Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 13 Because the nickname is Panda Dragon, there is no problem in giving the user panda eyes.

Standing on a fighting platform, Wan Zhangmu crossed his arms in front of his chest and said with a sneer: The number one Caesar in the third grade in this school has been defeated by me. I am not interested in knowing who is the number one in the second grade. who.

You're next, Yujo Judai!

Hoho, aren't you running away but approaching me? That obviously 'just this level' is like a candidate who was still writing the last question on the test paper until the exam bell rang, desperately trying to put my card on The team has told you, are you still going to approach me?

Then come closer~

Judai looked at Banzhangmu, who was standing on the duel stage and talking to the air, and scratched his head in confusion: Uh, are you rehearsing a play, Banzhangmu? Are we disturbing you?

Ju-Judai!? Hearing Judai's voice suddenly coming from behind him, Wanzhangmu almost fell down in panic, completely unaware that Judai, Xiang, and Maeda had arrived at the execution arena at an unknown time. People, When did you come!

Ah? Us, because Teacher Daitokuji said you seemed to be looking for me. We just found this place and we didn't hear the specific lines you were rehearsing, Wan Zhangmu.

It's Mr. Banzhangmu! Judai said, and Banzhangmu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and corrected him again, But if you didn't hear it-

I just started with 'Caesar has been defeated by me'.

That basically means starting from the beginning!

Looking at the excited Wan Zhangmu, Judai waved his hands casually: Don't worry about those details.

But who is 'Caesar'?

Because of the height difference and his lowered head, Judai who turned around did not notice the obvious inferiority complex on Sho Marufuji's face, and asked Maeda, who had been at school for a year.

Maeda Hayato obviously knew about the person named Caesar, but before Maeda could introduce him to Judai, Manjome interrupted him and diverted Judai's attention: You don't need to know who that person is, since You took the initiative to send me to my door, so come and duel with me, Yujo Judai!

Wan Zhangmu, do you want to duel? Right now, here?

Judai reminded him as he looked at a piece of paper with Unfinished written on it under the duel platform where Manzhangmu was.

This is obviously the unfinished dueling platform that the principal mentioned. The principal specifically mentioned in the morning that you cannot use this place without permission. If you duel here, you might be expelled from school on the first day of school. Shoya Marufuji also filled in for Judai what he didn't know when he was asleep at the time, If it's the top students in the Obelisk-Blue Dormitory, it's okay. But if it's us students in the Osiris-Red Dormitory, it's okay. You might be fired directly, right?

This year's freshmen are so insidious. Is this his purpose?! Maeda Hayato's little eyes couldn't help but widen as he looked at Wan Zhangmi and said, Even us students in the Osiris-Red Dormitory must use our methods. Such a despicable trick as a backup!

It's not like that, you idiots! After hearing the three of them describe themselves in just a few sentences as the kind of despicable guy who pulls out screws when they are about to lose, and threatens others to jump off the building to prevent them from defeating them, Wan Zhangmu said angrily, Duel Academy, no, most of the duel plates and duel tables on the market today are contracted by the Wan Zhangmu Consortium that cooperates with the International Illusion Society and the Kaiba Group. I don't know what can be done here. The ____ does not work?

The infrastructure here has been completely installed. All that is needed is for an engineer who knows the parameter settings of the virtual projection system to do the final debugging. I have already received the installation information from the engineer who was originally going to make this trip. file, and have completed the data debugging here.

Taking out a USB flash drive and shaking it, Wan Zhangmu put it away again, Today is the first day of school. The other dueling venues have long been full, and the only dueling venue here is because in the eyes of others, it is Because it’s unfinished, no one will use it, or are you planning to delay our duel and wait in line for ten days and a half?”

Then there's no need. I hate queuing the most. Judai shook his head violently, raised the dueling plate and said, Since you said so, Wanzhangmu, okay, let's duel here. In fact, I and You are also looking forward to how strong you have become after not seeing each other for a few years.

It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu! And who expects you to become so strong? I just want to defeat you, the guy who has brought me countless humiliations. Don't get me wrong!

Wan Zhangmu spoke in a standard arrogant manner. He looked at Judai walking up the steps to the duel, but he had an expectant smile on his face.

Maeda Hayato scratched the back of his head and looked at Marufuji Sho aside: Did Yujo know that top student from the blue dormitory?

Well, it seems like that, and it sounds like Judai won more in the past. Xiang nodded proudly, as if he was not talking about Judai but himself, And you may not know that when you enter school, In the actual combat test of the assessment, Judai defeated the very fierce Professor Chronos.

Hearing Marufuji Sho say this, Maeda also remembered what Daitokuji said before: It seems that Mr. Daitokuji also said this. It seems that Judai's written test score must be very poor. But it is really enviable. He can do that A light-hearted duel.”

Seeing Judai wearing the school-issued duel disk on the duel stage, Maeda's eyes were full of longing.

R-right? Sho Marufuji almost agreed with Maeda's words, but belatedly remembered that although Judai's written test score was No. 110, ranking tenth from the bottom among all the candidates, he seemed to Even worse than him was No. 119, so he chose to remain silent and not say more.

Sa, let's start the duel, Yujo Judai. If I defeat you, I will have completed my dominance of the first grade. This will be my first step towards dominating the Duel Academy! Wan Zhangmu took out the deck of cards. Insert it into the duel disk he had already worn, and the black and white illusory dragon shadow flashed behind him.

'Roar! ’

Maeda Hayato and Judai covered their ears simultaneously, making Sho Marufuji a little confused.

Strange, strange, why suddenly there was the sound of something shouting. Puzzled, Hayato Maeda glanced at the dueling platform where the note had not been torn off, Can it be said that this dueling platform has not been debugged?

But Judai smiled as usual: As impressive as ever, Ten Thousand Eyes.

Oh, do you think this is good? I have been woken up by this guy more than once. I really can't figure out how the principal and his friends can tolerate them at the same time.

(At this time, Hayato, who saw that the table was not very flat, was using [Disturbing Yellow] to pad the table legs)

Looking at each other, Wan Zhangmu and Judai said in unison:


[Extremely accurate: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

[Ten generations of Youcheng: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Regarding the fact that I couldn’t think of a title, so I just wrote a sentence as the title.

The last update at the end of the month, how about some recommendation votes, Qiuli Cream

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