Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 14 Traitor? Wukanglong!

I'll take the initiative, draw the card!

Skillfully drawing out the five cards that automatically popped up above the duel plate, Wan Zhangmu grabbed the initiative and then drew another card from the deck.

Looking at a certain card in his hand that popped out again as expected, Wanzhangdun curled his lips and said, Humph, it's just the right time. I activated the magic card [Bargain Shopping] and took a level 8☆ from my hand. The monster - this [Dark Storm Dragon] is sent to the graveyard, and two cards are drawn from the deck.

Then, show [Nebula Dragon - Nibra Dragon] and the level 8☆ dragon monster [Triangle Demon Dragon] in my hand to activate the effect of [Nebula Dragon - Nibra Dragon]. He glanced at it. After receiving the two cards, Banzhangmu showed the two cards in his hand to Judai and placed them horizontally on the duel board. Special summon these two monsters in defense position on my field. Come out, [Nebula Dragon- Nibrasaurus], [Triceratops Dragon]!”

【Nebula Dragon-Nibra Dragon】【8☆/Light】



【Triangle Magic Dragon】【8☆/Dark】



The strange flying dragon of light from the starry sky and the demonic dragon of darkness with three horns appeared on the Manzōmoku field. They summoned two high-level monsters to the field so casually that they immediately calmed the onlookers Sho Marufuji and Maeda. Hayato.

However, looking at the two monsters in defense position, Judai was looking forward to it: Wow, compared to before, there are still four cards left after summoning two sacrifices. Did you go all out from the beginning? Ten thousand eyes?

It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu! Inserting a card in his hand into the magic trap area, Wan Zhangmu waved his hand and said, Go all out? Isn't that natural? I can't be careless when dealing with you. However, there is still a little bit left. When that guy appears, I activate the continuous magic card [Chaos Shield] first, and by harmonizing the power of light and darkness, the defense power of all monsters on my field increases by 300 points!

[Nebula Dragon - Nibra Dragon] [DEF0→300]

【Triangle Demon Dragon】【DEF2350→2650】

The attack power of the two monsters in defense position has been increased again! Sho Marufuji glanced at the two monsters on the field, I summoned such powerful cards easily, and I still need to increase their power. You don’t leave any way for your opponent to survive at all.”

Maeda Hayato didn't say anything, but in his heart he actually disagreed with Marufuji Sho's statement. He had an unfounded hunch that the voice he heard before might not be a malfunction of the duel system, but came from the person on the other side of the city, and the owner of that voice was definitely not the two monsters on the field. But there is someone else.

Combined with the conversation between Yu Cheng and that person, could it be said that these two monsters are going to act as——

After activating the sustainable magic card, Wan Zhangmu sneered, raised the card in his hand and said: The appropriate stage is ready, release your energy that has nowhere to vent, my ace!

Liberate the two monsters [Nebula Dragon - Nibra Dragon] and [Triangle Demon Dragon]. I will summon this invincible monster!

Use your radiant body to split the curtain of darkness, master the power of chaos, and reveal your ultimate fangs to your former enemies!!

Waga Tamashi! [Dragon of Light and Darkness]!!!

The light attribute [Nebula Dragon - Nibrasaurus] and the dark attribute [Triangle Demon Dragon] dissipated into black and white particles and rose into the air, filling the body of a new dragon one on the left and one on the right. Blue eyes suddenly lit up, and a two-color dragon with angelic white wings and demonic black bat wings descended on the field of sight, and let out a roar that convinced Maeda Hayato that he had not just heard anything. !


【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【8☆/Light】



After summoning the strongest trump card in his deck, Banzhou saw the shocked expressions on Marufuji Sho and Maeda Hayato's faces, which was very helpful. However, when he saw the expression on Judai's face, it was still the same as usual. With a confident and excited smile, he snorted again and said: Hmph, you guys are really as irritating as ever. When you see my ace come on stage, you should at least have a shocked expression, right?

I do think so, but how many times have we dueled in the past? Wan Zhangmu, don't you always summon the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] in the first round? He is really clinging to you.

It's Mr. Wan Zhangmu! And you don't know the feelings of others at all, do you know the pain of being woken up in the middle of the night? Wan Zhangmu said with a cold face, Feel the pain, think about the pain, accept the pain, understand the pain Well, in front of such a powerful [Dragon of Light and Darkness], all you will experience in the duel will be the same pain that I feel.

Put down two cards and my turn ends.

[Wan Zhangmu: 4000LP, 0 cards in hand]

【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【ATK2800】

[Chaos Shield][Gaika]X2

Looking at Manzangmu with his hands raised and an arrogant look on his face, Marufuji Sho and Maeda Hayato were a little puzzled.

Although the fact that I summoned a high-level monster in the first round is indeed impressive, I can't understand what it means to 'feel the pain'.

Maeda Hayato looked at the [Dragon of Light and Darkness]. That monster gave him a special feeling. So far, he has only felt it in a few people, such as Yuo Motegi who enrolled in the same year as him, and the principal Kobayashi. Hayato, even with the Caesar from the Duel Academy, he never had that special feeling. Does that monster have any special effects?

It's probably just a bluff. Even though I'm an excellent student of Obelisk-Blue, there are also unexplained actions in duels. Marufuji Sho, who doesn't have the special feeling of Maeda Hayato, said disdainfully. After looking at the continuous magic card [Chaos Shield] on the field behind Wan Zhangmu, he said, The continuous magic card that increases the defense power, but the monsters on the field are in attack position. Even I will never do such an operation.

Although Sho Marufuji couldn't easily summon two high-level monsters in the previous operation of Banzhoumu, it didn't stop him from pointing out the loopholes in Banzhoumu's operation.

And Banzhangmu didn't pay attention to the words of the two poor students at all. He just looked at Hayato Hayato in front of him with a little surprise, and then turned his gaze back to Judai: Sa, Jellyfish Head, feel the pain from now on. You shouldn't be there. In the past few years, have you abandoned the memory of the effect of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] along with your dueling level?

Haha, no way, Wan Zhangmu Lightning. Hearing Wan Zhangmu calling out that familiar name again, Judai returned it with a smile, putting his finger on the top of the deck, My turn, draw cards !”

Then normally summon [E·hero Skyman]!

The warrior carrying a wing-shaped turbine aircraft landed on Judai's field. The turbines on the wings behind his back were rotating violently, creating a strong wind. At the same time, Judai said, In [E·Hero Skyman] Summon·Special Summon When successful, choose one of his effects to activate, which are——

But before Judai finished speaking, Wan Zhangmu on the other side said impatiently: It's too long-winded, don't start it!

Saying that, Marufuji Xiang and Maeda Hayato saw the conspicuous [Dragon of Light and Darkness] on the Wanzhou Field suddenly move, and roared at the [E·Hero Skyman] that had just appeared on the Judai field. It was the churning airflow between breaths that triggered the storm that suppressed the wings of [E·hero].

There was a bang sound, and the turbine aircraft of [E·hero Skyman] was overloaded and burned out, and the effect failed to activate successfully.

【E·hero Skyman】【4☆/Wind】



[Dragon of Light and Darkness] and even the Sealed Dragon, as long as he is on the field, monster effects, magic, and trap cards will not be activated, no matter which one they are.

After hearing Wanzangmu's explanation, Judai added, Actually, when the monster's effects, magic, and trap cards are activated, they are just invalidated. There are still no counterattack trap cards that cannot chain monster effects. It will be used, and it will be forcibly effective not only on me, but also on you, Wan Zhangmu.

Besides, there is a saying, 'Powerful cards are often accompanied by huge risks.' Such powerful effects are not without cost, right?

Hmph, it's just 500 points of attack and defense power. I can afford to squander it. Wan Zhangmu turned his head and snorted coldly.

【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【2800/2700→2300/2200】

Can it actually negate any effect and activate such a powerful effect? ​​Is that the power of the ace monster of the top student in the blue dormitory? Sho Marufuji looked at the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] with reduced attack power in fear, clearly its attack His strength has declined, but in his opinion, it is proof that the effect has been invalidated, which is even more frightening.

And Hayato Maeda also understood why Manzomu activated a [Chaos Shield] with unknown meaning before summoning the [Dragon of Light and Darkness]. Under original circumstances, the attack power and defense power of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] are 2800/2400. Each time it is invalidated, the attack power and defense power need to be reduced by 500 points, which means that Wan Zhangmu can invalidate up to four of the ten generations. The activation of secondary cards.

However, the [Chaos Shield] activated before [Dragon of Light and Darkness] appears is a sustainable magic card and will not be invalidated by [Dragon of Light and Darkness] that appears later. It increases [Dragon of Light and Darkness] by 300 points. After increasing the defense power, its value changed to 2800/2700, which increased the number of uses of an effect in disguise, from four health points to five health effects.

Although he couldn't smoothly think through the card effects during the duel, even Hayato Maeda could understand the duel's thoughts as he watched from the sidelines.

A duelist usually only has six cards at most in the first round. If the card activation is invalidated four times, there will still be two cards left to operate. However, if the card activation is invalidated five times, only one card will be left. What else can you do with a card? At least in Maeda Hayato's opinion, that would do nothing.

It's such a familiar environment, Ten Thousand Eyes. Being activated by [Dragon of Light and Darkness]'s invalid effect reminds me of my childhood. Judai didn't know whether he realized that [Chaos Shield] had a negative effect on [Dragon of Light and Darkness]. Dragon]'s improvement, he still smiled and said, But the biggest flaw of his powerful effect is not only that he needs to reduce his power, but also that it is forced to activate.

As long as I use the card's effect a few more times, the Wall of Sighs-like [Dragon of Light and Darkness] will turn into a 'traitor dragon'.

As he spoke, Judai played a card in his hand and said: Activate the magic card [Planet Transformation]. Add a field magic card from my deck to my hand - however, it will be blocked by [Dragon of Light and Darkness]. invalid.

The card in his hand was sent to the graveyard, and Judai commanded the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] to reduce his power on behalf of Banjomu.

【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【2300/2200→1800/1700】

In this way, the attack power of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] has been equal to that of [E·hero Sky Man]. However, there is still room for decline. Judai said, playing another card, Equipment The magic card [Dragon-Slaying Sword] can effectively increase the attack power of the warrior-type [E·hero]. However, it will still be ineffective by the effect of [Dragon of Light and Darkness].

【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【1800/1700→1300/1200】

The attack power of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] has dropped by a full 1,500 points compared to the beginning! Seeing that Judai was about to gain an advantage, Sho Marufuji said excitedly, Now it's [E·hero Sky Man] The attack power is higher!

Although I still have cards in my hand that can continue to reduce the attack power of [Dragon of Light and Darkness], it's enough here. Judai said, waving his hands and saying, I enter the combat stage, and then Ten Thousand Eyes , I will use [E·hero Sky Man] to attack your [Dragon of Light and Darkness]!

Broken by the wind, stopped in an instant, pierced by the wind!

Taking off on the ground in a whirlwind created by the repaired turbine aircraft, [E·hero Skyman] took off and launched an attack on the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] whose momentum was visibly lowered. The strong wind blew through [Light and Darkness]. Dragon's body also blew up his hair, revealing the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, the attack is coming. You don't think this trick can still work on me after so many years, do you, Yujo Judai? Wan Zhangmu said proudly, [Dragon of Light and Darkness] is forced to activate The effect, do you think I won’t find a way to make up for it? I will activate all two cover cards in my backfield!

The continuous trap card [God's Favor] is activated, but the effect of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] takes effect in a chain, invalidating it. However, after that, the effect of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] is chained to my second A permanent trap card, [Skill Extraction]!”

You must pay 1000 basic points to activate this card. As long as this card exists in the magic trap area, all monster effects on both sides will be invalid, and the reduced power of [Dragon of Light and Darkness] will be restored to its original value. Value!


Facing the attack of [E·hero Skyman], [Dragon of Light and Darkness], whose effect can only be applied once in a chain, was affected by [Skill Extraction] after invalidating the effect of [God's Favor], and the attack His power should have been further reduced, but instead he used his power to regain his original strong power by giving up the effect!

【Dragon of Light and Darkness】【1300/1200→2800/2700】

Tenjoin Asuka was looking for an empty duel field in the corridor. When she was attracted by the sound here, what she saw was the breath of the [Dragon of Light and Darkness] that counterattacked and engulfed the [E·Hero Skyman]. scene.

Many people should know that the effect of the Dragon of Light and Darkness can only take effect once in a chain. For example, when there are two Panda Dragons on the field and you activate the card, they will both move, but only the first one that activates the effect will have its attack power reduced. Invalid cards, the second one will not invalidate the effect of the first one

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