Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 74: Young duelist, what you fell into the lake was gold.

I found a spare piece of clothing from Professor Cronos' car and put it on Marufuji Sho who crawled out of the lake. Although there was an absurd height difference between Professor Cronos and Marufuji Sho Professor Kuronos's clothes were unusually loose when worn on Sho Marufuji, but they were better than his clothes that were soaked due to falling into the water.

Expresslessly handing Marufuji Sho a towel and watching him hurriedly take it and wipe his wet hair, Marufuji Lio then noticed that Asuka had been talking since Camura's speech just now. He looked like he was thinking about everything.

Are you thinking about Fubuki?

Glancing at Caesar, Asuka nodded and said, Well, didn't Camula just say that there was a masked person in 'Seven Stars' who looked like me after taking off the mask, so I was wondering, is there any Maybe he will be

But, why would Fubuki join the Seven Stars? Because of the two known members of the Seven Stars - Titan and Camura, Caesar and others all have an impression of the Seven Stars. Not very good, His personality is not the kind of person who would join such an organization.

But what if? What if my brother disappears for some special reason and is forced to join the Seven Stars? Asuka said, clenching her fists and saying, Even if there is only a slight chance, you must not miss it. , I can’t let go of anyone wearing a mask in the ‘Seven Stars’ organization!”

Hearing Asuka's words, Sho Marufuji recalled the person he had seen before. Although he was not sure whether he really saw him wearing glasses or whether he saw it wrongly, he still looked at him immediately. Asuka said: That Ming...ah no, Tenjoin-san, I have seen a member of the Seven Stars wearing a mask before.

Classmate Sho Marufuji, are you talking about the mercenary named 'Titan' who landed at Osiris Red Dormitory? After hearing Sho Marufuji's words, Professor Chronos raised his hands He put his hands on his hips and said, Even if you are short-sighted, you don't think he looks very similar to his classmates from Tianshangyuan, right?

That's not true. I can't recognize the person who kidnapped me... Although he seemed to be very angry when he said this, but facing Professor Cronos, Sho Marufuji couldn't be tough and wanted to talk more. You are as scared as you can get, What I want to say is the person who left on a hang glider. That person seemed to be wearing a mask.

Is he the one who went to the volcano, Xiang? After hearing Marufuji Xiang's words, Judai immediately asked, and at the same time he also raised half of the stone plate hanging on his chest, What about this one? The other party Do you have this on you?

Apart from the fact that the face under the mask looks a bit like mine, that guy from Kamula also said that that person also had a stone plate on his chest that was the same as Judai's. In other words, if the person riding the hang glider also wore one, As for Shipan, he must be the person I'm looking for! After reasoning to the conclusion, Asuka looked at Marufuji Sho with the same expectant eyes as Judai.

It's just that Judai's gaze was not bad, and Asuka also paid attention to him, which made the timid Sho Marufuji a little overwhelmed. He tried to think about it and then reluctantly said: My eyesight is not very good, although I did see that There is something hanging on the man’s chest, but what it looks like is a bit unclear, but I am sure that he is definitely wearing something on his dark face.”

After a pause, he looked at Judai, changed the subject and said, But brother, Tenjoyin-san is concerned about whether that person is his missing brother. Why do you expect so much?

Huh? Do you need a reason? Of course, because Asuka's business is my business. With the idea of ​​my friends' business is my business, Judai replied without hesitation.

However, after hearing Judai's words, both Ryo Marufuji, Sho Marufuji and Professor Kuronos all looked at him deeply.

Asuka, on the other hand, didn't think much about anything else at the moment. She was just very grateful to Judai for helping her and said impatiently: Then without further delay, whether the person using the hang glider is my brother or not, we must hurry up. find him.

If it's Fubuki from the Heavenly House, then he must be rescued before he loses the duel with the others and dies without a burial due to the dark game like Camula; if it's not Fubuki but other Seven Stars, then it's also He must be stopped from attacking students on campus.

Judai nodded and said: That's right, so let's set off quickly!

As he spoke, he raised one foot as if to step over something, stretched out his two hands and shook them twice, assuming a bicycle riding posture. After being stunned for a moment, Judai suddenly lowered his head and said in surprise: Wait a minute, where is my bicycle!?

If that's the case, wouldn't he have rushed into the lake long ago? Sho Marufuji pointed to the position where he climbed out of the lake. The brake mark on the ground was so clear. He complained, It's rounded off, brother. You are also helping the principal to make a nest.

How can one use a bicycle to make a nest? Isn't this even more outrageous than Mr. Hayato's statement of 'release one kilowatt of electricity and the Buddha will repay a pound of fish'? Judai said, waving his hands indifferently, Fortunately, I am prepared to collect and use it. Even if we borrowed three vehicles and one of them fell into the lake, one of them would still be in the dormitory.

Somewhat unable to complain about Judai, a rich man, for spending so much money on things, Sho Marufuji said: But we can't go back to the dormitory to pick up bicycles. Now that we don't have bicycles, how can we go to such a far place?

Um, how about we look forward to the lake god who will give us a gold bicycle and a silver bicycle?

There's no such thing!

Listening to Judai and Xiang's words, Asuka interrupted: It doesn't matter if you don't have a bicycle, because there are not many roads for bicycles to go to the volcano. After all, you still have to walk to climb the mountain.

With determination in her eyes, Asuka continued, However, I will definitely find that person!

What a good will, Asuka! Judai raised his thumb and praised, I just want to show this kind of momentum, but I will never let you get there first. I will see that person first. The winning opponent!

Then it depends on who finds him first, but you have been riding for so long, do you still have enough strength?

If it's not enough, just use momentum to make up for it! Asuka, can you keep up with me?

Hmph, don't look down on me. I'm doing some exercise. Do you want to touch my muscles?

As he was talking to himself, Asuka and Judai had already made their starting movements, and Judai turned his head to look at Sho Marufuji: I leave the starting order to you, Sho!

Huh? Oh oh oh. Then... three, two, one, start?

First, it's me! I won't lose to you!

In an instant, Judai and Asuka suddenly started running. They each yelled to start. In just a few breaths, they rushed into the bushes and disappeared. However, Marufuji Sho realized later that he seemed to have been beaten by them. The two of them suddenly left each other behind, and quickly ran up and said: Wait, wait for me, fellow student from Tianshangyuan, big brother!

Watching the three people leave, Ryo Marufuji sighed with emotion.

Since the beginning of school, there have been many changes in the people he knows. Asuka, who has been obsessed with the disappearance of her brother, has gradually withdrawn her mind from the past and focused on the present. She was once called the Ice Queen by the students in the middle department. She gradually Awakening your true passionate self.

——But why do you feel like you are acting a little like a hot-blooded idiot?

The same goes for his younger brother Sho Marufuji. Although his performance is still not very good, he can at least communicate normally with a few people on an equal footing and complain to each other like friends. Even after witnessing the dangers of dark games several times, he still remains the same. If he dared to go on an adventure with others, he would have been discouraged in the past by saying, I have a terminal disease that will kill me if I see a duel.

You even have some yourself, right? I thought that after Yusuke and Fubuki disappeared, I would never be able to find a comparable opponent in the school. Even if I challenged the teachers to a duel, I would not be able to make them use their full strength. Awe-inspiring people could not make progress and at the same time they were out of reach. Higher up, neither up nor down.

However, didn't I also find an interesting duelist, and in the team duel with him, I regained some of the fun of dueling and made almost unnoticeable progress?

All these changes come from you, Yujo Judai.

Tsk, tsk, today's students are too impatient. They set off in such a hurry and are not afraid of being caught and attacked in a moment of fatigue. It's too reckless.

Professor Kuronos clutched a handkerchief and shook his head dissatisfied, Even that poor student brought his classmates with him. It would be terrible if top students like his classmates were also led astray by him. No. Come on, it looks like I’ll have to give you more homework next time I go to class!”

After looking at Professor Kronos, Ryo Marufuji said, They have left. Do you need help, Teacher Kronos?

Huh!? Uh... I don't understand what you are talking about, Nono, Marufuji-san. After hearing Marufuji Ryo's words, Professor Kronos showed a visibly panicked expression, and then said harshly, I Isn't this good? If there is anyone who needs help, I--

But sensei, you haven't taken a single step since the duel, right?

Professor Kronos, who still wanted to continue to quibble, was silent for a moment after hearing Marufuji Ryo's words, and then said with a helpless smile: You are indeed a student that I am proud of, teacher, and your observation is as sharp as ever, Marufuji-san.

Everything has been exposed. Professor Kronos stopped holding on and sat down on the ground without any grace. Marufuji Ryo quickly supported him, went to the parked car, opened the door, and supported him. Professor Kuronos sat down.

...Dark games, as a professor, I can never admit that duel is dark, but I can't deny its real existence.

Just now, he had been holding a handkerchief against his fingers and holding his hand tightly to endure the pain. At this moment, because he was completely exposed, Professor Kronos had a distorted expression on his face, As the basic score drops, I am feeling It was extremely painful, and at the same time, there was a vague sense of powerlessness that my soul was about to be taken away.”

And in such a dangerous duel, nothing will happen again. I can't say such deceptive words.

Obviously as a teacher, I should stand in front of other students to protect them from harm and threats, but I can't stop them from protecting others. As a teacher, I am really unqualified...

Listening to Professor Kuronos's words, Ryo Marufuji didn't know how to comfort him. Although he was hailed as a genius in dueling, he felt that he had low emotional intelligence and was unable to speak and communicate. After three years in school, he also The only two friends who have disappeared are Fujiwara Yusuke and Tenjoin Fubuki, and they even have a bad relationship with their younger brother.

Suddenly, Ryo Marufuji's wrist was grabbed by Professor Chronos, and there was an uncontrollable slight tremor in the other's hand, both because of the pain in his body and because of self-blame.

Marufuji-kun, promise me, you will never fall into the darkness. Dark games, dark duels, that kind of thing should never envelope you. I can't drive away this darkness for you, but I want to ask you. You must remember my words as your teacher today.

A duel should be bright. Darkness can never override the light. No matter what lies ahead of you in the future, please keep your heart that firmly believes that dueling can bring hope and courage from being shaken!

Seeing the hopeful look in Professor Kronos's eyes, Marufuji nodded: I remember, Teacher Kronos.

That's good, that's good. Nodding with a smile, Chronos leaned on the driver's seat and said, Sorry, I lost a lot of basic points in the duel before. Teacher, I may need to take a little rest.

There are four Seven Stars who have landed on the island. Now that Camula has been eliminated and the Titans are still dueling with Wan Zhangmu in the red dormitory, there are still two Seven Stars wandering around the island, and there are people chasing them, so This lakeside is safe for the time being, and Ryo Marufuji will leave Professor Kuronos here for the time being.

In accordance with the wishes of Professor Kuronos, Marufuji did not immediately call Teacher Ayukawa Emi in the school medical room, because Professor Kuronos said that would damage his majestic image, but Marufuji finally Still worried about Professor Kronos' body that had become pineapple-shaped after the dark game, he still made a phone call after leaving the lake.

As for whether Professor Kronos would suspect who stabbed him in the back, Ryo Marufuji felt that Professor Kronos would not suspect him.

Judai had two key guardians, Asuka and Judai, and Judai was a duelist strong enough to be recognized by him, so Marufuji Ryo left the lake and headed in another direction. According to what Daitokuji teacher sent The news was that the four arithmetic students from the Huang dormitory were heading in the direction of chasing another Seven Stars. The destination was the back hill of the college. Marufuji Ryo chose to support that side.

However, before Marufuji Ryo found the non-existent four arithmetic, Hayabusa Maeda and Daichi Misawa, who were riding tandem bicycles, had successfully arrived at their destination, which was the vacant and undeveloped space at Duel Academy. Back mountain.

I have seen introductions to various places in the school in the freshman handbook, and I have carefully memorized the map of the entire island. So in my memory, the back hill of the school should be a large area that was reserved when the college was built. It is appropriate to use the open space that has been developed but was not used later.”

Leaning the tandem bicycle against a tree on the side of the road, Misawa put his chin in one hand and said, wondering if his memory had deteriorated.

Although I really don't like to go out for sports, I occasionally come to Houshan to sketch and practice painting. So you remember correctly, Wu Zhe, at least in my impression as a repeater who has been in school for more than one year, Houshan It’s also an empty space.”

It's not 50% off, it's Misawa, Misawa Dadi, thank you. After correcting his name, Misawa looked in front of them, But here in the back mountain...

When exactly...

There's actually an extra Colosseum! X2

Misawa and Maeda, whose attention was completely absorbed by the Colosseum in front of them, completely failed to notice that danger was gradually approaching in the jungle on both sides behind them. (End of chapter)

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