Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 75 The Descendant King of the Amazons

Chapter 1129 The Descendant King of the Amazons

As if he was aware of it, Hayato Maeda, who had a round figure, looked quite bulky, but actually acted very quickly. He pushed Daichi Misawa next to him and shouted: Be careful!

Misawa, who was pushed away, didn't even have time to say anything. The moment Maeda Hayato pushed Misawa Daichi away and used the reaction force to lean back and avoid his original position, a wooden arrow fired with a swish sound. It shot forward and hit the ground where the two of them had just stepped. The tail feathers that did not sink into the ground along with the arrow kept trembling.

Looking gratefully at Hayato before him, Misawa turned around to look in the direction of the arrow, and found that it was an empty dense forest. The trees in the forest were swaying from time to time, and it didn't look like the wind was blowing. It was more like something was moving through the woods.

Who is he? Show yourself to me and don't be sneaky. How can you be a man! Sanze shouted sharply without fear of the hidden attacker.

Misawa was very happy about being selected as the key guardian of the Seven Spirit Seals, because this was undoubtedly a recognition of his talents. This made him unable to be promoted to the highest level despite having started school for several months. Obelisk Blue Dormitory, Misawa Daichi, who was worried about this, was a little happy.

But in Misawa's expectation, since they are coming to Duel Academy to challenge and get the key, the Seven Stars should line up one by one and come in order, instead of swarming to Duel Academy Island like now. , still running around and requiring the Key Guardians to spread out and chase.

Although Misawa is proud and inferior, and lacks recognition in his heart, Misawa actually doesn't care too much about the fact that he is not dueling in front of everyone. The recognition he needs is not vanity but valuation. In another world line, he even had excessive low self-esteem due to his low sense of existence and being ignored by others, and voluntarily lost in duels with others in order to accept brainwashing.

Taking the initiative to find and challenge Seven Stars and passively waiting for Seven Stars to challenge this point, the latter is obviously more important. Misawa was already dissatisfied because he took the initiative to come to Seven Stars for a duel. At this moment, the opponent actually He also attacked them secretly, which made Misawa even more unhappy - in the eyes of the other party, was he the kind of weakling who was not even worthy of a duel?

You who spy in the dark, while everyone else is attracted by the clear sound of the duelist's fighting blades clashing, are still cowering in the dark. A coward like you will surely suffer the consequences of me, Misawa. Shame on the earth!”

With some thoughts of venting his depressed mood, Sanze scolded. But originally he just wanted to vent a few words, but he didn't expect that at the same time as his voice fell, the trees actually started to move again, but this time it wasn't just one or two people who moved, but almost the entire forest moved. stand up.

For a moment, Maeda Hayato behind Misawa subconsciously took several steps back no matter how hard he tried to be brave. This is no wonder for him. After all, no one knows how many people can be hidden in the seemingly uninhabited woods. Even the famous American five-star general MacArthur said, If there is no Agent Orange, let me face the dangers in the woods. Enemy, then I can only choose to escape.

That is to say, Misawa, although he was a little frightened by the unusually large movement, he still stood there bravely.

In the woods, one after another, human beings dressed in primitive tribal style and rather simple clothes walked out. Without exception, these people were all women. The simpleness of those clothes instantly changed to Cool, Maeda Hayato's face turned red immediately, but Misawa still had a tough guy face and was completely unmoved.

They are all women? Could it be that they are the primitive tribes in the Amazon rainforest that have a matriarchal society according to rumors? Sanze frowned and looked at the dangerous primitive people in front of him who were holding spears, knives, bows and arrows, and speculated, But the Amazon Rainforest and Duel Academy Island are separated by an ocean, so why do they appear here?

Although we are indeed from the Amazon, and these children did come to this island from another continent with me, it is difficult to tell you the specific process.

Among the women of the primitive tribe, the tallest and most mature-looking woman walked out. She was riding a tiger on her crotch. She walked on the road out of the way of others on both sides and slowly came to Sanze. Not far ahead of Maeda, get off the tiger.

However, even standing directly on the ground, this woman's height was still extremely exaggerated at over 1.9 meters, almost as tall as Hayato Kobayashi.

This combination... I remember it, Shitori! Looking at the tall woman, the tiger next to her, and the subtle feeling coming from the other person, Maeda Hayato immediately recognized the other person's identity, pointed at her and said , Be careful! She is the 'Seven Stars' I saw in the red dormitory!

It's not Si Ze, it's Misawa, Misawa Dadi! After first correcting his name, Misawa said doubtfully, But didn't you say that what you saw was a man riding a tiger?

Who would have thought that someone dressed so ruggedly could be a woman!

The conversation between Misawa and Maeda was not kept too low. The tall woman not far away may have also heard it. She raised the corner of her mouth with a sneer and said: For us [Amazon] women, such a powerful thing Only a beautiful figure can be considered real beauty, because surviving in a highly competitive world is the greatest beauty.

However, it is not an absolute situation. For example, that young man over there who has surprisingly keen senses. You are too timid and not brave at all. And the less important thing is that you are not handsome enough. In comparison, I I still favor this little brother more.

This is obviously a temporary reason. Apparently appearance is the main reason. Hayato Maeda complained. If it weren't for a large group of people surrounding the two of him, he would have found a dark corner to squat down and count mushrooms. Draw circles.

But Misawa remained unmoved. He just looked at the other person and said, It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman. I just need you to be the opponent I need to defeat and to be a member of the Seven Stars.

Hearing Misawa's words, the tall woman blinked, clenched her fist and knocked it on her palm, and suddenly realized: Yes, I seem to have joined an organization called 'Seven Stars'. Why are they so kind? Arrange a boat to take me to the island.

Ahem, then let me introduce myself again. My name is Tanya, Tanya Amazon, the king of the descendants of the Amazons, and a member of the 'Seven Stars' organization you are looking for.

As she spoke, Tanya came closer to Misawa, with a rather troubled and serious expression on her face, In addition to my ambition to let the tribe survive and grow here, I seem to have to collect the Seven Spirit Seals. 'It's such a nerve-wracking and troublesome job to find the key.

But before that... Suddenly raising her head, Tanya's eyes met Misawa's. For a moment, Misawa had the illusion that he was being stared at by a beast like a lion or tiger, and even appeared. I saw the illusion of a beast's vertical pupils in Tanya's eyes.

No, I actually took it easy and relaxed my vigilance just because the other person was communicating with me and expressing that he valued me? So much so that the woman who had led a sneak attack on her side could easily get so close to her! ?

The opponent may be able to sneak attack with arrows, or he may directly bypass the duel and use force to take the key away from him!

Misawa didn't know the specific mechanism of the key to the Seven Spirits Seal. Ultimately, the description of the key in Hayato's notes conveyed by Samejima was too general, The battle related to the seal key on this island is absolutely To win. Who can guess what the duel in that sentence means? Maybe a simple brawl or even a battle of brains would count?

You must quickly distance yourself from the other party! Misawa thought so, and at the same time, his body, which was healthy and strong due to years of self-discipline training, did respond quickly to the brain's instructions and acted quickly.

But it was too late, and although Misawa's physical fitness was good, it could not compare with Tanya's strong but coordinated and flexible body. With a speed that Misawa could hardly see clearly, Tanya suddenly Raise your hand to grab Misawa!

Is she about to attack? Where exactly is the attack location——

The next moment, Tanya's hand touched Misawa's body, but the location of the hit was neither the throat, temples, or other parts that could be fatal with a single blow, nor the abdomen and other places where people could quickly lose their ability to resist. , it’s not even the key to the seal hidden by Misawa under the school uniform, only revealing the lanyard around his neck, but Misawa’s left hand! ?

Is this woman trying to destroy my left hand that holds the cards in my hand? So insidious!

Misawa's eyes were extremely sharp. Just as he was about to use his strength to break away, he found that although Tanya moved very quickly, the hands holding his hands did not use force. Instead, she gently wrapped her palms in her palms, and at the same time Contrary to the rude and barbaric impression he gave, he said in a rather gentle voice: I forgot for a moment that this is not our world. I'm so sorry for that, Misawa-kun~

Misawa's pupils shrank and he said in surprise: What did you say?

Well...because the place where we [Amazon] were before was completely a world of jungle and strong predators. I and others are used to that state. We subconsciously chose to attack you before, completely forgetting that more sacred weapons are used here. Let's fight to solve the problem.

Sticking out her tongue cutely, Tanya winked at Misawa and said cutely, So I'm very sorry. Mr. Misawa and Mr. Koala over there, can you forgive me?

Who is the koala? My name is Maeda Hayato! Regarding Tanya's name for him, Maeda immediately protested, and Tanya chuckled, Well, after all, I don't know your name, but now it's clear. Oh, Maeda boy.”

I suddenly felt that 'Koala Mr.' sounded better.

Ignoring Maeda Hayato who had dead fish eyes, Tanya looked at Misawa again. Her main target of apology was still Misawa, hoping to get his forgiveness.

However, Sanze said excitedly: I'm not the one asking, I'm asking you, what did you call me just now?

Misawa-kun? I remember this is how people are called here. I just heard your name, Misawa Dadi. Isn't this name easy to remember, so I'll call you Misawa-kun. Nia tilted her head and nodded her chin.

After hearing Tanya's words, Misawa couldn't help but stretched out his right hand that was not caught, took Tanya's hand that was still on his left hand, and said excitedly: It doesn't matter! No, you are really What a nice person, Tanya!”

Hey, hey, you are too direct in your praise, Misawa-kun.

Seeing that Misawa and Tanya's relationship had become particularly good for some reason, Maeda on the side complained: Wow! It's a good thing that these two are such good mothers-in-law, they are not my roommates, otherwise they would have been ruined.

However, although he was very fond of Tanya in front of him for quite subtle reasons, after a brief handshake, Misawa still let go of his hand and said regretfully: Although I really don't want to do that, but I'm sorry, Tanya , as the guardian of the key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal', I must stand on your opposite side.

This is the same for me, Misawa-kun. I also have to do things for the person who brought me here to repay the kindness. The key to the 'Seven Spirits Seal' is something I must obtain. I miss you. You wouldn’t want me to fight with your other companions, would you?”

That means we will eventually meet.

That's right. Tanya sighed, I don't know if you know, but for some special reasons, the duel with the Seven Stars, where the key to the Seven Spirits Seal is on the line, will be An extremely dangerous 'dark game', a dangerous duel where everything is on the line, and even your soul becomes part of the bargaining chip.

Don't worry, Tanya, my companions and I have been prepared for a long time. No matter what kind of bets are made, there is no way to dispel the duelist's courage!

Hearing Misawa's words, Tanya nodded with satisfaction and said: As expected of you, you are the man I like at first glance... I mean approved, well, a man who I approve at first glance, Misawa. Your courage is so in line with my wishes. , I am very satisfied, but if you want to win the duel with me, it is not enough to have courage, you must also have the wisdom to match that courage.

Without further ado, come with me to that building. Although that [Barbarian Arena] is only a temporary, unfinished building, it is perfect as a stage for a duel between you and me.

Hearing Tanya's words, Misawa nodded, not worried at all that Tanya would set up any traps and traps in the [Savage Arena] to plot against him, because he was extremely convinced that, like Teacher Dadeji and Tani Someone like Ya who can easily pronounce his name correctly cannot possibly be a bad person!

Could it be that Tanya could be some kind of man-eating tiger? In that case, Misawa would rather believe that Teacher Daitokuji is also a member of the Seven Stars, but the probability of that kind of thing is that Judai, a hot-blooded and impulsive guy, will turn into a cold-faced guy who can calmly kill countless people. The Butcher and the Devil are even less likely.

I, Misawa Daichi, am a mathematical duelist who is well versed in the possibilities and probabilities of various events. I am so professional, can I still guess wrong?

However, after entering the [Savage Arena] and noticing the arrival of Tanya, Misawa and others, a shirtless man in the middle of the venue with hair longer than his waist who looked like a savage shouted excitedly: Wait a minute, why did you get the same sneak attack and that guy got an apology, but I have to do hard work!

If it's a duel, I have already developed a strong ability to draw cards. I will not lose to others as easily as before. You are treating me differently! I also want to duel with your king!

Misawa cast his gaze in the direction of the sound, looking at the Tarzan-like man who was tied up with a rope by a group of Amazon warriors, and glanced at Tanya unexpectedly.

No, that's not a person from our tribe, but the first person we met after we found such an open space on the island. Maybe, probably, maybe he is also a student on this island? Tanya was a little unsure. said.

In the original work, Tanya gave me the first impression that she was very scheming, because she rarely used psychological tactics in the duel and kept saying that she liked Misawa.

As a result, the otherworld chapter appeared again, and you two really loved each other when you co-wrote it.

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