Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 20 There are three level X monsters, they are about to be attacked!

[Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-][5☆/Light]

[Angel Clan/Ritual/Effect]


Although it is a level 5☆ monster and looks pretty good, when he saw the attack power and defense values ​​of [Cyber ​​Angel-Nasatimi-], Sho Marufuji said in surprise: Level 5☆ The monster's attack power is only 1000 points? Isn't that even? Junko said scornfully, Asuka's [Cyber ​​Angel] is very strong. How can a card like [Lion Wizard] not even be considered a fish monster? Comparison of?

And you didn't see Asuka's hand, and she didn't even Normal Summon this turn? If you don't understand the duel, can you please be quiet?

Junko and Momoe each made Sho Marufuji shut up with one sentence, and Misawa also turned his attention to Asuka's hand because of their words.

When [Cyber ​​Angel - Benten -] is released, activate her effect and add a light-attribute, angel-type monster from my deck to my hand.

Adding a card retrieved by [Electronic Angel-Benten-] to her hand, Misawa discovered that she still had four cards in her hand. Counting the field magic cards that continued to exist, she actually had one Summoning [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi], which should have required at least three cards to ritually summon, without losing any cards?

Although it is a ritual deck, it not only does not lose cards but also earns cards. [Cyber ​​Angel] seems to be very good at resource turnover... Muttering to himself, Misawa wrote down the characteristics of Asuka's deck, However, there is insufficient data in other aspects and we need to continue to collect...

On the field, Asuka glanced at the remaining four cards in her hand, pulled out one of them and said: I haven't done any normal summons this turn, so I will normally summon this monster in attack position on my field. Come out, [The Proclaimer’s Sorcerer]!”

The rainbow light landed in front of Asuka. Under the sacred and sublime light, a miko covered with illusory wings of light slowly stood up and sang a sacred song.

【Proclaimer's Sorcerer】【2☆/Light】

【Angel Family/Effect】


Now, it was Junko and Momoe's turn to be confused again: It's strange, Asuka has never used this monster before? Such a beautiful monster, if Asuka has used it before, we will definitely be impressed. .”

Hayato Dragonfly Captain Dan Lidou, who was sitting in front of a few people, heard this and replied: It's normal that you haven't seen it before, because this card was actually given to Tenjoin Asuka by your principal. After all, there is no Duel who is more caring than him. Well, even though that card belongs to another set of ritual cards, it can also fit the [Cyber ​​Angel] used by Tenjoin Asuka.

Hey~ Is that so? Instead of complaining about Hayato's disguise, which everyone except Judai recognized, Momoe thought for a while and nodded, That's right, after all, there are no people in the entire academy who use ritual monsters. How many.

Junko glanced at the cute [Proclaimer's Divine Witch]: That monster is so cute, the ritual monsters in the ritual deck it belongs to must be even more beautiful, right?

Isn't that natural? How can there be such a beautiful monster like [Sogo] in the world, with such intense beauty.

After Asuka on the field summoned [Proclaimer's Sorcerer], she raised the duel disk and retrieved a card saying: It can only be activated when [Proclaimer's Sorcerer] is summoned or special summoned successfully. From my deck ·In the fusion deck, an Angel-type monster is sent to the graveyard, and its level is increased by the level of that monster until the end of the round. The card I sent to the graveyard is this, a level 2☆ [Tennis Cupid] ].

【Proclaimer's Sorcerer】【2☆→4☆】

The upgraded [Proclaimer's Sorcerer] can provide a higher total level in ritual summons, but Asuka did not immediately start another ritual. Instead, she activated a card and said: Then this card , the magic card [Monster Gate], activates by liberating a monster on my field, turning over the cards from the top of my deck until a monster that can be normally summoned appears, special summoning it on my field, and sending the rest of the cards cemetery.

This is a necessary sacrifice!

[Proclaimer's Sorcerer], who just appeared, only piled one card into the graveyard, and was released by Asuka, who activated [Monster Gate]. If you are lucky, you can pile most of the deck into the graveyard with this [ Monster Gate] did not play much role in Asuka's hands. After turning over a ritual magic card [Mechanical Angel's Absolute Ritual], the second card she turned over was a monster that can be normally summoned [ Electronic Angel].

Then, I will send [Machine Angel's Absolute Ritual] to the graveyard, and then special summon [Electronic Angel] in defense position. Asuka said as she sent the card to the graveyard, but retrieved another one from the deck. Card comes, And the second effect of [Proclaimer's Sorcerer], activated when this card is released, from my hand and deck, except [Proclaimer's Sorcerer], I will activate it with a level of 2 or lower. The angel-type monster is specially summoned.”

I special summon [Electronic Egg-born Angel]!

Asuka's hand had two fewer cards than before she summoned [Proclaimer's Wizard], but in exchange for [Monster Gate] and [Proclaimer's Wizard], she had two more cards on the field at once. These small angel monsters in defense position all look like spheres with wings.

【Electronic Angel】【2☆/Light】

【Angel Family/Effect】


【Electronic egg-born angel】【2☆/Light】

【Angel Family/Effect】


‘Then you should have seen that even the card you just gave me, I still have the power to use it skillfully! Glancing at Hayato in the stands, Asuka recalled that she stayed up late yesterday thinking about how to use [Proclaimer's Sorcerer], and felt that her efforts were rewarded. She waved her hand and said, [Electronic Little Angel] and [Electronic Angel] Egg-born Angel] has effects that can be activated when the special summon is successful!

The effect of [Electronic Egg-born Angel] adds the [Mechanical Angel] magic card - [Mechanical Angel's Absolute Ritual] to the hand, and the effect of [Electronic Angel] adds the [Electronic Angel] monster - [Electronic Angel] Transformation Angel-Wei Tuotian-] is added to the hand.

You retrieved ritual monsters and ritual magic cards in one go, and also prepared the sacrifice monsters required for the ritual on the field!? Misawa said in surprise, That [Proclaimer's Sorcerer] is so powerful!

Uh, ah, indeed, it's so awesome. Although he didn't quite understand what it was about, but after hearing the top student Misawa say this, Sho Marufuji quickly agreed.

But, for the [Mechanical Angel's Absolute Ritual] card, I remember that the total level must be the same to ritually summon monsters, right? Junko, who has been a classmate of Asuka for three years, said, And [Electronic Angel - Wei Tuotian] -] It seems to be a level 6☆ ritual monster.”

However, Asuka only has two level 2☆ angels on the field, and a level 5☆ [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-]. No matter which combination, she can't get a level 6☆. Momoe He also said doubtfully.

As if she knew the doubts of the audience in the stands, Asuka said: Normally, I don't really like to use this venue. Although I have joined the deck, I rarely show it in front of people, but Yujo Judai , I will do my best to defeat you!

The second effect of the field magic card [Blessed Church-Ritual Church] returns any number of magic cards in my graveyard to the deck, and uses the same number of angels and lights in my graveyard as the cards returned to the deck. Activate to target the attribute monster and Special Summon it.

After taking two cards out of the graveyard and putting them back into the deck, handing them over to the Duel Disk for automatic shuffling, Asuka took out a monster card from the graveyard and showed it, I will put [Preparation for the Ritual] and [Absolute Ritual of the Mechanical Angel]. The cards are returned to the deck, shuffled, and the level 2☆ [Tennis Cupid] is specially summoned from the graveyard!

[Proclaimer's Sorcerer], which is also a level 2☆ monster, has very strong effects, but as a limitation, both of her effects can only be used once per round, so Asuka chose to let it stay in the graveyard at this moment. Then, he specially summoned the [Little Tennis Cupid] who was sent to the graveyard by [The Proclaimer's Divine Witch].

【Tennis Cupid】【2☆/Light】

【Angel Family/Effect】


There are three level 2☆ monsters on the field. We are going to fight, Yujo Judai!

Asuka said seriously, playing the card she had prepared for a long time, Activate the ritual magic card [Mechanical Angel's Absolute Ritual], and use the level 2☆ [Electronic Angel], [Electronic Egg-Bird Angel], [Tennis Little Angel] on my field. God of Love] Three monsters were released as sacrifices, bringing the total level to 6☆, which is the same level as the ritual monster in my hand!

The protector of the twenty-four heavens, protect me with a mechanical body!

Ritual summons! [Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-]!

[Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-][6☆/Light]

[Angel Clan/Ritual/Effect]


Compared with the first body [Cyber ​​Angel] named after Nasatimi, one of the Twin Doctors and Horse Boys, [Cyber ​​Angel-Wei Tuotian] seems to be more combat effective, but it is just for insurance. For this reason, Asuka chose to have her on the field in higher defense position.

[Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-] Activates when the ritual summoning is successful. Select a ritual magic card from my deck and graveyard and add it to my hand.

The cards in the graveyard can continue to be used for field magic cards to exert their effects in the next round. Asuka naturally chose the cards in the deck. After retrieving a card, she pointed at the [Electronic Angel] just summoned on her field. -Wei Tuotian-] said, Then, I activate the effect of [Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-], once per turn, targeting a face-up monster on my field, and my life points are restored. The target monster’s attack power is half the value, and the target I chose is [Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-].”

【Asuka: 4000→4800LP】

After restoring the basic points, Asuka drew two cards and set them down. After the last two cards are set down, my turn is over.

[Tenjoin Asuka: 4800LP, 1 card in hand]

[Electronic Angel-Nasatimi-][DEF1000]

[Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian-][DEF2000]

【Gate Card】X2

Venue: [Blessed Church-Ritual Church]

It's amazing, so many cards were called in one round! Judaikan said as Asuka continued to search and recycle, and finally summoned two monsters on the field, Although it looks oppressive You’re not strong, but Tenjoin-san, your duel is as continuous as the waves.”

Even though Judai's theoretical results are not very good, his intuition in duels is real. Just after watching Asuka's operation for one turn, he instantly noticed the characteristics of the [Cyber ​​Angel] deck in Asuka's use. That is continuity, that is, it has strong turnover, can recycle and retrieve resources, and earn resources in various ways. As long as it cannot break through, it will be dragged into Asuka's own rhythm and eventually be forcibly consumed.

This is also one of the reasons why Asuka said before that she has a bad compatibility with the Wan Zhang Mu deck. That is, the Wan Zhang Mu Dragon deck is best at attacking and breaking through. At the same time, [Dragon of Light and Darkness] can also provide a lot of Blocking and interfering with Asuka several times will be very uncomfortable for a resource-consuming ritual deck like [Cyber ​​Angel], let alone [Dragon of Light and Darkness] even if it is blessed. The effect can be used four times even without it.

What a coincidence, because under the guidance of someone, Judai not only increased the red card content of the deck to 1000%, but also liked to stuff all kinds of strange cards into the deck, and added He happens to be able to draw these strange cards at the right time, which makes the [E·hero] deck gradually develop in the direction of all-roundness in the tenth generation of his use.

And it’s not impossible for [E·hero] to break through with a strong attack!

Since Tenjoin-san takes the duel so seriously, I can't lag behind. Putting his finger on top of the deck, Judai pulled out a card and said, My turn, draw a card!

Summon [E·hero Solid Man] in attack position, and then when the summoning is successful, the effect is activated. I special summon a [Hero] monster with level 4☆ or lower from my hand.

I Special Summon [E·hero Flame], and the effect of [E·hero Flame] is activated. If its summon or special summon is successful, I add a [Fusion] from the deck to my hand.

Then, the magic card [Fake Hero] is activated, and an [E·hero] monster is specially summoned from my hand. However, the monster specially summoned by this effect cannot attack, and will be returned to my hand at the end of this turn. Card.

Judai said, playing the monster card, Special summon [E·hero Skyman] in attack position, and activate its effect, add a [Hero] monster from the deck to the hand, I choose [E·hero Liquid Man] ].

In the blink of an eye, three elemental heroes with different appearances appeared on the field of Judai. The plasma flame, the solid metal, the gaseous storm, plus the liquid still in Judai's hand, made Riko Misawa's eyes widened.

【E·hero Skyman】【4☆/Wind】



【E·hero Flame Man】【4☆/Fire】



[E·hero Solid State Man] [4☆/land]



As if to retaliate to Asuka's previous words, Judai also played the [Fusion] magic card in his hand and shouted: There are three level 4☆ monsters on the field. They are going to Tenjoyuan!

Activate the magic card [Fusion], and send [E·hero Solid Man] and [E·hero Skyman] on my field to the graveyard as fusion materials. The fusion material requirements are [E·hero] monsters plus wind attribute monsters!

The power drawn from the elements will destroy everything and turn into the coming storm, enveloping many black clouds!

Fusion Summon! [E·hero Big Tornado]!

The power of wind and earth merged and merged, turning into a wild tornado wrapped in sand and dust. From the violent airflow, a hand stretched out and suddenly tore the tornado into the sky!

The base black tights are covered with thick armor composed of two colors, green representing the storm and yellow, which represents the dust. A black cloak is draped around the body and flutters with the unstoppable storm. The fusion monster [E·hero Big Tornado] 】Come on!

【E·hero Big Tornado】【8☆/Wind】



The download of the national server of Jockey Girl has been closed. The specific reason is unclear. Some say it is a red-headed document request, and some say it is a feminist protest against locking women in fences for competitions.

However, if you have downloaded the Chinese server, you can still play it, but I don’t know when it will be shut down. It fits my stereotype of B server games. Fortunately, I can earn krypton gold for FGO by playing mobile games.

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