Chapter 1076 Fate is wonderful

Activate [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky] until there are six cards in hand, and both parties draw cards from their respective decks!

After studying in the middle section of Duel Academy for three years, Asuka naturally understands the concept of the so-called card deficit in duels. Needless to say, the importance of cards in her hand is also important to her who uses the ritual summoning of losing cards. Add this card to your deck, which is the most powerful card to replenish your hand -

However, because Judai also had 0 cards in his hand, the card gap between the two of them was not widened.

I have 0 cards in my hand, so I can draw six cards from the deck due to the effect of [Treasure Cards Falling from the Sky].

That's the same thing for me.

Six cards were automatically pushed out from the top of the deck. Asuka and Judai pulled out these six cards simultaneously. When they saw the cards they had drawn, Asuka and Judai also had smiles on their faces, and they seemed to be borrowing them. This is a good card to draw.

Noticing the confident smile on Judai's face, Asuka realized that Judai's hand was also very good: Did you also draw good cards, Judai? But, I will not let you have the opportunity to use those cards. .”

Open the card I just set, the ritual magic card [Mechanical Angel's Ritual], and add the level 6☆ [Electronic Angel - Wei Tuotian-] on my field and the level 3☆ [Amabi] in my hand. Miss Ai] is liberated so that the total level is 9☆, which is above level 8☆!”

[Girl Amabie] This angel-type monster actually has the ability to show this card in your hand to the opponent at the beginning of the main phase 1 to activate it and restore 300 base points to both duelists. However, because Because I only drew [Treasure Card from Heaven], I just missed the opportunity for this card to activate its effect.

In addition, Asuka's current basic points are already 1800 points ahead of Judai. She already has enough advantages that she does not need to continue to expand, and she is already planning to clear Judai's basic points as much as possible in this round, but she failed. There is no harm in activating the effect of [Girl Amabie], so just release it to fill up the star rating required for ritual summoning.

O Dakini who bear the name of ghosts and gods, respond with a solemn posture and bring me victory! Ritual summons, level 8☆!

[Electronic Angel-Dajini-]!

The four-armed [Electronic Angel] was born in the light of the ceremony, holding a knife in one hand and a sword in the other. The other two hands held a long spear with the same color as the skin. It looked better than the previous bare-handed [Electronic Angel]. -Nasatimi-], [Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-] they need to be better at fighting.

【Electronic Angel-Dajini-】【8☆/Light】

[Angel Clan/Ritual/Effect]


Same as [Cyber ​​Angel-Bentian-], [Cyber ​​Angel-Wei Tuotian-] has an effect when it is released, permanently increasing the attack power and defense power of all ritual monsters on my field by 1000 points. . Asuka said while sending the card to the graveyard, At the same time, when the ritual summon is successful, the effect of [Cyber ​​Angel-Dajini-] will also be activated, and the opponent must send one of the monsters on his field to the graveyard.

It's up to me to choose, does that mean it has an effect on the player? Even if it adds resistance to the monster, it's useless.

Hearing this, Judai looked at the three-body monster on his field with some distress. He liked both the heroes and it was difficult to make a choice. After thinking twice, he picked up the [E·hero Flame Man] card with the lowest attack power on the duel plate, Sorry, [Flame Man], I have to let you rest in the cemetery first.

As Judai sent [E·hero Flame Man] to the graveyard, because his attributes on the field were reduced to the fire attribute, the attack power bonus provided by [E·hero Sunrise Man] also decreased. It was reduced by 200 points, but the two ritual monsters on Asuka's field received the bonus of the liberated [Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-].

【Electronic Angel-Dajini-】【2700/2400→3700/3400】

[Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-][500/500→1500/1500]

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK700→500】

【E·hero Big Tornado】【ATK1000→800】

Under the circumstances, Asuka now only needs to use the [Electronic Angel - Dajini-] whose attack power even surpasses the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon] to launch an attack, and can easily clear out Judai's basic points.

But before that, Asuka deliberately activated the effect of [Electronic Angel - Nasatimi -] again: The effect of [Electronic Angel - Nasatimi -] is activated, with the [Electronic Angel] on my field Angel-Dajini-] is the target, and it will restore my basic value equal to half of its attack power.

[Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-] waved his two hands on the left, drawing the life force from [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] and pouring it into Asuka's body. She saw that her basic skills were already very high. points increased again.

【Asuka: 4800→6150LP】

The basic score has reached more than twice that of the tenth generation, and she still has four card resources in her hand. Asuka glanced at the remaining four cards in her hand. Although she felt that she had a chance to win and had 100% ability to win, she needed to do her best. Increase your winning rate as much as possible, even if it's just another 1%.

Activate the quick-attack magic card [Solemn Mechanical Angel] to liberate [Cyber ​​Angel-Benten-] in my hand, and use a light attribute angel monster on my field - [Cyber ​​Angel-Dajini-] as the The target activates. The target monster's attack power and defense power are increased by 200 points until the end of the round by the level of the released monster.

Sending a card from his hand to the graveyard to activate the card inserted into the magic trap area, Asuka pointed to the [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] on her field and said, And in this turn, the target monster is fighting with the slave. When an opponent's monster specially summoned by the fusion deck battles, the effect of that opponent's monster will be negated only during the battle phase!

Asuka has not forgotten that when Judai used [E·hero Flame Man] to fight in the last round, the effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man] was triggered, but Judai did not fully explain the effect of [E·hero Sunrise] at that time. What is the effect of E Hero? It just says When [E·hero] declares an attack in battle, it can only be activated by targeting a card on the field and destroying that card.

Because of Judai's incomplete description, Asuka did not know exactly what the triggering condition of the third effect of [E·hero] was. She could only confirm that part of the condition was when a monster declares an attack in battle.

However, there is not enough evidence to confirm the effect, so we can simply block its effect. The only thing Asuka can confirm is that the third effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man] can only be activated during the battle phase with an attack declaration as a trigger. Yes, otherwise Judai would not have taken that move [Wall of Parting] before.

At this moment, the [Solemn Mechanical Angel] she activated, even if the effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man] is triggered when the attack is declared, it can immediately seal it and be ineffective!

Not only that, the card released by Asuka in order to activate [Solemn Mechanical Angel] also has effects that can be activated.

The level of [Cyber ​​Angel-Benten-] is 6☆, so the attack power and defense power of [Cyber ​​Angel-Dajini-] will increase by 1200 points, and due to the effect of [Cyber ​​Angel-Benten-], I added an angel-type light attribute monster from the deck to my hand, and I chose [Electronic Egg-born Angel].

Retrieving a card from the deck, Asuka immediately played it, Then, I normally summon [Electronic Egg-Bird Angel] in defense position. If the summoning is successful, the effect will be activated. I will take the second card from my deck [ Blessed Church - Ritual Church] is added to the hand and activates this card!

【Electronic Angel-Dajini-】【3700/3400→4900/4600】

The attack power of [Cyber ​​Angel-Dajini-], which had already surpassed [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], has been increased again. After receiving 1,200 points of blessing, its attack power has surpassed even [Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon], only missing. It is slightly on par with [Five Divine Dragons]. After an egg-shaped angel in defense position appeared next to him, the field magic card that was previously destroyed by the effect of [E·hero Skyman] rose again!

Return [Planet Transformation] and [Ritual of the Mechanical Angel] from my graveyard to the deck, special summon the level 2☆ [Proclaimer's Sorcerer] in defense position from my graveyard, and if its special summon is successful, Activate its effect on occasion and send the Angel type [Elf] from my deck to the graveyard, and the level will increase by 3☆.

Using [Solemn Mechanical Angel] to increase attack power was Asuka's last effort to increase her winning rate. However, the subsequent field magic cards and the reappearance of [Declarer's Divine Witch] were only Asuka's personal wishes. Although in theory Asuka can expand further if she can take out another ritual magic card and a ritual monster, but unfortunately the remaining cards in her hand at this moment are a ritual monster and a trap card, and she expands to [Declaration After the appearance of the magical witch], it could only regretfully come to an abrupt end.

‘Please watch, Principal Xiaolin, this proves that I am powerful! ’

Glancing at Hayato in the stands, Asuka refocused her attention on Judai. Although he was one of the few boys she liked, in order to enter the old school building and find clues about her missing brother, she had to defeat him: Enter My combat stage is about to begin, Judai!

I use [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] to attack [E·hero Sunrise Man], and due to the effect of [Solemn Mechanical Angel], the effect of [E·hero Sunrise Man] will be blocked and invalid!

The [Cyber ​​Angel-Dajini-] holding a sword in her hands raised the weapons in her hands and overlapped them. Light bloomed from the tips of the weapons in her hands, briefly putting Judai on the field [E·hero Sunrise Man]. The light covers the past. Whether it was the third effect that Asuka could not fully understand, or the ever-present second effect of increasing attack power, they all disappeared in this instant.

【E·hero Sunrise Man】【ATK500→100】

4900 points of attack power versus 100 points of attack power. Asuka doesn't know how to lose? He waved his hand and ordered: Defeat your opponent, Dakini Achievement!

In the name of the method of becoming a Buddha represented by Dajini, the weapon wrapped in the holy light in the hand of [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] swung towards the Judai who was weakened to the extreme [E·hero Sunrise Man] 】, with the intention of enlightening Buddhahood together with the ten generations behind him.

Marufuji Sho, Misawa and others outside the field were all sweating for Judai when they saw this scene, and Junko and Momoe, who were looking forward to Asuka's victory, couldn't help but hold their breath. But on the duel field, seeing the attack of [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] coming, Judai smiled and said: It's really amazing, Tenjoyin, the attack power has reached as high as 4900 points, and it is almost touching the duel monster. The pinnacle of it.”

So strong, so strong. I can hardly contain my excitement about fighting such a monster. As he said this, Judai pressed the button to activate Gaika. After all, the climax of a hero's story is The moment when I defeated an almost invincible enemy!

Open the cover card, [Magic Barrel], invalidate the attack of [Electronic Angel-Dajini-], and inflict damage equal to its attack power to you, Tianshangyuan!


Seeing Judai's Gaika [Magic Tube], the atmosphere in the stands changed instantly. Misawa and Marufuji Sho, who just thought Judai was going to lose, suddenly became excited, while Junko and Momoe were Judai looked at the Gaika that he opened in surprise.

Let them see how powerful you are, 1!

Brother will always find a way!

It's actually a [Magic Can]!?

Hayato leaned on the back of the chair, folded his arms across his chest, looked at the [Magic Canister] blocking the attack of [Electronic Angel-Dajini-], and murmured: The [Magic Canister] that reflects damage, If [Cyber ​​Angel -Nasatimi-] hadn't restored Asuka's base points before, the damage of up to 4900 points would have cleared Asuka's base points in one go.

Even now, Asuka's basic points are able to withstand this damage, but the existence of [Magic Canister] has also blocked the [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] that should have been the ultimate kill.

After a pause, Hayato looked at Asuka's hand, If you don't have that card.

Looking at the [Magic Cylinder] standing in front of her [Electronic Angel-Dajini-], Asuka clenched her right fist and took a deep breath.

There is something I must do. This does not come from other people's requirements, but from my own thoughts. For this reason, I want to be the strongest and defeat everything that stands in front of me. Even if it comes from my own thoughts. Even if it’s a [magic tube], don’t even think about blocking my way!”

I swear here, I will cut off everything in the world. Accept my oath and give me an invincible sword! Turning over a card in his hand and showing it to Judai, Asuka declared, Judai, I will Use this card to defeat you!

[Old Saint Dai-Shilong], when a magic, trap, or monster effect targeting a monster on my field is activated by my opponent, discard this card from my hand to activate it, invalidating that activation!

The situation reversed twice. Judai finally used a [Magic Cylinder] to get a chance, but Asuka actually played a card from her hand to invalidate its activation. What was quite dramatic was that the card Asuka used Zhang [Old Saint Dai-Shilong] was exactly what Judai got when she exchanged cards with her during the card exchange meeting held on the cruise ship not long ago!

This cannot be said to be a coincidence, it is almost fate!

As Asuka sent [Old Saint Dai-Shiryu] to the cemetery, the [Electronic Angel-Dajini-] on her field raised a long sword alone, which originated from [Old Saint Dai-Shiryu]. The graveyard pours into its sword blade, turning into a great force that can split everything. Even the [Magic Barrel] that can rebound infinite attack power will be torn apart by this sword.

Pointing at the [Magic Canister] blocking the road, Asuka ordered: Crush it, [Electronic Angel-Dajini-]!

Then bring me the glory of victory!

Speaking of which, although Judai acted like a straight man in the later period, he had no emotions in his heart and only played cards, but in fact when he saw Asuka for the first time and was reminded by the other party, he would tease Asuka, Do you like me?

Sure enough, studying the law for a long time will make people lose their humanity, and playing cards too much will make people lose their emotions (confidence)

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