monsters on Hayato's field, For you who are extremely good at special summons, the triggering of this card is almost certain. Once this card is activated, it is not the same three-speed counterattack trap card, and it is completely unable to chain its activation and prevent Yu!

The monster you specially summoned will be destroyed, and you will end the turn without being able to enter the main phase without even being able to set up the card. Then for the rest of the turn, you will have an empty field. Facing the total attack of the [Horus] monsters!”

Although there is a three-color Kang once per turn, as Rameses II said, its effect is only a second-speed monster effect, and it cannot be activated by chaining three-speed counter trap cards to negate it, and most of them are The counterattack trap cards all need to be blocked in the next round to be effective, which seems to mean that Hayato will soon end the round helplessly as Ramses II said.

However, not all counterattack trap cards need to be set for one turn before they can be activated. There is a counterattack trap card that can be activated directly from the hand, and Hayato happens to have such a card, or even happens to have been activated by him. The card was drawn into the hand.

Weak, weak, weak, weak! How can I be restrained by the common sense that 'counterattack traps need to be set before they can be used'? Let you see my divine talent that transcends the times! The card with a red border was inserted into the duel plate by Hayato, It was dealt with like a quick-attack magic card, and Hayato's base points were suddenly reduced to half of their original value with this action.

[Hayato Kobayashi: 4000→2000LP]

Pay half of the base price, chain [Ascension's Horn Flute] from my hand, directly activate this counterattack trap card, and order you to retreat in the name of God! Hayato called out the name of the card, [ Red restart], start!”

I had a lot of fun playing with the lighters in the card store recently, but as soon as md came online and saw the lighters without new cards, I felt so awkward. I have turned into a useless person who can't do anything without evil thoughts and blazing movements.

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