Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 73 Haima: Salute, all tribute

I activate the magic card [Fusion] and use the four monsters in my hand as [Ancient Mechanical Giant], [Ancient Mechanical Box], [Ancient Mechanical Body] and [Ancient Mechanical Beast] as fusion materials. Send it to the cemetery!”

Creations that have inherited ancient souls and mechanical structures, mix that power into one and turn it into the overwhelming power of chaos, Na No Nie!

Holding a card with a purple border in his hand and raising it above his head, Professor Chronos shouted, Appear! Level 10☆! The ultimate God of Destruction who returns everything in the world to invisible chaos!

Behind Professor Chronos, the four-body [ancient mechanical] monster appeared, disintegrated into many fragmentary parts and began to reassemble, and finally built a monster that was even larger than the [ancient mechanical giant]. Mechanical Titan!

As Professor Chronos placed the card in his hand on the duel disk, the gear transmission parts of the Mechanical Titan began to rotate, and the monitors in his eyes suddenly lit up with red light!

Fusion Summon! [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant]!

[Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] [10☆/Dark]

[Mechanical family/fusion/effect]


Seeing the majestic mechanical giant descending opposite him, Camula was stunned for a moment, and then showed an expression of disbelief: How, how is it possible?! A monster with an attack power of 4500 points is just like the legendary opponent. If I’m not a teacher or student in the academy, I won’t feel any burden when using it.”

Because he knew that he was going to duel with the Seven Stars who invaded the academy, and the message sent by Mr. Daitokuji mentioned that Judai identified one of the Seven Stars he had met as the one who kidnapped Asuka. Mercenary Titan, so Professor Chronos's attitude towards dueling with the Seven Stars can be said to be completely different from that in another timeline, changing from contempt for duelists who pretend to be gods to being against dangerous duelists who endanger the safety of teachers and students in the academy. Give it your all.

Not only did Asuka and the others agree with the trash talk disrupting mentality tactic that Asuka and the others thought of, they even adjusted their deck before the duel, adding the unused [Ancient Mechanical Titan-Ultimate Strike] and [Ancient Mechanical Titan] that had been sealed for a long time. Mechanical Chaos Titan] These cards have been re-added.

How hard is Professor Kuronos? From the fact that [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] is a dark attribute, mechanical fusion monster, we can see how struggling he is. Not shouting This is my struggle to win and then raising the grave is considered a great deal of restraint.

Enter my fighting phase!

As soon as the [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] was summoned, Professor Chronos went directly into his combat phase without further explanation. After confirming that he had successfully entered the combat phase, he began to explain his story slowly. The monster effect says, The effect of [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] is that as long as this card exists in the monster zone, this card will not be affected by the effects of magic and trap cards. At the same time, the opponent cannot use monsters during the battle phase. The effect is activated!

That is to say, at the moment when I enter the battle phase, even if there is a card like [Super Electromagnetic Turtle] in your graveyard that forces the end of the battle phase, you can't use it!

The reason why Chronos hurriedly entered the battle phase was because of the effect of [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant]. If it were not in the battle phase, its resistance would only be unaffected by the effects of magic and trap cards. Although It's not weak anymore, but it's still reassuring to have its resistance raised to its maximum during the battle phase.

The existence of this effect not only means that the opponent cannot use the second-speed monster effect to chain his own cards to activate the grave digging of Hayato's commonly used [Hellfire Machine], but also means that whether it is activated after being destroyed, [Wing Kururi Ball], monster Monsters such as [Sunrise Man] activated when being attacked cannot trigger the effect, even if Chronos does not use [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] but attacks with other monsters.

Although, even just one monster [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] is enough to defeat the opponent, and there is no need to summon other monsters.

The second effect of [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Titan] is that this card can attack all of the opponent's monsters once, and if it attacks a monster in defense position, it will inflict battle damage with an amount of attack power exceeding that defense power. Pointing to Camula's field, Chronos said, You have three monsters on your field, so next, I can attack you three times!

A three-hit combo of fusion monsters with 4,500 attack points. Among the fusion materials is a level 8☆ monster with 3,000 attack points. Those who didn’t know better thought Camura was facing Seto Kaiba instead of Chronos. It’s over.

After seeing the astonishment of the [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant], Kamula heard Chronos's words and suddenly realized her next ending, and her face turned pale with fright.

The effect of defense penetration, a full-field attack that can attack each monster once, not being affected by magic and trap card effects, and even blocking the activation of monster effects during the battle phase?! He calculated it for himself Camula's eyes widened at the damage she would receive next, Attack [Vampire's Familiar] to cause 4500 points of damage, attack [Vampire Red Baron] to cause 1600 points of damage, attack [Ancient Mechanical Giant-Ultimate Heavy Hit] 】Cause 1500 points of damage

I will receive a total of 7600 points of battle damage!?

You, you guy! You can't, you can't, you can't do this, you can't!

Why not, I just want to do this! Chronos said without mercy after hearing Camula's words, Vampire Camula, come and taste the most powerful creation of mankind that you despise. Attack, this is the insult I have prepared for you, the ultimate insult Na Nuo Nie!

First attack [Ancient Mechanical Giant-Ultimate Heavy Attack] and return my monster!

Chaos-Brust, fight continuously!

The attack named Chaos Explosive Bomb was released from the left arm barrel of [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Titan], and instantly hit [Ancient Mechanical Titan - Ultimate Heavy Attack] on Camura's field, and the latter was not affected at all. It was destroyed without any resistance and returned to Professor Chronos's graveyard, while Camura also suffered battle damage.


【Camura: 800→-700LP】

If it were a normal duel, the duel would end the moment Camura's basic points return to zero, but the dark game, as the name suggests, is a particularly dark game. Darkness is darkness. The end of the duel is exactly the beginning of the game.

Professor Chronos also thought that the duel would end when Camura's basic points returned to zero, so the first target he attacked was his [Ancient Mechanical Giant-Ultimate Blow]. After all, the monster was killed by someone else. It would be too pitiful to end the duel while under control, but what he didn't expect was that after Camura's basic points returned to zero, the changes in the values ​​did not stop at all, but dropped to a negative number lower than 0.

You know, in ordinary duels, let alone negative numbers, there are not even decimal points. For example, after activating [God's Declaration] with 1 base point, the base point will still be displayed as 1 point, and the monster with 0 attack power will After reducing the attack power by 2000 points, the attack power will still be only 0 points, but Camula's basic score at this moment breaks this common sense.

Chronos did not take any action because he was surprised, and Camura screamed in pain because of the real damage suffered by Dark Game, but the [ancient mechanical chaos giant] was still executing the previous attack instructions, and After the [Ancient Mechanical Titan-Ultimate Blow] was destroyed, the monitor turned to [Vampire Red Baron] aside, raising his left arm to reveal the fully charged barrel.

Chaos-Brust, two in a row!


Although [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] is not affected by the effects of magic and trap cards, it does not block the ability to activate magic and trap cards and take effect. The power of [Vampire Empire] is blessed by [Vampire Red Baron] It increased its attack power by 500 points, but in front of the [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant], this mere 500 points of attack power was simply a drop in the bucket and could not change the fate of [Vampire Red Baron] being destroyed.

Camula also suffered a second additional damage. She could barely stand just now and was knocked back several steps by the impact. She fell into the deep darkness exposed by the open [Phantom Demon Door]. middle.

[Camura: -700→-2300LP]

Ugh! The pain in her soul finally failed to suppress the fear in her heart. Camula woke up from the pain and suddenly realized the reason why her basic score would be negative at this moment. Under normal circumstances, the Dark Game will only end with the basic points returning to zero, and then the loser will be punished by the Dark Game. However, the biggest difference between this duel and the ordinary Dark Game is that he activated the [Phantom of the Demon]. Door】!

The reason why my base score is still declining is purely because [Phantom Demon Gate] protects my soul from being torn apart by the power from the dark game, but that is not to protect myself, but just to be able to take it away in the end. My own soul!

While Camula was thinking about this, [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] lowered his attacking arms, and opened his front chest to reveal the largest caliber gun barrel directly connected to the power core, with cyan energy flowing in it. Black-purple electric light began to pulse around the surging and accumulated power inside.

Is this the end for me, the end for the vampires like us? Camula looked at the [ancient mechanical chaos giant], and at the last moment she thought about each other a lot, No, since the final winner is As for you humans, no matter how strong our will to resist, we can't change anything. We should say, 'we vampires'.

Smiling self-deprecatingly, Camula looked at Chronos and said: Celebrate, humans, the last vampire has been killed by you, and you will continue to be the masters of the world. But, can you surpass that? What about the darkness hidden beneath the surface of the world? I look forward to your end.

Let's just take it as a reward. A reward for wiping out another race. Let me tell you three pieces of information about the 'Seven Stars' to which I belong. The corner of his mouth curled up, and Camula, who was at the end of his life, said playfully, Although I didn't think about it at first, now I suddenly noticed that the kid over there is somewhat similar to a person in Seven Stars. I saw his appearance under the mask once, and his chest There’s a piece of that, too.”

Camula looked at Asuka, and with her stunned expression, she looked at the half stone plate on Judai's chest. In Camula's impression, the guy called Darkness who often wears a mask has a similar stone plate on his chest, and his face is very similar to Asuka.

Before Asuka and Judai could react, Kamula continued: Then there is the second piece of information. Although it is called 'Seven Stars', there were actually more than seven people selected for 'Seven Stars' at the beginning, but there was one The group of five people was eliminated for some reason, and was replaced by another person summoned by the leader of our 'Seven Stars' organization. It is said that he has participated in a similar organization and has extremely strong strength.

After a pause, Camula looked at Chronos and said, Even the strength you have shown so far is still inferior to that man. And although the remaining people in the Seven Stars did not land with us on the island, , But it won’t be long before they come to the island, hunt for the key to the ‘Seven Spirits Seal’ in your hands, and seize the sealed card.”

And the last thing is that among all the 'Seven Stars', although I am confident that I am by no means the weakest, I also know that my strength is by no means the strongest. There are at least three people who are stronger than me. There is even one of the strongest beings who was once known as the 'Undefeated Duelist'!

Scanning the faces of everyone on the field, Camus said proudly: Although there is a saying that 'the unknown is the scariest thing', sometimes the more you know, the more desperate you can feel. This is me Camus La—the last vampire gives you human rewards and punishments!”

I'm in hell, waiting to appreciate your despair! Hahahahaha!

Camula's loud laughter was completely overshadowed by the sound of the gun barrel of the [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] firing. The final blow of all the power gathered completely engulfed Camula's [Vampire's Familiar] in defense position on the field. The latter's power of 0 did not reduce the power of the [ancient mechanical chaos giant]'s attack at all. Camura was directly hit by the chaos explosion bomb!

Chaos-Brust, three strikes in a row!

But this time, Camula's basic sub-panel did not show any display or change, because she herself had been directly driven into the darkness in the Phantom Demon Gate by the attack of the Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant. . Then, the opened door slowly closed, and the [Illusion Demon Door] and the [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant] disappeared together with the end of the duel.

Actually, he really disappeared? Mamma Mia, is it true that the soul of the loser will be swallowed up before? No! After the duel, he looked at the person who disappeared without a trace. Camura, Professor Kuronos said, covering his cheek in surprise.

Behind Kuronos, Judai was not affected by Camura's words at all compared to Asuka who was deep in thought. He excitedly said to Professor Kuronos: What an interesting duel, Kuronos. Teacher Si! What a beautiful win!

While excited, he was a little curious and puzzled, and asked, But Teacher Kuronos, you are so strong, why didn't you show me these powerful cards in the entrance examination?

After hearing Judai's words, Professor Chronos rotated the duel disk he was wearing, revealing the back of the duel disk, and showed it to Judai. There are four Chinese characters written on it, Be a role model for others.

Nonsense, Iamateacher!

For a moment, Judai looked at Professor Chronos's face, which couldn't be said to be exactly the same as the [Pot of Desire], at least it was a twin brother, and suddenly felt that he was quite handsome.

The duel between Camura and Professor Kuronos is a bit long. After all, the next time I want to have a duel with him, I will have to have a graduation duel in the third year. Maybe I can wait for Ku Juji's new card by then, such as A5. So far, only one of the ancient mechanical hounds has been released.

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