Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 21 The retro beauty of rookies pecking each other

【E·hero Big Tornado】【ATK2800】

Putting the card of [E·hero Big Tornado] on the duel plate, Judai looked at the monster that descended on his field and said with a smile:


The tornado carrying sand and dust attacked the Asuka field under the command of [E·hero Big Tornado]. Although it was not like [Big Storm] that would destroy the cards in the backfield, the strong airflow also greatly It weakened the already low combat effectiveness of her two [Electronic Angels] on the field.

[Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-][1000/1000→500/500]

[Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-][1600/2000→800/1000]

You actually weakened my monster? Asuka looked at Judai's [E·hero Big Tornado] on the field, If the enemy monster's attack power and defense value are reduced without taking the target, doesn't that mean that even if Is it a monster of the level of [Five Divine Dragons], and its attack power will be reduced to only 2500 points in front of that [E·hero Big Tornado]?

Hehe, not only that, [E·hero Solid State Man], one of the fusion materials of [E·hero Big Tornado], also has an effect that can be activated. As he spoke, Judai took out a monster card from the graveyard, [ If E·hero Solid State Hero is sent from the monster zone to the graveyard by the effect of a magic card, activate it by targeting a single [Hero] monster in my graveyard other than 【E·hero Solid State Hero】, and put it in Defense Position on my field. Special call.”

I special summon [E·hero Skyman] in defense position, and then when [E·hero Skyman] is specially summoned successfully, activate its other effect, and select up to the number of [Hero] monsters on my field other than him. Destroy the magic and trap cards on the field.

Placing [E·hero Skyman] on the field, Judai pointed at Asuka: The cards I want to destroy are the field magic card [Blessed Church-Ritual Church], and the one on the left side of your back field in Tenjoyen. A cover card!”

As Judai selected the target, two whirlwinds were generated from the turbine aircraft behind [E·hero] and struck Asuka on the field. With two sounds of bang and bang, the field magic card [Blessed Church] -Ritual Church] and a cover card in Asuka's backcourt was torn apart by the whirlwind.

When the illusory church faded away, Judai also saw clearly that the destroyed card in Asuka's back field was actually [Explosive Armor], and said with a smile: I didn't expect you, Tenjoin-san, to actually bring [Explosive Armor] in the deck. Ah. I heard someone say that that card has a curse that will never be successfully activated or successfully activated.

But it at least attracted one of your destructive effects and reserved another cover card for me, didn't it? After hearing Judai's words, Asuka, who has always been strong, was not willing to be ridiculed by Judai, Even if you take my Just because the [Cyber ​​Angels]’s attack power and defense power have dropped to half, it doesn’t mean they can break through my defense!”

Huh? So the other cover card is the key point? Tsk, I guessed it wrong. Judai scratched the back of his head, and because of Asuka's words, he focused on the other cover card that Asuka had not destroyed. But it doesn't matter. This is not the limit for my [E·heroes] right now.

Activate the effect of [Demon King of the Swamp] in my hand, discard it from my hand to the graveyard during my main phase, and add a [Fusion] from my deck to my hand, Then, I activate [Fusion] again!

Asuka can perform two ritual summons in one turn, so in return, Judai will naturally perform a second fusion summon in his turn. The [Fusion] retrieved from the discarded [Demon King of the Swamp] is He immediately played it, and this time the fusion material he chose was the monsters on the field and in his hand.

Send [E·hero Liquid Man] in my hand and [E·hero Skyman] on the field to the graveyard as fusion materials. The fusion materials require two [Hero] monsters with different attributes!

After hearing this material request, Hayato couldn't help but become serious. Neither [E·hero Shining Man] nor [E·hero Big Tornado] is a fusion monster included in the [E·hero] cards released on the market, but it was somewhat within Hayato's expectations, so for now It can be regarded as an average printing card.

But the fusion material requirement for the fusion monster Judai is using at this moment, if Hayato remembers correctly, it should be that monster. I remember that Judai from the future used that monster a few years ago. That monster, like the rising sun, can bring hope and miracles.

When the dual souls of elements meet, the power of the atmosphere awakened by the fusion of water and wind will bring life and hope. Give birth to the rising sun, hero of the sun!

Fusion Summon! [E·hero Sunrise Man]!

The flowing blue cloak was blown up by the breeze passing through the central square, the broad chest, the sharp gaze through the horned helmet, and the handsome weapons mounted on the two gauntlets that looked like the shining sun wheel split in half. !

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【7☆/Light】



[E·hero] is a hero who controls the elemental power 'Elemental' and upholds justice. What they are best at is combining multiple elemental powers to create miracles. Judai said with a proud face, In [ E·hero Sunrise Man] can activate its effect when the special summon is successful, and add a [Miracle Fusion] from the deck to my hand.

The effect of one of the materials, [E·hero Liquid Man], is activated when it becomes the fusion material of the [Hero] fusion monster and is sent to the graveyard or eliminated. I draw two cards from the deck and choose one. Discard the card in your hand.

Judai, who had only one card left after Fusion Summoning [E·hero Sunrise Man], suddenly had three cards in his hand. Even though he used the Fusion Summon, he didn't lose a single card, and he also defended the field. [E·hero Skyman], which said it could not participate in attacks, became the powerful [E·hero Sunrise Man].

In addition, the second effect of [E·hero Sunrise Hero] is to increase the attack power of the monsters on my field by a value equal to the attribute type of the monster on my field x 200 points. Now I have a light attribute [E] on my field. ·Hero Sunrise Man], the fire attribute [E·hero Flame Man] and the wind attribute [E·hero Big Tornado], so all the monsters on my field will be affected by the effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man] Increased attack power by 600 points!

[E·hero Sunrise Man] On the left arm, on the sickle-shaped half of the sun disk, three decorative pillars light up with white, red and green three-color shimmer, which seems to be absorbing the power of the elements, and as he Raising his arms and shouting, the attack power of all the monsters on Judai's field were all increased!

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK2500→3100】

【E·hero Flame Man】【ATK1200→1800】

【E·hero Big Tornado】【ATK2800→3400】

Looking at the [Miracle Fusion] added to his hand, Judai's intuition told him that now was not the best time to use this card. He used his amazing wisdom to think about it, and decided: Then, I want to enter the battle. It’s the stage, Tianshangyuan!”

First use [E·hero Flame Man] to attack [Electronic Angel - Wei Tuotian-]. Under the influence of [E·hero Big Tornado], now [E·hero Flame Man] can already use battle to attack It’s ruined!”

The third effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man] is also activated at the same time. When [E·hero Flame Man] declares an attack for battle, it can only be activated by targeting a card on the field and destroying that card. .”

Before [E·hero Flame Man]'s attack officially started, Judai pointed to the last card in Asuka's back field and said: What I want to destroy is the last card in your back field in Tenjoin!

The sun without mercy!

A beam of sunlight was released from the hand of [E·hero Sunrise Man] and shot towards the cover card in Asuka's backcourt, piercing it. At the same time, [E·hero Flameman] also started running from the Judai court, covered in blood. Wrapped in flames, he punched [Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-], who was also dressed like a runner.

[E·hero Tornado] weakens the enemy, [E·hero Sunrise Man] coordinates the elemental power and increases its amplification, and the rear cover has been cleared. No matter how you look at it, at this moment it should be [E ·Hero Flame Man] will destroy [Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-] with one punch of Fire Fist.

However, Judai saw that [Electronic Angel - Wei Tuotian-] ignored the flames on [E·hero Flame Man]'s fist, easily received his attack, and raised his head to look at [E·hero Flame Man] He also showed a proud smile.

At the same time, Asuka's voice came——

As expected, your strength should not be underestimated, Yujo Judai. Your ability to defeat Professor Kuronos and Wan Zhangmu is not a coincidence or luck, but is supported by strong strength.

Taking out Gaika, who was selected as the target of destruction by [E·hero Sunrise Man], from the duel plate, Asuka showed it to Judai, However, in the pursuit of becoming stronger, I will never lose to anyone, and I will never lose to anyone. You must prove that I am stronger than you!

Before it was destroyed by you, I activated this card, the trap card [Wall of Partition]. It can only be activated when the opponent's monster declares an attack. It reduces the attack power of all attack position monsters on the opponent's field. Monsters on the opponent's field. The value of quantity x 800 points!

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK3100→700】

【E·hero Flame Man】【ATK1800→0】

【E·hero Big Tornado】【ATK3400→1000】

Asuka pointed at [E·hero Flame Man] who was controlled by [Electronic Angel - Wei Tuotian-] and could not retract his fist: The increase in monster attributes has indeed improved the benefit effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man], but At the same time, your monster will also be reduced in attack power by [Wall of Partition], and this attack will not trigger a battle resumption!

The defense power of my [Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-] is 1000 points, so let's take 1000 points of battle damage, Yucheng Judai!

Following Asuka's words, [Cyber ​​Angel - Wei Tuotian-] clenched the left hand of [E·hero Flame Man]'s fist, pulled [E·hero Flame Man] back, and swung it out of the air fiercely. He hit [E·hero Flame Man] in the face with his right fist, sending it flying and falling back to Judai's field.

Judai also suffered 1,000 points of combat damage.

【Ten generations: 4000→3000LP】

Hmm, what a powerful blow. He touched his left cheek. Although the virtual projection system would not hit Judai's face with the same punch as [E·hero Flame Man] received, Just watching his hero being beaten away, Judai also subconsciously felt a little phantom pain, Although Xiang told me that you are the beauty of the first grade and even the entire school at Tenjoyin, you are different from your appearance, you are a powerful duelist. Rather than an empty vase.

Humph, isn't that natural? After hearing Judai's words, Asuka was not angry at all. In fact, it didn't matter to her that being commented on appearance or anything else, but it was people like Judai who paid more attention to duel strength than appearance. To make her feel happier.

In the past, even if she won the duel gracefully and beautifully, others would only pay more attention to how beautiful she looked and how gorgeous the monster was. Judai was still the first to admit that she was a powerful duelist.

Looking at Judai, she also smiled: Have you now understood what 'roses have thorns' means, Judai?

Although it does hurt a little, it's not the time for me to give up yet. Judai responded with a bright smile and pointed at another monster on Asuka's field, This battle stage cannot destroy [Electronic] for the time being. If [Angel - Wei Tuotian -], then I will destroy [Electronic Angel - Nasatimi -] first, but I can’t let you continue to recover your basic points in the next round to widen the gap.

[E·hero Big Tornado], attacks [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-], super single thunderstorm!

Although the name is Big Tornado, and the effect is used to drive sandstorms, but when it comes to attacking, [E·hero Big Tornado] turns out a ball of lightning in his hand, and as the thunder and lightning merge into the surrounding cyclone, the lightning storm Attacking the [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-] on Asuka Field. If you don't look at the data but look at the momentum of the attack, who can tell that the current attack power of [E·hero Tornado] is actually only 1,000 points?

I'm not bragging, I can block this attack with my butt!

If you keep arguing, I'll keep stuffing you under the table.

I was wrong, Ani~

[Disturbing Yellow], who came out to refresh his presence, was driven back into the card by Hayato's words. On the field, a thunder and lightning storm was about to fall on [Electronic Angel-Na Satimi-], but he didn't even look at it. What did Asuka do? Judai found that the thunderstorm suddenly disappeared out of thin air! ?

[Electronic Angel - Nasatimi-] is not only pretty, it's just a thunderstorm, watch me push it back! Asuka explained with a smile, [Electronic Angel - Nasatimi-]'s second The effect is that when a Ritual Monster on my field is selected as the target of an attack, it is activated to invalidate that attack.

The centaur goddess with four arms, four legs, four breasts and four eyes waved her two right hands covered in golden armor. It was the two hands here that activated the ability to erase the attack of [E·hero's big tornado]. , and the other two hands can use the ability to restore Asuka's basic points in the previous round.

Such an effect doesn't even happen once per round? You are indeed very strong, Tenshoin. I should have known that [E·hero Sunrise Man] was supposed to destroy [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-] just now.

Knowing the effect of [Cyber ​​Angel-Nasatimi-], Judai did not let the remaining [E·hero Sunrise Man] that had not attacked continue to carry out unnecessary attacks, and checked the remaining cards in his hand. , he said helplessly, However, it's too late to regret now. I put two cards in the backfield and the round is over.

[Ten generations: 3000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK700】

【E·hero Flame Man】【ATK0】

【E·hero Big Tornado】【ATK1000】

【Gate Card】X3

Because of a [Wall of Partition], the attack power of all Judai's monsters was reduced to the point where even [Disruption Yellow] couldn't kick its butt. The same thing happened to Asuka's [Cyber ​​Angel] because of [E·hero] Big Tornado] has shrunk the already low value, but the effects of both sides do not last for one turn, but exist indefinitely, which makes it feel like a duel monster in the early stage when the monsters on both sides are put together. The retro beauty of monsters and chickens pecking each other while holding a pile of human bones.

It's also a good thing that Judai didn't use [Miracle Fusion] to summon another fusion monster before, otherwise, there would probably be very few monsters on his field with more than 500 attack points at this moment. For safety reasons, Judai decisively covered all three cards including [Miracle Fusion] in an attempt to survive Asuka's turn.

Also taking advantage of the fact that Judai's field was full of attack monsters with low attack power, Asuka prepared to take the opportunity to counterattack and try to take down Judai in one wave. She drew a card and said: My turn, draw a card!

Then I put a card in my hand and activate the magic card, [Treasure Card from Heaven]!

Thanks for the 5,000 points from the book friend Taotie or Qiqiong, thank you very much

ps1: When accepting the question about the poor optimization of the PC version of Star Sky, Bethesda director Todd said: We have indeed made optimizations. Star Sky is a next-generation game. Maybe you need to upgrade your computer configuration.

——I really like what a star player said: Can't I get a stable 60 frames when running 1080p on my 4090?

ps2: According to Bayside executive Pete Hines, the space epic game Starry Sky may take 130 hours to actually start.

——I like a Steam comment very much: Where are you leaving the ten-week speedrun here?

ps3: For a pure passerby, I feel that the starry sky is too explosive.

ps4: please vote for recommendation

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