Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 76: Attack six hands first, then attack 0 hands

Misawa still understood very well why Tanya would use the words maybe, probably and maybe to express her uncertainty, because in his opinion, she really didn't feel that there was anything in [Savage Arena]. The tied man looked like a student at school.

It’s not just about the other person’s appearance, but simply being tall and strong doesn’t matter. There are children who can grow taller than adults at the age of eight. For example, in this year’s Huang Dormitory, Sanze has seen a kid called “ The boys from Ohara are, as the name suggests, extremely tall.

The key point is temperament, that kind of temperament that is unique to a duelist and a powerful duelist. Although it is very inconsistent with Misawa's long-standing scientific values, that kind of temperament can also be understood as the self-confidence brought by strong strength. Taiyang Although Ohara in the God-Huang dormitory is tall and powerful, his ambition is not to become a duelist but a game designer. His personality is more gentle than his appearance.

But that Tarzan-like man was different. When he said that he would not lose, he was not speaking harshly, but stating the facts in his heart. He seemed to be 100% sure of what he could win. Cards are average, and I am sure that I can win any duel!

However, such a temperament rarely appears in students in the college. Although Misawa has not been in school for a long time, he has met many people in the college, even the third-year Obelisk-Blue dormitory students. There are very few people in China who have this kind of temperament.

Is he really a student of the school? Misawa, who was a little unsure, looked back at Maeda who followed him to the [Savage Arena]. Although repeater doesn't sound very nice, but how can I say it? He also studied for one more year than freshmen like them, so he might know some information that even he didn't know.

After hearing Misawa's words, Maeda Hayato also looked at the tied man carefully, scratched his head and said with some distress: I don't remember that I have never seen such a person. After all, although the management in the school is very loose, , But such dressing will definitely be ordered to correct, it is too revealing, and the impact on young people is immeasurable.

(D·HERO is afraid of people (not))

But it's so strange. I obviously don't know such a person, but I always feel that he looks familiar?

(The mountains in Maeda Hayato’s impression)

What is certain is that he is not a first-year student, because even if he is a student in the Osiris-Red Dormitory and Obelisk-Blue Dormitory, I have at least collected information about the first-year students, and the three grades in the Sun God-Yellow Dormitory I have also collected all the students. If you don’t recognize Maeda, it means that he is not a second or third year student in the red dormitory.

Misawa reasoned, In other words, the other party may be a second-year student in the blue dormitory or a more likely third-year student? But it cannot be ruled out that the other party may be a lurker like the duel mercenary who kidnapped Tianshangyuan before. Possibility of outsiders on the island.”

But no matter what, there is no doubt that the other party is tied up now.

Looking at Tanya, Misawa asked: Speaking of which, your people seemed to have used arrows to attack us before, Tanya. At that time, we should not have exposed the key guardian of the 'Seven Spirit Seal' Identity? Why did you attack us?

As I said before, Mr. Misawa, I forgot that we are using duels here. Tanya stuck out her tongue and said, As for the purpose of arresting people, it is also very simple, because we The tribe needs manpower to build the village, and this arena also needs manpower to repair it.

Speaking of that man, his physical fitness is surprisingly good. He was obviously attacked by people from the tribe, but he was able to fight back immediately. He was even knocked unconscious by my second sneak attack. As a result, I am so angry with you. The people around you misjudged your physical abilities, so they attacked you with arrows.

But don't worry, if the average person's vitality is 4,000 points, even if he is directly hit by an arrow, he will only suffer 1,200 points of damage and he will not die.

After hearing Tanya's words, Maeda Hayato complained: How can one quantify human life into numbers like basic points? People will die if they are killed.

Nothing is absolute. Tanya smiled mysteriously, raised her hand forward and snapped her fingers. Seeing Tanya's gesture, the Amazons next to Tarzan immediately followed her orders and dispersed, and also untied the ropes tied to Tarzan.

However, Mr. Misawa, you also reminded me that it is really unfair to not even give the other party a chance to duel when using duel to solve problems. Tanya said, suddenly jumping into the lower In the center of the [Savage Arena] on the ground at the entrance, looking at Tarzan who was getting rid of the loose rope in front of him, he said, So now, I will give you a chance, over there.

If you win the duel, then you will be completely free. We [Amazon] will not attack you anymore and let you leave, or if you want to continue to stay here, we will not give you a mouth to eat. , it doesn’t even matter if you want to join our tribe and help our girls grow the tribe.”

After a pause, Tanya, who just now acted like a leader who was describing development prospects to employees, commonly known as a pie-drawer, changed her warm smile and showed an expression as cold as the cold wind of winter, But what if If you can't prove your strength in a duel and prove that you are qualified to discuss things like 'fairness', then be prepared to enjoy hellish torture at my place!

You will have to work a full eight hours a day in the future. You can only eat three meals and snacks a day, and milk is only available for breakfast. Your lunch break at noon is only one hour. Not only that, you can only get three meals a year. Bonus and two months of annual leave. The saddest thing is that you can only get a salary increase once after working for four months, and you only get three times the salary for overtime work. You are also required to exercise for an hour after get off work, and there is only one day of psychological counseling in the last week!

Haha, I'm afraid you will die of exhaustion soon, right? But this is the most vicious way we treat slaves who resist!

Tanya thought she would see a scared expression on the guy opposite them [Amazon], who looked more like a savage than them [Amazon], but she didn’t expect that “Tarzan” was stunned for a long time before holding back a sentence: “Is this still the treatment after resistance? Then I can’t even imagine how ordinary prisoners are treated.”


Seeing Tanya's puzzled face, Sanze behind her explained to her the treatment of ordinary people in modern society. Tanya's brows furrowed more and more tightly, and finally she couldn't help but complain: You humans are a bit too urban. melted.

Ahem, in short, if you lose, you will have to become a slave and work here for our tribe. Tanya coughed twice and ignored the topic for the time being. The big tiger she was riding before chewed a piece of The duel plate came to Tanya, and she took it and put it on.

Then, it's time to make a decision to decide the fate. At some point, Tanya took out two decks of cards and put them on both hands. The deck in my hand represents 'wisdom', and the other deck in my hand represents 'wisdom'. The deck represents 'courage', it's up to you to decide which deck I want to use.

Wisdom and courage? Then I choose wisdom. Choosing the former option without thinking, Tarzan said again, But my duel disk was damaged when it was attacked by people from your tribe.

Mr. Tarzan, if you don't mind, just use mine. Hayato Maeda opened his backpack, took out the duel disk and said. Although he himself is not good at dueling, he still carries a dueling disk with him. The main reason is that Judai and Sho often play a game of throwing and catching dueling disks. Within a few months of school, he has already broken several dueling disks. He brought this as a spare for both of them.

Seeing the duel plate handed over by Maeda, Taishan looked at the opponent and said, Thank you very much, but I'm not called 'Taishan' and I'm not much older than you.

According to normal time, I should be a third grader, but since I was absent from class for so long without any reason, I'm afraid I have to start from the beginning. So... I took Maeda's duel plate and saw him running back to Misawa. Later, Tarzan also put on the duel disk and put it into the deck and said, Obelisk-Blue Dashanping, I, who have been practicing in nature for two years and have understood the secret of card drawing, have been resurrected!

Originally, I wanted to rely on dueling bread as the final test of my practice, but my plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Since I happened to have the opportunity to duel with someone again, let's test the results of my practice today!

Not bad momentum. Are you trying to use 'courage' to defeat the 'wisdom' deck? But it is very dangerous if you are foolhardy. Tanya inserted the deck into the duel plate and looked at her own The duel disk and the signal worn by Dashan are connected to each other.


[Da Shanping: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Tanya: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I'll go first, draw a card. Dashan moved a little faster than Tanya and drew a card. After looking at the drawn card, he placed it in the magic trap area and said, I will cover a hand card first, and then normally summon this monster, [Card Drawing Machine]!

Under Tanya's gaze, while a covered card appeared in Dashan's backcourt, a huge rock robot also rose in front of him, like a sphinx.

【Card Drawing Machine】【4☆/Land】

【Rock family/effect】


The attack power is 0 and the defense power is also 0?

Seeing the puzzled expression on Tanya's face, Oyamahei explained, The attack power and defense value of [Card Drawing Machine] are based on the number of cards in my hand that I put back into the deck and shuffled when the summon is successful. To decide, each card can increase its attack power and defense power by 500 points, and the number of cards I want to put into the deck is all the remaining four cards in my hand!

Therefore, the attack power and defense power of [Card Drawing Machine] have been increased to 2000 points!

[Oyama Ping: hand 4 → 0]

【Card Drawing Machine】【0/0→2000/2000】

You actually returned all the cards in your hand to the deck? Let me tell you, this kind of duel makes me regret giving you a chance, just for a monster with 2000 attack power and defense power. Have you used up all the cards in your hand? Tanya frowned as she looked at the [Card Drawing Machine] with an attack power of 2000 points on the mountain field.

No, I never said that my turn is over. On the contrary, my turn has just begun from now on. Oyama Ping raised the corner of his mouth and pressed the button to activate the card, Because I have The card that was placed is this one! [Treasure Card from Heaven]!”

Both sides draw cards from the deck until their respective hands have six cards!

It was precisely because of this strongest check card that after summoning the [Card Drawing Machine], Oyama Ping returned all the cards in his hand to the deck without any scruples, and he did not worry about his deck at all. After shuffling and cutting, you will not be able to draw useful cards. Putting his fingers on the deck, he yelled, Draw!

Why are you yelling so loudly? Isn't it just to draw cards? Tanya, who had five cards in her hand, pulled out a card from the deck and said dissatisfiedly as she looked at Oyama Pira who was yelling like a savage. .

Humph, that's because I drew an incredible card. It's this card, [Card Drawing Thief]. I activate the magic card [Card Drawing Thief]!

The card-drawing thief, who didn't sound very aboveboard, was played by Dashan. An arm extended from the magic card he opened in the back field and grabbed Tanya's deck. Tanya didn't even react. At that time, she firmly grabbed the top card of Tanya's deck.

This is?

The effect of [Card Drawing Thief] is that after I declare a card name, the opponent draws a card from the top of his deck. It sounds like an effect that is beneficial to you? But if the card drawn is the card I declared If so, then all the cards in the opponent's hand and on the field will be forcibly returned to the deck and shuffled.

After hearing Dashan's words, Misawa, who was watching the battle, widened his eyes and said, What kind of card is that with unknown meaning? It's impossible. Even if I'm proficient in mathematical duels, the best I can do is estimate the opponent based on his past data. What cards are in the deck, and placing specific cards to target them.”

But without knowing anything about the opponent's deck, you still have to guess in the first turn what the top card of the opponent's deck is that has not been changed in any way? That kind of thing can never be done. Do it!”

Are you a junior in the yellow dormitory? Hum, I did have the same idea as you in the past, that is, through learning and calculation, I can accurately control the progress of the duel, and my mind can also be used every time in my class. Every time, I got as good as the first time. Oyama Ping turned his back to Misawa and replied, But dueling and card drawing are not things that can be calculated by probability. It is like Murphy's law. I was thinking of drawing. When you have a bad hand, bad results like that are already a fixture in the future.”

I was consistently ranked first in the written test, but in actual combat I drew inappropriate cards again and again, and could not get the response I wanted from the card. After failing another duel assessment, I suddenly realized while looking at the sea Yes, the fate of drawing cards is actually destined. After the deck is shuffled, the fate is already fixed, just like nature that has existed since the ancient times hundreds of millions of years ago and will not change in the future billions of years later. .”

The essence of card drawing lies in nature! And I have undergone trials and practices that blend into nature. To me, card drawing is as natural as breathing. Yes, it is as natural as exhaling after inhaling. No matter whether we are on either side of the enemy or the enemy, Whose draw is it?”

Pointing at Tanya, Dashan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning-like intuition flashed through the darkness. He suddenly opened his eyes and said, The card you drew is [Amazon Swordsman]. !”

[Card Drawing Thief] stretched out his arm and forcibly helped Tanya draw the top card from the deck. As Dashan declared, that card was the monster card [Amazon Swordsman]. A card with the words A battle with this card occurred A powerful card with a porcelain effect that causes the opponent to take all combat damage to you!

Actually, you really hit the mark!? Even Tanya couldn't help showing a surprised expression when she saw Dashan successfully declare the card he had drawn.

Yada☆thief! All my practice has indeed been in vain! Dashan said excitedly, pointing at Tanya, Then according to the effect of [Card Drawing Thief], including the card you drew, All seven cards in your hand and cards on the field must be returned to the deck and shuffled!

Return to nothingness!

There was no card in Tanya's hand to stop Oyama Ping's operation, and the cards in Tanya's hand were successfully emptied by him in one round!

On the other hand, Oyamapei still has five cards left in his hand. It is just like the mirror image of Oyamapei using the [Card Drawing Machine] to return all the cards in his hand to the deck! (End of chapter)

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