Before her turn, Tanya's hand was completely wiped out by Dashan's outrageous combo, which seemed to have both sides' decks turned face up. The super intuition on the card is just like Becas's

It's unforgivable anyway, Becas!

Looking at Tanya whose hand was empty, Dashan looked at the five cards in his hand and felt that he had a great advantage.

The magic card [Extraction of Magic Stones], discard two cards in my hand, and activate it with a magic card in my graveyard. I choose [Card Drawing Thief] and add it to my hand. I did not choose the most preferred choice for ordinary people [ [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], Dashan chose to add the [Card Drawing Thief] he had just used to his hand again. Although there is no limit to the card name once per turn, there is a situation where there are no cards on the opponent's field or hand. There is no point in activating this card.

But in the next round, [Card Drawing Thief] will be activated by me again. No matter what lineup you have deployed on the field, it will be wiped out, and then you will be directly attacked by [Card Drawing Machine]!

Put a card down and I'll end this turn. Taking out a card from his hand and putting it down, Oyama Ping declared the end of his turn.

[Da Shanping: 4000LP, 2 cards in hand]

【Card Drawing Machine】【DEF2000】


Although the field laid out by Dashan Ping is so simple that it has a kind of innocent beauty, but this is the confidence that Shen Draw gives him, not to mention that even if his field is extremely simple, even if the opponent draws a card, he can only get one card. , whether it is [Black Hole], [Lightning Strike] or [Big Storm], there is nothing to worry about with cards used to clear the field. So what if your [card draw machine] or card stack is destroyed? The woman has no other cards in her hand for subsequent operations.

My turn, draw a card. Dashan, who was thinking this way, saw Tanya draw a card from the deck and activated, Then using the magic card [Pot of Desire], I drew two cards from the deck. A card.

Huh? I can actually draw [Pot of Desire] at this time? But it still doesn't make sense. No matter if there are one or two cards in my hand, when it comes to my turn, they will be destroyed by the power of [Card Drawing Thief]. Changed to 0 cards. Although Tanya's hand changed from one to two, there is still nothing to worry about in Dashanping's view. After all, the [card drawing machine] on his field has a full 2000 The defense power of this point cannot be easily defeated by ordinary monsters that can be summoned normally.

Even if the opponent uses a card like [Earth Break] to destroy the [Card Drawing Machine], it doesn't matter. The cover card in your backfield is when the opponent directly attacks, invalidate that direct attack and let yourself draw a card from the deck. When you draw a monster, you can even summon its [Counterattack Gate] in attack position, so you don't have to worry about your opponent losing your base points.

But Tanya looked at the two cards she had drawn in her hand, and showed a mysterious smile: Oh? I drew a good card. It should be said that you are unlucky and chose a duel that is not suitable for you at all. What about the [Amazon] deck of ‘wisdom’ of style, or should I say that I was really lucky, so I easily drew this pair of cards?”

The magic card [Planet Transformation] is activated. I add a field magic card from my deck to my hand. I choose [Black Garden] and activate it!

As Tanya retrieved the card from the deck into her hand and immediately placed it in the field area, the surrounding [Savage Arena] was instantly covered by roses and thorns created by the duel image, transforming from a simple fighting beast The field turned into a garden covered in black.

“In order to survive in the dangerous nature, [Amazon] will use everything, not only taming wild beasts, making traps and tools, and using tactics such as sneak attacks, but everything in nature will also be used by us, and the poisonous animals Secretions, the terrain of jungles and mountains, and even special natural environments. Tanya said, explaining the effect of the field magic card, The existence of [Black Garden] will continuously collect the power of all monsters and turn them into roses. of nutrients.”

Every time a monster is face-up summoned or Special Summoned except for the effect of [Black Garden], the ATK of those monsters is halved, and after that, the controller of that monster puts one [Rose] on the opponent's field. Token] Special Summon in attack position.”

A card that halves the attack power of subsequent monsters? The activation of [Black Garden] made Oyamadaira a little moved, but he was not amazed by the effect, but rather disdainful of Tanya's operation, Obviously You can use this card with unknown meaning at the end of the turn, but if you activate it now, wouldn't it mean that the monster you summon later will also be affected by the effect and its attack power will be halved?

They even sent the so-called [Rose Derivatives] to my field. How can it have such a stupid effect as sending cards to other people's field. At the end, Oyama Ping said with some disappointment, I thought What kind of difficult opponent will it be, and is this the result? It cannot be used as a test of the results of my practice at all.

Haha, is that so? Tanya showed another card in her hand and said, As you guessed, the other card in my hand is the monster card [Amazon Princess], and I want to It is normally summoned. However, activating the field magic card [Black Garden] before summoning my monster is not an operating error on my part, it is precisely a necessary condition to complete my OTK.

OTK? It's actually OTK? Misawa said in surprise when he heard Tanya's words, The duel can be resolved in one round, but how is that possible? Even if you want to achieve OTK with six cards in your hand, it's too It’s quite a difficult thing. Tanya actually said she wanted to achieve OTK when her hand was emptied by Oyama Ping in the previous round?”

That's right, Misawa-kun, it's OTK. Putting down the cards in her hand on the duel plate, Tanya said with a smile, In the first step after [Black Garden] is activated, I want to put the cards in my hand [Amazonian Princess] is normally summoned in attack position, and the effect of [Black Garden] takes effect because a monster is summoned in face-up position. However, if the effect of [Black Garden] is chained, even if [Amazonian Princess] is successfully summoned, the effect will also be activated.

Chain reverse processing, I use the effect of [Amazon Princess] to add a magic and trap card of [Amazon] in my deck to my hand. I chose [Cry of Amazon], and then [Black Garden] The effect is to change the attack power of [Amazon Princess] to half its value, and special summon a [Rose Token] in attack position on the opponent's duelist's field.

A girl with a bone-handled spear and a rather primitive dress jumped up from outside the arena and fell into Tanya's field. She opened her mouth and made a crisp bird song without knowing what technique she used. The next moment, the echoing birdsong came from the depths of the [Black Garden] covered by thorns. This is a special communication method developed by the [Amazon] tribesmen living in the primitive jungle in order to communicate with each other without disturbing their prey. At this moment, the [Amazon Princess] has received responses from other [Amazon].

But also because she was busy communicating with her companions, [Amazon Princess] accidentally stepped on a raised thorn spike on the ground with her naked jade foot, and was immediately poked with a wound, and her face suddenly showed The expression of grievance and the cry are very pitiful.

【Amazon Princess→Amazon Queen】【3☆/land】



While blood dripped from [Amazon Princess]'s wounds and was absorbed by the thorns, black and purple roses began to bloom in [Black Garden], and an extra [Rose Derivative] appeared on Oyama Pira's field.

【Rose Derivatives】【2☆/Dark】

【Plant family/effect】


The blooming roses were swaying, and Oyamahei frowned and said: It's okay to specially summon the monster in attack position to my field. It can be understood that it is to cause damage to me, but the attack power of [Amazon Princess] After dropping by half, isn’t it even lower than [Rose Derivatives]?”

“Is this the so-called ‘wisdom’ [Amazon]?”

Tanya didn't say anything to Oyama Heiaki, but showed another card [Amazon's Cry] retrieved in her hand and said: The card name of [Amazon Queen] only exists on the field and in the cemetery, as [Amazon Queen] ] Use. Then activate the quick-attack magic card [Amazon's Cry] retrieved by the effect of [Amazon Princess], select an [Amazon] card other than [Amazon's Cry] from my deck, and Add it to the hand or send it to the graveyard, I chose to add [Amazon Warrior Captain] to the hand.

And use the second effect of [Cry of the Amazon], during my main phase, banish this card from the graveyard, and target an [Amazon] monster on my field. This turn, my monster other than this monster will be activated. The monster cannot attack, and the target monster can attack all the opponent's monsters once. Tanya pointed to the only monster on her field, The target I chose is [Amazon Queen].

[Amazon Princess], whose card name is [Amazon Queen], although the wound on her foot has not healed yet, she still straightened her undeveloped chest firmly, put on a brave posture, and was ready to attack.

However, at this moment, the value of any monster on the field is higher than that of [Amazon Princess], which has only 600 attack points. Tanya's operation is increasingly meaningless to Oyama Ping.

This can only be activated if there are no monsters on my field, or there is only an [Amazon] monster. [Amazon's Cry] is added to the effect of this [Amazon Warrior Leader] in my hand, and it is Special Summoned from my hand. The card in her hand was placed on the duel plate, putting the monster in defense position. Tanya continued, Same as before, the effect of [Black Garden] and the effect of [Amazon Warrior Captain] form a chain!

Activate when [Amazon Warrior Captain] is successfully summoned or special summoned. Select one of [Amazon]'s magic/trap cards or [Fusion] from the deck and place it on my field. The price is that it is not [Amazon] in this turn. monster, I cannot use it to attack. Then there is the effect of [Black Garden], the attack power of [Amazon Warrior Captain] is reduced to half, and a [Rose Token] is Special Summoned in attack position on the opponent's field.

Another [Amazon] monster who has a similar dressing style to the petite [Amazon Princess], but whose muscles are so overdeveloped that it gives people a completely different look, jumps into the field.

Maeda Hayato, who had been feeling a little strange since just now, couldn't figure out where the strange feeling came from. After thinking for a long time, he saw the [Amazon Warrior Captain] entering, and suddenly knew where his strange feeling came from. Ordinary duel monsters are all projected by the virtual projection system after the duel monster card is recognized by the duel board. Even the cards with elves hosted by them appear in this way.

But there is something wrong with the [Amazon] deck used by Tanya. Her monsters are clearly those [Amazon] tribesmen who personally fight in the battle? No, maybe I have mistaken the cause and effect relationship. It is not humans who participate in the duel and fight as duel monsters, but the duel monsters exist in the form of humans! ?

For Hayato Maeda, who has already seen his own card spirit [Death Koala], this conclusion is not too supernatural, but it is still a bit scary. Can the card spirit turn into a human? He looked slightly panicked at Misawa, wanting to explain what he had learned, but saw Misawa's cheeks turning slightly red.

Obviously there was no reaction when [Amazon Princess] just appeared. He looked at [Amazon Warrior Captain] and then at Misawa, and Maeda raised his eyebrows - there is something wrong with this guy.

As [Amazon Warrior Captain] appeared on Tanya's field, she also retrieved a card from the deck and covered it on the back field. As a price, [Amazon Warrior Captain] was also destroyed by [Black Garden]. Although the stabbing from the thorns had a greater impact than [Amazon Princess], it still retained more power than the former, and a second [Rose Derivative] also appeared on the mountain flat field.

[Amazon Warrior Captain] [5☆/land]



【Rose Derivatives】【ATK800】

The card I set is a continuous magic card [Amazon's Fighting Spirit]. Because it is a continuous magic card, I can activate it even during the turn I set. This card is the last one to complete my OTK strategy. Puzzle. After Tanya pressed the button to activate the card, she looked at the unfolded sustainable magic card [Amazon's Fighting Spirit] and said, Activate [Amazon's Fighting Spirit]. The effect of this card is [ When an Amazon monster attacks a monster with higher attack power than itself, only during damage calculation, the attacking monster's attack power increases by 1000 points!

The effect of Tanya's card is basically the sustainable magic card version of [Amazon] and the monster version of [Skyscraper]. The effect cannot be said to be completely useless. It can only be said that it is not very useful and can be used under normal circumstances. Once is enough. But the quick-thinking Sanze figured out a lot in an instant. He looked at the [Amazon Princess] on Tanya's field with wide eyes and said: Wait a minute, this combo, could it be said that -

Does that [Amazon Princess] have the ability to specially summon monsters when declaring an attack!?

As expected of Misawa-kun, you actually guessed the effect of my card? Tanya looked at Misawa in surprise like a shy little girl and said, That's right, [Amazon's Fighting Spirit] was successfully activated. At that moment, my OTK strategy was completed, because the third effect of [Amazon Princess] is one of the core of the OTK strategy.

Entering the combat phase, I use [Amazon Princess] to attack the [Rose Token] on the opponent's field, and then when [Amazon Princess] declares an attack, I send the [Amazon Warrior Captain] on my field to the graveyard to activate the effect. From my Special summon an [Amazon] monster other than [Amazon Princess] in defense position from the deck!

I Special Summon [Amazon Swordsman] because I have a monster face-up Special Summoned, and use the effect of [Black Garden] to Special Summon a [Rose Token] on the opponent's field, and then the battle continues!

Due to the effect of [Amazon's Fighting Spirit], when [Amazon Princess] with 600 attack points attacks [Rose Derivative] with 800 attack points, her attack power increases by 1,000 points to 1,600 points!

The spear that pierced the death thorns!

The moment she entered the battle phase, a series of chain effects appeared on Tanya's field. The effects of multiple cards such as [Amazon Princess], [Amazon's Fighting Spirit], and [Black Garden] were called at the same time. In the blink of an eye, she The [Amazon Warrior Captain] in defense position on the field entered the graveyard and was replaced by the [Amazon Swordsman] holding a long sword, and a third [Rose Derivative] appeared on the field.

However, the next moment, [Amazon Princess], whose attack power was blessed by [Amazon's Fighting Spirit], pierced a [Rose Derivative] with one shot. The overflowing battle damage fell on Oyama Pira's face, but it was difficult to cover up the surprise on his face. A somewhat panicked expression.

【Dashanping: 4000→3200LP】

[Cry of the Amazon] gives [Amazon Princess] the ability to attack each monster once, which means that her third effect can be triggered every time she attacks, and every time the effect is triggered, you can draw it from the deck. Special summon a monster to place [Rose Token] on my field?!

Each attack destroys my monsters, but at the same time, I can place new monsters to increase the chance of attack——

This is an almost infinite infinite loop!?

Tanya's combo in this chapter is the classic Black Garden + Queen's two-card OTK. It is a bit difficult to use with real cards. After all, there are too many points that can be interrupted in the middle, but if the other four cards in the hand are one drop or the like It’s not like you can’t use it if you have a card.

And the strengthening of spirit beasts is a bit interesting. Except for the difficult side face card picture, it is generally quite good. I am looking forward to the tw01 box more and more.

Also, please recommend the illustrations at the end of the chapter that still have nothing to do with pictures and text~

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